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Adventure in the Open Skies: The Liralen Irregulars (Eberron, Updated 5/10)


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Ahh yes, Paramyx.
heh he - you gotta wonder about an NPC that was named after a disease that rats get. :cool:
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Interlude Part 2

Ruel considers the implications for a moment. If he performs the piece he holds in his hands before Kashandi does, it will spoil her act completely, but he quickly dismisses the idea. Stealing Kashandi’s act would be quite rude, but more important; it would deny him the challenge of outperforming this talented bard. After all, as good as she may be, she cannot have the disciplined, lifelong training that he has. Silently, he resolves to craft a performance that all of Stormhome will never forget.

But first he must deal with Paramyx.

“I trust this is a copy and Kashandi will not miss this parchment, Paramyx? Ravien is already... somewhat suspicious of our family and he would be quick to act on those suspicions of foul play, to our disadvantage.

But what can you tell me about the guests tomorrow, do you know anything about the crew of the Deline, who will be attending? What their particular interests might be when it comes to performance?

And where can I find a Disguise Self scroll in town? If I wish to best her performance, I may have need of it.”

Paramyx’s grin fades at the response. His eyes bore into the half-elf, suspicion written across his features.

“Ravien is suspicious of everyone. He’s not a trustworthy man and will play others to his own advantage. The Deline is a freighter out of Otharaunt carrying a cargo of Orla-un wine. It’s headed to Thaliost or Flamekeep where they can charge a premium for the wine. Ravien wants to talk them out of their cargo. He’ll be able to sell it for much more in Scarn. Captain Emris is known to drive a hard bargain. Some have said he has more merchant’s blood than seaman’s coursing through his veins. As to their particular interests – they’re normal seamen on their first layover in two months - I wouldn’t suggest catering to their interests, besides Kashandi is female and you aren’t. Ravien has already scratched most performances with that type of overtone anyways. Outside of that I doubt you’ll find music that caters to their superstitions and wild sea stories.

Your best chance is to upstage Kashandi – throw her off by performing her own number. She’ll have to scrap up something else unpracticed. What do you want the scroll for anyways?”

Ruel leans against the doorframe as he responds, “If I am to upstage Kashandi, I will need to use every resource to best her performance. While I certainly am not going to try and make myself into a sex object, there is certain... costuming that I think will be important.

Besides I can cast more spells than she, do you not agree that I should take advantage of this fact?”

Ruel shrugs nonchalantly and plucks the parchment in one hand, studying it a bit further and musing almost to himself, keeping his voice just loud enough for Paramyx to hear. “Of course, I can always ask someone at the inn, it is no trouble if you do not know of anyone.”

Paramyx’s eyes widen and then narrow into tight slits. Any self-respecting elf of their family prides themselves on their ability to know their location in and out. Ruel knew his barb would be enough to distract Paramyx from his argument, at least for the moment.

“You can get them best price in town at the Shard Shop – 25gp.” He grinds out, “If you can wait till noon tomorrow I can get it to you for even less.”

“I am short on liquid assets at the moment, perhaps you could make a trade for me?” Ruel reaches into his pack and retrieve a vial of a black liquid of acidic fire, handing it to the elf. “Noon tomorrow would be fine, of course. If you can get a good deal and come out with some extra gold, we can split the profits.

But I must prepare for tomorrow Paramyx, if you do not mind...”

Paramyx glares steadily at him for several moments before slowly rising and walking out of his room. Ruel slams the door behind him and lets out a long held breath.


The next day both Ruel and Kashandi performed different pieces, and while it is still hotly debated whose performance was better, by most accounts Ruel’s was the most exceptional out of the pair. Both of them, were accepted as entertainers onboard the Liralen, a third performer eschewed given their talent. Every training exercise the pair were involved in resulted in escalating attempts to outshine the other and their rivalry flared to a head again a week later, when Kashandi’s act was widely considered to be better at a benefit concert held by the Vidari’s to build a new orphanage. The competition had not ceased with the Liralen’s departure from Stormhome, as of course he aided in the defense of the ship last night and now…

…And now, Kashandi is once again trying to top him by defeating a handful of skeletons. Ironic that their relationship had soured when he had not even used the advantage Paramyx tried to give him. Ruel’s smile is unreadable as he answers Alexandre’s question.

“Oh, just a friendly rivalry, that is all.”


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Friendly Rivalry?
heh heh ahem ah yes well, I'll let that one lie for the time being.

Kashandi is one of the few NPC's that I've actually drafted a backstory for. She's rather . . . complex . . . .

competitive . . . .

beautiful. . . .

moody. . . .

oh yeah I can think of a whole string of adjectives to describe Shandi.

A visual of the Liralen's bard. The picture is painted by Jonathan Earl Bowser, who has some very nice pieces.

This is Kashandi in the middle of one of her performances. Recently, she has taken more and more to blending magic into her acts. It seems there is another performer aboard the Liralen using such trivialities to enhance his natural abilities.

Did someone mention a "friendly rivalry"? :p

(I think the bubbles in the picture are originally meant to represent worlds, however for my purposes I'd probably place it as the effect of a dancing lights spell.)


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Update #7: Descent into Ruin or Ruins...

Fortunato glances back towards the Liralen as they fly out in a small pinnace, air elemental-powered airboats, towards the ruins below. Some of the passengers cheer, some wave, and some shout encouragements. Looking at the four crewmen and the pilot in the boat with him, he can almost imagine this as an assault from The Last War.

He represses an odd sensation he feels must be akin to a shudder.

Fortunato inspects his borrowed warhammer, a reassuring weight in his hands. Beside him, Loki checks the bladed edges of his great axe. No other weapon onboard is large enough to suit the half-giant, and Loki is quite certain of the weapons effectiveness, even against the skeletons below. Both of the day-shift guards have maces and shield at the ready, shifting anxiously, while Kashandi at the rear of the craft is looking downright pale. The pilot is fixed on the controls, maneuvering the craft so they are covered from the skeleton’s missile fire by the cliffs as they fly towards the ruins.

Fortunato raises his shield and moves out of the small craft as soon as it lands, running forward as quickly as he can over the rubble. He is certain that he is best suited to receiving the brunt of the attacks from the skeletons bows, and two arrows do indeed break harmlessly against his tower shield. The pilot had maneuvered the craft perfectly to avoid attack as they descended, and he is now ducked behind the controls as the small party moves to confront the group of undead.

Both guards leap out of the craft and move up beside him, at the base of a ruined set of stairs. More arrows fly out and one pierces the armor of the guard to his right, a half-elf by the name of Kyrjet, staining the Lyrandar crest on his tunic with his own blood.

Loki moves in behind the three of them, while Kashandi runs up against one of the ancient stone walls of the structure. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she begins to sing. An inspiring ballad, Fortunato feels himself bolstered by the music. Moving up the half-dozen steps, he whirls his warhammer and bashes the lead skeleton’s skull, shattering it as the skeleton collapses before him. Kyrjet and Tamblyn, the other guardswoman, move in to attack but fail to cause any harm as arrows pepper them. One skeleton nocks an arrow that bursts into flames, sailing into Kyrjet and searing the warrior who staggers under the assault. Tamblyn too has an arrow lodged into her leg and the wound is bleeding freely as she limps in to attack the undead archer.

Loki moves in and bones fly in all directions as his great axe cleaves into the closest skeleton, destroying it utterly. Kashandi keeps behind an outer wall, but maintains her singing as she steals quick glances at the fight above.

As he engages more skeletons, Kyrjet moves to try and cut down the skeleton with the flaming arrows, and a dangerous game of cat and mouse ensues as the skeleton backs away from the guardsman while nocking another arrow, and the guardsman flails desperately with his mace. Tamblyn takes another arrow in her shoulder and also struggles to connect with the skeleton, but Loki has no trouble, moving in and overpowering it with a solid blow.

A sharp cry catches Fortunato’s attention. Kyrjet has dropped his weapon. He keels over with an arrow lodged in his chest. Fortunato stares at the featureless face of the last skeleton, and for a moment neither makes a move. A bony hand shifts to pluck a feathered arrow as an adamantine foot crunches forward against broken flagstone.

Fortunato’s charge shatters the final skeleton before arrow touched bow. He yanks his warhammer free from the broken remains of its ribcage. Bending down, he picks up the skeleton’s quiver and his bow, examining both briefly. Prizes to be taken back to the ship and identified there. Behind him, Loki and Kashandi are already tending to the two guards’ injuries.


“You both got a hundred gold pieces! Those arrows are worth that much? Why did Kashandi get a share, she did not do anything!”

Fortunato is not sure why Ruel is yelling at him, but he hopesthat it has something to do with his rivalry with Kashandi, not displeasure at him personally. All of them have retired to their quarters.

“That’s not true, she did sing. It was… inspiring.” Loki booms from his bunk, while scraping a whetstone lovingly across the blade of his axe.

“Oh, it was inspiring was it? Well, perhaps next time when orcs or skeletons or whatever attack the ship you all can defend her and I will stay in my quarters and sing! Inspiring my ***!”

Ruel kicks his locker and storms out of the crew quarters with a noticeable limp.

Fortunato, Dox, Loki, Alexandre and Elisa watch each other for a few moments. Dox chortles then starts laughing, and soon they all are at the wizard’s expense.

Alexandre is the first to recover, grinning as he lies back on his bunk. “Friendly rivalry my ***.”


For what it is worth, it should be noted the rivalry between Kashandi and Ruel was born not only from the unswerving dedication of Micah to the task, but also the cooperation of the dice.

Our first session our DMs set up several 'training exercises', obstacle courses for some, cooking contests for another, and a performance for one other. I believe the die result after modifiers for Ruel was 30, and for Kashandi it was 29.

Naturally, Ruel had to gloat just a bit, and thus a friendly rivalry was born. :)
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I remember those die rolls. . . .

I also remember the performances - someday PhoenixAsh'll have to post the description of what Ruel pulled off. Needless to say his players "creativity" certainly came into play.

I also remember the last training exercise - having the group clear out rats from the lower levels of Lyrandar castle. Ruel and Kashandi both cast sleep spells on a roomfull of the vermin. After a quick tally of the results I believe Ruel's comment was "My magics better, just like my dancing."

Poor Ruel, the situation got more interesting as at the end of the exercise he tried to hit on the bard. But I shan't spoil the reaction - I'll leave it to PhoenixAsh to write-up sometime. I'm enjoying the posts!
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Update #8: An Unwelcome Stowaway

Last update until the New Year... Happy Holidays and thanks to everyone reading. :)

And yeah well... let's just say it takes a lot of 20+ diplomacy rolls to make up for putting your foot in your mouth as a first impression. I still haven't rolled enough for Ruel to really recover with Kashandi. Life lesson there I'm sure...


Zem rests on the sacks of dried fruit. He can feel the dampness on his forehead as sweat melts into the burlap. The heady scent of apricots, raisins, bananas, and dates swim around him as he lets his breathing calm. This last venture into the populated areas of the ship had cost him. He lies unmoving, listening intently for the sounds of a search.

It had been a gamble; he'd known interaction with the crew would be, but he thought he should chance it. The scorpedes are so close to hatching now. If the Prince of Aundair is going to the performance at the Keep, he could use the time to sneak the hatchlings into the room and hide there and the only way to find out had been to ask.

He feels good about his many guises. He had studied a red bearded sailor and the bo’sun, now crewmen onboard, at the contests on the docks, as well as while they were working. The Warforged cook had not suspected a thing when he got extra helpings of food to supplement what he pilfered from the hold, and the half-giant had assumed him merely to be drunkard when he found him earlier in the cargo bay.

Even the night-shift guard woman had not suspected him when he scouted out the royal deck outside Prince Adal’s quarters, posing as the guard captain. He smiles, reflecting on the many vulnerable points of entry. The quarters obviously are built for lavishness and comfort, not security. When he discovered the off-ship performance, he decided the best way to confirm whether or not the prince would attend was to approach the half-elf performer in the guise of the bard. He had watched her perform several times in Stormhome so he could impersonate her movements.

But even though he'd studied her motions and the tenor of her voice, something went wrong. He'd thought that it would be easy to approach her fellow entertainer with his questions, but something had tipped him off. He recognized the uncertainty in the half-elf's eyes, the sudden questions about the ground excursion: something about skeletons they had encountered? Hastily he made up an answer about killing a half dozen of them and just as hastily he beat a retreat as the look in the performer's eyes deepened noticeably. He had heard him pursuing with some other crew, but he had lost them quickly before they could pick up his trail.

It had not been the first part of his plan to go wrong either. He had convinced Bash to make it onboard as one of the deckhands, where the orc could smuggle him onboard discreetly, and later he could impersonate Bash as he scouted the airship. Zem sighs as he thinks of all the time he had to endure the orc’s company as he got to know him, all wasted. He probably would have killed him and dumped his body overboard anyways, but Bash had faltered in even getting onboard, so he had improvised a simpler plan, attack the ship with a group Last War veterans, down on their luck. Such people are always easy to find, even in Stormhome, scraping for a living. There are always a few who can be persuaded to risk nearly any task, if it has a chance to make them rich. He has to admit, at the critical moment, it was probably Bash’s dumb rage that had inspired the group to fight so effectively while he slipped onboard, invisible.

Now, it is down to him. He is in a good position, as there is access to many different places in the ship from this hold, and it is less likely that he will be boxed in should someone find him. He may not be perched in the Prince’s quarters, but he also has potions of Invisibility and Fly. He holds the black leather bag closely, soon to be full of the hatched, poisonous scorpedes. It should only be a few hours more and then the Prince will be dead.


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Argh, that is one he-double-hockey-sticks of a way to leave things. I have to say, I am truly enjoying the Eberron storyhours that are being posted to the boards, with this one and the Schema stories being my absolute favorites. I look forward to reading more when you pick back up after the first.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you as well.


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Airship Deck Plans

Well, I shan't do a thing to relieve that wonderful cliff-hanger, but I can post some game maps while PhoenixAsh is on vacation.

The inspiration for the ship came directly from the Eberron Campaign Setting on page 125. The picture by Mark Tedin also set the scale for our airship since there were human sized figures on the decks.

310 feet from stem to stern and roughly 9.5 levels gave us a lot of room to play with. I'll try to post a "deck a day" :)

The topview of the ship.


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Yeah, I saw the full thing on the Dundjinni boards. I am going to nab it tomorrow when I get access to a fast connection (living in the wilds of Texas has it's disadvantages, like dial-up only). You did a magnificent job on the ship design, my hat is off to you!


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Thanks! I find mapping only slightly less addictive than gaming! :D

The helm and crows nest. - They do count as a level although not a whole lot of floorspace here. Directly under the helm is a low area with a cot for resting and a desk with various navigation tools (navigation room). The area is primarily used by the windwrights on duty, but can be used as a guard station to protect the helm if the ship were faced with an attack.

The elemental support is scalable, though not without some balance checks.

Under the navigation area is another low hall area which has several shelves of maps and scrolls. The hall exits to the aft battle deck which has a couple of light ballista and catapults.

The second tallest superstructure on the ship would be the tavern which is perched above the rest of the passenger areas. While the tavern is frequented by the Liralen's guests, the storage loft often plays host to crew members who enjoy a roll of dice or a couple hands of cards.


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