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A Dark and Stromy Knight


"What the...", Mardocan says as he is startled by the appearance of Jennifer with a knife in her hand. However he does not want to give her a chance to use it on him and tries to grab her wrists. (Mardocan will try grapple Jennifer. :D Mardocan will use non lethal damage in the grapple as he does not want to hurt Jennifer).

Tika sits up and sees Jennifer with weapon in hand standing over Mardocan and yells, “What you doing? Put that knife down now!”. She will then try and get to her feet and grab Jennifer around the shoulders. (Tika will try and grapple Jennifer) :confused:

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Under normal circumstances Grundan would have tried to help Mordocan first, but seeing as he is already being helped by Tika Grundan lunges for Sarah, trying to subdue her (grapple) and letting out a loud blood curdling roar.

Tamsin spurred on by a sudden surge of adrenalin also grabs the knife wielding psycho bitch and tries to assist Grundan with his grapple.


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The good monk with the bad girl in his bed ...

Initiative for combat:

Mardocan sits up (touch attack roll of 15 + 3 – 4(prone) = 14; success; grapple check 18 + 6 – 4(prone) = 20 vs. 19; successful grapple doing 6HP non-lethal damage) and manages to grab hold of Jennifer’s wrists pulling her down hard onto the bed :lol: . Mardocan and Jennifer are grappling (both are prone) :D .

Tika is on her feet in the blink of an eye (touch attack automatic success; grapple check 11 + 3 = 14 vs. 10 – 4(prone) = 6; successful grapple doing 5HP non-lethal damage) and helps Mardocan hold Jennifer down. :p Tika has joined the grapple (she is not prone).

Grundan gets out of his bed and tries to grab hold of Sarah but she sees him (modified AOO attack roll of 16 vs. AC14 – 3(armour) = 11; a hit doing 5HP damage) and stabs him in the arm.

Tamsin (touch attack roll of 3 + 2 – 4(prone) = 1; a miss) tries to grab hold of Sarah as she turns around but can’t grab hold.

With the knife still in her hand (modified attack roll of 25 - 4(GR) = 21 vs. AC15; successful hit doing 6HP damage) Jennifer manages to push it into Mardocan’s side.

Sarah continues to stab at Grundan (modified melee attack roll of 21 vs. AC14 – 3(armour) = 11; a hit doing 4HP damage) inflicting small cuts in his arms.


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Mardocan will try and pin Jennifer this round. (Grapple check)

Tika will try and hit Jennifer with the base of her mace. (Non lethal attack with mace)
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Seeing that their “passive resistance” tactic is not working both Tamsin and Grundan decide to get a little more aggro.

Tamsin reaches for the dagger under her pillow and stabs Sarah, aiming straight for the hart (Don’t know if a flanking bonus is technically correct in this situation).

Grundan realizing that he is still holding the axe he was cradling in his sleep, takes a swing at Sarah with it.


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Initiative for combat:

In a swift movement (grapple check of 19 + 6 = 25 vs. 7; success) Mardocan adjusts his grip rendering Jennifer immobile.

Seeing Mardocan has Jennifer pinned, Tika lets go and grabs her mace from the side of the bed. She (melee attack roll of 14 + 3 + 4(vs. prone) – 4(NLD) = 17; a hit doing 10HP non-letal damage!) knocks Jennifer unconscious with a well placed blow to the side of the head.

Having had enough of the crazy woman stabbing him Grundan (melee attack roll of 19 + 6 + 2(FL) = 27; a hit doing 17HP damage!) swings his ‘beloved’ axe at Sarah cleaving the poor servant’s chest open. Sarah falls to the ground in a pool of blood.

Tamsin reaches for her dagger. By the time she looks back all she sees is Grundan standing over the mutilated body of Sarah ... his axe dripping with blood.

Jennifer is unconscious.

Sarah is dying.


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Tika will cast a cure minor wounds (1hp) on Sarah, just to stabalize her.

Mardocan will ask Tamsin to tie the two servants up (Since Tamsin has the best use rope modifier) and place them on two of the beds.

"We need to find out what is going on here!", says Mardocan to the group. "Maybe we should send out someone to scout and the others could guard these two, although I doubt whether they will be getting up soon.", pointing to the two servant girls.

If there are no replies then Mardocan will suggest that Tamsin and himself should scout the castle while Tika gets into her armour.
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Grundan still a little confused by the whole situation asks Mardocan “What Grundan do, …… sit here and pick nose?”

Grundan asks Tika to heal his wounds as he is quite a few hit points down from the little surprise attack. Following that he will put on all his armour, clean his weapons etc and sit on the bed awaiting orders.

Tamsin also slips into her armour and prepares to start scouting with Mardocan.


Tika says, "Sure.", and spontaneously cast cure light wounds (1d8+2) using her bless spell that was memorized, on Grundan.

Mardocan will suggest to Tamsin that they go down stairs and check all the ground floor rooms starting with the kitchen. If they pass by a main entrance he suggests that they simply take a look outside to get a lay of the land.


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My ... what a pretty sword you have

Tika steps over to Sarah, lays her hands on her and stabilises her (cure minor wounds) before attempting to cure Grundan. She closes her eyes and says a few soft words under her breath (cure 6 + 2 = 8HP) and manages heal most of Grundan’s wounds (cure light wounds).

Grundan helps Mardocan to move the two girls onto the beds while Tamsin and Tika put on their armour and gather their gear.

When Tamsin is done she checks her backpack for some rope. ”Do any of you guys have some rope?” Three confused stares answer her question. Taking one of the blankets off the bed she cuts a few strips and uses it to secure Jennifier (14 + 4 = 18 vs. DC10; success) and then Sarah (15 + 4 = 19 vs. DC10; success). ”They’re not going anywhere soon.”

Grundan gathers his gear and gets into his armour as Tamsin and Mardocan head out the room.

As they exit the room they hear a clock downstairs strike twelve ... nothing strange about that except that a few seconds later the moonlit rooms are filled with light as all the candles and torches mounted in the castle light up.

Mardocan gives Tamsin a surprised look. A moment later the silence is broken by the sound of twisting metal that stops quickly.

“Mardocan ... I’m sure that suit of armour just turned its head!”

Mardocan looks around and as he is about to speak the sound of twisting metal starts again ... but this time it does not stop as Tamsin and Mardocan see two of the armour suits take a step forward ...




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Voidrunner's Codex

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