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WHO'S WHO in "VILLAINOUS - the Mighty Marvel Minions"

Kevin Perrine

First Post
the Mighty Marvel Minions

This thread is for PC and NPC information from our PbP M&M game, VILLAINOUS. See below for relevant links.

To our cast of players: Feel free to post a character picture, and character stats, for your main character and your alternates. Please do so in the same post to compile YOUR player characters.

In-Game Story | Out of Character | Rogue's Gallery

Important NPCs to Date
will be noted here as the game continues...



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Hand of Vecna

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Here is my final version of Madcap.

Madcap (Unrevealed), PL 9 (135 points)

Height 5'9", Weight 145 lbs., Eyes Blue, Hair Brown.
Quote: "I can do things the Comics Code not only wouldn't approve, but wouldn't put in a birdcage!" (said while amputating own leg with a circular saw, just for the heck of it)
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 18 [6+4+8+0+8+8=34pp]
Villain Points: 5
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Defense: 16 (10, +4 Base, +2 Dex) [8pp]
Mental Defense: 18 (10, +4 Base, +4 Wis)
Speed: 30 feet
Melee Attack: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Str) [12pp]
Ranged Attack: +6 (+4 Base, +2 Dex)
Mental Attack: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Wis)
Damage: Unarmed Punch +3S
Saves: Dmg +6, Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
* Acrobatics +5 (3r, +2 Dex)
* Bluff +7 (3r, +4 Cha)
* Disguise +7 (3r, +4 Cha)
* Jump +4 (1r, +3 Str)
* Perform (acting, dance, sing) +7 (3r, +4 Cha)
* Taunt +7 (3r, +4 Cha)
[16 skill ranks = 8 pp]
Feats: Rapid Healing, Toughness. [4pp]
Super-Feats: Durability. [2pp]
Powers: [9+63 = 72pp]
* Mind Control 9 Madcap has the ability to psionically stimulate the inhibition centers in other human beings' brains. By stimulating them, he can cause other people to act in a generally capricious, euphoric, foolish, uninhibited, outlandish, reckless manner. He cannot control the type of behavior his subjects will exhibit -- that is dictated by the subjects' own psyches, but can lead to people tap-dancing on the off-ramp of an interstate or playing bullfighter with their red cape on a highway. A person must establish eye contact with Madcap in order for him to affect his or her brain, though many people can be affected at once if they were all to make eye contact with him. It is not known precisely how long a person will be prone to aberrant behavior from a single stimulation; this may be determined by the individual's psyche and normal inhibition level. Madcap's victims have been observed to act crazily for fifteen minutes to a half hour after a single stimulation. If Madcap were to repeatedly stimulate someone before the effect of the first stimulation wore off, he could keep them acting crazily indefinitely. [Extra: Area (45 foot radius); Flaws: Limited-One Command (“Act Absurd“), Restricted-Gaze; Source: Psionic; Cost: 1pp; Total: 9pp]
* Regeneration 9 Madcap possesses the superhuman ability to rapidly heal his own wounds of the flesh, bone, and tissue. The full extent of this capacity is not known. Madcap has been observed to mend broken bones rapidly, expel bullets lodged in him, and recover from a variety of lacerations and puncture wounds. He can regrow limbs (he occasionally hacks his own limbs off just for the heck of it), and it appears that he cannot be permanently killed (he’s been beaten to death many times, only to come back to life; burning his body completely to ashes and spreading the ashes over a wide enough area might permanently kill him). The only thing it appears that he cannot heal is the damage done to most of his body's nerve endings that results in his inability to perceive pain (the extent of his tactile sensations is unknown). Madcap’s boundless life-force is not diminished in the least after a resurrection, nor has any form of physical injury been found that he cannot resurrect from. Baths in concentrated acids or liquid nitrogen, placing his tongue on exposed power lines, falls from any height, being set on fire, strolling through a high-rad zone -- none of these do any lasting harm to him. [Extras: Immunity (Chemical, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Gravity, Kinetic, Pain, Radiation, and Sonic), Regrowth, Resurrection, True Resurrection; Source: Mutation; Cost: 7pp; Total: 63pp]
* Fun Gun This is an ordinary bubble gun with no special properties, but Madcap uses it to draw attention to himself. He likes to make people believe that the bubbles cause the looney behavior.
Weakness: [-5]
* Quirk (Psychotic), Moderate (+5) Madcap takes nothing seriously, and thinks life is a game -- a game that has no point. He also actively spreads this belief. He believes everyone is an indestructible as he is, failing to realize he is unique in this regard. He firmly believes that things happen without cause and effect, that there is no purpose in anything, and that existence is meaningless.
* The “True Resurrection” extra on his Regeneration (which counts as 2 Extras) makes it so he does not lose a point of Constitution when he dies & resurrects, nor does a reasonable method of permanent death need to be selected. These Extras were okayed by the GM, Kevin Perrine, and by Steve Kenson.

34+8+12+8+4+2+72-5 = 135 (PL 9)

The devoutly religious young man who became Madcap was on a church-sponsored field trip with his family when their bus collided with a tanker truck transporting chemicals for A.I.M.; all but the young man were killed, though he himself was driven mad by the senselessness of their deaths and his own survival. Attempting suicide, he discovered the chemicals had mutated him so that he felt no pain, and any injury to his body healed almost instantly. Deciding life was meaningless, he set out to convert the general public to his way of thinking through his antics as the costumed crazy called Madcap.
Madcap has tormented Nomad, Captain America, Daredevil, Power Pack, She-Hulk and Hawkeye, though the latter hero was actually rescuing him from criminal captor Dr. Malus (who was experimenting on him to try and find a way to duplicate his regenerative powers). He was subjected to Ghost Rider's penance stare when the two met... and liked it so much he decided he would do anything to be subjected to it again! He’s also worked with Silver Sable’s Wild Pack, masquerading as Nomad for a time, and came into conflict with Deadpool and the Heroes for Hire. He was also part of a prison break-out that the Thunderbolts stopped.
Madcap means no harm and no longer truly comprehends the consequences of his actions, but he often endangers lives with both his own stunts and the deeds he inspires. People affected by his power become as heedless of their own and others' safety as he is. He has sparked potentially life-threatening mass hysteria on several occasions just for the fun of it.
Madcap first appeared in Captain America #307, and was created by Mark Gruenwald.
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Rogue Warrior
PL: 9

Name: Mark Scarlotti
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Occupation: Professional criminal/Wepons Designer
Base of Operations: mobile

Blacklash, PL: 9, Name: Mark Scarlotti, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +3, DEF 15/13; SPEED 30; MELEE +10, RANGED +10, , SV: DMG +2, FORT +2, REF +3, WILL +0; STR 16, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 10.

SKILLS: Computers +9, Craft: Weapons +15, Disable Device +9, Intimidate +6, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +7, Repair +15, Science: Elctronics +15, Search +7.

FEATS: Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (Melee), Quick Draw, Rapid Strike, Two Weapon Fighting.

POWERS: WHIPS (Whip/Nunchaku/Vaulting Pole) : Weapon +9 Stun, Snare +9, Power Stunts: Leaping =5, Defelction +9, Energy Blast (One time Use) +9, Flaw: Device.
NECROLASH: Weapon +9 Stun, Snare +9, Energy Field +9. Flaw: Device.
BOLO: Snare +6, Gravity Control (To target of bolo only) +6, Flaw: Device.

COST: abilities 22, combat 21, skills 33, feats 10, powers 49, weakness 0, total 135.

First Appearance: (as Whiplash) TALES OF SUSPENCE #97, (as Blacklash) IRON MAN #146

History: Mark Scarlotti was contracted by the Maggia crime syndicate while working for a degree in Engineering at Rennselaer Poly-Tech. Upon graduation; he went to work for the Maggia as a weapons designer. With Maggia funds, he developed several technological weapons, the greatest among which was a steel-fiber whip capable of penetrating virtually any substance short of Adamantium. A natural athlete, Scarlotti practiced with the whip until he became an expert at it. Then, craving more excitement and money than weapons design afforded, Scarlotti asked to use his whip as a special costumed agent. He dubbed himself Whiplash and served the Maggia well, his reputation established early on by battling Iron Man to a stalemate. Eventually, Scarlotti was assigned to go undercover for the Maggia, and under the name Mark Scott, he infiltrated Stark International's Cincinnati plant and became its head of research. There, he again encountered Iron Man and escaped the battle unscratched.

Quitting the undercover assignment without his superiors' permission, Whiplash joined forces with the Melter and the Man-Bull to vie for the Golden Globe of Power offered by the mysterious extradimensional being, the Black Lama. It was then that Whiplash was decisively defeated by Iron Man for the first time, he was taken to jail, and his identity was learned by the authorities. The Maggia paid his bail and took him on once again as a contract agent. On assignment, Whiplash encountered the Wraith, whose mental powers drove Whiplash to the brink of insanity.

Upon recovery, he was sent to Ryker's Island Prison to serve time for his various crimes. He was freed by criminal financier Justin Hammer, who was getting a small army of costumed criminals to finance their operations in exchange for a share of the profits. Hammer provided Scarlotti with the funds and facilities to totally revamp and update his arsenal. Scarlotti renamed himself Blacklash, and went back to the Maggia as a freelance mercenary to look for an assignment. The Maggia contracted Blacklash for a job, but despite his new arsenal was soundly defeated by Iron Man before he could complete it. Demoralized by his recent string of defeats, troubled by family problems stemming from the public revelation of his criminal activities, and shunned by the Maggia, Blacklash has been trying to make ends meet by taking any mercenary work that comes his way.


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First Post
Name: Montana Bale

STR 14 +2
DEX 18 +4
CON 14 +2
INT 12 +1
WIS 14 +2
CHA 14 +2

DAM: +2
FOR: +4
REF: +9
WIL: +5

Melee: +9
Ranged: +9
Mental: +7

Defence: 18
Flat-Footed: 14
Mental: 16

Attack Focus (Armed)
Improved Disarm
Improved Trip
Weapon Finesse

Diplomacy 9/5
Gather Information 9/3
Intimdate 7/5
Listen 6/4
Sense Motive 7/5
Spot 6/4

Weapon(Whip) 7 [Science]
stunt: Extend Reach x2
stunt: Suffocation (Special: Reflex save, Flaw: Limited - One target)
stunt: Snare (Flaw: Limited - One target)

Amazing Save (Fortitude) 2 [Training]
Amazing Save (Reflex) 5 [Training]
Amazing Save (Will) 3 [Training]

Attributs: 26
BAB: 15
BDB: 8
Feats: 16
Skills: 13
Powers: 25
Weakness: -5
Total: 96


Name: "Fancy" Dan Rubinstein

STR 10 +0
DEX 18 +4
CON 12 +1
INT 12 +1
WIS 12 +1
CHA 16 +3

DAM: +1
FOR: +3
REF: +10
WIL: +3

Melee: +4
Ranged: +8
Mental: +5

Defence: 19
Flat-Footed: 15
Mental: 16

Attack Focus (Ranged Weapon)
Improved Two-Weapon Fithing
Precise Shot
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
Two-Weapon Fithing

Bluff 8/5
Diplomacy 10/5
Gather Information 9/2
Intimidate 12/7
Listen 3/2
Sense Motive 4/3
Spot 3/2

Weapon (Pistol) 3 [Science]
stunt: Penetrating attack
Weapon (Pistol) 3 [Science]
stunt: Penetrating attack

Strike 2 [Training]

Amazing Save (Fortitude) 2 [Training]
Amazing Save (Reflex) 6 [Training]
Amazing Save (Will) 2 [Training]

Attributs: 20
BAB: 12
BDB: 10
Feats: 20
Skills: 13
Powers: 24
Weakness: -5
Total: 94


Name: Bruno Sanchez
Nickname: Ox

STR 20 +7
DEX 12 +1
CON 18 +4
INT 10 +0
WIS 12 +1
CHA 10 +0

DAM: +10
FOR: +8
REF: +3
WIL: +1

Melee: +5
Ranged: +1
Mental: +1

Defence: 11
Flat-Footed: 10
Mental: 11

Attack Focus (Unarmed)
Improved Grapple
Improved Pin
Power Attack

Climb 10/3
Intimdate 11/4
Jump 10/3

Growth 2 [Mutation]
extra: Permanent
extra: Innate

Amazing Save (Damage) 4 [Training]
Amazing Save (Fortitude) 4 [Training]
Amazing Save (Reflex) 2 [Training]

Strike 3 [Training]

Attributs: 22
BAB: 18
BDB: 6
Feats: 10
Skills: 5
Powers: 34
Weakness: -5
Total: 90

Clumsy Teammate
At least once per combat, when one of the enforcers will miss his action, his failure will turn into a mishap that will affect one of the other enforcer. A general effect is an attack missing his target will hit his teammate.



First Post
"PORCUPINE, PL: 9, Veteran super criminal, Name: Alex Gentry, male, Size: Medium; INIT: +2, DEF 17/15; SPEED 30, FLIGHT 25; MELEE +9, RANGED +9, MENTAL +8, SV: DMG +3, FORT +3, REF +2, WILL +2; STR 16, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 14.

SKILLS: Bluff +2, Computers* +2, weapons +8, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +3, Sense Motive +2.

FEATS: Accurate Attack ( (- dmg bonus), (+ attack roll), 5 max), Attack Focus ( +1 attack (ranged), All-Out Attack ((-dodge), (+attack), 5 max), Leadership (+1 to all rolls directing others), Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit/dmg ranged attacks in 30 ft), Precise Shot (no penalty attacking targets in melee ), Villain's Luck (+1 villain point).

POWERS: BATTLESUIT (ARMOR) [+9], Extra: Energy field (quills) [+6], Extra: Flight (jet boots) [+5], Extra: Energy blast (Concussion bombs) [+9], Extra: Multifire [+9], Extra Autofire [+9], Stunt: Snare (liquid cement) [+9], Stunt: Fatigue (knock-out gas quills) [+9], Stunt: Obscure (smoke screen) [+9], Stunt: Mind control (hypnotic wheels) [+9], Stunt: Darkvision (nightvision lenses), Stunt: Immunity -Suffocation (oxygen), Extra: Super STR (exoskeleton) [+1], Flaw: Device.

COST: abilities 28, combat 28, skills 9, feats 14, powers 56, weakness 0, total 135.
First Appearance: TALES TO ASTONISH #48
Final Appearance: CAPTAIN AMERICA #315

History: Alexander Gentry, a weapons designer for the United States Army, conceived the idea of designing a battlesuit in imitation of a porcupine: it would be covered with quill-like projections for defense. Moreover, it would be able to shoot its quills, or gases, chemicals, or weapons from quill-like tubes, at an opponent. (In actuality, a porcupine cannot shoot its quills, although they can be detached from its body.) Gentry spent months working on overtime to create his porcupine battlesuit. He was enormously proud of his achievement when the suit was finished, and believed his invention was worth a fortune. Yet Gentry also believed that the government would pay him, one of its employees, virtually nothing for his creation. Angrily, Gentry decided to keep the porcupine battlesuit and to use it to make himself wealthy through crime. Thus Gentry became the Porcupine, one of the first costumed criminals of his generation.

Henry Pym, who was then the original Ant-Man, and his partner, Janet van Dyne, the Wasp, soon defeated the Porcupine. However, the Porcupine succeeded in escaping, and unsuccessfully tried to take revenge on them after Pym had also assumed the superhuman powers and identity of Giant-Man. During a battle with Giant-Man, the Porcupine stole and consumed a large number of what he thought were the capsules that Giant-Man used to grow in size. In fact, though, they were the capsules Giant-Man used to shrink himself, and the Porcupine shrank out of sight.

Eventually, however, the capsules' effect wore off, and the Porcupine, again at his normal size, was among the many costumed menaces assembled by Doctor Doom to disrupt the wedding of Reed Richards and Susan Storm.

His self-confidence still shaken by his failures in battling Giant-Man and the Wasp, the Porcupine eagerly accepted the invitation of Count Luchino Nefaria, a powerful figure in the criminal Maggia, to join his group of costumed agents. Among Nefaria's agents were the original Eel, the Plantman, and the Scarecrow, with all of whom the Porcupine would ally himself in the future as well. The Porcupine and the other costumed agents aided Count Nefaria in his attempt to hold much of Washington, D.C. for ransom. However, the original X-Men thwarted Nefaria and his agents. Once again, the Porcupine succeeded in escaping being taken prisoner, and he blamed the failure of the blackmail scheme on Nefaria and the other agents. But Gentry suspected that in fact, he himself was inadequate for the role of being a "super-villain" battling superhuman opponents.

It is not known what the Porcupine did between the end of this venture and his enlistment as a member of Batroc's Brigade. As a Brigade member, the Porcupine unsuccessfully battled Captain America. Months later, the Porcupine and his allies the original Eel, the Plantman, and the Scarecrow, went to work for the masked criminal mastermind who called himself the Cowled Commander. Once again, the Porcupine clashed with Captain America but was defeated.

Convinced that they were failures, Gentry and Leopold Stryke, who was the original Eel, sought guidance from the Celestial Mind Control movement, which was secretly masterminded by the alien Nebulon. Nebulon pitted the Porcupine and the Eel against his foes, the costumed adventurers called the Defenders, who defeated them both.

Later, the Porcupine and a small group of confederates invaded a major Manhattan hotel to steal the valuables in its safe. This time the Porcupine erred by deciding to rob the wealthy attendees at a fashion show in one of the hotel's ballrooms. Unfortunately for him, the show as being given by fashion designer Janet van Dyne, who was also the Wasp. Moreover, Henry Pym, who now used the costumed identity of Yellowjacket, was also present, as was Kyle Richmond, the adventurer called Nighthawk. The Wasp, Yellowjacket, and Nighthawk quickly defeated the criminals, and the Porcupine felt humiliated at being overpowered by the Wasp and Yellowjacket when they were both at the size of insects.

Perhaps believing there was safety in numbers, the Porcupine next turned up as one of a large assemblage of costumed criminals organized by the original versions of Libra and Sagittarius of the android Zodiac. This time the Porcupine was defeated by the Hellcat during a battle between a number of the criminals and a group of adventurers operating under the auspices of the Defenders.

The Porcupine went to prison but was soon released by minions of billionaire Justin Hammer. The Porcupine agreed to provide Hammer with half the proceeds from his criminal activities in exchange for Hammer's financial support. The Porcupine was among the small army of costumed criminals whom Hammer sent to attack Iron Man when the latter turned up on Hammer's enormous "houseboat" headquarters. Iron Man succeeded in defeating all of these criminals. Presumably the Porcupine's failure in this instance was one of the reasons that Hammer fired the Porcupine from his employ.

Tired of his long string of defeats, Gentry believed his criminal career had become a joke. He decided to give up his career as a costumed criminal and live off the millions of dollars he expected to receive by selling his battlesuit. Gentry totally redesigned his porcupine battlesuit, making it far deadlier than before. He entered into negotiations with the subversive organization called the Secret Empire to sell them the suit. The Empire requested proof of the battlesuit's capabilities, so Gentry said he would prove it was the perfect combat suit by testing it in battle against Captain America, the ultimate soldier. But Captain America and his ally Nomad defeated the Porcupine, and Gentry was returned to jail.

In prison Gentry vowed never to be defeated again, and to ensure that, he decided never to put on the Porcupine battlesuit again. Gentry was soon released from prison, apparently legally, under unknown circumstances, and he set about once more to try to sell the battlesuit. But by now Porcupine was seemingly universally regarded by major criminals and leading subversive organizations as a laughable failure, and hence they saw his battlesuit as virtually worthless to them. Gentry tried to sell it to the Secret Empire, AIM, HYDRA, the Kingpin, the Maggia, the Tinkerer, various others, and finally to the Serpent Society, but almost no one wanted it, and the few offers he did receive for it were insultingly low.

Gentry was in despair, but finally came up with the idea of selling the battlesuit to the Avengers to prevent it from falling into the hands of their enemies. Captain America was intrigued by Gentry's proposal, and in talking to Gentry, learned that he knew how to contact the Serpent Society, whom Captain America had been trying to bring to justice. Captain America agreed to have the Avengers buy the battlesuit if Gentry helped get him to members of the Serpent Society. Gentry accepted Captain America's terms.

Captain America's plan was for Gentry to pretend to have captured him and to offer the Serpent Society the opportunity to kill him. Gentry contacted the Society's leader, Sidewinder, and arranged to have some of the Society Members meet him at a lower Manhattan construction site. Gentry, having reluctantly donned his Porcupine costume once more as part of the plan, pretended to guard Captain America, who was seemingly bound with chains. Gentry was frightened and did not want to have to do any fighting, but Captain America told him he could leave as soon as he had turned the Captain over to the Society members.

Four Society members soon appeared: Cottonmouth, Death Adder, Diamondback, and the Rattler. Captain America took the Society members by surprise, and the Porcupine began to flee. Diamondback, realizing that the Porcupine had set them up, went after him and threw two nitroglycerin-filled diamond weapons at him. The weapons exploded on impact, damaging his battlesuit somewhat, but not harming him. Nevertheless, seeing his only valuable asset, the costume, damaged, Gentry flew into a rage and attacked Diamondback. She again damaged his suit somehow, and as he tried to escape her, he tripped and fell.

(and here's where I change history) Only Gentry's pride was hurt and he sold the suit to Cap. He spent a few years in retirement but he become bored. he was also upset that he didn't receive the respect that he felt he deserved for his long criminal career. He hated the fact that his last known act as the Porcupine was running away. Good thing he had kept a spare suit....


BULLET, PL: 9, Humongous Hitman, Name: Unknown, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +4, DEF 15/15; SPEED 50; MELEE +13, RANGED +8, MENTAL +11, SV: DMG +11, FORT +9, REF 0, WILL +3; STR 20, DEX 10, CON 20, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 16.

SKILLS: (all bonuses included) Bluff +8, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +5, Gather Info +10, Hide +5, Innuendo* +5, Intimidate +14, Knowledge: Black Ops +6, Listen +8, Profession: Federal Agent +8, Sense Motive +8, Sleight/Hand* +2, Spot +8, Taunt +5.

FEATS: Connected (knows people who can help), Chokehold (when grappling, can suffocate), Imp. Grapple (can grapple one-handed), Imp. Initiative (+4 to initiative), Power Attack ((- attack), (+ dmg bonus), 5 max), Surprise Strike ( +1 dmg/2 pls if target flat), Toughness (+2 to damage saves).

POWERS: SUPER-CON [+4], Extra: Growth (Flaw: Permanent) [+2], Extra: Running [+4], Power Stunt: Immunity Poison, STRIKE (FLAW: ONLY FOR CHARGE ATTACK) [+4].

WEAK: Quirk (will do anything to protect son).

COST: abilities 34, combat 34, skills 25, feats 14, powers 38, weakness -10, total 135.

Real Name: Unrevealed
Occupation: United States government agent for covert activities
Identity: Secret, known to the United States government
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Other Aliases: Agent Bullet
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Presumably married (at least at one time)
Known Relatives: Lance (son)
Group Affiliation: An unidentified agency of the United States government
Base of Operations: Unrevealed; his son Lance lives in Hell's Kitchen, New York City
First Appearance: DAREDEVIL #250

History: Bullet is an agent to the Unites States government who performs covert activities of an unrevealed nature and who has the highest level security clearance such an agent can hold.

Bullet was assigned by a United States Army general on behalf of WilsonFisk, the Kingpin of crime, to participate in a scheme against the environmental protection organization, Save the Planet. Bullet was to allow another man to bomb the organization's headquarter in terrorist fashion, and then to arrest the supposed terrorist himself. The saboteur would then be released through legal maneuvering.

However, Mathew Murdock, who is secretly the costumed crimefighter Daredevil,captured the saboteur himself. (Murdock was not in his costumed identity at the time.) Murdock then encountered Bullet, who said he would see to it that the saboteur went to jail. Through his superhuman senses Murdock realized that Bullet was lying, and Murdock and Bullet fought each other, but Murdock finally let Bullet take the saboteur into custody.

Soon after Bullet killed a man in toxic waste, framing the environmentalists for the murder. Murdock, as Daredevil, accused Bullet of committing the murder, and the two fought. (Bullet realized that Daredevil was the man who fought him previously, but does not know Daredevil's true identity.) When the police arrived at the scene, Bullet confessed to the murder, and was taken into custody but after Bullet made a sigle phone call, all charges against him were dropped and he was released.

Since then, Bullet joined criminals recruited by the assassin Typhoid in an attack on Daredevil that nearly killed the crimefighter.

Height: 6 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 390 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Strength Level: Bullet possesses superhuman strength that enables him to lift (press) roughly 1000 pounds

Known Superhuman Powers: Bullet possesses superhuman strength. It is not as yet known how he gained his superhuman abilities. Also, he showed no ill effects after direct exposure to toxic chemical waste.

Other Abilities: Bullet is a highly formidable hand-to-hand combatant.

Description :
Bullet is extremely massive, being 6'11" and 390lbs. He's built a bit like the Kingpin or Doctor Faustus. He has balding shoulder-length brown-red hair, and a moustache. He wears a blue-black jump suit, with just a thin white line going vertically from his left shoulder to his left sole. The jump suit incorporates heavy leather gloves, and an removable black mask that covers the lower two-third of his head, with just two holes for his eyes.

Bullet has been well-described in the Player's Handbook to the MU as "a lonely, alienated man who makes his living by beating and killing others. He is a fairly casual killer, but he is also a devoted father". He's the product of a depressive, urban, criminal, corrupt environment. He spend his time in stakeouts, petty sanctioning, leg-breaking and strange missions ; but what he likes best is a seedy NYC bar where he can drink Beer, play pool and occasionally beat someone up out of boredom.
Bullet's son, Lance, is an elementary school survivalist and has a phobia about nuclear war, which he thinks will happen any minute now. His father does not understand him at all ; they live in separate apartments.
Bullet is very direct ; his most common attack is a powerful Charge maneuver. Four hundred pounds of abnormally powerful muscles will easily take down interior walls and many brick walls.
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First Post

BATROC THE LEAPAIR, PL: 9, , Name: Georges Batroc, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +8, DEF 23/18; SPEED 30; MELEE +11, RANGED +11, MENTAL +7, SV: DMG +6, FORT +2, REF +15, WILL 0; STR 14, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 14.

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +7, Balance +4, Bluff +5, Climb +5, Diplomacy +2, Disable Dev* +4, Drive* +2, Gather Info +2, Hide +2, Intimidate +2, Jump +7, Move Silent +2, Pilot* +2, Sense Motive +4, Sleight/Hand* +4, Taunt +7.

FEATS: Attack Finesse (use dex mod. for melee attacks), Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent), Evasion (use ref save instead of dmg save), Expertise ((- attack), (+ def), 5 max), Imp. Initiative (+4 to initiative), Imp. Trip (when tripping, can immediately attack), Instant Stand (standing up is a free action), Lightning Reflexes (+2 ref saves), Power Attack ((- attack), (+ dmg bonus), 5 max), Surprise Strike ( +1 dmg/2 pls if target flat), Takedown Attack (make add'tl attack if you stun), Arch-Nemesis (+2 attacks & saves vs. nemesis).

POWERS: AMAZING SAVE (REFLEX) [+9], AMAZING SAVE (DAMAGE) [+4], LEAPING (TRAINING) [+4], Extra: Super-Leap [+4], Extra: Bouncing [+4], STRIKE (SAVATE) [+3].

COST: abilities 20, combat 37, skills 23, feats 24, powers 31, weakness 0, total 135.

History: Batroc trained himself in savate while in the French Foreign Legion and is perhaps the world's leading master of the French art of foot-fighting. He left the Legion to seek fame and fortune becaming a costumed mercenary.
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By consuming different mixtures of his transformation potion, Calvin Zabo can transform back and forth from his alter-ego of Mister Hyde. As Hyde, his transformed flesh provides him with a dense body armor as well as increased superhuman strength, stamina, and resistance to injury, particularly fire, heat, cold, corrosives, and toxins.

A brilliant medical research scientist, Calvin Zabo, became oddly intrigued by the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. Believing the fictional account to be true, Zabo devoted his life to finding a chemical formula capable of unleashing the bestial side of humanity.
In order to finance his incredibly expensive research, Zabo systematically robbed his various employers. He managed to avoid criminal prosecution by changing employers often. However, his bad reputation caught up with him. Zabo applied for work with a noted surgeon, Dr. Donald Blake, the secret identity of the hero Thor, but was refused employment based on his past misdeeds. Zabo became furious and vowed vengeance upon the lame doctor. Calvin Zabo then turned his full attention to his research.
Several months later, Zabo discovered the formula to transform himself into Mr. Hyde. The chemical process is hormonal in nature, causing the cells of his anatomy to instantly manufacture mutated hormones that induce a physical transformation encompassing his entire figure. Miraculously, over 200 pounds of bone and muscle tissue are added to Zabo's body. After about 30 seconds, the entire metamorphosis is complete.
The transformation is excruciating. As his form mutates, Zabo's skin is forced to stretch over his growing body. This distortion alters all of his physical characteristics. Hyde and Zabo have different finger prints, while Hyde's facial structure is distorted to the point that he is frozen in a perpetual sneer. Zabo's personality is also distorted. As Hyde, he is overcome with savage anger and bestial ferocity.

concept: Chemically-Enhanced Mad Genius
secret ID: Calvin Zabo, “Edward”
gender: Male
age: Undet
height: 6'5”
weight: 420lbs
size: Medium
hair: Brown
eyes: Black
STR 20 +13
DEX 16 +3
CON 20 +5
INT 20 +5
WIS 14 +2
CHA 8 -1
DMG +10
REF +7
WILL +11
SPD 30
DEF 17


*acrobatics [0]
balance [3]
bluff [-3/-2]
climb [13]
*computers [0]
concentration [2]
craft [5]
*demolitions [0]
diplomacy [-8/-7]
*disable device [0]
disguise [-1]
*drive [0]
escape artist [3]
forgery [5]
gather info [-1]
*handle animal [0]
hide [3]
*innuendo [0]
intimidate [19/6]
jump [13]
knowledge: [5]
listen [2]
*medicine [8/6]
move silently [3]
*open lock [0]
perform [-1]
*pilot [0]
profession: [2]
*read lips [0]
*repair [0]
*ride [0]
science: [5]
-chemistry [11/6]
-biochemistry [11/6]
search [5]
sense motive [-3/-5]
*sleight of hand [0]
spot [2]
survival [2]
swim [13]
taunt [-1]

Durability (Super) (lethal dmg < = to dmg save is stun)
Power Attack ((- attack), (+ dmg bonus), 5 max)
Surprise Strike ( +1 dmg/2 pls if target flat)
Startle (intimidate opponent, they lose dodge bonus)
Lightning Reflexes (+2 ref saves)
Identity Change (Super) (can switch to hero form)
Imp. Initiative (+4 to initiative)
Greater Fortitude (+2 fort save)
Rapid Healing (remove addtl stun & lethal hit when recovering)

Super-Strength [mutation] [8]
Extra: Protection [4]
Extra: Immunity [4]

Amazing Save: Will [training] [9]
Amazing Save: Damage [mutation] [5]
Amazing Save: Reflex [mutation] [2]
Amazing Save: Fortitude [mutation] [2]

Unlucky, unluck at gm's discretion
Suspicious, -5 to Sense Motive/Diplomacy
Disturbing, -2 bluff / diplomacy

FEATS [18]
TOTAL [135]
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