• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Forgotten Lore (Updated M-W-F)


Chapter 89

As he stared down the slope at the remains of Camber’s Rise, Bredan didn’t feel especially lucky.

The place had been tiny, just half a dozen wooden structures around a larger stone building, not quite a tower, in the center. The latter was the only place left standing, and even then there wasn’t much left but a hollow shell.

He could smell the acrid stink of char on the air, but he guessed this was old, maybe a week, maybe more.

“A good thing they evacuated,” Glori said. Bredan almost jumped; he hadn’t heard her approach.

“Yeah,” he said. “Look, Gilanis is coming back, let’s see what he has to say.”

Quellan and Kosk joined them as they headed over to where Haran was waiting for the scout. The drivers and the rest of the soldiers had remained with the wagons, a bowshot back along the road. Kosk looked sour, as though he’d expected to see something like this all along. Quellan looked concerned, though he’d agreed to wait for the elf’s report on Haran’s assurance that there hadn’t been anyone here when trouble had arrived.

The adventurers reached Haran just as the scout did, but the expedition leader didn’t seem to mind them hearing Gilanis’s report. The elf had his short bow strung but he had tucked his arrow back into the quiver on his hip.

“This happened six or seven days past,” he said. “A small group. They came from the east and returned that way after they were done. They stayed long enough to be thorough, but it doesn’t look like there was much left worth taking.”

“Goblins?” Bredan asked.

“Difficult to be sure,” Gilanis said. “That squall that blew through a few days back made a mess of the tracks. Definitely humanoid, but I cannot be more specific.”

Haran looked thoughtful. “All right,” he said. “We’ll bivouac next to the stone structure tonight, that’ll offer some shelter should our friends decide to stage an encore. But I’m sure they’re far away by now.”

“Will you send word back to Adelar?” Quellan asked.

Haran shook his head. “I can’t spare anyone,” he said. “We’ll watch in double shifts tonight. Gil, take a circuit around the area, see if you can find anything else.” The elf nodded and ran over to where he’d left his horse. “I’ll go tell the others, and then we can start setting up camp,” Haran added, then trudged back up the rise to the line of wagons.

“I guess we might not be as far away from the war as we thought,” Glori said.

* * *

Even with worries of waking to rampaging goblins rushing through the camp, Bredan dropped off into a hard sleep as soon as he finished his shift on watch and didn’t stir until Willem shook his shoulder roughly the next morning. For a moment he was still caught in the edges of whatever dream he’d been having, then it faded as his aches and weariness rushed back in. With a groan he pulled himself up out of his bedroll and began putting on his armor.

The members of the expedition were well used to working together by now, and the caravan rumbled its way back onto the road even before the sun had fully crested the uneven line of hills to the east. Maybe they were even a bit faster than usual; all of them seemed eager to leave the wreckage of the burned settlement behind them.

At first the road leading up from Camber’s Rise was barely more difficult than the one winding through the foothills, but by midmorning the ascent grew steeper, the surrounding terrain more challenging. The road was obviously not traveled frequently, and as the day grew older they had to pause more frequently to clear away obstacles. Most of the time that was fallen rocks that could hazard the wagons, but in one case an entire tree had slumped over to block the road and had to be cleared with axes and ropes before they could proceed. Fortunately they had brought everything needed with them, including spare wheels for the wagons and an assortment of tools, but Haran still had them be careful with their resources.

The road frequently bent back upon itself as it gained altitude, and at one such bend Bredan paused and looked down over the edge to see the ruined tower of Camber’s Rise in the distance below. It didn’t look all that far away for the hours they’d already put in.

Occasionally the road widened as it passed along a level stretch or made its way through a broad gap between peaks. At one such spot they paused for lunch, to tend to the horses, and stretch their legs. Given how slow their progress had been thus far, Bredan wondered if they would make it to the Silverpeak Valley within the time that Haran had predicted. Given the nature of the trip, he wondered why anyone would bother to come this way at all. There had been silver, thus the name, but Bredan thought it would take more than money to make him want to come all the way out here to live. And now there wasn’t even the silver, and yet people remained.

Shortly after their break the road turned deeper into the range and they left their view of the foothills behind. They were now within the forest of peaks that they’d seen approaching since leaving Adelar, but every time they passed one there were other, taller ones ahead to greet them. Haran had them remain closer together now, the outriders and wagon crews alike alert to any signs of danger. They remained well below the bare granite summits of those mountains, but even in the vales between them there were plenty of hazards to navigate. The road wound through dense forests and rocky dells, and at several places they had to ford streams where the fast-moving water came up to their horses’ knees and the wagons’ axles. They took those crossings slowly; that was not a place where one wanted to foul a wheel. But they made their way across safely, pausing only to top off their water barrels before moving on.

They were making their way up yet another slow ascent—thankfully, none of them had been as steep as the initial climb that morning—when they came to another obstacle. The sun was almost touching the tallest of the peaks to the west and Bredan was thinking of dinner when they came around a bend to see a boulder the size of a cottage blocking the road ahead.

Haran immediately called a halt, and the wagons ground to a stop about thirty paces behind the lead riders. They were at an exposed but not particularly difficult spot, with a steep but manageable slope rising fifty paces to a boulder-encrusted crest on their left and a somewhat sharper descent into a densely wooded dell to their right. Both sides of the road were overgrown with dense tangles of brush, but there were only a few trees nearby, struggling to find purchase in the stony soil.

Haran signaled to two of his men. “Gilanis, Kors, check ahead a bit. Make sure there aren’t any surprises.” The elf and the big human soldier offered salutes and nudged their horses forward.

“We’re not moving that,” Bredan said. He glanced back and saw that the wagon crews were watching. Some of the guards had dismounted, but they would stay with the wagons until Haran signaled them forward. He caught a glimpse of Glori, standing on the bed of the rearmost wagon.

“No,” Haran agreed. “We’ll have to cut a bypass. Easier on the right, but only if there’s enough clearance.”

“Yeah, if a wheel slips, it’s a long way down,” Bredan said, peering over the drop a few paces beyond the edge of the road.

“We’d better start breaking out the shovels and axes,” Haran said. He turned to gesture toward the wagons, but hesitated as a shout of alarm came from around the boulder, accompanied by a loud whinny that was abruptly cut off.

The riders reached for their weapons even as Haran opened his mouth to shout a warning, but before he could speak a loud rumbling cut him off. The sound came from a torrent of rocks that was pouring down the slope. The riders and their animals flinched in reflexive alarm, but the focus of the slide was behind them, back toward the wagons. The crews took cover as the bouncing rocks reached them. The teams looked to be in more danger, with no room for the horses to evade, but the collapse wasn’t as bad as it had looked. By the time it reached the road most of its force was spent, and only the rearmost wagon was damaged as a boulder the size of a man’s torso slammed hard into one of its front wheels.

Bredan had pulled his horse around to go help them when another shout had him turning back toward the huge boulder ahead. A projectile came flying over the giant stone. It twisted awkwardly in the air before plummeting down toward the riders. Bredan barely had a chance to tug his horse aside before it slammed down into the packed surface of the road. He stared down at it in surprise.

It was Gilanis, his neck obviously snapped. The elf’s face was frozen in a look of surprise.

“Enemies!” Haran was yelling, yanking Bredan’s attention back up. The expedition leader was pointing with his spear up the slope, where the source of the rockslide had revealed itself. Bredan had never before seen the three hulking forms that emerged from positions of cover atop the ridge, but he had heard enough stories to be able to identify them. From the cries of alarm among the riders and the wagon crews, he wasn’t the only one.

“Ogres!” he breathed. The three brutes immediately started down the slope toward the wagons, launching fresh tumbles of rocks ahead of them with each step.

Bredan’s wild tugging on his reins had spun him and the animal completely around, so he was still facing the boulder when the full nature of their situation became apparent a moment later. Another foe came into view, one that made the ogres seem a meager threat by comparison. For a moment Bredan had a wild flash that somehow it was the cyclops returned, but this creature had two eyes, dark beads under a protruding brow.

The hill giant was holding Kors in his hands. The human warrior looked like a child’s doll in its grasp. The ground shook as it trudged around the massive boulder, which barely came to its shoulder. Haran was shouting something, no doubt issuing orders, but all Bredan could hear was the pounding of his heart. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the giant as it fixed its stare on him, then almost casually snapped Kors’s back and tossed him out over the chasm. The broken man seemed to hang in the air for a split second and then dropped out of view.

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Chapter 90

As soon as Kors vanished, Bredan blinked as if coming out of a dream. The giant still filled his vision, the hulking creature somehow more horrible than even the cyclops, but it made no move toward them. As he watched it reached into its bag and drew out something. Bredan could see that it was a rock twice the size of a man’s head.

A scream yanked his head around, and he saw that his companions had already moved to engage the ogres. Haran and the last of the riders, an old veteran everyone called Ironjaw, were already fighting one of the huge creatures. Mounted they were almost as tall as the things, but as he watched the ogre shrugged off a thrust from Ironjaw’s sword as if it was nothing. The ogre lunged forward and toppled the man off his horse, animal and rider crashing to the ground together with bone-jarring force. Haran drove his spear into the ogre’s side, causing it to scream in rage. It reared back and tried to sweep him from his saddle with its massive club, but with an expert tug on his reins the rider pulled just barely back out of its reach. But there was a second ogre already rushing forward to pin him between it and its companion. Bredan could just make out the last one further back among the wagons. For a split second he caught a glimpse of Quellan, for once the half-orc looking small against the sheer bulk of his enemy.

Bredan absorbed the whole scene in an instant, but even that momentary distraction cost him. He spun back to see the giant’s arm already raised, the boulder cupped in its huge fist. He was kicking the horse’s flanks but the animal, no doubt possessing more sense than him, was already moving. He hardly had to tug the reins at all; the horse was clearly willing to go anywhere as long as it wasn’t closer to the giant.

Bredan tried to reach for his sword, but he had to focus all his efforts on staying atop the horse. He tried to think himself small, trying not to think of that huge arm coming forward…

Even expecting it, the impact came as a surprise. One moment he was atop the horse, charging back toward the wagons, the next he was flying through the air. He barely had a chance to realize that something had changed before the ground rushed up to meet him. He slammed into the hard surface with enough force to knock the wind from his body, and his face struck the ground hard enough to embed bits of gravel into his skin.

A voice in his skull that sounded like his uncle was yelling, Get up! but it was all he could manage to lift his head a bit. That was enough to see a grim sight; one of the ogres, the one that Haran had wounded, looking hardly the worse for wear as it slammed its club down two-handed into Ironjaw’s body. The soldier, still trapped under his fallen horse, had no chance. The blow killed both of them, and when the club came back up it was messy with their blood. A spray of it covered the ogre’s face, giving the creature’s features the look of a garish mask. Its jaws cracked open in a grim smile as it fixed its eyes on Bredan, then it started forward toward him.

The lead wagon burst into flames.

It wasn’t quite an explosion, but it wasn’t tentative either. Fire swept over the tarp and around the bed of the wagon, burrowing into the half-exposed crates and barrels under the cover. For a moment it surprised both Bredan and the ogre menacing him, but after that moment passed the monster resumed its approach toward the stricken warrior.

But the participants in the melee weren’t the only ones startled by the unexpected conflagration. The horses in the team in front of the wagon had been alarmed by the battle swirling around them. They had been jumping in their traces, straining against the tack holding them in place. But the fire right behind them pushed them over into panic, and as the four big animals lunged forward together they overpowered the wagon brake and charged forward up the road.

Right at Bredan, who was still lying in the middle of that road.

The sight of a four-horse team coming at him at a full sprint jolted him even more than the approaching ogre, and with a curse he sprang up and rolled to the side. It was hardly an elegant maneuver, and the sword still strapped to his back jammed into his neck as he completed the roll, but the clattering hooves passed him by with scant inches to spare. He only just barely yanked his arm back before the wheels of the wagon would have crushed it, but then the burning vehicle was past. Blinking through a sudden haze of smoke, he watched as the panicked horses headed right for the boulder and the giant that blocked their way. The team seemed to realize that they could not go that way, and with the drop-off to the right an obvious hazard they turned together to the left. The horses in their terror somehow managed the rocky slope, but the wagon could not. It tipped over, spilling its burning contents onto the road behind it. The horses, burdened now by the full weight of the fallen wagon, could not escape as the giant strode over to them.

Bredan didn’t have time to watch what was going to happen to them, for the ogre was coming at him again, the smoke swirling around its massive body as it crossed the road. The young fighter was still dazed from being flung from his horse, but he managed to get his sword out and rise into a fighting stance. The ogre paused a moment, perhaps wary of a sword almost as big as its own weapon. It had to be feeling the effects of its wounds, especially the puncture in its side that had matted its mangy furs with blood, but it didn’t look any less imposing for that. Bredan could only make out bits and pieces of what was happening back at the rest of the wagons through the smoke, but it was impossible to miss the other two ogres, still fighting his friends. He couldn’t tell who was winning.

Abruptly the ogre stepped forward and lunged, its club sweeping around toward Bredan’s head. He ducked under it and slashed with his sword at the ogre’s forward leg.

But the leg wasn’t there. Too late he realized that the ogre’s lunge had been a feint; it hadn’t followed through and instead took a step back. Bredan stumbled, drawn off-balance like a novice. He had just enough time to hear his uncle’s stern voice in his head before the ogre stepped in again and smashed him in the chest with its club.

This time the attack was no feint. The impact lifted him off his feet and flung him to the ground. His head dropped farther than it should have and he realized he was right on the lip of the drop that descended a hundred feet at a sharp angle to the forest below.

As stars flashed in his vision he saw his sword glittering in the late afternoon sunlight as it toppled end-over-end through the air before vanishing much like Kors had earlier.

For a moment he could only lie there despite the crushing pain in his neck. He could feel echoes of that pain stabbing through his torso; the blow from the club must have broken a few of his ribs. It took a heroic effort, but he managed to lift his head enough to see in front of him.

What he saw was about what he’d expected. The ogre was there, standing over him just as it had stood over Ironjaw just moments before. It seemed to be waiting for him to notice, then it smiled a toothy grin and lifted its bloody club to finish him.


Chapter 91

Bredan turned his head—and paid the price as another stab of agony shot through his neck—but there was no one close by, none of his friends coming to save him.

The ogre’s foot slammed into the ground next to his leg and the club came plummeting down. There was nowhere to go, not even enough time to roll off the edge and take his chances with the fall. All he could do was lift his hand in a vain attempt to stop the death descending toward him.

There was a flash of light, a crash of impact.

Bredan blinked in surprise.

A glowing disk of transparent energy hung in the air between him and the ogre. The creature looked to be just as surprised as he was; the hovering shield had somehow completely absorbed the impact of the heavy club. But the surprise lasted only a moment, and before Bredan could do more than scramble up into a crouch the barrier dissolved into nothing as suddenly as it had appeared.

The ogre quickly lifted his club to strike again.

If only I still had my sword, Bredan thought. He started to reach for his hammer—a pathetic weapon against an ogre, but all he had—but was suddenly amazed to feel the familiar weight of his father’s sword in his hand.

There was no time to think about whether he was hallucinating; he rose and thrust with all the strength he had left. Pain erupted throughout his body, but he let out a cry that pushed through it, pushed with everything he had.

After a moment he realized that he was still alive. He was pressing against something that gave slightly, something that filled his nostrils with a terrible stench. He drew back slightly and realized it was the ogre. He was clinging to the hilt of his sword with both hands. The entire length of the blade was buried in the creature’s body.

He drew back another step—wary of the drop right behind him—and looked up at the ogre’s face. It wore a stricken expression, one that grew slack as the life drained from it. Ever so slowly it began to lean backward as its knees gave way, and then it topped over onto the hard surface of the road.

Thankful for that small blessing—if it had fallen forward it might have pinned his sword under its bulk, or taken it off the cliff for a second time—he stumbled forward to try to recover his weapon. As he did he saw that the smoke around the other wagons had cleared in the brief interval, giving him a better view of what was happening.

One of the other ogres was down; the thing looked like a pincushion with all the bolts and arrows sticking out from its body. The other one was still up and fighting, but Bredan could see both Quellan and Kosk battling it. Those among the wagon crews still alive, including Glori, had taken cover behind their vehicles and were taking shots with their bows when they could.

A deep thumping sound drew Bredan around in time to see the hill giant as it emerged from the dense plume of smoke rising from around the still-burning wagon. Its fur leggings were stained red from the blood of the horses it had killed, and to Bredan’s horror he saw that it had a bloody haunch in one hand, from which it took another gory bite as he watched. On seeing that the fight was still going on the giant dropped its half-finished meal and reached into its sack for another boulder.

Bredan quickly lunged for the hilt of his sword, but before he could try to yank it from the ogre’s body a clatter of hooves on the hard-packed surface of the road announced Haran’s return. The expedition leader looked battered, with one of his shoulder plates torn away and his helmet missing so that the bloody gashes above his left eye were clearly visible. But he had somehow managed to both stay on his horse and keep his spear, which he raised as he charged at a full gallop at the giant. The horse had to be well-trained, for it didn’t veer from its course in the slightest as the gap between the two foes closed in an instant.

Bredan kept pulling on his sword, but it was caught on something and wouldn’t budge. All he could do was watch as the giant pulled a club that made the ogre weapons look like toys from its belt. With that and the length of its arms it could swat Haran from his saddle before he could hope to get within reach to use his spear.

But Haran didn’t turn aside; even as the giant started its swing he ducked low and hurled his spear with all his might and momentum behind it. The shaft drove into the giant’s side, and the massive creature reared up in pain. But it was just too huge to be seriously hurt by even that blow. With a subtle tug on his reins Haran guided his horse to the left. It looked like he would get clear, but at the last moment the giant simply hurled its club at its foe.

The club, the size of a good-sized tree, smashed into mount and rider from behind. The horse crumpled, its rear legs broken by the impact. Haran was launched flying much as Bredan had been earlier, but instead of falling to the ground he hit the mass of the boulder that blocked the road. He bounced off the unyielding rock and collapsed in a limp heap.

Trying to ignore the stabbing pains his efforts caused, Bredan planted a foot against the ogre’s body and tried to twist his sword around to free it from whatever it was embedded against. Blood jutted from the ogre’s fat torso as he strugged, but finally the sword came free. Stumbling as he staggered clear, he lifted the weapon and confronted the giant from twenty human-sized paces away.

Arrows and bolts were buzzing this way now from the wagons, and although some stuck in the giant’s body it reacted as it might have to a mosquito’s sting. Bredan glanced back and saw that the last ogre was down, but Quellan was bent over someone, probably one of the guards hurt in the fighting. Kosk was coming around the wagons, but the dwarf was moving with a definite limp.

Bredan heard the thump of the giant’s massive stride and tensed, but when he looked back he saw that the creature was moving away. It passed behind the massive boulder in just a few steps, the smoke from the burning wagon concealing even its considerable form. He heard rather than saw it continue down the road and out of the fight.

Bredan knew he should go after it, or at least check on Haran, but it was all he could do just to remain upright.

“You all right, lad?”

Just turning around was difficult; Bredan managed an awkward shuffle. “I’m okay,” he said.

Kosk glanced at the fallen ogre and the bloody sword in Bredan’s hands. “Sorry we couldn’t get over here earlier.”

“Haran…” Bredan said.

Kosk nodded. “I saw. I’ll go check on him. You wait here, Glori’s coming.”

She arrived before the dwarf had managed ten steps. Unlike Kosk she didn’t ask how he was; she could see it on his face. “Hold on,” she said, placing a hand gently against his chest while she strummed her lyre. While she didn’t need it to invoke her magic anymore, she often still used it as a focus. Her hand glowed briefly, and Bredan let out a sigh of relief as the healing energies faded into him. It wasn’t enough to treat his various wounds fully, but at least he didn’t feel like he was going to collapse.

“Thanks,” he said. “Go help Kosk with Haran.”

Glori ran after him, but from the way that Haran hit that boulder, Bredan wasn’t optimistic. He had come very close to a grim fate himself, and would have died if it hadn’t been for… what had happened? He might have thought that the shield had been Glori’s work somehow, but he clearly had seen his sword fall over the cliff, and then it had been in his hand again. It was possible that the hit from the ogre’s club had scattered his brains, but for a moment there had been something, a flash of power within him…

A shout from someone drew his attention back to the moment. Glori and Kosk had turned from Haran, the looks on their faces confirming Bredan’s earlier suspicion. The ogres were dead and the giant gone, but one look was enough to remind Bredan that their situation remained precarious. The lead wagon was a total loss, but they would still need to move it in order to get the rest of their caravan past the giant boulder. There were also graves to be prepared, or more likely cairns, given the nature of the ground here. And it was getting late. The fight felt like it had lasted for hours, but the sun had only dipped incrementally in the sky. But Bredan knew that night would arrive swiftly once it dipped below the horizon.

He dug in his pouch for a rag to clean his sword, then started toward the wagons.

* * *

Now you know why I didn't want to post the stat blocks for the most recent level-up. :)

I'll finish book 4 on Monday, then put the story on hiatus for a while. Thanks to everyone who's been reading along and posting replies, XP, and laughs.
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Chapter 92

The wagon seat jolted under Bredan, driving a sharp stab of pain through his already aching posterior. He’d thought that riding a horse had left him sore, but two days riding a wagon had awakened a whole new series of torments for his already battered body. Not that he’d spent all that much time riding; when the wagons weren’t bouncing on the increasingly terrible road they were waiting while Bredan and the other survivors of the giant ambush hacked through fallen trees, cleared rockslides, or engaged in other backbreaking and usually dangerous tasks to allow the wagons to continue forward up the next ascent. It wasn’t all climbing, of course. The descents were in some ways worse, the drivers riding their brakes while Bredan stared at narrow drop-offs where a slip of a wheel could lead to the wagon and its entire team being dragged off cliffs that varied in every way except for the likelihood of death if such a fall occurred.

The wagon jolted again, harder this time, and Harvin yanked his reins and lunged for his brake. The wagon rattled to a stop. Bredan didn’t hear anything different in the sound, but he’d learned to trust the old driver’s instincts.

“Think something’s broken?” Bredan asked.

“Only one way to find out,” Harvin said. He made no move for the edge of the seat, but cracked his back and reached into the bed behind them for his waterskin.

Hiding a grimace, Bredan got up and hopped down from the wagon. At least there was enough room to move around; their current stretch of road took them through a thinly-wooded valley before it rose again in yet another climb. The other two wagons had stopped just ahead on noticing that Bredan and Harvin had called a halt. Bredan could see that Quellan had already dismounted and was heading back to check on them. Up in the lead vehicle, Glori was standing atop the uneven heaps of supplies in the bed, a hand held to shade her eyes as she looked to see what was happening. Bredan offered a reassuring wave before he bent to check under the wagon.

He was hardly an expert, but he’d gotten to know the wagons and their workings in more detail than he’d wanted over the last few days. This wagon had been damaged in the ambush, including a cracked axle, and it had taken most of their spare parts to complete a hasty repair. Bredan’s skills had come in handy, though he might have been less enthusiastic if he’d known that the drivers would all defer to him from that point forward. He couldn’t blame them, not really, not after the man who had hired them along with most of the soldiers that were supposed to protect them had died in the ambush.

Everything looked okay, but Bredan crawled under the wagon—hoping that Harvin had set the brake firmly—and tapped a few spots carefully with his hammer. The repairs seemed to be holding, though he wouldn’t want to take this wagon on another trip without a full overhaul. Mentally he amended the thought; he didn’t want to take any more trips with a wagon train for about, oh, fifty years or so.

As he pulled himself out from under the wagon and stood up again Quellan arrived. The half-orc looked as indestructible as ever, though Bredan knew that he’d stinted on treating his own wounds until all of the injuries suffered by the others had been healed. There had been more damage to go around than he and Glori combined could heal, even with the cleric’s Prayer of Healing ritual, and it hadn’t been until the morning after the fight that they’d finally been able to address the worst of it.

“Everything okay?” Quellan asked. Bredan knew that his friend was asking about more than just the wagons, but he just nodded and said, “It’ll hold together for a bit longer, anyway.”

Quellan nodded and looked up at Harvin. The old man was holding his waterskin in his lap as though wishing it was something stronger. “Orrek thinks we’re getting close,” the half-orc reported. The driver just shrugged and tossed the skin back into the bed of the wagon, then took up his reins and looked down as if Bredan was the one holding them up.

Bredan didn’t say anything to the man as Quellan trudged back to his wagon, he just circled around to the far side and clambered up onto the seat. The horses looked as tired as he felt, and a few were taking advantage of the pause to crop at the straggling weeds that grew thick along the edges of the road. He had barely settled back into his seat when Harvin snapped his reins and the wagon started forward again.

Bredan didn’t mind that his companion was not particularly garrulous. He had a lot on his mind, even leaving aside the threat of another ambush or an encounter with one of the hostile creatures that Haran had said lived in these mountains. He still had no explanation for what had happened in the battle with the ogres. He hadn’t told his friends, not yet. He knew he could talk with Glori, at least, but somehow in all the chaotic bustle that had followed the attack, and the way they had all collapsed into their bedrolls in their camp that night, he hadn’t gotten the chance. He had managed to ask enough vague questions to confirm that none of the others had seen what he’d done, if in fact he had conjured a magical shield out of nothing and summoned his sword into his hand from over the cliff where he’d dropped it.

He’d tried to repeat either feat, but the failure of his tentative experiments had hardly left him feeling reassured. He had no idea how one cast spells, but he couldn’t remember anything remotely like what Glori or Quellan did when they used their magic. Or even Xeeta, with her inherent gifts. He wished she was still with them, so he could ask her. The tiefling woman seemed to know a lot about a great many things.

He was jolted out of his musings again as the wagon shifted under him and he realized they’d reached the far side of the valley and the next ascent. The original builders of the road had cut a winding route that kept the grade from becoming too difficult, but even so the horses had to strain to bear the weight. Harvin muttered to himself as he snapped his reins, but he never reached for the whip set in a niche in the wagon seat next to him.

Up and up they went, the road bending around and around until it felt like they were going in circles. The valley fell out of sight behind them but still they kept climbing, each curve revealing still another ahead. Sometimes those curves were sharp enough that Bredan lost sight of the lead wagon, and when that happened he always tensed, his hand sliding seemingly of its own accord toward the hilt of his sword. He’d left his crossbow tucked into a gap between two barrels right behind him, within easy reach, but thus far the weapon had not been of much use. In fact, he realized with a start, he had yet to hit anything with it since he’d bought it.

Intellectually he knew that the climb had to come to an end eventually, but he was still caught by surprise when they came around another bend to see the other two wagons stopped just ahead. Harvin spat a curse and yanked back on his reins, perhaps a bit harder than was necessary. The horses were all too happy to stop, and the wagon came to a halt a good twenty paces behind the next one ahead.

The lead wagon had stopped just below a bend that appeared to mark the final stage at least in this climb, just below an exposed crest that had nothing but empty sky and a few far-distant peaks behind it. Bredan could see that his friends had already dismounted from the wagons and were heading up to get a look. He quickly jumped down and headed after them, trying not to sway too much as his sore backside protested at the rapid movement.

Willem was standing on the seat of the second wagon, his crossbow loaded and ready in his hands. “Do you think we’re there yet?” he asked Bredan as he passed. The smith could only shrug; how was he supposed to know?

The others had turned off the road just shy of the crest, cutting up a slope too steep for the wagons to a jut of stone surrounded by weeds. There was a solitary tree there, stunted and bent but with enough growth to offer at least some cover. Glori, Kosk, and Quellan were all standing next to it as Bredan struggled up the last stretch of the ascent. Glori was the only one to turn at his approach. There wasn’t any immediate alarm on her face, but her expression was enough to have him hurrying the last few paces.

What he saw almost took his breath away. The Silverpeak Valley wasn’t that big, a few miles wide at its narrowest point, curving away as it extended into the distance, its exact dimensions lost within a dense expanse of forest. Its sides sloped sharply on this end, promising another death-defying descent, though Bredan couldn’t see the road from this vantage. He could see where it ended, however, the town of Wildrush clearly visible along the banks of the stream from which it took its name. They were too far away to see much in the way of details, certainly too far to see people, but what they could see awakened a fresh stab of dread in Bredan’s gut.

“For once, it looks like trouble beat us here,” Glori said quietly.

“It doesn’t look like the entire town was burned,” Quellan said, one hand raised to shelter his eyes in an echo of the gesture Bredan had seen Glori make earlier. “In fact, most of the damage seems focused on the northern edge of town. Maybe they repelled an attack.”

“Maybe it was just an accident,” Glori said. “A spilled lamp, gotten out of control.”

“Or maybe Murgoth’s forces decided to come this way after all,” Bredan said.

“We’ll not find out from here,” Kosk said after a moment’s pause. “We’d better get moving, if we’ve any hope of getting there by dark.”

The others turned around and started back toward the wagons. Bredan glanced back for one more look into the valley. For some reason, he felt as though his life was about to change significantly once he started down that road, and not in the plummeting-to-his-death kind of way.

“Bredan, you coming?” Glori called after him.

“Yeah,” he said. But it took an effort to turn his gaze away.

Chapter 93

Stones shifted under Kurok’s feet as he stumbled up the steep slope. The ascent was treacherous, and the bare ground offered little in terms of support; a rock he reached for to steady himself might well give way at his touch. He’d already slipped a few times; more than a few, if his knees were any guide.

The rise ahead looked much the same as the hundreds he’d climbed in the days since he’d left Scar Canyon. He was exhausted, and not just because of the hard pace he’d set. Even now he frequently lifted his head to scan the skies, and every unexpected noise had him turning swiftly, his magic stirring instinctively at his call. But his luck had held; the dragon had not elected to make an appearance.

The sun edged below the crest ahead, casting the hillside into shadow. The absence of light felt reassuring, though it meant they would have to stop again soon. He and his companions had no difficulty in the dark, but other things haunted the mountains in the night, things he was not eager to confront. Already they had had their share of encounters, though nothing that had been a real threat to their progress. And those interludes had given him a chance to evaluate his new allies.

The ground began to level out ahead of him, and he looked up to find that he had reached the crest. A mistake, to let his thoughts wander so, but even the Blooded were ultimately mortal flesh. He would need to rest before he reached his destination.

But as he continued forward, he realized with a start that his destination was right in front of him.

The valley spread out like a curved blade. His vantage was near one narrow end, where the two sloping sides converged to not quite a point. Directly ahead and below him was a vast sea of green, a dense forest that could have hidden anything within its fastness. Somewhere within that expanse was what he had come here to find. He imagined he could feel it pulling at him, but that was likely just a byproduct of his weary mind.

His eyes were drawn to the northwest. The fading sun was still bright enough to blind him, and thick forests and rise and fall of the terrain concealed whatever details that were not fogged by distance. But he thought he could see faint wisps of gray rising into the sky before the wind caught them and tore them apart. He pinned those markers onto a mental map, then nodded to himself. Only then did he turn, slowly, lifting one hand and forming it into a fist.

The column parted as it reached him, the worgs and their goblin riders passing to each side. The Bloodriders did not stop to take in the view as Kurok had; they barely slowed before they found the best routes down the opposite slope and poured into the Silverpeak Valley.

Kurok remained where he was until they had all passed him. They were as tired as he, mounts and riders alike, but it took less than a minute before the last straggler had joined the column in the descent. The lead riders were already almost to the fringe of the uppermost trees that clung to the rocky slope. The odors of his army swirled in the air as a lingering reminder of their passage.

Kurok took one more look at the landscape that stretched before him, then he followed after them.

There was much to be done.

* * *

I'll continue the story in December.


I finished my novel! This year's my seventh time participating in NaNoWriMo. I have a quick writing pace normally, but NaNoWriMo requires an average of 1,666 words/day, which means no taking days off. :)

I've already resumed writing Forgotten Lore, and I'll have updates for you again starting Friday.

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