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Behind-Underworld Style roleplaying:Characters


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The war has lasted for as long anyone can remember. It's origins are shrouded in mistery since the eldest of the vampires have forbidden to dig into the past. And the Lycans?? Their life is too short and history had allready transformed into myth long before any of them started to write it down for later times. And so it goes on, the elders have divided Europe and the New World between themselves while the werewolves hide in the wilderness or as scavengers in the most deserted parts of the cities then they can not resist the hunger for human flesh any longer. And then they and the undead meet the ancient game goes on. Only that today it is played with high impact quicksilver bullets, torchers and UV-Spotlights. Nothing could ever compare to the power of these two ancient races and so they lived on. They ruled the nights as lords in the dark ages, they battled under the fires of the Inquistion then the fanatics burned hundreds of innocents and they walk the streets by night in our days, enjoying the fact that the prey at last decided to come out after sundown.

Gothic-Action-Romance in the 21st century
This game uses the rules of D20 Mutants&Masterminds with the follwong modifications:


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“Rudiger only saw the sixteen year old face, not the soul that lasted six centuries. He took her slender wrist, and encompassed it with his mighty fist. She could break his back with her slim hand.”
Genevieve Undead (Jack Yeovil)

Immortals, rulers of the night, nosferatu, corpses with delusions of grandeur…whatever you might call them the fact remains that a society of predators that is neither fully alive nor dead has walked the nights for over a thousand years. They have been presented in many ways, from mindless monsters to pathetic Victorian sex fantasies, but the truth is far more simple. Vampires are humans who suddenly lost half of the sensation a living body provides. Instead they grow more powerfull than they ever imagined possible and stop aging. For most Vampires it takes less than fifty years to stop thinking of themselves as human. Seeing everything you know grow old around you combined with the thrill of power is both a very sad experience and at the same time provides a feeling of superiority. It is probably this combination of guilt and power that leads most Vampires to start thinking of humans as a lesser race. By denying that humans feel and think the same as they do they can pretend they haven’t lost anything.
The origins of the Vampires are a mystery even to themselves. There is no definite first known Vampire or anything like it. From the heritage of the eldest and the few known facts about the vampires past it is pretty clear the they originated somewhere in eastern Europe, probably during the 6th century. From there they spread through Russia, Europe and later America. Only the strongest have the power to create progeny in any important number so the nameless society of the undead only exists in theses areas of the world. None of the Elders ever established a coven in other parts of the world. Of course some Vampires have wandered through the rest of the world but they are loners or very small groups.
Vampires have few rules among themselves. First they don’t need many as the predator instincts they develop after their change takes care to give them the basic behaviour patters they need to survive. They usually do not intrude into each other hunting territory unless they consciously decide to seek out trouble. They hide their nature from their prey and they have born on fear of others of their kind that prevents them from trying to fight one another most of the time. The second reason for the few rules is that solitary predators like them would probably not listen to more anyway.
There are under a thousand Vampires around and over 80% of them live in Europe or America in the territories claimed by the eldest of their race. There are five of them and they existed for nearly a thousand years, even longer in some cases. They are the closest things the Vampires have for rulers and reside in Praag, London, Venice and New York. The fifth has slept for over a century in the covenhouse in Berlin.
Despite the fact that they are solitary predators, Vampires are drawn to each other. Their human minds still need the company of equals. For that reason they form covens in mist major cities. Some of these covens are lead by a single Vampire others by a ruling council and even viewer just vote on any important decision. It all depends if someone or a group is powerfull enough to take control or not. The covens mostly resemble gentlemen’s clubs for their member and no Vampire is forced to anything by them. The only time they organize to intervene is then a Vampire killed another of his kind or then there is a serious threat of exposure to the public. All of them exist with the blessing of the local eldest. Few covens fail to find that but the two who did so in the past tended to be destroyed swiftly and efficiently. One intended to go public and the other had a secret alliance with the Lycans.
The one and most important thing the covens ever did was creating the Death-Dealers. Then the war is concerned the covens have the right to expect any help their member can give, from information over money to fighting power. Although they would never admit it, most Vampires are terrified by the Lycans and so are quite happy to contribute any help they can so that others can do the actual combat. These others are the Death-Dealers, the only truly organized groups have Vampires ever to exist, equipped with the best weapons, contacts and financial resources the covens can provide. They follow the direct orders of the eldest, then the coven and then only themselves. These groups normally have one leader and the biggest once even have a command structure with teamleaders, scouts etc. They also have the right to move unhindered through the city and even hunt for fresh blood in another territory in an emergency.

(Note: Death-Dealers, Lycans, etc. My first reflex was to use other names but after thinking about it I don’t see any good reason about it. Personally I just find it annoying that games tend to always use their own special names for everything that appears even though it is still terribly obvious from there it is stolen from. And since I don’t have the same license problems I will just keep the names.)

Character Creation:
Vampire characters start at PL 10

Abilities: Standard Rules

Skills: These are purchased by the normal rules except for the fact that Vampires gain 4 Skill points for each PP they spent on them at character creation to represent their experience. During the game they increase skills with 2 points per just like Lycans. (Vampires do get double the number of skill points than Lycans at creation but on the other hand the furry ones don’t go up in flames then they are hit by sunlight.)

Feats: Standard Rules

Super-feats: Vampires MUST buy the following super-feats and do not have access to any others except for Power Stunt:
Darkvision, Immunity: Aging/Critical Hits/Disease/Poison/Suffocation, Ultra-Hearing
-note: vampires can’t take critical hits because they simply do not need any of their organs to survive. They never tire in the normal sense but since they burn blood at accelerated rates while active they can suffer from exhaustion. They also don’t eat normal food but their dependency on blood more than makes up for that so they are not really immune to starvation either.

Character MUST buy all these powers at least at level one.
-Clinging (Vampires CAN’T take the flaw Limited)
-Leaping (Vampires MUST take the EXTRA Bouncing)
-Natural Weapon (Fangs, Vampires CAN’T take the EXTRAS Climbing and Quills)
-Regeneration (Vampires MUST the EXTRAS Regrowth/Back from the Brink and the FLAWS “Blood dependent” and “Ineffective/Sunlight” for this power. More in the rules about blood.)
-Super-Charisma (Vampires CAN’T take the FLAW Limited)
-Super-Dexterity (Vampires CAN’T take the FLAW Limited)
-Super-Strength (Vampires CAN’T take any EXRAS for this power. They can still take Power Stunts)
-Weapon (this is an exception because you don’t have to take weapons but many Vampires and most Death-Dealers do.)
-Devices (Vampires can take any power from the rulebook as a device as long as they have a suitable explanation for both the device and how they acquired it. Like weapons they do not have to buy any devices. Death-Dealers do only need an explanation for the device itself they got it through the coven.)

Many Vampires wield the following powers. A character can learn one Common power for each General power she has at least at half her current power level maximum. (So a character with Leap and Super-strength at level 5 or more and all the other at level 4 or less could buy 2 Common powers).
-Alternate Form: Gaseous (Mist)
-Amazing Safe
-Combat Sense
-Mental Protection
-Mind Control
-Obscure (Fog)
- Post cognition

“No matter how far a sheep climbs, it will never get past the killing floor”
Sonja Blue, In the Blood (Nancy A. Collins)

Vampires live forever and need neither air nor nourishment to survive. But they do need blood to keep their undead bodies going. Without it their bodies slowly dry out, transforming them into sleeping mummy like creatures. Before that happens their predator instincts usually fill them with such a terrible hunger that they will do almost anything to replenish their reserves. But should it happen only fresh blood can cause them to wake up again. Then shrivled organs and flesh freshen up again and return to their parody of life.
A Vampire must drink blood at least once a week. It doesn’t really matter if it is from a stray dog, a blood plasma pack or a human but the taste of fresh human blood is addictive to them since they where once human too and their bodies can use it most effectively. It doesn’t have any practical effect but a Vampire with fresh human blood in him just feels more healthy and alive. A Vampire must make a DC 15 will safe each week if he wants to resist the urge to drain a human. Then a Vampire has to drink blood he always drains his victim completely, humans never survive the process.
Normally drinking once a week is enough but Vampires burn the blood in their bodies to keep them moving and to regenerate so they can become quite hungry after extended periods of physical activity. Then a Vampire character participated in any kind of combat during a day he has to replenish his blood reserves just like he would have to at the end of a week.

Running Dry: A Vampire who hasn’t replenished his supply of blood can no longer access his regenerate superpower. Should he still haven’t done so 24 hours later he can no longer use any of his common powers. After that all his basic powers will loose one point for each day he continues to starve. Then all his basic powers have reached zero he will go into hibernation until he tastes blood again. It takes quite a lot of blood to completely restore a mummified body so at first the Vampire will not have access to any powers. After the second feeding he will be able to regenerate again, after the third his other basic powers start to rise by one point for each feeding until they return to their original values. Then they are completely restored the common powers will start working on their full value immediately afterwards.
Having your body dry out while you are still alive is an unimaginable painful experience so starting on the second day of starving Vampires have to make a DC 15 will safe or go hunting for food without thinking about the consequences. Starving out a Vampire is the harshest punishment Covens use except for destroying the subject outright. There are also tales of especially cruel Lycans who starved out captured Vampires before destroying them.

Weaknesses: Running water and holy symbols do not have any effect on Vampires, neither does garlic, except for maybe causing bad breath. Piercing their heart with a wooden stake is quite painful as the damn things tend to be not as sharp as metal weapons but have no special effects on them, Vampires can regenerate their heart just like any other organ. Fire is no more dangerous to them as it is to any other creature except while they are starving. Their dried bodies burn incredibly fast and so they can only roll a D20 with no bonuses for powers or constitution while in that condition.

” We should have shown Tremere and his simpering progeny the beauty of the sunrise years ago.”
Vampire, The Dark Ages

The light of the sun is the single most deadly thing for a Vampire. If one should be completely exposed to it she will burn to death in a single turn without any roll to safe her.
Should she be only partially exposed to it she has a few seconds to get to safety. The character has to roll a safe against DC 20 each turn with no bonuses to the roll at all. If a partially exposed Vampire is disabled it is assumed that the exposed body parts have burned completely and she will stop to take damage unless she is exposed again.
(In cases then only a very small part like hand is exposed they stop taking damage as soon as they are injured).
Vampires can never use their regenerative power against damage done by sunlight.

Characters can also take following weaknesses from the M&M core book and gain the normal points for them. Characters can only take more than one weakness with the Gm’s approval.
-Berserker (not available for Death-Dealers)
-Disturbing (for Vampires who are older than 500 years only)
-Naïve (only for characters less than 100 years old)
additionally characters can take the following weaknesses:
-Faith: Some religious Vampires believe that they’ve been cursed by god and fear holy symbols, they also will not set foot on holy ground.
-Running Water: Some Vampires feel an irrational fear of running water after their change. They refuse to do so under any circumstances. (only for Vampires less than 100 hundred years old, most learn that it has no effect on them sometime in their life).

On becoming a vampire:
"At first you'll hate it, but soon you'll be too jaded for such hard feelings"
Bastian, Giovanni Chronicles

As dead beings Vampires can not have natural offspring. Instead they can invest some of their own power into a dying human to start his transformation into an undead. The Vampire has to decide this then he starts drinking, instead of absorbing the blood he drains he invests his own energy into it. Then his victim is only moments from death he cuts himself and allows (or forces) the dying human to drink. Of course the victim will die anyway as the blood in his stomach can't replace that in his veins but as soon as he dies the cursed blood begins its work and starts to form an undead predator out of the corpse. This change cab take from a few minutes to a week depending on the amount of changed blood the victim received. From then on blood will always regenerate the body to the state it was first introduced into it. With a few changes that is:
During the short time of true death before the fledgling Vampire wakes up again his body changes for its new purpose, muscles harden, bones grow hard a steel and the eyes mutate so far that they can change to a feline appearance that allows perfect darksight at will. Additionally the blood never regenerates any unneeded body fat, which plays a great role in the fact that most Vampires seem to be good looking and have a nearly flawless pale skin.
The process of changing a humans blood to that of a Vampire is incredibly draining and always leads the creator weakened afterward. It costs a Vampire five power points to turn a human. These points are either paid from any the character has in reserve or drain directly from one or more of his powers to pay for them. Additionally the creator is always considered to be "running dry" afterwards.


First Post

“You have no idea. The pretending races have preyed on humanity since it first left the caves.”
Pangloss, Sunglasses after Dark (Nancy A. Collins)

While Vampires stalk the nights for over a thousand years now there is another hidden species of hunters that is even older than that. The Lycans never wrote down their history but from the sheer amount of tales it would seem they exist for as long as humans and wolves existed in the same climates. And for as long as they can remember they where the top of the food chain, the one predator that even stalked hairless apes that think they rule this planet. Most think they are nothing but savage monsters and in part they are right but they are also a society that existed for uncounted centuries without even a single enemy to threaten them before the first Vampires even existed.
In the past the Lycans tended to travel in packs and snatch away humans wherever they felt like it. That worked fine in the dark ages but in modern times they would be killed faster than you can say “Ultramodern Firearms” should humanity discover their existence. Today the Lycons tend to live near the major cities there they can find enough of their main prey to not attract attention through a few missing persons. Some still roam the countryside as packs but those settle never in one place for more than one or two month. Lycons are still drawn to climates in which real wolves live or at least lived in the past.
The Lycans have an inborn tendency towards savage behaviour and together with the fact that the Vampires have staked lots of the cities as their own territory this has led them to exist mostly at societies underbelly, living on the streets, in the most degenerated areas of town or even in the sewers.
Even though they have become a little more independent in the modern days the werewolves are still pack creatures at heart and most of the time three to five of them will share a single big territory instead of dividing it up into smaller ones. Unlike the Vampires they also have tendency to build a hierarchy among themselves. Each group of 3 to ten Lycans is led by the most powerful among them. In the past they called these pack leaders Claws but that practice has not been used for the last generation and only a few of the eldest living Lycans still insist on the title. Then they meet in bigger numbers the gathering is always led by one of them but that leadership is not dependent on any previous title. Usually the pack leaders take from a few hours to a few days to brag and fight among each other until one finally is respected as the strongest. On the other hand a highly respected and capable Lycan might gain the leadership by sheer force of charisma without any need to fight for it.
The exact number of Lycans is unknown even to themselves. They can reproduce faster than Vampires which is the only thing that saved them once the Vampires started to use modern technology in their battle against them.

Character Creation:
Lycans start at PL 10

Abilities: Standard rules but Lycans MUST have a constitution of at least 10 otherwise they could not have survived the disease.

Skills: These are purchased by the normal rules except for the fact that Lycans gain 2 Skill points for each PP they spent on them.

Feats: Standard Rules

Super-feats: Lycans MUST buy the following super-feats and do not have access to any others except for Power Stunt:

-Immunity: Exhaustion (Lycans can get exhausted but the effort is takes is so high that it will practically never happen. Like real wolves they can run great distances without tiring and their supernatural stamina allows them to go on for days without sleep)

“Though the Lycans where fewer in number, the war itself had become more perilous. For the moon no longer hold her sway. Older, more powerful Lycans where now able to change at will.”

Character MUST buy all these powers at least at level one:

-Leaping (Lycans CAN’T tale any extras or power stunts for this power)
-Natural Weapon (Even while in human form Lycans can extend Fangs and let their fingernails grow to vicious claws. They MUST take the extra “Climbing” and they CAN’T take “Quills”.)
-Regeneration (Lycans MUST take the extra “Regrowth” and the FLAW “Silver (see below)” for this power.)
-Super Constitution
-Super Strength (Lycans CAN’T take any extras or power stunts for this power.)
-Super Senses (Lycans CAN’T take the flaw “Limited” for this power.)

Many Lycans wield the following powers. A character can learn one Common power for each General power she has at least at half her current power level maximum. (So a character with Leap and Super-strength at level 5 or more and all the other at level 4 or less could buy 2 Common powers).
-Combat Sense
-Amazing Safe
-Boost (Lycans MUST take the extra “All Attributes: All physical abilities” and they CAN’T take the extra “Affect others”)
-Super Charisma
-Super Dexterity
-Super Speed (Lycans CAN’T take any power stunts or extras for this power and they MUST take the flaws “Works only while changed” and “Only for physical activities”.)
-Devices (Lycans can take any power from the rulebook as a device as long as they have a suitable explanation for both the device and how they acquired it.)
-Change at will: Unlike other powers this one is not bought in levels. Instead it provides stable powers for a fixed cost. Only Lycans older than a century can take this power. In his changed form the character gains:
Natural Weapon (extra: Climbing) 3
Super Strength 3 (power stunt: Lifting)
Immovability 3
Protection 5
Leaping 2
All the ads from these powers are calculated AFTER any other powers the character might have and they do not count against the power stacking limit. It costs 30 PP to be able to change at will.

Lycans can select the following Weaknesses from the core book A character can have only one weakness.

The full moon:
The moon has always been associated with strange behaviour but nothing humans ever did under its influence compares to the change it causes in the Lycans. In the nights of the full moon a Lycan will transform into a huge, half-wolven, half-human beast. The transformation tends to take place between 23:00 and 0:00. If the Lycon tries to hold it back he may control it for another hour at most but in the end the transformation can not be prevented. The changed Lycon feels a terrible hunger for human flesh and will immediately start to hunt. He will change back into human form as soon as the moon vanishes beyond the horizon. (See the “change at will” power for the stats after the transformation.)

Becoming a Lycan:
“I'm not one of your pedigreed lapdogs, Morgan! I was born in the gutter and raised by the street! And I like raw meat!”
Sonja Blue, In the blood (Nancy A. Collins)

Lycan aren’t natural creatures, in fact they are the victims of a strange and higly contagious disease. Any human bitten by one of them is immediately contaminated. The disease spreads rapidly and no known cure exists. It begins to alter the DNA in only a few days. Most humans dies in that period as their immune system ravages their own body while it rejects the transformed cells (A human must make constitution check against DC20 or die within day of the infection). Should she surive the victim of the bite will transform at the next full moon and from then on be full fledged Lycans.

As living beings Lycans are still capable of bearing children. All these children are born with the disease and even though they do not change until they reach puberty they have all the other Lycan powers. As they learn to control them from birth these Lycans are highly dangerous (Pureborn receive 25 additional PP at character creation) but their weakness to silver is even stronger than in those only infected later in their life (Pureborn are vulnerable to Silver).

Note: Normally a character gains only 10 points from a weakness but since Vampires use silver so often against Lycans this flaw should be far more dangerous than normal.


Lycans are highly allergic to silver and they are unable to regenerate damage done by it while it is still stuck in their bodies. To decide of the silver remains in the body the following rules apply.
(Weapons can only stick if they did damage at all)
-Then dealing damage to a Lycan with a silver close combat weapon the attacker can decide to leave the weapon there it is. Of course that means that the attacker can no longer use the weapon.
-Then a Lycan is hit by a silver arrow or crossbow bolt it sticks automatically if it deals damage.
-Bullets roll on the following table to see if they are stuck:
d20 roll:
10 or less: the bullet is remains lodged in the Lycan
11 or more: the bullet passes through the Lycan and causes only normal damage
the roll can be modified as by the following table:
short range hit: +4
medium range hit: +-0
long range hit: -4
for every point of strength the projectile has above 4: +1

Silver poisoning: As long as silver remains in a Lycans body it will cause an allergic reaction. At the start of each turn the character has to roll as if he had been hit by an attack with a strength equal to the number of silver items stuck in him. (So Vampires sometimes empty their magazines into Lycans just to be sure).

Pushing it out: With an act of will a Lycan can bring his body to push out any silver in him. He has to declare this as his action and concentrate for a number of turns equal to the objects he wants to push out. Each turn one bullet (or whatever..) is pushed out. The whole process counts as extra effort (it doesn’t matter how many bullets the character wants to push out as long as he does it all at once without doing anything else in between).
In case of a sword, a shuriken or an arrow the Lycan can just pull it out but this uses the same rules (it hurts a lot).


First Post
New Rules
Sunlight, harnessed as a weapon!

-Weapon Powerstunt: Silver
By buying this powerstunt any weapon is considered to either consist of silver or have silver projectiles.

-Weapon Extra: UV radiating fluids
Recently there have been disturburbing rumours about new projectiles used by Lycans in the US. These hollow bullets are filled with some kind of UV radiating fluid that burns a Vampire from within once the tip of the projectile breaks within his body. Thankfully the fluids loose their potency after a few seconds.
Vampires count as vulnerable to these bullets.
Projectiles filled with UV raditating fluids are very fragile and can not be used in autofire weapons.

Other weapons: Quicksilver filled bullets, UV spotlights and stuff like that can all be invewnted as devices of someone has a nice idea. The powers from the book should provide enough material to think of high tech devices that can be used in the war. Again, both sides can have any power from the rulebook as a device with an appropriate background.
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Comte Corentin Bellange (Comte means 'Count' in French)

Born into low nobility in the old province of Roussillion in the 1400's, into a Catholic home, Corentin was named for a 5th century saint. His father always intended Corentin to take over the title and lands of the family, which were a small county in Roussillion, owing fealty, through a line of higher nobles, to Charles VII of France. When his father died, Corentin naturally stepped into the role of Count of Roussillion. The years of schooling, training, and indoctrination into the French nobility had done him well; he had grown to a be fine huntsman, a cultured gentleman, and a shrew handler of business, protecting his lands from vagrants and the wilder animals of the countryside, all the while maintaining and increasing the holdings of the family and his serfs.

This penchant for the hunt brought Corentin directly into conflict with the Lycans at an early age; a pack of large wolves began to terrorize his serfs, carrying off livestock, poaching in the king's forests, and even going so far as to attack several people. Through patience and careful planning, Corentin was able to muster a small band of assistants, track the wolves, and engage the pack. His men suffered heavy casualties, however, because their weapons proved of limited use against the massive beasts. Had it not been for the intervention of a group of Death Dealers who had also been tracking the pack, Corentin, along with a handful of his men, would not have survived. However, the Death Dealers had also suffered casualties...

They brought Corentin into darkness that night, with the promise of the hunt -- the thrill of hunting this manner of beast, forever, was simply too much for Corentin to pass up. He returned to his home, bequethed his title in name and lands to his brother, taking only a small sum of money with him at the time of his departure.

Through the centuries, Corentin would hunt the Lycans by night, always in the fore, leading the way. In the day, and when the hunt was scarce, he would manage his affairs, working his money into a vast fortune through the rise and fall of countries, and then, in the more recent days, into companies, stocks, futures, commodities... such that the money now manages itself, through a network of accounts and reputable brokerages.

However, 600 years can take its toll. Approximately 200 years ago, Corentin discovered he had grown incredibly allergic to silver, which was regularly used by Death Dealers to hunt Lycans; he has attempted to keep this secret, and has thus far been mostly successful. Also, in the past few decades, Corentin has begun to develop an urge to slumber, like the Elders, which he may soon do to relieve his weariness. Alongside this urge, however, has come the development of more mystical abilities -- powers which Corentin does not yet completely understand. He has begun to develop an acute sixth sense in combat, as well as a weak sort of mental command. These powers, while beneficial, frighten Corentin, as they mark a new chapter in his transendence from mortal to immortal.

Str 16 +6
Dex 14 +4
Con 14 +2
Int 12 +1
Wis 14 +2
Cha 14 +3

Speed: 40/80/160
Initiative: +8

Damage +2
Fort +2
Ref +4
Will +3

Base Attack 4
Unarmed +10
Melee (Weapon) +11 (Damage Bonus +11L)
Ranged +8
Mental +6

Base Defense 4
Defense 18
Flat Footed 14
Mental 16

Attack Focus (Armed)
Immunity: Aging/Critical Hits/Disease/Poison/Suffocation
Improved Initiative
Independent Income
Instant Stand
Quick Draw
Wealth x4

Acrobatics 4/+8
Balance 4/+8
Climb 4/+10
Craft (weaponsmithing) 8/+9
Computers 3/+4
Diplomacy 6/+8
Drive 1/+4
Hide 4/+8
Knowledge (History) 7/+8
Knowledge (Occult) 6/+7
Language (English)
Language (French - Native)
Language (German)
Listen 4/+6
Move Silently 4/+8
Profession (Banker) 3/+5
Ride 4/+8
Search 4/+5
Spot 4/+6

-Clinging 2
-Combat Sense 4
-Immovability 1
-Leaping 5
EXTRA Bouncing
-Mind Control 2
EXTRA Mind Blank
FLAW Restricted: Gaze
-Natural Weapon 1
-Regeneration 5
EXTRA Regrowth, Back from the Brink
FLAW Blood Dependent, Ineffective: Sunlight
-Running 2
-Super-Charisma 1
-Super-Dexterity 2
-Super-Strength 3
-Weapon (Sword) 5

Abilities: 24
Attack: 12
Defense: 8
Feats: 32
Skills: 18
Powers: 66
Weakness: -10
Total: 150

Vulnerable -- Silver (no bonuses to damage saves against silver weapons, injected silver acts as a potent lethal direct damage and physical ability damaging poison to which he is not immune and gains no assistance from his Regeneration against, thus is "heals" normally).


First Post
Anthony Kane; PL 10

Ability Scores:
str 12 (+2), dex 20 (+6), con 12 (+1), int 14 (+2), wis 14 (+2), cha 16 (+4)

Attack Bonus: +6 (+2 melee, +6 ranged)
Defense: 23 (16 flat-footed)
Saving Throws: Damage +1 (+6 with armour, +11 when attack can be dodged), Fort +1, Reflex +6, Will +2
Hero Points: 5
Init: +10
Movement: 40'
Climb: 20'

acrobatics +13/5
balance +13/5
craft (munitions) +7/5
diplomacy +14/5
drive +11/5
escape artist +11/5
forgery +7/5
gather information +11/5
intimidate +12/5
jump +9/5
listen +7/5
science (psychology) +7/5
search +7/5
sense motive +8/5
spot +7/5
swim +7/5

Improved Initiative
Photographic Memory
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Super Feats:
Immunity: Aging/Critical Hits/Disease/Poison/Suffocation

Power Stunts:
Silver Bullets

Clinging 4
Immovable 1
Leaping (bouncing) 2
Natural Weapon 1
Regeneration (regrowth, resurrection, blood dependant, ineffective/sunlight) 4
Running 2
Super-Charisma 1
Super-Dexterity 1
Super-Strength 1


assault rifle (g36c with folding stock)
bulletproof vest

Oddly enough, Anthony's pale complexion and lean build were not acquired by becoming a vampire, they were merely emphasised to create an exageration of his former appearance. He has dull blue eyes, not far from being called grey, and short black hair which he likes to keep gelled.

Fairly average in height, his tastes in clothing are not unlike most vampires. He is conservative, and favours dark, sombre colours, and full length clothing. His usual choice of attire involves dark jeans, combat boots, turtleneck (covering a bullet-proof vest) and an ankle-length trenchcoat under which he keeps a g36c with its stock folded to reduce its size.

Above average in appearance and 'blessed' you might say with the unnatural charisma of vampires, Anthony can be a very convincing person when this is used in conjunction with his detective skills. This ability is often cast into shadow though by his amazing agility. Even before he was a vampire he was respectably dexterous, after becoming one though he resembled characters out of 'The Matrix' with the way he moved and dodged attacks.

Such ability was rarely called for though as his job was primarily the investigation of unexplained vampire deaths, which he was very good at.

"Our bodies are dead, which makes us immune to normal afflictions, but our minds are still very much alive, making us just as - even if not more so - susceptible to mental illness as mortals."

Anthony Kane hasn't been a vampire for very long, approximately four years in fact, Kane isn't his real last name either. Before we get into that though he led what he thought was a fulfilling and productive life before becoming a vampire, and he led it far, far away from Western Europe, in Australia in fact.

Anthony Felhurst's childhood was uneventful, but had a looming element of Christianity imposed by his mother, and though Anthony became convinced of the existence of God, he was never one to believe the omni-present being was totally on his side.

Primary school was followed by high school, he did well academically, and went on to earn a degree in psychology at university. This seemed to mesh well with the natural empathy he had for people. Much to his parents' dismay though he opted for a job with the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (equivalent of the FBI), and after some hard work, became a detective.

Australia being Australia, Anthony didn't get as many cases as he hoped he would, realizing this is a good thing though, he decided he had more time to prepare for when cases did show up. He learnt his way around small arms pretty darn well, even started making his own ammunition, and spent a lot of time brushing up on his people skills and anything else that he thought that would aid him in investigations.

A few years went by, and the year 1999 rolled into occurrence, and with the new year came Anthony's biggest, and strangest, case. He had amassed some experience by this time, so when he walked into the crime scene and started trying to add up what he could, it didn't really add up to much of anything. A politician and his entire family had been killed, in their homes, while they slept, for reasons unknown. ASIO was called in because it was a politician, and that was their domain.

Within the following few days Anthony had added up what he could ascertain from the crime scene. What Anthony first thought to be four cases of slashed throats from the bruising about the throat turned out to be three cases of strangulation and a death by vampire style blood drainage poorly disguised with a slashed throat, the politician. Questioning neighbours revealed little, save for an old woman telling Anthony about how she heard a vacuum cleaner going in the victims' premises at about 3am, which turned out to be definitely after the lab's predicted times of death. No one saw anyone enter or leave.

The only other clues at the scene were the prints on the vacuum cleaner, but even though the machine was quite heavy the suspect only used it with one hand, the prints weren't in the national database either, and skin cells under the finger nails of the wife, suggesting there may have been a struggle, but the lab said the skin cells had been dead for a considerable amount of time, far longer than they'd been under her nails. Anthony was clueless, and where the clues pointed seemed far-fetched, even ridiculous, but he couldn't deny that's where they directed his thinking. Within a week since the murders he had earned the nickname 'Vampire Hunter'.

The politician was a minor player in Immigration, and though he was a politician, he hadn't had any enemies who could be considered capable of the crime and he was never implicated in anything illegal or immoral. He searched the politician's office, and found something in a waste-paper basket. A written proposal to the politician saying that he would be owed a great favour if he could allow a certain person into the country discreetly. The note wasn't signed. After some research the person turned out to be a close relation to a leader in organized crime in Sydney. He brought in a list of possible suspects for questioning, known thugs, the illegal immigrant, but most of them seemed to know nothing, except for the illegal immigrant who decided to spill the beans on how he got into the country in order to get a deal. It certainly involved the politician, but other than that, it appeared there was no intention of killing him. And so the trail was lost, and Anthony's superiors started pressuring him to just blame it on one of the organized crime thugs, just so ASIO wouldn't lose face.

Something dawned on Anthony while he was going back over the evidence. What if the politician wasn't the target? That note was certainly easy to find, and normally Anthony was accustomed to such documents being destroyed, maybe it was placed there intentionally. Also, the death of a politician would certainly attract the attention of ASIO, and the first thing they'd assume is that the intended target was the politician, Anthony certainly did. What if what was done to the politician was merely to draw attention away from other members of the family? Anthony thought it through, but he wasn't certain about what he was looking for anymore.

The wife was a ranking officer in Customs, so that’s where he decided to look. He went through lists of recent things seized, looking for something even vaguely suspicious. Eventually he came across a coffin, occupied by a deceased person, closed but apparently unsealed (for an upcoming open-casket funeral), and left in one of Customs' large freezers. It was certainly a long shot, but Anthony was quite suspicious about it, and though Customs were puzzled he was able to inspect the coffin unchallenged as they were unable to contact the people who were expected to pick it up.

In truth, he only did this satisfy his own curiosity and to put his suspicions to rest. He walked into the freezer, and spent a minute locating the coffin calmly. He was shivering by the time he found it, and was surprised to see it wasn't wrapped in anything to protect the seemingly expensive wood from the cold. His hand shivered more as he hesitantly went to open the lid...

...and found nothing within. No body. He was startled, and confused. He didn't know what this meant. There was supposed to be either a dead person or a sleeping vampire there. What exactly had he found here? His erratic thoughts were interrupted by a slow clapping. A pale woman was standing but a few meters away, dressed in formal attire and looking at him smugly.

"You know, I promised that woman money, but she rejected it, demanding that I give her eternal life," she said, and leaned against one of the shelves, "And I'll be desperate indeed before I actually grant that someone in exchange for a favour."

Anthony noticed no mist left her mouth as she spoke. He was getting quite cold, and he was shivering even more now.

"You're a-a...?" he stammered, partly from the cold, partly from surprise.

"Yes," she replied quickly.

"B-but it's daytime," he said.

"No sunlight in here," she chuckles, and spreads her arms to indicate around her, "So, should I call you officer or agent? I don't know much about your organization."

"D-detect-tive," Anthony draws his pistol from under his coat, the cold ruining his aim.

She laughs, her body unaffected by the cold.

"That w-won't w-work," she says, faking a shiver, "You should know the basics, right?"

"...u-under ar-rest..." Anthony stutters at length.

"What? During the day? Its a death sentence for me to leave here, and I don't believe your country has them. You couldn't force me to anyway," she says arrogantly, then notices Anthony's current state, "My goodness, you mortals aren't affected by cold well are you? I'll just speed this along then. When I left I told the others I'd send someone back in my place who would be useful for them. You, sir, or detective rather, have the opportunity to be that someone. I believe by tracking me down you've earned it. Well, either you can accept my offer or die from the cold because I closed the door in and you can't open it up in your current state."

Anthony did the only thing he could, and accepted the offer, nodding weakling, barely standing.

"...b-but w-why... did..." he starts.

"Why did I leave? A story for another time. My name's Lara by the way" she says, and without waiting for a reply, appears behind him suddenly and sinks her fangs into his neck.

When someone came to check on Anthony, seeing as he didn't come back, they couldn't find him and assumed he had left already. Lara had put him into her coffin, and was lingering around invisible.

Afterwards, through Lara's contacts, he was sent to Western Europe, and he started using the last name of Kane instead of Felhurst. He was given the job of investigating any unexplained deaths of vampires, though that never stopped him from using his knowledge of small arms and ammunition in the war against the Lycans.

Obviously Anthony's disappearance caused a ruckus in intelligence circles, sparking an investigation which didn't get any definite results in the end, by now he's presumed dead.

Lara hasn't told him why she left, nor has anyone else told him yet, so he waits patiently for that, knowing that he can wait effectively forever for it if the need arose.
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