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D&D 5E Justin Alexander's review of Shattered Obelisk is pretty scathing

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I cannot switch my brain off entirely, so if something falls under a certain threshold it gets noticed and is detrimental. Funhouse dungeons generally do not work for me for example
Likewise. I also find it's weirdly specific - in "Doctor Who" I have no problem with the whole "travel through time and space in a big blue box" thing, but I found I just couldn't deal with a lot of the show's handling of mobile phones.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Mod Note:
This discussion of what weight to give to a critic seems to be leaning to acrimony.

Maybe, you know, stop that trend now, before it becomes an issue? Thanks.

I guess we will never know, the text certainly does not mention it.
That's because it doesn't need to. It doesn't say if it took a dump yesterday either.

What colour is the hydra? How many toes does it have on it's back feet? Does each head have the the same number of teeth?
The hydra is just a sideshow anyway, this is not about the one hydra for me, it is about a design principle
The design principle is, there is no way to predict what details the players will ask for, so it's the DM's job to provide them, not for the author to try and predict every slightest thing.
if I need to make up and fix half the adventure myself to make it coherent, then what did I pay money for.
I don't know, I pay for ideas, art, maps, puzzles, narrative twists. "Coherence" is subjective. But If I only change half the adventure, it's doing pretty well.


if I need to make up and fix half the adventure myself to make it coherent, then what did I pay money for. That is what this is about, not one hydra, I already did not care about the hydra in my earlier posts, so if you want to focus on that, I am not interested
You are not the first person to make this type of query so my comment is not directed at you specifically mamba... but it's more just a general response to everyone who makes these sorts of questions.

The answer to "What am I paying for?" is the same no matter what it is the person doesn't like-- (general) you are paying for everything you do end up using. In your specific response, mamba, you are paying for the half of the adventure you do end up using and which you don't end up fixing yourself. Now you may believe (and oftentimes rightly) that you are overpaying for something if you end up not using all parts of it... but that doesn't mean you are paying for nothing.

But too often it seems like some people think that if they don't use EVERY piece of a product as-is... that they are getting shafted and nothing for their money. Which-- let's be frank-- is hogwash. None of these products can be used as-is by every single DM out there, because every single DM runs their game differently. There will be a small segment of the gaming populace that can and will run Rime of the Frost Maiden exactly as written (for example)... but most of us wouldn't even come close. More often than not, there will be parts the DM won't want to use, parts the DM will want to use but it doesn't include enough detail for their own needs and thus they are forced to create their own, and parts that will be used but how it is written will not be in the format the DM prefers and thus they will have to re-write or just use as bulletpoints and improvise around.

But none of that discounts the work that is there on the page.

Yes... some DMs would rather just create an entire adventure themselves out of whole cloth than have 256 pages of pre-written material in an adventure path that they then have to massage into something that is useful for them. And that's cool. If it works better for them to just make everything up rather than re-purposing existing material and hammering it into a more useful shape... that's exactly how some of our DM brains work best. But if that's the case... then that DM shouldn't even be bothering to look at or consider these adventure books in the first place.

Long story short (too late!)... if any DM finds that these adventure books are only worthwhile if they can be used as-is with no prep, no changes, and everything they need to keep their players following along without having to improvise fixes or redirects... then they shouldn't even bother to check. Because the odds of getting a product like that are essentially zero percent.
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I don't know, I pay for ideas, art, maps, puzzles, narrative twists. "Coherence" is subjective. But If I only change half the adventure, it's doing pretty well.
I guess we have different expectations for adventures, also it is one thing if I want to make changes vs when I have to

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