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Knightfall's World of Kulan Campaign Maps (Updated: July 2022)


World of Kulan DM

Home to a strange race of red-skinned, four-armed humanoids known as the Jiltan.

Thenin: Capitial City of the Republic of the Thorn.

The Accursed Mire: Controlled by powerful undead from the Ruins of Hathenmoor.

Savanna of the Sun: The traditional homeland of the rakasta on Harqual.

Lilliputian Jungle: Filled with jungle-like fey races. (Named in homage to Gulliver's Travels.)

Fachion Islands: Mainly a wild place filled with bullwugs and lizardfolk. Many isolated, human clans on the Isle of Ochel. City of Kaaluntor is a city detailed somewhat in the L&L Seafarer's Hanbook by Fantasy Flight Games.

Thenin Peninsula.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
Varan Peninsula.jpg

VARAN PENINSULA: This area of the Lands of Harqual isn't as developed as other regions in the Far South, but its getting there. In the past, only the City-state of Zafira had any real backgroud to it. Most of it was highly secretive, but, in truth, Zafira remains an enigma to those beyond its walls.

What is known about the Varan Peninsula is it home to a lot of halflings. You could even call it the halfling peninsula.

Seriously though, this region is home to a much more diverse population than just halflings, even though they do dominate many of the cities and lands located on the more eastern half of the peninsula. Basically, the area known as the Shuntlands, which stretches from the eastern edge of the Kail Mountains to the western edge of the Domain of Varan, is the peninsula's major dividing line.

If you drew a line through The White Desert from the City-state of Saifox to the City-state of Tulsax it would show the division of politics and racial makeup in the region. The western lands are known for being more wild and vicious in their dealings with outsiders, while the lands surrounding the Halaian Mountains are more civilized.

Both Siafox and Tulsax fall on the less amiable side (and are dominated by evil humanoids), while the City-state of Sariae, near Lake Osebye has its own unique outlook, due to its special circumstance. (It is a "Transformation" city.) Zafira, of course, is considered a civilized place but with a dark, fearful edge due to its history and supposed connection with the undead and the Cursed.

Other independent city-states on the Varan Peninsula include Salubia, Sivendul, and Ulderul. These city-states guard their independence fiercely even when threatened by the humanoids of Siafox and Tulsax, as well as the denizens of The Myriad Holds.

The two major powers on the Varan Peninsula are the Kingdom of Halaian and the Domain of Varan. The Kingdom of Halaian, named after the mountain range of the same name, is a relatively new land, barely a 100 years old, while the Domain of Varan has existed on the peninsula for nearly as long as civilization has existed in the Far South (a long time). (In fact, no one is sure which "Varan" was named first, the peninsula or the domain.)

What is known about the two lands is that the Domain of Varan is dominated by (lightfoot) halflings and elves, while the Kingdom of Halaian is dominated by the Torin and (rockwood) gnomes. Both lands also have significant populations of kitt, rakasta, and other non-humans native to the Far South.

Humans are very rare in this region.

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World of Kulan DM
SAVANNA OF THE MIST REGION: This region is home to many communities of halflings, rakasta, and Torin dwarves. However, the region around Relaini City has a good number of humans living there.

The Savanna of the Mist is another traditional homeland of the rakasta, although it isn't as wild as the Savanna of the Sun near the edge of the Thenin Peninsula.

The City of Selquin, also known as The Traders' City, has the highest ratio of humans in this region.

The cities around Lake Osebye are allied together, although both the City of Anaree and the City of Sariae are not part of this alliance. Those two cities are allied together, along with a few smaller communities. (They are Transformation cities.)

This map also delves deeper into the the forested mountain range known as the Hinderfall Mountains. (The forest and mountains aren't really a part of this region, but I learned, when mapping with CC2, to not be too concerned about hitting the borders of regions dead on. It's too much of a headache to be that precise.)

The Hinderfall Mountains and the forest that surrounds it, known as Heverkent, is a haven for the last true gnome civilization on Harqual. These rockwood gnomes are fun-loving but also a little insular. Surprisingly, there are no high or hill dwarves anywhere in the Far South, so the gnomes have the mountains and forest to themselves, for the most part.

However, the Torin dwarves of the Far South are trying to recapture their mountain heritage and are slowly moving into the mountain range. The two oldest settlements, with Torin dwarf residents, are Thunderwall and Highwall (not on this map - see the Thenin Peninsula regional map). Those two cities are by no means exclusive to Torin dwarves, as both rockwood gnomes and halflings live there too.

Beyond the shores of Relaini Bay are the Nesin Islands (not including Thyer). The communities on these islands are home to orc and pirate holds. Called the Ferine Islands of Nesin or The Myriad Holds, the residents of these islands live a life of anarchy. Lots of adventure but not much security. The pirates of these islands would consider the citizens of the City of Freeport to be pansies. Luckily the two regions aren't even close to each other so "true conflict" is unlikely.

The last noticable feature on this map are the Kail Mountains. I'm not sure what I want to dominate the mountain range, although I'm working on it, slowly.

Whew, that enough writing for now. I'm off to map some more.


Savanna of the Mist Region.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
OVERVIEW OF THE EXPANSE: Not to much to say about this map. Umm, let's see...

The Patron Mountains is home to dragonnes and Lord Chaeon, the Patron the Desert Elves. Of course, the Great Expanse is the home of said desert elves.

Mainly I redid this map to flesh out the region called the Tullelands, as well as the edge of the Hinderfall Mountains. The Elevated City of Hillgate is an important rockwood gnome city due to its strategic value, as well as allowing the rockwood gnomes to trade with the t'skrang river traders who make the effort to come to Hillgate at least twice a season.

The Tullelands is where Tulle, The North God of Rivers died during the Divinity War, more than a thousand years ago. His death has mage this region a chaotic place where streams and rivers have been known to flow backwards or even spawn Water and River Elementals. (A river elemental is like a water elemental but with bits of earth and river fish floating through it plus it is somewhat intelligent.)



Expanse Overview.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
THE THUNDER LANDS: The region known as the Thunder Lands grew out of the original adventuring of my 2E group. The adventurers passed through this region on their way to the Far South, which made me think more about what I wanted this region to be about.

I decided that I wanted to go for a group of "independant" kingdoms and city-states that are less inclined to work together than, say, the lands of the Eastern Shores. (Not that those lands are as tightly "allied" as they use to be.) :)

There are some exceptions, as the lands surrounding the Thunder Mountains (the east map) have a common foe in the mountain orcs of the Black Kingdom. The Barony of Liran, the Free City of Yuln, and the Freeholds of the Strand have been battling the mountains orcs living in the Thunder Mountains for as long as anyone can remember.

Since The Transformation, another city exists in this region. Tschaja, the City of the Kha, is a strange city that exists on bamboo stilts and is home to a race of birdmen originally from a world known as Sio. The "Kha" are a race of warriors and their original home is a "no magic" world without Gods. They find the idea of magic and Gods strange but fascinating.

The Black Kingdom of the Thunder Orcs and the Barony of Liran are loosely based on the D&D module "The Silver Key". The orcs of the Black Kingdom are said to breed like rabbits and are as vicious as worgs.

The map of the western half of the Thunder Lands is dominated by the Kul Moren Mountains and the lands surrounding it. The Independant Domain of Anoria, The Free City of Caloric, The Barony of Calot, The Dominion of Cauldron, Fortress Mountain, and the City-state of Flamerule.

Anoria is based on the EN World City Project that once dominated the "Rogues Gallery Forum" here on EN World, while Cauldron City is taken right out of the DUNGEON Shackled City Adventure Path, twisted for the Lands of Harqual.

The City-state of Flamerule and the Hather Plains grew out of my imagination, after my 2E players traveled through this region, into the desert known as The Great Expanse, and into the (pre-"Transformation") lands of the Nebral Peninsula of the Far South.

The Hather Plains is to the western Thunder Lands what the Black Kingdom is to the eastern Thunder Lands. It is a land where evil rules and slavery is the major import/export.

Calot is a young land that just gained the recognition of self-rule. It it strongly allied with Minar to the northeast. It is a pastoral land dominated by humans, halflings, elves, and kitts.

Caloric, known as The Border City and Traders' Way, is known for its mercantile culture. Caloric is also known for its neutrality, and its leaders rarely become involved in the "conflicts" of the other lands and city-states of the Thunder Lands.

The other major power base in this region is Fortress Mountain, also known as The Mountain Fortress of the Du’gar. This great peak is home to several clans of duergar driven out of the Underearth by the morlocks that dominate the subterranean lands of the World of Kulan.

The duergar have a tentative alliance with several warbands of mountain orcs that originate from Fortress Mountain and the Kul Moren Mountains.

The other lands show on these two maps are part of different regions. Izmer and the Verdalf Forest are part of the Verdalf Forest Region, while Minar is part of the Lake Qualitian Region.


The Thunder Lands (west).jpg

The Thunder Lands (east).jpg
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World of Kulan DM
HEVERKENT REGION: Whew, it took me most of today to put this one together, but it's finally finished. This is a full overview of the Heverkent Region. This includes the gnome lands within the Hinderfall Mountains and Heverkent Forest, known as The Realm of the Little Trees and The Living Timber, repectively.

Also, here are the Hordelands, Outer Forest and the Timber Coast.

The Hordelands, also known as The Domain of the Horde, is ruled by a council of men and women from several of the races of the Far South. These rulers are known as the Lords of the Horde, with history that stretches back to several southern barbarian tribes. Now, nearly a thousand years later, they have become civilized but still pay homage to certain barbarian traditions.

The Outer Forest is made up of a patchwork of independent communities trying to hold back the worst of the logging done by the dozens of "urban" cities whitling away at the edge of the Heverkent Forest. Also known as The Packlands, due to the migratory nature of most of those living within the treeline, this region is home to countless races both humanoid and fey. The constant threat of logging has made strange allies of the rangers, druids, orcs, gnomes, fey races, and halflings who call the forest home.

Worst of the regions that constantly cut down trees for profit and shipbuilding is The Timber Coast. Six cities pay homage to the City of Cutte, which means "Fallen Trees" in an archaic language rarely spoken anywhere beyond the walls of the City of Cutte. The citizens of these cities, as well as the hundreds of small communities that call upon them for protection, see the forest as a resource to be exploited at any cost. Hundreds of thousands of acres have been cut down to make room for vineyards and cotton plantations. Besides the Domains of the Horde and the Republic of the Thorn (to the east), the Timber Coast has the largest standing army in the Far South.

The last place of interest on this map is the City of Adabrilia.

Once the thriving metropolis of the Far South, Adabrilia is now a ghost. Its streets are deserted and a touch of magic hangs in the air. When The Transformation ended so did the citizens of Adabrilia. Entire families and noble houses gone with the fog. Whether they were killed of transported to another plane of existence, no one knows. And only the foolhardy enter Adabrilia and try to find out.

Most don’t return but those that have come back tell tales of seeing people at the edge of their sight reaching out to them in horror then fading from sight as one turns to get a better view of them. Beyond these "ghosts", Adabrilia is home to only dangerous monsters and wild creatures. Only creatures with an Intelligence score of 5 or less can be found stalking the streets of Adabrilia. Surprisingly, this also keeps most intelligent undead out of the city as well. There are rumors of an insane vampire living in Adabrilia but none have ever seen this evil creature.



Heverkent Region.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
LAKE QUALITIAN REGION: This region is one of the original maps that I did in Campaign Cartographer 2. It mainly shows the Duchy of Minar, the Sunus Mountains, and most of Lake Qualitian.

And while Minar is the main focus of this map it isn't the only political force in this region. The most powerful group of individuals in this region are the arcanists of Mathghamhna, which lies on a island chain in the center of Lake Qualitian.

The arcanists are led by a man named Japheth Arcane and Mathghamhna was originally located in the Kingdom of Thallin. The recent upheaval in that kingdom and its decent into evil sent many scrambling to leave the kingdom. The arcanists of Mathghamhna banded together and transported their home here, away from Thallin.

The arcanists have allied themselves with other outcasts of Thallin and the Knotwood. A town has sprung up near the Tower of Mathghamhna and several other towns and villages, have sprung up on several adjacent islands. The arcanists rule this new land, which is called The Domain of the Arcane Alliance. They are currently seeking a safe way to raise up more islands in the lake without damaging the surrounding flora and fauna.

Another improtant land on this map is the region known as The Qualitian Belt Protectorate, or simply The Belt. While arcanists rule Mathghamhna, it is Minar's merchants and farming industry that rule the Belt. This area, which sits on a small peninsula on the northern shore of Lake Qualitian, is famous for its ability to grow the finest grains in all the Eastern Shores. All the kingdoms in (and some from beyond) the Eastern Shores prefer to get grain from the Belt.

Minar and the Treaty of Nest Lake protects the Belt from being annexed by any of the other members of the Eastern Council. This gives this small rural land considerable protection and political uniqueness, regardless of its small size. Foreign nobles and merchants bid each year for the Belt's finest crops each year. Even Minar must pay a stipend to The Belt for the finest of the land's wheat.

The Sunus Mountains are important in this region due to the humanoids living within them. The northern half of the mountain range is dominated by bugbears, in particular the Sunus Bugbear Tribe, which is the largest tribe of humaoinds living anywhere in the mountain range. The bugbears eye the lands of Minar and the Barony of Wolffire, to the east, with avarice and hate.

The southern half of the mountain range is dominated by a much different group of humanoids. The Ee’aar Clans are a race of winged elves who have remained isolated from the rest of the Lake Qualitian Region for hundreds of years. They are only just now becoming known in Minar and Wolffire.

In the past, the ee'aar have managed to always stay one step ahead of the bugbear tribes, but now they have become hard pressed. This has forced them to form alliances with outsiders and even invite some of these outsiders to live with them, as full members of their clan system. The most notable, forest elves, hairfoot halflings, the kha, and even some "better" humans they have come to respect. Their strongest allies are Wolffire, the Highborn Lands, and the "Transformation" city known as Tschaja.

Also on this map are parts of the Knotwood, the Highlands, the Highborn Lands, and the Barony of Wolffire.

Lake Qualitian Region.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
A different style of overview


The Great Forest of Harqual. This expansive forest stretches from the southern edge of the Greystone Mountains to the northern shore of Lake Qualitian. In between are the traditional homelands of the silver and forest elves of Harqual.

The Kingdom of the Silver Leaves is the primary homeland of the silver elves. This kingdom dominates the Great Forest on the northern and western side of Lake Silverleaf, which is also considered silver elf territory. In truth, the lake isn't controlled by the elves in-so-much as it is protected by them. The kingdom's ruler, the High One of the Silver Leaves, is a veteran of both ogre wars. Menkhar Silversun (NG male silver elf, sorcerer 8/ranger 8/wild soul 10) is a hero to his people and one of the most famous elves on the continent.

Far to the south of Silverleaf is the fallen homeland of the forest elves. This region, until recently, has always been known as the Knotwood. It included all the forested lands south of the Deep Hold Hills. Woodknot was the capitial city and the forest elves preferred to keep to themselves. However, as more and more of their youngsters chose to explore the wider world, the Elders of the Knotwood felt that their way of life was in danger of being lost. They called a retreat into the lands surrounding Lake Knot and forbid their people from leaving the forest.

This forced isolation turned out to be a huge mistake. A power hungry wizard (some believe he was actually a warlock) took it upon himself to attempt a coup. He cast several vile spells that warped him and his apprentices. The corrupted magic he used broke his mind; he tried to summon a demon to do his bidding. The spell backfired and the demon tried to take over his soul. The end result was a dark merging that created a new fey'ri demon lord. This being used its new powers to corrupt the Knotwood with vile magicks unspoken on Harqual since the days of the demigod Sword Emperors.

The resulting corruption twisted the Knotwood and dozens of forest elf clans. These twisted mockeries of elven life would become known as blood elves. The few forest elves that fled the region to avoid being transformed ventually made their wy to the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves. Many of them remain in Silverleaf to this day, exiles of a despoiled homeland that they can never hope to reclaim. Others have found solace in the Wild Treelands amongst the silver 'wilds' and feytouched that dominate that region. A bold few have settled in the Lands of the Loch Folk and seek to bloody the blood elves and demons of the Blood Elf Lands.

The Lands of the Loch Folk is a wild place that makes the Wild Treelands seem tame. The region is full of powerful fey creatures of all sorts and can be considered to be The Faerie Realm manifest on Harqual. Powerful sidhe lords rule this region and even the blood elves fear the power of the denizens of this forested fey dominion. There isn't any peace between the two regions but there is a cold respect that exists.

On the edge of this region is Caer Amylinyon. This swamp is filled with trolls, hags, and worse. Once, long ago, Amylinyon was the fabled land of the gray elves. It is said that the kingdom was destroyed sometime during the Black Wars, and that the gray elves were betrayed by one of their own. Now, this region spawns half-troll monstrosities, half-fey beasts of legend, and all kinds of ogrekin. Many believe there is an open portal to an insideous plane of existance that continues to spew out new forms of monstrous life.

The citizens of Rivenwood (and the rest of the Eastern Shores) live in constant fear of the Caer and its denizens. It is rumored that the blood elves have taken an interest in locating the lost capitial city of Amylinyon, which foes not bode well for anyone living on either side of the twisted swampland.

Overview of the Great Forest.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
Anthmoor Region

Filling in some empty posts with several revised maps. This one is of the ANTHMOOR REGION, which show the extreme southern part of the Storm Peninsula. This regions is dominated by the City of Anthmoor, which is the captial of the land known as The Storm Domain.

This map also details parts of several surrounding lands including The Tabaxi Sovereignty, The Despotism of Viwe, and The Owelga Dominion. These three lands are filled with vicious humanoids, violent headhunters, and tyrannical rulers.

Anthmoor Region.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
Islands of the Navir

This map was initially named after the kingdom that completely dominates Calla Island. Yet, as time went on and the map became more detailed, it soon evolved past just being about the Kingdom of Navirosov. (Note: I have renamed it again since this post. - KF)

Navirosov is still the focal point of the map but it also shows the island's position in relation to Harqual's coastline and to The Free Lands of Arkhangel, in particular. As well, the island chain known as Honored Islands of the Light, or The Kingdom of Jalivier's Honor, has its own political identity now, which is to say when I originally designed Calla Island, and the adjacent island chain, they were all part of Navirosov.

As for the Kingdom of Navirosov, the kingdom is best described as a land devoted to law and good. It is the only land that has left the alliance of the lands of the Eastern Shores without bloodshed. That says a lot about its paladin ruler, Sir Jacard Winternight, and his sky knights, which are greatly respected by the citizens of eastern lands of the continent. Navirosov still has good relations with most of the "good-hearted" lands of the Eastern Shores, especially the Duchy of Minar and the Barony of Wolffire.


Islands of the Navir.jpg

Map has been updated but colours need to be altered and scale needs to be changed.
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