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A Dark and Stromy Knight


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You wake up in an unknown location ...

You start to regain consciousness as you hear a door open.

“My goodness! Sarah, help me get these people inside!”

You can see that it is early morning as a beautiful young lady approaches you.

When your eyes open again you are in a bed with the same young lady tending your wounds.

“You’re awake,” she smiles while rinsing a cloth in the basin. “My name is Jennifer, you were beaten-up quite badly when I found you this morning outside the castle.

“We put all you equipment in the washroom. Come downstairs, there is some food for you. I’ve tended your wounds and you seem to have recovered well over the past two days.”

You follow Jennifer downstairs where a warm meal awaits you.

“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything,” she says as she disappears behind a big red curtain.

You finish your meal.

As you look around you can see that you are in what appears to be the main hall of the castle. To the north is what appears to be a throne. Stairs leading to the second floor (where your bedroom is) are located to the south west. There is a warm fire burning in a fireplace to the east.

OOC: The party is completely healed. You have no gear with you – it is all stored upstairs.


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"Thank you kind lady", says Mardocan with a slight bow as Jennifer leaves for the kitchen. "We should try and find out what exactly happened since we were over run by those bugbears... and get our gear", he says to his companions sitting around the table.

Mardocan will try and introduce Grundan and himself better to the two young women who came to their aid in the Dark Knights tomb. After they are aquatinted he will wait for ideas from the others as to what they should do.


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Grundan tucks into the food immediately with little concern for the fact that he has no idea where he is or how he got there, that after all has always been Mardocan’s department :D .

Tamsin on the other hand seems a bit uneasy looking over at the rest of the table she says ”Sorry if I seem a bit uncomfortable but I am always weary when strangers are so helpful. I personally would feel far happier if I had my sword by my side.” With that she gets up from the table and starts to make her way to the stairs in search of their equipment.


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You hear someone (apparently) cleaning up in the kitchen as Jennifer emerges from behind the curtain again. "You still look very tired. Your beds are ready upstairs. We're just busy cleaning the last few things before heading off to bed."

As Tamsin heads up the stairs she's met by Sarah heading down. "I've just finished making your beds and have put all your gear in the adjoining washroom."

Its getting late.


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Mardocan wispers to Grundan and Tika, “Psst, hey don’t you think these girls are a bit friendly… I don’t trust them. Either this is a really friendly castle or they have ulterior motives. I say let’s go with Tamsin and gets our gear and go to our room. We should be able to talk there a bit more freely.”. He will then get up and wait for the others to stand before moving towards the stairs. He will say in a loud voice, "Thank you so much for the lovely meal.", not trying to show any concern.
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Tamsin thanks Sarah and then asks her “Where exactly are we? How did we get here? And why is everyone so helpful and friendly?"

Grundan washes down the meal with a few glasses of ale and then follows the rest of the crowd, grabbing a big turkey drumstick off the table as he leaves.


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Slightly startled by the barrage of questions Sarah tries her best to help, "This is the Castle of Lord Szadek. We're expecting him back tomorrow morning.

"I would assume that you walked here? You couldn't have come from a good place because you were beaten up very badly when we found you just outside the castle.

"As for the help ... we couldn't just leave you there to die? Anyway, I've left some candles burning so you can see upstairs."

With that she proceeds to help Jennifer put out all the candles downstairs.

"Good night," they say as they head off behind the curtain toward the kitchen.

As Grundan reaches the landing at the top of the stairs he notices for the first time the three suits of armour displayed there. One in particular catches his eye ... its not really the suit of armour that catches his eye but rather the magnificant sword that its holding.

Your room is to the north and your gear is stored in the room leading off it to the east. Its getting late and you are starting to get tired.


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Mardocan will go into the washroom, freshen up a bit, check his gear and then go and sit cross-legged on the bed. He is going to meditate a little before going to sleep.

Tika a bit more concerned about her safety will check her gear to see if everything is there. She will place her suit of armour at the foot of her bed (She won't sleep in the armour since we wants to get a good nights rest). She will place her holy symbol and mace next to the top of the bed to make sure they are readily accessible should she need them. Tika will want to rise a little before the others so that she can pray to St Cuthbert to make sure she gets the blessing she needs for calling on divine favours.


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Grundan will fetch all of his equipment and dump it on his bed. He will go over everything to make sure it is in order while eating the turkey drumstick he took from the table. When he is finished he pushes everything accept his axe off the bed into a big pile and drifts off into a deep sleep cradling his axe in his arms like a child would a teddy bear.

Tamsin will set out all her equipment in an orderly fashion next to her bed, placing her dagger and valuables under her pillow as she does not trust her new travelling companions any more than she does the castle staff. She then puts out her candle out and gets into bed, pretending to sleep but lying awake and alert for several hours before drifting off into an uneasy sleep.


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While freshening up Mardocan could swear that he felt a slight draft at his feet while looking in the mirror but he dismisses it as exhaustion and heads off to bed.

The party finally drifts off to sleep after a few hours - some easier than others.

"Its for their own good."

Uneasy with their surroundings the whispering voices awaken them all almost at once. The room is dark but the moonlight coming in through the windows is enough for them to see Jennifer standing over Mardocan with a knife and Sarah standing over Tamsin, also woth a knife.


Moonlight in the room should provide enough light for everyone in the party to have reasonable vision.


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Voidrunner's Codex

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