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D&D 5E Monsters of Many Names - Wandering Monsters (Yugoloth!)


The EN World kitten
I'm in no way suggesting that the yugoloths should serve the evil gods, but who does actually serve them? The evil angels in the 4e MM? Demons and devils? Night hags?

I've just realised I have no idea!

Notwithstanding a few instances of creatures that were specifically created to be divine servitors (e.g. the 4E angels), there aren't really any specific categories of creatures whose raison d'etre is to serve deities. Most deities are simply able to attract some members of like-minded planar species to their banner, much in the same way they attract like-minded mortals to be their clerics, paladins, etc.

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If you're interested in creating a variant yugoloth that IS the servant of evil gods, I'd ask a different set of questions. For starters: why don't any of the other creatures that have been the servants of evil gods over the last few decades fill the bill well enough? Why do we NEED a variant yugoloth that does that?

But I gathered from his assertions that he wasn't actually proposing the change (but rather debating the reason for opposing the change), that this wasn't really Hussar's main point.

No, no, Steeldragons got my point. And said it probably better than I did. I managed to get tangled up in a bunch of posts talking about whether or not I like Planescape and if that was the source of my issues. Which I think tended to fog my main point far more than it should have. Stupid internet. :D

And, now, we have a discussion. Is the original Yugoloth fitting the bill? Does "god hating Yugoloth" make them easier to use at the table, or better to use at the table, or whatever criteria you want to use, than "god serving Yugoloth"?

As it stands, evil gods don't actually have specific servitor races. So, right there, that's a pretty big niche that could be filled by Yugoloth. Why did Yugoloth hate gods in Planescape? I honestly don't know. Can that element "hates gods" be added to the core without carrying a ton of baggage with it - like creation myths and whatnot? Or, conversely, is the baggage interesting enough that we should carry it forward?

In any case, now we can have a discussion. My problem was that that idea was immediately shot down, not because of the merits of the idea, but simply because it changes/invalidates lore from before. Like I've always said, I do not care. As far as sending people to the closet, forcing subsequent players to always maintain previous lore is no different. If an element has failed to gain traction in the wider audience after twenty years, it might be an idea to revisit that element.

Considering "Hates Gods" never actually managed to make its way outside of a Planescape book, I'm thinking that it didn't gain a whole lot of traction outside of PS. So, maybe it's worth a revisit. But, as I said, "It was done this way before, so we must always do it that way" is never a good enough reason.

/edit - stupid question marks.
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The EN World kitten
No, no, Steeldragons got my point. And said it probably better than I did. I managed to get tangled up in a bunch of posts talking about whether or not I like Planescape and if that was the source of my issues. Which I think tended to fog my main point far more than it should have. Stupid internet. :D

To be fair, that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't started an entire thread expressing your disdain for that setting and the people who like it. In that case, the internet was quite smart.

And, now, we have a discussion. Is the original Yugoloth fitting the bill? Does "god hating Yugoloth" make them easier to use at the table, or better to use at the table, or whatever criteria you want to use, than "god serving Yugoloth"?

It's worth noting that we were having that discussion before, prior to a sudden off-topic tilt wherein there was a lot of ranting about how people who wanted continuity to be kept were "shooting down" the rest of the discussion. Luckily that's all ended now.

As it stands, evil gods don't actually have specific servitor races. So, right there, that's a pretty big niche that could be filled by Yugoloth.

As an affirmative counterargument, why have it be filled by the yugoloths specifically, instead of an all-new race?

Why did Yugoloth hate gods in Planescape? I honestly don't know.

Reading some Planescape books might help.

Can that element "hates gods" be added to the core without carrying a ton of baggage with it - like creation myths and whatnot? Or, conversely, is the baggage interesting enough that we should carry it forward?

The first question presupposes that any of this will make it to the Core in the first place, as well as the idea that such "baggage" is a bad thing. The second question is entirely one of personal opinion.

In any case, now we can have a discussion. My problem was that that idea was immediately shot down,

...looks like I spoke too soon when I said the mischaracterizations were at an end.

not because of the merits of the idea, but simply because it changes/invalidates lore from before. Like I've always said, I do not care.

For someone who doesn't care, you seem to care quite a bit since you started a whole thread based on vitriol for the idea.

You've also once again failed to recognize that existing lore is a perfectly valid point of consideration in the question of the merits vs. the faults of an idea.

As far as sending people to the closet, forcing subsequent players to always maintain previous lore is no different. If an element has failed to gain traction in the wider audience after twenty years, it might be an idea to revisit that element.

No one has been "sent to the closet" and no one has been "forced to maintain" anything in their game. Your continued assertions of these baseless claims is what derailed this topic to begin with, making it odd that you claim to be glad that said derailing is over.

Likewise, there has been no "failure" to gain traction for the lore and ideas of Planescape; I'll refer you again to your own poll.

Considering "Hates Gods" never actually managed to make its way outside of a Planescape book, I'm thinking that it didn't gain a whole lot of traction outside of PS.

If your idea of "traction" is how many times something has been reprinted, I suppose I could see that. However, it's again a disingenuous take on the issue - the idea of yugoloths as hating deities only came about early-midway through Planescape's life, which means that it had comparatively little time to appear in non-Planescape sources, particularly since it would only have a chance to appear in such sources when 1) those sources included yugoloths, and 2) focused on them enough to make adding that bit of lore relevant.

To put it another way, the merit of an idea of not based on its ubiquity.

So, maybe it's worth a revisit. But, as I said, "It was done this way before, so we must always do it that way" is never a good enough reason.

It's also never an inherently lacking reason; it has the potential to be either virtue or vice, as I noted above.
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Steeliest of the dragons
If you're interested in creating a variant yugoloth that IS the servant of evil gods, I'd ask a different set of questions.

You are completely dodging and missing the point...

For starters: why don't any of the other creatures that have been the servants of evil gods over the last few decades fill the bill well enough?

And...what creatures, exactly, would they be? Other than 4e "evil angels" I havne't heard anything about servants of evil gods...of all of the alignments of evil, I'd say, daemons NE fits the closest/best bill.

Why do we NEED a variant yugoloth that does that?

Why do we "NEED" a variant of minotaurs that says they're pirates? Why do we "NEED" a variant of halflings that says they are kenders...Why don't you SEEEEEE the flaw of your position/argument???!!! [other than willfully] It's hurting my head.


Steeliest of the dragons
It's about the assumptions of the game.

Your assumtions...or my assumptions?

The game assumes kender,

Uh...No. A Dragonlance game in Krynn assumes kender.

and also assumes hobittesque halflings.

A game of D&D does, in fact assume hairfooted halflings, yes.

The game assumes Baphomet minotaurs

I never assumed any minotaurs my PCs met (as a DM or a player) loved Baphomet.

, and also assumes Krynn's minotaurs.

Again, a Dragonlance game in Krynn assumes Krynn's minotaurs...D&D, as a game...OR a genre, does not [and SHOULD not] make that assumption.

The game can assume 4e eladrin exist alongside 2e eladrin.

It can...yes, I suppose so.

But if the game assumes that yugoloths are categorically the servants of the evil gods,

Which it does not...

that doesn't leave room for yugoloths to hate the gods.

Whhhhhhhhhy not?

Suddenly, in order to play with lore that you've used perfectly fine for decades, you need to make a change to the game's assumptions.

Kinda like having high elves be the goto automatic race for PC elves since B/X and then calling them eladrin? Ya mean, like that?

You don't have to do that to play a pirate minotaur.

Oh? Seems like, if ya wanna play a [traditional D&D] elf, ya kinda do...

As far as we've been told, if you want to play a pirate minotaur, the game will be like, "Cool, we get that, here's what you need."

Sooo, the game can't possibly do that with daemons...cuz "yugoloths are stipulated by planescape to..." wait...:confused:

Writing the game with the assumption that yugoloth are the servants of a evil deities is like when they wrote 4e with the assumption that all eladrin were this particular kind of creature (a creature that had no relation to what had come before),

Oh, KM...my dear KM...KM, KM...KM. I do so enjoy our tete-a-tete's...You are, once again, willfully missing the point...or just plain thick? One, I suppose is the same as the other.

I'm A Banana

Hussar said:
And, now, we have a discussion. Is the original Yugoloth fitting the bill? Does "god hating Yugoloth" make them easier to use at the table, or better to use at the table, or whatever criteria you want to use, than "god serving Yugoloth"?

My internet must be broken, 'cuz I see more than one post from you about how you're specifically NOT advocating for the idea of yugoloths as deific servitors to be the new take on yugoloths. In fact....

Hussar said:
Now, is adding this idea a good one? I don't know. Frankly I don't care that much.

Hussar said:
My point is that the idea is automatically rejected, not on its merits, but because it's not PS compatible.

Hussar said:
But, I'm getting sidetracked. My point isn't about the relative merits of the changes. It might be a bad idea to let yugoloth serve gods. I dunno. My point is that the idea is automatically rejected, not on its merits, but because it's not PS compatible.

Hussar said:
My problem was that that idea was immediately shot down, not because of the merits of the idea, but simply because it changes/invalidates lore from before. Like I've always said, I do not care.

So lets be clear before we shift these goalposts: rather than talking about how you think PS fans are insidiously infesting your games with their lore, you'd like to talk about why 5e shouldn't or should not include a variant yugoloth specifically to serve as the servants of evil deities. You cede that PS fans are not trying to impose their will on your game, and would rather discuss specifically the merits and problems with this new idea on its own.


steeldragons said:
Why do we "NEED" a variant of minotaurs that says they're pirates? Why do we "NEED" a variant of halflings that says they are kenders...Why don't you SEEEEEE the flaw of your position/argument???!!! [other than willfully] It's hurting my head.

We need these things because they are a part of what D&D has been, and certain people who play D&D are going to expect to be able to play with these things. There is no compelling reason to deny them this, and plenty of reasons to accommodate this. Because it is good lore with good value and good fun anchoring it. Dragonlance is part of D&D, as is Planescape, as is FR. No one gets to tell kender fans that they're having badwrong fun.

steeldragons said:
Uh...No. A Dragonlance game in Krynn assumes kender.

Implicit in this is the assumption that a Dragonlance game is not also a D&D game. That's not true. Kender are part of D&D.

steeldragons said:
And...what creatures, exactly, would they be? Other than 4e "evil angels" I havne't heard anything about servants of evil gods...of all of the alignments of evil, I'd say, daemons NE fits the closest/best bill.

Here's a start: look at the decades of writing that is already in place.

Write what you know. If you don't know, educate yourself. Don't presume that your ignorance on the topic means that you're the first to think of it.

Oh, and PS:

steeldragons said:
You are, once again, willfully missing the point...or just plain thick? One, I suppose is the same as the other.

If you don't think I'm being honest in my representation, I'd suggest stepping out of the conversation. Personal attacks aren't exactly going to persuade me.
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So lets be clear before we shift these goalposts: rather than talking about how you think PS fans are insidiously infesting your games with their lore, you'd like to talk about why 5e shouldn't or should not include a variant yugoloth specifically to serve as the servants of evil deities. You cede that PS fans are not trying to impose their will on your game, and would rather discuss specifically the merits and problems with this new idea on its own.


I think, rather, that what Hussar is saying is that "I [meaning Hussar] don't think that Planescape materials should be considered 'canon' for purposes of defining monsters going forward." Which leaves out the straw-man attacks, but includes the discussion of whether certain 2nd ed planar concepts (e.g. the Blood War) are "Planescape" or "Core" materials.

Which I personally disagree with, especially for Yugoloths - I think that Planescape gave characterization to the outsiders that previously had none, and that some description is better than none.

I'm A Banana

Savage Wombat said:
I [meaning Hussar] don't think that Planescape materials should be considered 'canon' for purposes of defining monsters going forward

If that's the case, then he's making the same mistake that steeldragons is. Turns out, Planescape is D&D, just as much as Dragonlance, FR, Greyhawk, Spelljammer, Dark Sun, Birthright, Eberron...it's all D&D, and anyone who plays D&D should expect the game to support any of those takes (or all of them at once, if you're into that grand unified multiverse stuff).

Voidrunner's Codex

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