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D&D 5E 5e: the demystification of monsters?


That was the example given, and the claim was that "an ogre" would be a threat to a 10th-level party.

I think that's been pretty conclusively disproven.

Well, that does not even *need* to be disproven, because it is *obvious*. My point was that ogres can still be a reasonable threat at higher levels, but obviously not at the same numbers that they are a threat at level 1.

Sure - but the chances that both ogres hitting the fighter in the same round is only ~1 in 10 or 1 in 8. Against a solo 5th-level fighter, you'd expect one of the ogres to be dead before that happens.
It also means that in a given encounter, where you have 4 PC and 8 ogres, the ogres make two hits against one of the PC in the first combat round. That makes for a meaningful damage, specially if they are hitting the Wizard or Rogue.

I mean, you see @slobo777 's post where he sends 3 1st-level Fighters against 3 ogres, and they win more often than not? Now, add 4 more levels (with the attendant improvement in to-hit bonuses, hit points, combat superiority dice, and gear) and make it a diversified party (so that you have things like magical slows, walls, sleep spells, blessings, etc.), and I think you'll agree that even 3 ogres at once isn't going to be particularly challenging.


And while it's likely that there will be more ogres fighting the 5th-level party, the fighter's not going to be by himself, and he's also probably going to have better gear or attack bonuses or defenses than I've assumed in my rough-justice numbers - and, afterwards, he's got the level 5 healer to patch him up (and maximize his hit die rolls).
The ogres do not have to fight by themselves alone either. At lvl 1, you fight one single ogre. At level 5th, you might fight 4 ogres with a pair of tripping dire wolves and one evil orc shaman, which also have spells to back up them. At level 10, you'll be fighting a pair of fire giants, with have half a dozen hell hounds and half a dozen ogres.

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First Post
1) the reason we're using one ogre is because Steely_Dan claimed that a single ogre would be a threat to the 10th level party in the second post in this thread.

2) That was the statement made and the statement Steely_Dan is trying to defend throughout this thread.

1) No, I didn't, I said "an ogre", no mention of exactly how many, you guys just ran with it, and a 10th level party could be three 10th level wizards all with ACs' under 14.

2) Not defending, just reiterating the facts.


I think that it is kind of a non-problem.

My first consideration is that this game is largely fantasy fulfillment. There is something to be said for gradual empowerment of characters, but as long as the characters improve noticably as they increase in level, that won't be missing from the game. One thing I never liked about MMO games is that you spend the lowest levels of the game hunting and killing giant rats like some kind of glorified exerminator.

While I don't disagree in general to most of the things you say in your post i have to add that as the players they have not fun in fighting only rats/wolves at low levels also, for me at least, is not fun to fight iconic strong monsters as dragons, demons etc. In my fantasy world i consider the players at 1st lvl a little better than the commoner and not a hero. A lvl 1 fighter that beats a ogre as the previous post proved is a grant hero for me. I understand also that for me an ogre is a big opponent while for you is probably a nuinsance.
While i don't have problems the players to be heroes and fight at first lvl dragons i have to say that this is not my game style. If 5e wants to embrace many game styles they have to take into account my opinion too since the refluffing of the half monster manual in order to fit my game is not a solution.

Also you said that as i dm and i have the right to choose the threat that i want. You are right. Of course i do this in my campaign. But this was a playtest and i criticized the playtest adventure.

Well, in 4e you would do this as 2-3 hill giants and 6-12 ogre minions. And the ogres would be cannon-fodder - that's the point! If at least some of the monsters aren't cannon-fodder, the PCs won't survive meeting two or three times their own numbers in opponents!

Why this should be the only playstyle? And why should the pcs should survive two or three times their numbers?

The ogres do not have to fight by themselves alone either. At lvl 1, you fight one single ogre. At level 5th, you might fight 4 ogres with a pair of tripping dire wolves and one evil orc shaman, which also have spells to back up them.

How the semantics rule this thread: I agree in general to the things you say with one change: If you replace the word ogre with the word orc. :p

Well, that does not even *need* to be disproven, because it is *obvious*.

You know, you'd think that, and yet, here we are. Not you, obviousely, but some people are still claiming that an ogre is a threat to a 10th-level party.

An actual threat? No. Something you'll need to seriously consider prioritizing as a target? I'm not so sure.

4E minions are a threat because, while they may not do a lot of damage, they hit just as often as other on-level monsters, meaning you can never safely trust to your high AC / Ref / whatever to render them largely ineffective.

Similarly, in an armor as DR system as usually proposed, a guy in platemail can pretty much ignore a guy with a knife - yes, the knife wielder might do some damage on a crit, but on a round-to-round decision-making basis, you ignore him and go after the guy with the battleaxe. Applying the analogy, yes, the ogres might get lucky and do a bunch of damage in one round - but, statistically, on average, they won't (if bounded accuracy isn't tweaked correctly) so you can ignore and focus on the bigger threats.

My point was that ogres can still be a reasonable threat at higher levels, but obviously not at the same numbers that they are a threat at level 1.

I think a good next step would be to see, for level 5 characters (because that's as much as we've got in the playtest), exactly how many ogres it takes to be a meaningful threat.

But, past a certain point, I think you'll get into an issue where, academically, a given amount of ogres represents a threat, but, in practice, such an amount will never be playable (e.g., 400 standards kobolds are certainly a threat to even a really high-level 3E Fighter, just because of the natural 20s, but you'll never actually run a 400-on-1 combat).

I'd like to see a bit more math on that break point; maybe we can talk [MENTION=6694877]slobo777[/MENTION] into running some numbers for us. :D

We've already seen someone (again, not you) balking at 10 monsters as the absolute upper limit on what he's willing to run.

It also means that in a given encounter, where you have 4 PC and 8 ogres, the ogres make two hits against one of the PC in the first combat round.

Yeah, you need about 5 attackers before you hit the 50/50 tipping point for "at least two hits."

Plus or minus a bit for varying ACs across PC types, of course.

That makes for a meaningful damage, specially if they are hitting the Wizard or Rogue.

This gets into things that are harder to model, like are those hits on the same PC? Is that PC in range of a Fighter who can Defend? Do those PCs actually have defensive reactions of their own (e.g., a spell or high-level rogue ability)?

Ferinstance, the 1st-level Wizard spell Cause Fear requires a Wisdom save (at -2 for the ogres, against DC ... 14?), which requires those who fail to run away from the wizard for 1 minute. With 8 ogres in the room, you've got a 10% chance for them *all* to fail their save. The effect ends on damage, certainly, but that's why your group would then focus fire individual ogres down. At 5 ogres, it's a ~24% chance for all of them to fail. That's a 1st-level spell, and one I just sorta picked quickly from the list.

We don't know yet what more powerful abilities those 10th-level Wizards and Rogues are going to have, but a single low-level one is already making a large number of ogres much less threatening than they might otherwise be.

The ogres do not have to fight by themselves alone either. At lvl 1, you fight one single ogre. At level 5th, you might fight 4 ogres with a pair of tripping dire wolves and one evil orc shaman, which also have spells to back up them. At level 10, you'll be fighting a pair of fire giants, with have half a dozen hell hounds and half a dozen ogres.

And I don't dispute that - but the question is, in that 10th-level combat, are the ogres actually a threat by themselves, or are they only a threat because the party is distracted by / focused on the fire giants and hell hounds?

And, given where 10th-level defenses and offenses might be (because we don't know, yet), I'm not sure that "I fireball* the ogres" isn't going to be a good move to take out a lot of them, and I don't know that the ogres' attack bonuses and damage amounts are going to be enough for the party to take them seriously, rather than as an annoyance. Is "I take 1 action away from the Wizard to eliminate most of them" or "I take a single hit from a Fighter / Rogue" a meaningful part of the combat? Maybe! :D

Bounded accuracy promises that the party will need to take them seriously; I just haven't seen enough to be convinced that it's working yet.

(And, as an aside, maybe 10th-level is past the point at which even bounded accuracy wants to make ogres still relevant, in which case them being largely inconsequential in the 10th-level fight is just fiine from a design perspective.)

Anyway, good conversation. Thanks!

* More likely to be ice storm or chain lightning or something, at that point, but I hope get my point.
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First Post
1) but some people are still claiming that an ogre is a threat to a 10th-level party.

2) 4E minions are a threat because, while they may not do a lot of damage, they hit just as often as other on-level monsters

1) It's true, if the 10th level wizard is looking down the ogre's greatclub swinging towards him, that's a threat, with potentially serious damage.

2) Ah, but to hit does not scale for monsters by level in 5th Ed.
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This gets into things that are harder to model, like are those hits on the same PC? Is that PC in range of a Fighter who can Defend? Do those PCs actually have defensive reactions of their own (e.g., a spell or high-level rogue ability)?
It's harder to model as a theory, but it might not too hard to playtest. You just need a bunch of people playtesting the thing. I think DDN has +80.000 playtesters, WotC only needs to make an adventure for lvl 5, with 8 ogres in an encounter. Then they can get feedback, from real gameplay. Some groups will have cause fear wizards, some others will have a lot of melee bruisers, others will have an archer fighter, and so on. But a real playtest will help here much more than a mathematical model. Not that I have anything against maths, being a math guy myself, but sometimes, you can't really model things in theorycrafting. That's why humans build wind tunnels, instead of using only fluid dynamics math models

And I don't dispute that - but the question is, in that 10th-level combat, are the ogres actually a threat by themselves, or are they only a threat because the party is distracted by / focused on the fire giants and hell hounds?
My point is that, just as the 10th level party can combine powers, spells and traits, to get an effect that is bigger than the sum of it's parts, so can do the monsters. At lvl 10, is quite possible that the party can fly (depending on the editiion, and we don't know about 5e yet, but you get my point, I think). So, using only ogres, no matter how much of them, isn't going to pose a threat for a group of flying characters with bows. Unless you have more ogres than they have arrows, it's not even a combat. But at that same level, a Fire Giant Cleric that can dispel the fly effect, or some other effects, might balance the fight. The Ogres are going to play the same role as 4e minions. They are not there to make the 10th level players shudder, but to force them to spend a few extra resources (like a chain lightning), to make the combat against the fire giants more interesting, and (this is crucial) to give *verosimilitude* to the game world. Ussually, in all editions of D&D up to now, low level threats *dissapear* from the world. Once you get to high level, there are no longer orcs and ogres in the world. They are replaced fully by giants or devils. While it's cool to have new monsters to fight (and that's a BIG part of what D&D is, and the reason to have levels at all), it could be fine if you could use orcs and ogres for longer. Of course, this depends on how well balanced the bounded accuracy systems finally is. We are in the first stages of *alpha* design (not even beta). So there's a lot of work to be done. I think Mealrs already said that monsters were a bit low in the to-hit. Let's see how well or bad it finish.
Bounded accuracy promises that the party will need to take them seriously; I just haven't seen enough to be convinced that it's working yet.
That's why we are in the playtest, so you can give your concerns to WotC. Let's see if they manage to fix it :)


First Post
Ogres as an auto-one-hit (minion) is daft to me.

29th level creatures with 1 HP really stretches my suspension of disbelief, well, not stretched, more like ripped in twain and both pieces thrown across the room.


First Post
I mean, you see [MENTION=6694877]slobo777[/MENTION]'s post where he sends 3 1st-level Fighters against 3 ogres, and they win more often than not? Now, add 4 more levels (with the attendant improvement in to-hit bonuses, hit points, combat superiority dice, and gear) and make it a diversified party (so that you have things like magical slows, walls, sleep spells, blessings, etc.), and I think you'll agree that even 3 ogres at once isn't going to be particularly challenging.
People still seem to be stuck in the newish, 4e style mindset of "One equal-level monster per PC". That's not how classic gaming works, and it's not how most epic adventure fantasy works. D&D has drifted further and further into expectations of 50/50 fights and building set-piece encounters, which I think is a problem.

You won't be fighting one ogre at tenth level. You won't be fighting 3 ogres at tenth level. It's possible you won't even be fighting ten ogres at tenth level. One of my absolute favorite things about bounded accuracy and the way 5e's basic math is shaping up is the concept of scale.

At tenth level, you're fighting a bloody army of ogres. Ten-thousand ogres besieging the castle? Great, send the five 10th level PC's to hold the eastern wall. Or send them as a strike force into the heart of the ogre army, to take out the ogre-mage general and his two-dozen bodyguards.

I love that this sort of thing can happen again. That you can use tons of low-level enemies (not two or three, tons) against a high level group, and still have a chance of the group having some trouble. And the simplicity of "mook" monsters means you can even do it with a minimum of fuss.

We're finally getting back to the days where we can tell amazing, epic stories of the small band of brave warriors who stood strong against an army. And not a half-assed, "Despite the thousands of monsters around you, only five of them (all equal to your level) have engaged you specifically." army, a real army that doesn't have to engage you in one-on-one, Hollywood-ninja-style mini-fights. When the PC's take the field, all eyes turn to them, and everyone knows that these five valorous souls alone will turn the tide of battle.

And I love that.

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