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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems

Gamad - deformed albino dwarf transmuter

Gamad thinks to himself, better to stay aside protected, he shrinks to the corner and glances the heroic kobold striding to the kitchen, muttering to himself, Gamad casts a protective spell upon himself.

*Mage Armor

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Without conscious volition, Maelicent's training takes over as the goblin warrior darts between two ladder-perches and dives into the shadowed space beneath the nearest over-sized table. Taking advantage of the distracting lizard-kin's brash charge through the center of the room, the Gudwulf dashes through the forest of legs, chairs and tables; moving from shadow to shadow as he stealthily parallels Pilgrim's course. As he ducks into the shadow of a table less than a dozen strides from the kitchen door, Maelicent slips the black bow off his back, tucks one end into the instep of his left boot, bends the shaft backwards over that knee and pulls the opposite end down to slide the bowstring into it's notch. Setting his back up against the table's center column, the Gudwulf warrior draws an arrow from the quiver at his hip and begins to look around for a target. The sudden threat of danger brings images of adventurers raining fire and lighting down upon he and his kinsmen unbidden to his mind as the young goblin's heart pounds within his tiny chest. What's going to happen now?

OOC: It's unclear what the layout of the room is or how close we are to the kitchen, but Maelicent is aiming to end up in a concealed position close to the kitchen door (within 30-ft. if possible). Move action: Moving up to 25 ft. towards the kitchen door while trying to remain hiden and drawing a weapon (Hide and Move Silently at +11, -5 penalty for moving at less than full speed). Standard action: Stringing a longbow.
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First Post
(OoC: Hmm I don't know if I should describe my action until after you went, but it seems everyone is going anyway so I don't want to be left behind :p)

Lewit slowly sits up, looking towards the kitchen."Excuse me, but I think something more important has come up". He looks to those around him. Pawns, Rooks, Knights, Bishops, and Queens on a chessboard, already to take down the King piece in the kitchen. He lowers his hand to the side of his weapon, a rapier, and eagerly awaits the entertaining event that is about to appear to and involve him.

Maelicent weaves through the festhall's forest of tables, chair- and giant-kin legs, eventually reaching a secure position within 15 feet of the swinging door that leads to the Cockatrice's kitchen. His instinct kicking in, Maelicent hunkers down at the end of the bar and quietly strings his bow. The goblin's malevolent eyes swivel excitedly, looking into the kitchen as Pilgrim pushes past.

For his part, Pilgrim valiantly strides on quick feet from the common room toward the kitchen. A grim sight greets the kobold knight once he opens the kitchen's swinging door. A massive spider, surely larger than any Pilgrim has ever laid eyes on, feasts upon the dying cook. Sprawled across a long wooden chopping counter, and pinned beneath the bloated hairy body of a spider the size of a bear, the cook spots Pilgrim from across the kitchen and silently tries to mouth, "Save me." Instead of words, however, a font of blood gushes from a fresh rip in the human cook's throat as the spider tears at the man's flesh and swallows a hearty chunk without masticating. At the sound of the door swinging open, the spider turns its head to calmly regard Pilgrim. Though the creature has the body of a spider, Pilgrim sees that the spider has a mangy, filthy wolf head filled with a maw full of sharp canines.

The spider jumps down from its prey sprawled across the chopping block, leaving the cook's lifeblood to idly pump from the man's torn throat. With a low growl, the spider fixes its wolf eyes on Pilgrim and begins to creep forward, the talons at the end of each of its eight furry legs clacking on the kitchen's flagstone floor.

A scuttling noise on the ceiling alerts Pilgrim to the presence of a second wolf spider, just as the creature spends a spray of sticky webbing to rain down on Pilgrim. The knight of Bahamut vainly tries to dart away from the sheet of webbing but is caught fast in the doorway.

PCs caught in this creature's web may attempt an Escape Artist check, or may try to break free via a Strength check. Both are standard actions.

The wolf spider that had been feasting on the cook opens its maw and hisses at Pilgrim in a vile language unknown to the knight. Bits of the cook's rent flesh drop from the beast's maw as it speaks, its eyes black as death. Getting no response from the kobold, the wolf spider hisses again and leaps over the web, ignoring the small trapped knight for the moment.

From a far corner in the room, Gamad successfully casts mage armor to protect himself.

As the spider jumps over Pilgrim and lands with a thud near Maelicent, Frane blinks from behind the bar but boldly moves forward, swinging the ball of his flail to and fro, obviously seeking a choice spot on the fiend's carapace to plant the weapon. With a grunt, Frane swings at the spider's hind quarters. The metal spikes of the flail crunch through exoskeleton into flesh. As Frane pulls back to extract his flail, the weapon yanks a bit of fur and flesh along with it. Droplets of black ichor drip from the open wound, sizzling when they hit the wood floor of the Cockatrice.

Rancid's mouth drops in unnerved awe at the hulking carapace of the beastly spider. His fingers grasp tightly around the black wand laid on the chess table, and with a sudden fleetness, Rancid bolts for the door, wand in hand. Traven, however, was prepared for just such an event and steps in front of the fleeing Rancid. A dagger in hand, Traven slices at Rancid's arm. Traven hits true, and the dagger shreds first Rancid's billowy shirt sleeve, then slices into muscles. Blood wells from the cut. Crying in pain, Rancid drops the wand in favor of grasping at the slice on his left forearm. The wand clatters noisily to the floor and rolls ten feet from the pair of men.

From his table, Cheal rocks back in his seat but, other than drawing his short sword, makes no move to get up. A couple of his cronies, however, push back their chairs and run for the festhall's front door, leaving Cheal with only two men to protect him.

Undeterred by Frane's attack, the spider appears to zero in on Rancid and the wand.

Lewit, still seated at the chess table across from Rancid, finds himself the unwitting focus of the spider's attention. Slowly moving his hand to the rapier at his waist, Lewit frees his blade from its sheath.

Brakkus moves to meet the fiend and swings in counter time to Frane's attack. Brakkus's flail whistles through the air and bludgeons the spider on the head, dealing 6 points of damage. Using his good common sense, Brakkus realizes that with eight legs and fully a few hundred pounds on him, the spider will not be easy to trip.

With Cheal still seated at a table surrounded by his armed men, Dter takes advantage of the chaos and, using his shield, bashes an unsuspecting Frane in the back. Unarmored, Frane is an easy target, and Dter's blow deals the blonde barkeep 5 points of damage. Angry, Frane rounds on Dter. "What in the bloody hell, dwarf!"

Voadam, who had hereto been sitting quietly at the end of the bar watching everyone and managing to avoid scrutiny himself, rises from his seat and rolls up his sleeves. With a friendly nod of encouragement at Gamad, Voadam strides forward and moves to punch the wolf spider with a balled up bare fist. Dter's unexpected bash with the shield, however, causes Voadam to miss. Voadam's fist swings wide of the hulking spider. Disgruntled with his miss, Voadam instead calls out a warning to the rest of the folk in the festhall. "It's unnatural, from the abyss. It croaks that the Queen wants her...segment...back."

Maelicent 22
Pilgrim 22
Terror in the Kitchen 20
Gamad 21
Cockatrice NPCs 14
Lewit 13
Brakkus 10
Dter 5
Voadam 4


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Maelicent first sees webs enshroud the brash lizard-kin in the doorway only to then have a monstrous wolf-spider, fresh out of a nightmare, leap over his head and into the main room. For the space of three pounding heartbeats, the Gudwulf warrior remains frozen in shock and unable to act. Is this it? Are these the kinds of challenges that adventurers face to gain their weird powers? What am I doing here? But then the notch at the back of his black-fletched arrow finds its place upon the bow-string and Maelicent draws it back to his cheek, takes aim and lets fly at the freakish creature.

Standard Action: Ranged attack with Point Blank Shot - composite longbow +7 (1d6+1)
Move Action: Sniping - Hide check +11 with a -20 penalty.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Pilgrim: Kobold Paladin

"Gaah!" cries the noble Kobold as he claws at the webbing. "Bahamut's grace! If it be your will release me from these webs." He says aloud and tries to wriggle out of the stick mess. (Escape Artist check +6)

In the back of his mind his Kobold instincts are to stay put and hope the others kill these things while he's safe in the webs but as this thought surfaces in his brain Pilgrim chastizes himself and swallows his fear. If I'm ever to be a true dragon I must face all challanges no matter how scared I am. He thinks to himself.


Giving a penetrating look to the table where Rancid and Lewit sat and to the wand Rancid pulled out, Gamad turns in horror to the direction of the spiders, he then turns his look back to Rancid, Traven and the wand.
I knew something was wrong with the bouncer.
He thinks when he sees Traven cuts Rancid.
The others will deal with the spider
He whisper to himself and shrinks to the corner.
He then focus himself on the wand, the arcane power flaws in his veins and warm his blood, then the power changes into words and delicate motions, pointing his finger to the wand, he motions the wand to float to his direction quickly. (Mage Hand) and shrinks behind the bar (5 ft. to the bar)


First Post
Brakkus finds himself in a most unwelcome position. The dwarf priest must be in league with these fowl creatures, and they have him surrounded. As he sees Mael step back to get some room to fire, Brakkus motions to Frane to help surround the creature. Brakkus steps into the space Mael vacated and swings his flail with all his might. If it's only after the wand, I'll be able to get some wacks in it from behind.

Brakkus considers the spider and Dter to be enemies, though he will focus his attacks on the spider. He's not sure yet about Cheal so will not attack him, but will try to avoid being surrounded by him.
No combat expertise total AC 12.
Attack: +4, Damage: 1d8+4, trip check +7.
All attacks of opportunity will be taken for damage (3 per round).


First Post
Dter responds with a grin sorry, must be my terrible eye sight and hhe takes a couple of steps back to protect the wand from anyone who might wanna grab it.

OOC: ready an action against the tugs or spider, who ever may tries to reach the wand first. +2 spiked shield 1d6+2 20/x3


First Post
(OoC: Did you ever allow the Knowledge checks to be useful in battle? Either way, Lewit checks to see if he knows anything about this creature. Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (+4 INT + 1 Rank) )

Lewit looks at the creature for only a moment longer, then turns to Racid, who just be cut. He cares little. Finally, turns his attention to the wand, that has just been flung over to the bar by magic. He thinks to himself, it's after the wand is it? Its no longer in my reach, so I'll let these other pawns get it. I suppose I should attempt to keep these people alive, could make things interesting.

He grips his rapier tightly and hustles toward the elf and Vaja. He places himself between them and the spider. More than likely, the spider will charge the stout one who casted the spell, but gambling isn't a good idea. He readies himself for combat, taking on a finese stance, ready to dodge or parry the creature (Dodge bonus is assigned to the Wolf Spider). "Hello ladies, I hope you don't mind if I hog the fun if the spider happens to wander this way?"

He is also prepared to shout out anything he knows about the Wolf spider to the others, once he has readied himself for combat. He likes to say it in the following way, ""Would you fellows like a tip on this fiend?"

(AC=14 with Dodge)

Voidrunner's Codex

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