(Adventure) Hunt for the Cirya de Pietro [Judge - garyh]


(Adventure) Hunt for the Cirya de Pietro

OoC: This is the thread that will be used for the Hunt for the Cirya de Pietro adventure, and anything pertaining to it.

To my knowledge, three judges are watching this thread... Gary, 'officially', and both Uriel and Macbeth, 'unofficially'.
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Kahuna Burger

First Post
There is a light rain falling as the young half elven woman makes her way down the docks. She and her companions apear to be looking for someone and ask after a Jericho.


ao'Thuir of the Ghost Tribe, male Wood Elf Barbarian 1

ao'Thuir follows Katherine and the others down to the dock. While the others find their erstwhile employer he stands with his muscled arms locked waiting quietly. Turning his head to look up at the falling rain, the tanned elf thinks to himself, today, as every day, is a perfect day to die.
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First Post
Along with his newfound companions Hallandor arrives at the docks Father always said the best way to find excitment in life was to jump in feet first....don't know what he'd think of that if it involved an ocean.....

OOC: ARRR Avast ye landlubbers....oh wait I'm one of those landlubbers....


First Post
Remi Odaren, human male Ranger 2

"Looks like the storm has calmed down a bit.
Ah well, as I never truly managed to get dry in the first place a little more rain can't hurt any."


The region surrounding the docks seems to be of lesser quality than the rest of Orussus. The buildings are slightly shabbier, more crowded; streetside beggars are a slightly more common sight here. The rainfall has made small muddy puddles in the road, though they are few enough that you can step around them.

The shops here seem more geared towards ships, as would be expected, though there are only a handful interspersed between a multitude of taverns. No merchants hawk their wares here, though you can occassionally hear laughter from a tavern as you pass by.

Asking a man dressed in rough clothing for Jericho, he points towards the docks, apparently further along the road you're on.

You travel on for a short time, and eventually reach the docks themselves. Several large ships sit in port, though you can see little movement on them; the rest of the place seems almost deserted, though every now and then you see or hear someone passing by.

On your left there is a small, though wellkept shop, with a sign hanging above the door: Jericho's Repairs.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
GnomeWorks said:
On your left there is a small, though wellkept shop, with a sign hanging above the door: Jericho's Repairs.

Katherine pauses at the door and gives everyone an encouraging grin. "Shall we find out what we are in for?"

She opens the door and enters the shop calling out in Dwarven "Greetings, master Jericho!" She uses a term of address honoring the smiths and builders of the dwarven lands, and continues in common for the benefit of all. "As you requested at the inn, we have come to hear more details of your offer."


First Post
As Katherine calls out to Jericho, Zumar glances around the shop, shaking his head at the fact that a dwarven craftsman has been reduced to playing handyman for humans.


ao'Thuir takes his time at the docks, looking out over the ships assembled there. He has never been on a ship or at sea, but he is looking forward to chasing pirates. The prospect of leaping from ship to ship in the middle of a raging battle is something he looks forward to very much. After the others have moved into the shop, ao'Thuir will follow and remain quietly at the back of the group.

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