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[Adventure] Artemis' Pact


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[sblock=OOC]Lilli's attack does kill gargoyle 2.

[MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]: The demon is 11 squares away from N24, so you can't reach it with Spiteful Glamor. Should I move you to K23 instead? Also, since the last gargoyle was dead by the time your turn came around, you could use Warlock's Curse on it.[/sblock]

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OOC: [MENTION=79945]JoeNotCharles[/MENTION] egads I didn't even count it, sorry about that. I don't want to change the location right now, so I'll just skip my attack this round. Also I do not want to use Warlock's curse ;)


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[sblock=OOC]Damn, I'm gonna have to completely redo the post I made last night then... Good thing I decided to ask at the last minute instead of just moving you to make the attack work![/sblock]


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OOC: JNC, you're being too nice. I don't want to make more work for you, so just move me and say "because I'm the DM and I said so" :) I'm fine with it.


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[sblock=OOC]All right, you asked for it...[/sblock]

The remaining gargoyle lashes about at attackers only it can see. The strain of its twisting causes cracks to appear across its torso, and it subsides into immobility as the magic animating it is unable to keep up.

The demon laughs at Artemis' words. "You think the stars have power HERE? Beneath a thousand tons of rock? They won't save you from my wrath - and mark me, if by some mischance you survive, they will turn on you one day, as you have betrayed me." Sure enough, Artemis' bolt has no effect, and he laughs again.

Suddenly the Winged Horde appears in a cloud around the demon's head, and he curses and spits. Several chains reach up to swipe through the air, fanning the insects away. As the swarm dissipates, the demon hisses, "But your foolish choice of allies is moot, because you will NOT survive! I will bring the full wrath of all Nine Hells on you, and cast your lifeless carcass into their deepest pit!"

The devil turns and plunges into the dark tunnel behind it, suddenly reappearing in the vortex right behind you! As Shale and Lilli turn to face it they immediately meet its flaming eyes and feel chains dropping into place across their minds. Although nothing physically holds them, they feel as though some compulsion constrains their movements. Pain grows behind their eyes as they try to move.

The demon twitches and thrashes, and the wrapping of chains around it unwinds, with each fetter flying straight out into the air. For a moment the thing's skin bursts into flame as it stands revealed and free, the center of a web of chains thrown wide. It throws back its head and howls, a scream of pure joy at its freedom. "NOW I AM FREE! FLEE WHILE YOU CAN!"

But although Artemis' speech was not enough to daunt the creature's arrogant pride, it still bolstered his companions' spirits, and they are able to stand firm against the demon's rage. Terror passes over them like a wave breaking against a wall, and the roar fades. The chains snap back into place around it, binding it again.

Fury grows in the demon's face, but it does not speak again. Instead it silently plunges a group of chains into the floor at its feet, shattering stone as they penetrate the ground. The chains burst out of the ground to wrap around Artemis and Shale, accompanied by a gout of greasy black smoke and a jet of pure hellfire! The flames sear their skin and the smoke chokes their lungs, leaving them staggering as the chains withdraw.

Suddenly Artemis' patron catches sight of Bob, who has crept up to the doorway and is cowering behind it, peering in. "YOU! The pitiful one! Choose now - stay without and die alone in the darkness, or come in and join your companions in DOOM!" It throws out its arm and the door begins to swing shut. In a split second decision, Bob leaps through the doorway, which booms shut behind him. He cowers back against the iron slab, terrified.

Gargoyle 2 is hit by Lilli's Illusory Ambush - barely - for 11 damage, and dies.

Artemis misses his patron by a mile, but Gil hits it for 7 psychic damage, and it cannot take opportunity actions until the end of Gil's next turn.

[MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION], it's 11 squares away from N24, so you can't reach it with Spiteful Glamor. I'm moving you to K23 instead. Also, since the last gargoyle was dead by the time your turn came around, you could use Warlock's Curse on it.

[MENTION=82643]CaBaNa[/MENTION]: looks like 17 is actually your unmodified roll, with the +8 for Winged Horde you rolled 25 vs Will. The invisiblecastle link says +7 for some reason.

Artemis' Patron:
Move: to N11, then through the vortex to I26, then to J26 (Arcana (1d20+12=32) - good thing I didn't roll that 20 on an attack!)
Minor: Mind Shackles on Shale and Lilli - "Two enemies adjacent to each other in a close burst 5 are psychically shackled (save ends; each enemy makes a separate saving throw against this effect). While psychically shackled, an enemy takes 10 psychic damage at the start and the end of its turn if it isn't adjacent to the other creature that was affected by this power."
Standard: Unfettered Scream, a close blast 3, on Artemis and Shale: Unfettered Scream vs Artemis and Shale (1d20+9=15, 1d20+9=10, 2d6+4=14) 15 and 10 vs Fort. Damn, if I'd rolled those in the other order, that would have pushed Shale off the cliff for falling damage, plus triggering the psychic shackles. :)
AP: Chains of Smoke and Fire, an area burst 1, on Artemis and Shale: Chains of Smoke and Fire vs Artemis and Shale (1d20+9=25, 1d20+9=18, 2d6+4=9) 25 and 18 vs Reflex, hitting both of them for 9 fire damage, and they are dazed until the end of their next turn.
Actually it does 11 fire damage, due to Covenant of Wrath: "When Artemis' patron uses a divine encounter or daily attack power on its turn, it gains a bonus to the damage roll of 1 for each enemy it attacks with the power."

Farmer Bob:
Move: to L26
Standard: Total Defense

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Artemis' Patron: AC ??, Fort ??, Reflex ??, Will 21
Obsidian Gargoyle: AC ??, Fort 18, Reflex 16, Will 15

Artemis: 18/29 hp, 2/7 surges, dazed until end of next turn
Lilli: 21/22 hp, 2/7 surges, psychically shackled to Shale (save ends)
Gil: 21/26 hp, 1/7 surges
Shale: 20/33 hp, 2/7 surges, psychically shackled to Lilli (save ends), dazed until end of next turn
Karma: 24/30 hp, 1/5 surges
Farmer Bob: 2/2 hp, 0/1 surges

Artemis' Patron: 7 damage taken, cannot take opportunity actions until the end of Gil's next turn, used Mind Shackles, used Unfettered Scream, used Chains of Smoke and Fire, used 1 AP
Obisidian Gargoyle 1: 8 damage taken
Obisidian Gargoyle 2: 11 damage taken

External Map Link
The purple square is Grasping Shadows: Any creature that enters the area of the grasping shadows takes 5 psychic and is slowed until the end of Dante Mephisto Gilgamesh's next turn.

The white numbers on the floor are the height of each ledge. The door opens onto a ledge 15' above the lowest point of the floor (so 10' above the floor below it, which is itself 5' above the lowest point).

The rickety bridges are difficult terrain (including the one that's fallen). The two that are intact are held up by scaffolding reaching to the floor below, which can be climbed with a DC 15 Athletics check as a Move action.

The green patches of moss are difficult terrain. The pools of water are thigh deep (chest-deep on Lilli) so they are difficult terrain and, if anyone moves into a water-filled square, it takes a DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone due to the slippery moss at the bottom of the pool. (The demon is immune since the chains supporting it are so long, but it still counts as difficult terrain.)

The vortexes are explained in the Arcana block above.




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Even as Artemis reels from the devil's attack, he turns and charges the beast.

"Keep wasting your breath devil. Your lies are empty. They fall on deaf ears and strong hearts. I recognize the sound of your voice now. It is the sound of fear. You fear this coming doom. You see it as clear as we do."

"You are too afraid to even understand the true power of the cosmos!"

Standard: Charge moving K-24, K-25 (I'm not sure if I can use any MBA (which would include Eldritch Strike. Eldritch Strike would be +1 more to hit and damage) for a charge) : 1d20+7+1, 1d8+4 → ([11, 7, 1], [6, 4]). Roll Lookup So hit AC 19 (or 20 if Eldritch Strike is allowed) for 10 damage (or 11 :)) If E.S., then I would also use the slide ability to move the devil to I-26 (and into the vortex) if I could.
If I hit, I will also use the IronScar Rod daily to deal an additional 1d8 acid damage (1d8 → [3] = (3) Roll Lookup )and patron would be -2 to hit TENT (Artemis).

[sblock=Artemis stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hybrid: Warlord/Warlock 2
Status: Dazed TENT
Darkspiral Aura: 0
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
Defenses: AC: 17, For: 17, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 18/29, Bloodied: 14, Surge value: 7, Surges/day: 2/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Primordial
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused

Eldritch Strike, Spiteful Glamor, Furious Smash, Darkspiral Aura
Battlefront Shift, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word, Aid the Injured
Lead by Example, IronScar Rod[/sblock]


First Post
As Artemis rushes the devil, chains lash out at his legs, forcing him to dodge over and around them to move. But despite the hindrance, he slams into his former patron, shoving it back into the vortex. The demon reaches out and a cluster of chains sinks into the rock around the mouth of the vortex, anchoring it in place, leaving it floating in the center of the well.

Even as it slides away, a chain lashes out and wraps around Artemis upper arm. It picks him up and dangles him in the air, nearly wrenching the arm out of its socket, and tosses him over the edge of the cliff!

I forgot to mention the aura!

Binding Field (Aura 3) Squares within the aura are difficult terrain for enemies.

It's now a red square on the map.

Yes, you can use Eldritch Strike on a charge - that's the point of it being a basic attack. So that hits AC 20 for 14 damage, and slides it to I26. The vortex attacks Reflex: attack on Artemis' Patron (1d20+7=12) It does not get sucked through.

Artemis' Patron retaliates with Armor of Wrath: immediate reaction (note, that's an immediate action, not at opportunity action), when an enemy within 5 squares hits it: the triggering enemy takes 6 damage and is pushed 2 squares.

It attempts to push Artemis to K24. He gets a save to avoid being pushed off the edge, which he fails, so he takes 4 damage from the fall: save vs falling; falling damage (1d20=2, 1d10=4)

Artemis is bloodied.

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Artemis' Patron: AC 20, Fort ??, Reflex 17, Will 21
Obsidian Gargoyle: AC ??, Fort 18, Reflex 16, Will 15

Artemis: 8/29 hp, 2/7 surges, bloodied
Lilli: 21/22 hp, 2/7 surges, psychically shackled to Shale (save ends)
Gil: 21/26 hp, 1/7 surges
Shale: 20/33 hp, 2/7 surges, psychically shackled to Lilli (save ends), dazed until end of next turn
Karma: 24/30 hp, 1/5 surges
Farmer Bob: 2/2 hp, 0/1 surges

Artemis' Patron: 21 damage taken, cannot take opportunity actions until the end of Gil's next turn, -2 to hit until the end of Artemis' next turn, used Mind Shackles, used Unfettered Scream, used Chains of Smoke and Fire, used Armor of Wrath, used 1 AP
Obisidian Gargoyle 1: 8 damage taken
Obisidian Gargoyle 2: 11 damage taken

External Map Link
The red square is difficult terrain for enemies of Artemis' Patron.

The white numbers on the floor are the height of each ledge. The door opens onto a ledge 15' above the lowest point of the floor (so 10' above the floor below it, which is itself 5' above the lowest point).

The rickety bridges are difficult terrain (including the one that's fallen). The two that are intact are held up by scaffolding reaching to the floor below, which can be climbed with a DC 15 Athletics check as a Move action.

The green patches of moss are difficult terrain. The pools of water are thigh deep (chest-deep on Lilli) so they are difficult terrain and, if anyone moves into a water-filled square, it takes a DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone due to the slippery moss at the bottom of the pool. (The demon is immune since the chains supporting it are so long, but it still counts as difficult terrain.)

The vortexes are explained in the Arcana block above.




With supreme effort, shale raises a telekinetic screen as the chains try to wrap around him, deflecting them long enough so he can step outside of their reach.

Then he unleashes the full power of his telekinetic abilities.

The crystal on his hand shine like a red sun, matching the hot chains, which shake slightly. As the devil tries to advance towards the group, they stubbornly cling to the ground at first, under the incredulous sight of the creature. They start then to bend, moving slightly, like a thick metal rod subject to some incredible force.

Then the devil's will over the chain momentarily snap. The chains flay around wildly before Shale can regain control of them, raising the whole cursing and screaming package in the air. With a sudden movement, Shale tosses the devil bouncing over the ledges and pools of water, bouncing several times before stopping at the base of a wall.

Immediate interrupt last round: Use Intellect Fortress to raise my Reflex defense to 20, negating the devil's attack, so Shale is stil at 31 HP and is not Dazed.
Standard action: Living Missile daily attack on the devil (I really think not having this thing close to us is good enough to spend a daily). It hits only Fort 14, which I very much doubt is high enough to reach the devil's defense, but that means it's only slowed instead of Immobilized (save ends).
Minor action: Use the Living Missile's secondary attack on the devil, moving him 10 squares to G16. Notice can move it so it doesn't fall more than 5 feet. Unless I'm wrong, a fall of 5 feet doesn't inflict falling damage so it doesn't really should count as a "precipice", which means it doesn't trigger a save to stop the movement.
End of round: Successfully save against the Shalckles effect.

[sblock=mini-stats] Shalehttp://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Shale_(Someone) Shardmind psion 3
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
Defenses: AC: 18, For: 13, Ref: 17, Will: 17
HP: 31/33, Bloodied: 16, Surge value: 8, Surges/day: 2/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elemental
AP: 1, Power points: 3/4

Static Mote, Dimensional Scramble, Betrayal
Shard Swarm, Far Hand,Forceful Push, Intellect Fortress, Orb of mental constitution (item), Second Wind
Living Missile, Amulet of resolution (item)[/sblock]
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"Your mind is surprisingly strong," muses the demon as it settles to the ground. "I am impressed. And you are a creature of polished stone yourself, are you not? You already know some of the might that courses through the veins of the earth. You would be a good fit for the power I can bestow. Why not join me and make yourself even stronger?"

[MENTION=5656]Someone[/MENTION]: Wait, didn't you use Living Missile once already? In the fight with the Umber Hulk, I think?

Yeah, it was here. Sorry, retcon time!
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