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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2011

OOC: What level?

"I'm not big on bashing something over the head. But I can make one wish he was hit by something so mundane as a club. I'm bored so anything is good. Except more boredom. What do you need us for?"

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Son of Meepo

First Post
Ghourra looks up at the man at the bar. She didn't really care what the job was, she could use the money right now. Time to escape from her current mind-consuming thoughts was a bonus.

"Yeah, I think I could do it. What'cha got in mind?"

Walking Dad

First Post
Deimos Vrago, Tiefling Wizard (Mage) 5

"The Construct Dragon! It is coming! It will ... oh,is there already a recruitment for profit? 'My' problem can surely wait. Deimos Vrago, enchanter and pyromancer, at your service." Deimos says, quickly adapting to the situation as he enters the the Shard.

He is a handsome light red-skinned tiefling with black hair and horns. He wears a nondescript reddish robe and a yellow cloak. On his back is a backpack and nearly always in his hand is a black staff

sheet below (and in the wiki) is still level 4 and before the flaming weapon update.

Just got the ok from my former DM that the next part of his serial will take some time, so Deimos is ready for new experiences :)

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Deimos Vrago
Perception: 13 Insight: 20 Low-light Vision
AC 19 Fortitude 16 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 36 / 36 Bloodied: 18
Temporary Hit Points: -
Resist: fire 6
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: -
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Flaming Staff, Magic Missle, Freezing Burst, Beguiling Strands
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Charm of Misplaced Wrath, Color Spray, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere, Extra fire damage



Slightly entitled.
"Perhaps." Tana said, looking up from her drink. "If it's for something I'd find interesting, anyway. Point me at an arcane tome or some sort of lost magical artifact, and you might not even need to pay me much."

"Well, I'm not for knowing whether or not this is true, but the man I'm looking is known to consort with a lady-mage so might be that she has a magic book or two. If the chance interests you, step on up," the scarred man says to yonder gnome.

A brawny dwarf sitting at a table (a now empty table, shadows slowly dissipating the drow no longer sitting there) stands up, raises his near-empty tankard aloft, and proclaims, "Aye human. Me name's Brondin an' afore I can agree ta anything I be needin' to know a few things." Brondin lowers his arm and moves toward the scarred human.

"First, I need ta know who imma talkin' to. Second, watcha be needin' us fer? And last, how much o' yer money we talkin' about?"

Brondin extends his hand in the human fashion.

The man shakes the dwarf's hand. "My name is Garfuss; an...entrepreneur by trade." As he answers Brondin's questions, he makes sure to catch the eye of the rest of the adventurers, including them in the conversation.

"I need a group of stout characters such as yourselves to help locate an old 'friend' of mine. I haven't heard from him in weeks and I'm afraid he and his group has met a bad end. Plus," he adds with a wink, "he owes me a good sum of money."

"I'm not big on bashing something over the head. But I can make one wish he was hit by something so mundane as a club. I'm bored so anything is good. Except more boredom. What do you need us for?"
OOC: The adventure is for levels 4 - 6.

He continues with his story, "He's known to carry a great deal of money and gems, and he travels with like-minded individuals, if you catch my meaning."

Ghourra looks up at the man at the bar. She didn't really care what the job was, she could use the money right now. Time to escape from her current mind-consuming thoughts was a bonus.

"Yeah, I think I could do it. What'cha got in mind?"

"Seeing as how my friend is most likely dead, you can keep whatever baubles you find, minus the gold owed to me. And I can provide passage on a mail coach for travel, if you prefer."

"The Construct Dragon! It is coming! It will ... oh,is there already a recruitment for profit? 'My' problem can surely wait. Deimos Vrago, enchanter and pyromancer, at your service." Deimos says, quickly adapting to the situation as he enters the the Shard.

He is a handsome light red-skinned tiefling with black hair and horns. He wears a nondescript reddish robe and a yellow cloak. On his back is a backpack and nearly always in his hand is a black staff

"In a nutshell, I need a group of hearty adventurers to go out and find this chap, get my money, and come back. It should be as easy money as ever earned." He looks at each prospective employee once again. "What say you all?"

Walking Dad

First Post
Deimos Vrago, Tiefling Wizard (Mage) 5

"Traveling, expolring new places, meet new people... and get paid for it. Sounds fine by my standards. Any idea where this 'friend' could be?" Deimos asks excited.

wiki sheet is still level 4 and before the flaming weapon update.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Deimos Vrago
Perception: 13 Insight: 20 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 16 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 40 / 40 Bloodied: 20
Temporary Hit Points: -
Resist: fire 6
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: -
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Magic Missle, Freezing/Fire Burst, Beguiling Strands
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Charm of Misplaced Wrath, Fire Shroud, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere, Summon Magma Beast


Son of Meepo

First Post
"Seeing as how my friend is most likely dead, you can keep whatever baubles you find, minus the gold owed to me. And I can provide passage on a mail coach for travel, if you prefer."

Ghourra listened to the man's tale, peering into his eyes for any signs of a deeper meaning in his words.

[sblock=Insight]Passive Insight of 18[/sblock]

"Eh. What if your friend and so dead after all and he doesn't want to give us the money he owes?"


First Post
Brondin listens to the human’s tale. When he’s finished speaking, Brondin says ”Well met Garfuss. You be tellin’ an interestin’ tale. Now, this ‘friend’ o’ yours, yer thinkin’ ‘e met a bad end do ya? Pray tell, what was this ‘friend’ doin’ wit yer money to get hisself kilt? An’ how much money does he owe ya?”

[sblock=Insight Check] Insight check on Garfuss (1d20+3=7)
Not very insightful![/sblock]

Brondin listens to the female mul’s and the devil-kin’s questions, while studying the human’s reactions to the posed questions. ”Do ya happen to know this ‘friend’s’ last known location? Known haunts? Any information on his allies, besides that lady-mage?”, Brondin asks, all the while stroking his grand beard. ”Imma thinkin’ we’d be needin’ an accurate description o’ yer ‘friend’ in order ta find him. An’, lastly, the promise o’ treasure sounds good, but what other payment are we gonna be gettin’ from ya to help wit dis little “favor” o’ yours?”

Brondin looks at the others gathered here and sees the same line of questions mirrored in their faces.

"It's never that simple if he got killed exploring this or that place. It's even worse if it's within the city as you need to observe all those laws. Tiresome. But I'm bored, so I'm in."


Slightly entitled.
"Traveling, expolring new places, meet new people... and get paid for it. Sounds fine by my standards. Any idea where this 'friend' could be?" Deimos asks excited.

"Well, see, last I heard, him and his mercenary group were exploring some old, abandoned temple in the Skyraker Forest across the Dagger. That'd be the first place to look for him," he says to the tiefling and dwarf.

Ghourra listened to the man's tale, peering into his eyes for any signs of a deeper meaning in his words.

[sblock=Insight]Passive Insight of 18[/sblock]
"Eh. What if your friend and so dead after all and he doesn't want to give us the money he owes?"
[sblock=Son of Meepo]
OOC: The man appears to have no ulterior motives beyond getting the money that is owed to him.
Turning to the mul, he answers, "Well, you're adventurers so I'd be willing to guess you've got a way or two to get him to see reason." He grins, running a finger along his scarred chin.

Brondin listens to the human’s tale. When he’s finished speaking, Brondin says ”Well met Garfuss. You be tellin’ an interestin’ tale. Now, this ‘friend’ o’ yours, yer thinkin’ ‘e met a bad end do ya? Pray tell, what was this ‘friend’ doin’ wit yer money to get hisself kilt? An’ how much money does he owe ya?”

[sblock=Insight Check] Insight check on Garfuss (1d20+3=7)
Not very insightful![/sblock]

Brondin listens to the female mul’s and the devil-kin’s questions, while studying the human’s reactions to the posed questions. ”Do ya happen to know this ‘friend’s’ last known location? Known haunts? Any information on his allies, besides that lady-mage?”, Brondin asks, all the while stroking his grand beard. ”Imma thinkin’ we’d be needin’ an accurate description o’ yer ‘friend’ in order ta find him. An’, lastly, the promise o’ treasure sounds good, but what other payment are we gonna be gettin’ from ya to help wit dis little “favor” o’ yours?”

Brondin looks at the others gathered here and sees the same line of questions mirrored in their faces.
"Doran is his name, Doran Underhelm. He runs a mercenary group that goes by the name of Doran's Daggers. And I'm sure everyone of you lot are aware that being a mercenary can be dangerous business. As for a description of him, he has short red hair and is a brute of a man, with a tattoo of crossed swords on his forearm.

And payment: if him and his group are dead, you can keep all of what you find from his merry little band, minus the 500 gold I'm owed, and if he's still kicking, I'll split the money owed to me with you all."
OOC: As far as you can tell, he's being truthful in his explanations.

"It's never that simple if he got killed exploring this or that place. It's even worse if it's within the city as you need to observe all those laws. Tiresome. But I'm bored, so I'm in."
He nods to the dark elf, a smile crossing his face once more. "Good, good. Maybe you can get your friends here to join in then. For gold and adventure and all that."

Son of Meepo

First Post
"Yeah, I think I can do that. I'll go along".

Ghourra takes the hands of Garfuss and shakes them, perhaps a bit too hard, evidenced by the man's slight grimace.

"Still, I am curious as to the nature of this man's debt."

Voidrunner's Codex

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