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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VIII

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[an Adventure Hook Walks In]

{This adventure is restricted to 5-6 1st or 2nd level adventurers. If you are interested, approach Hallidor once it becomes clear he is looking for help.}

The door to the tavern opens slowly, and a well-built man -- just a little over 6 feet tall -- enters. He is wearing a shirt half-untied, revealing links of steel chain beneath. In his left hand he carried a large wooden shield; on his belt is a mace painted (or tarnished) black. As he looks around warily, his right hand twitches nervously.

He doesn't bother approaching the bar for a drink; that does not seem to be what he is after. After sitting down in a corner table (back to wall), he looks up and scans the room. His black hair, black beard, and dark eyes have surely caused many farm-girl hearts to leap with a double-hitch; but such conquests are certainly not on his mind at the moment. He has a serious expression on his face; yet, at the same time, pleading.

“I am Hallidor, and I have heard much of the Red Dragon Inn,” he speaks to the room, not loudly, but sufficient to insure that any who want to hear can, “and I have been told it is a gathering place for good folk who are willing to help right a wrong -- and a most grievous injustice has just recently occurred. Naturally, I am willing to pay for such help.”

Hallidor sits back and stares at the varied crowd, attempting to determine if anyone has heard him or is at all interested.

{Picture of Hallidor included}


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Steve Jung said:
"Ah. that's better. Where were we. Oh, yes. After I left Monemvassia with a heavy heart over losing Irene, I found a teacher who showed me the ways of nature. One of things I learned is how to follow a trail. If Tor and Nurlan find any clues as to Irene's fate, hopefully I can help to find her."

"The way of nature? Is it something you wanted to learn from long time, or is it coming from the last events. You know, if we lost the trail of Irene, it wasn't your fault."

Kahuna Burger

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Manzanita said:
"Well. I'm sure glad I've found you again, Sara. What have you been up to?"
"Well, nothing as exciting as a dragon, but I had some fun and made some good money. Ohh, look!" she draws her two short swords with an improbably showy flash and twist, ending with them just far enough from Iggy's face not to be seen as threatening (well, not if you know Sara, anyway). "They are so much better than my old ones! The balance is perfect, and best of all, the smith told me that the metal is pure enough to hold enchantments! So when I have enough money I can get someone to make them so they set on fire!"

She sheaths them with another flourish but ends up bringing them out again a few times to act out different parts of a disjointed tale of travel, bandits, explosions, battle, and feeling inordinantly tall. "So the orc was swinging this big long chain, and if I had just charged up to him, he would'a wacked me with it three or four times before I even got close. So instead I hung back, and got him to come to me. And once he's in close, I duck under the range of the chain and plant him with a twin dose of Double Trouble!" She demonstrates a dramatic double stab, then takes a long drink of her latest mug (Green Dreams ale). After a beat, and a sidelong glance at her audience that doesn't so much imply as scream are they buying it, she laughs and adds, "Which unfortunately didn't kill him, and he got a couple of good wacks in on me after that, but the warrior dwarf helped me gang up on him, and we had a healer around too, so it worked out ok. Then I fought the orge, but he had been pretty badly wounded by the little guy's explosions so it was kinda a disapointment. We got back and got our reward, and I went shopping!"


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Almayce, Grey Elf Cleric of Gliran 2

Manzanita said:
"I got some good scrolls, too. If you choose the arcane path, Almayce, I can lend you some fine spells. Now. Did you fill Sara in on our adventures?

"I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately I didn't tell your friend about our valiant swamp-trip yet, and it seems like I haven't got the time right now. If you'll excuse me, I sense an opportunity to earn more money...", Almayce says while pouring his portion of gold coins to his backpack, and starts dragging himself towards where Hallidor is sitting.

"I'm Almayce, and I'm quite sure you've come to the right place. This place is full of the kind of people you're looking for.", Almayce says to Hallidor while taking a seat near him. "I would ask you to be more specific about what kind of help you're needing, but I reckon there will be a rush here soon, so I'll just delay that for a while."


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Xael said:
"I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately I didn't tell your friend about our valiant swamp-trip yet, and it seems like I haven't got the time right now. If you'll excuse me, I sense an opportunity to earn more money...", Almayce says while pouring his portion of gold coins to his backpack, and starts dragging himself towards where Hallidor is sitting.

"I'm Almayce, and I'm quite sure you've come to the right place. This place is full of the kind of people you're looking for.", Almayce says to Hallidor while taking a seat near him. "I would ask you to be more specific about what kind of help you're needing, but I reckon there will be a rush here soon, so I'll just delay that for a while."

Hallidor nods at Almayce. "Well met, Almayce."


Ogrin sits up straight at the mention of monetary rewards.

"And I, Ogrin, am willing to to provide such labour, Hallidor, though I would hear more of your proposal before accepting. If it involves demons from the darkest depths of hell, I might pass, as I've had my share of fiends the past few weeks."
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Vargo, Human Druid

Vargo approaches Hallidor... "Halldor, I am but a humble man of nature, skilled in tracking and the ways of animals. I'm also not bad at talking my way out of a situation. May I be of assistance in some way?"

Rystil Arden

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Zaeryl glides quietly towards the newcomer, "Hallidor, we would hear of this wrong that must be righted. This one listens to your words"


The man with the probe
Juliana approaches Hallidor and says to him "I am Juliana. I am willing to work for you. I am a studious warrior, and will make my services well worth the price you pay for them, and I will make sure that what you want is accomplished in a timely manner."


First Post
{Recruitment taking place...}

{Juliana, Zaeryl, Vargo, Ogrin, Almayce} are potentially interested.

I'll wait for one more nibble before leaving the tavern with the curious in tow. Until then --

"I was certainly told correctly," Hallidor says quitely to those gathered around him, "in this tavern there are indeed men and women both bold and capable.

I thank you for taking the time to hear me out. At this point I only feel comfortable speaking in generalities... my situation... concerns a death, the death of a very close sister, who was betrothed and just two weeks from her wedding...

Her death was a tragedy of course. That's obvious. It's just as obvious as the fact that a healthy eighteen-year-old woman should not go to bed laughing, and wake up cold.

Her bed transformed into a coffin? Her counterpane a winding sheet? It's too much to bear, particularly with my doubts... for I do not think her death natural..."

Hallidor tails off, his eyes shining with hidden, but not very well hidden, emotion.
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