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A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]


[sblock=OOC]I can't really post Keldar's actions, until I see who Galwynn whacks.

Wik, you only made one roll for your two men and gave him/them only a +2 modifier, instead of a +8 (our guys have 4 ranks in Balance to go with their +2 Dex and +2 circumstance bonus for standing at a rail. They'll only fail on a 1).

Everyone's flatfooted again this round, right? So no AoOs? That should make things easier for Fimble. He could stand and move or cast with impunity.

Invisiblecastle seems only to keep rolls made by registered users now, and even then, it's only searchable by character and not username. It has trouble staying logged in and I hardly ever notice when it's not, so I've 'lost' a lot of my recent rolls. Irritating.

In other news, I'm away for 12 days from Thursday. I'll have occasional internet access, I expect, if I really try. It would be good if I could get Keldar's turn posted before the end of tomorrow, and then I can ignore everything for a few days![/sblock]

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First Post
I assumed Galwynn couldn't act, having failed his balance check. If he can, he'll take a swing at whoever's closest. His companions are not going to fight, but will step back and defend against anything that comes close.

Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: As stated before, you don't lose your whole action for this round, you just have to spend an action standing up. Standing up is a move equivalent action which provokes an AoO.

So you might, for instance, crawl out of a threatened square and stand up. Or, you could stand up, incur the AoO, and then make a standard action.

Rae ArdGaoth

Round 6 Cont'd

Galwynn's Marlowe jumps to his feet and jumps to action: He shifts right and attacks Swift, but he misses.

Galwynn's Pitr also gets to his feet, shifts towards Galwynn, and attacks the prone Seadog. He misses against all odds.

Galwynn, despite being surrounded by pirates, gets right to his feet. The unbalanced pirates make weak attempts at attacks but can't use their skill due to the rocking of the ship. (no AoO's this round, as Trouvere reminded me!)

Galwynn then picks the most likely target: the prone Seadog. His single powerful slash causes him to lose so much blood at once, he nearly faints. (10 damage, Seadog (P9) is staggered and prone)

Fimble clambers to his feet, takes a step backwards, and lets loose a blast of bright colors at the pirates arrayed before him. The First Matey brings his arm up at the last second, but the two elves at his sides are hit full on. Their stares go blank, and then they collapse onto the deck. "They'll be out for less than half a minute!" Fimble shouts. (4 rounds of unconsciousness for the two elves)

Trouvere emailed me about Keldar's actions.

Will and Kaytoo heave on the rope to pull up Rapture and... uh... Thrie (K3). Thrie flies up the rope and onto the deck, wet but alive.

Keldar, judging Seadog to be a delayed threat at worst, steps into the fray to take on Sneaky (P8). His movement gives him momentum, and his forward rapier thrust quickly dispatches Sneaky. Spinning to the left, he turns to face the last remaining strong pirate. His dagger cuts and pierces multiple times, creating streaks of red all over the unfortunate man. A second pirate falls to Keldar's superb bladework. (11 damage to P8, P8 is down. Critical on P6, 14 damage to P6, P6 is down)

Swift watches in horror as his companions drop like flies around him. This isn't how it's supposed to go! his eyes scream. He looks behind him for an escape route and finds only the water and the grim faced captain. Swift suddenly makes a decision. He drops his rapier and races past the captain, diving overboard and swimming for his life towards the small rocky islands nearby. His captain doesn't say a word, she doesn't even try to stop him as he runs by her.


The First Mate shifts forward, taking Fimble's place, and... (waiting for Tarag's action first)



[sblock=Initiative and Map Legend]
2 - Pirate First Matey (Damage: 0 )
10 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 , unconscious, blinded, stunned )
11 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 , unconscious, blinded, stunned )
12 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 6 )
3 - La Capitan (Damage: 7 )
G - Galwynn (HP: 28 )
GM - Galwynn's Marlowe (HP: 2 )
GP - Galwynn's Pitr (HP: 5 )
Fim - Fimble (HP: 13 , prone )
K - Keldar (HP: 21 )
Kw - Keldar's Whip Wielder (HP: 5 )
K2 - Keldar's 2nd (HP: 5 )
K3 - Keldar's 3rd (HP: 5 , swimming )
7 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 )
8 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 11 , down )
9 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 10 , prone, staggered )
4 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 27 , dead )
5 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 23 , dead )
6 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 14 , down )
Ta - Tarag (HP: 26 )
TW - Tarag's Will (Crow's Nest) (HP: 5 )
TJ - Tarag's James (HP: 5 )
FM - Merchant First Mate (HP: 13 )
R - Rapture (HP: 31 , swimming )
RL - Rapture's Lenny (HP: 5 )
RK - Rapture's Karl (HP: -3 , down and stable )
To - Tommy (HP: 13 )
1 - Spineless Sniping Scumbag (Damage: 14 , down )
TF - Tommy's Franz (HP: 5 )
TI - Tommy's Ivan (HP: 5 )
TM - Tommy's Marcus (HP: 5 )


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First Post
When the sterns of the two ships swing together, Tarag once again loses his balance.

"Oh, blast!"

Will and James grin as they help the beleaguered dwarf to his feet again. Then they turn their attention to the more serious business of repelling boarders.

Tarag flings another handful of fire at the only elf to remain standing on the enemy ship. Will throws his remaining javelin, and James, throwing caution to the winds, leaps onto the pirate vessel and attacks the elf, screaming bloody murder as he does so.

[sblock=OOC]Balance checks for Tarag, Will and James (second collision): (1d20-7=-4, 1d20+8=24, 1d20+8=16)

Attacks against #12: Tarag (ranged touch, no penalties), Will (javelin), James (cutlass); all include Bless bonus: (1d20+3=14, 1d6+3=4, 1d20+3=10, 1d6+2=7, 1d20+3=15, 1d6+2=4)

If by some miracle #12 goes down before James gets there, he'll coup de gras one of the unconscious elves.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Going back over the thread to find appropriate modifiers for the combat, I was struck by Rae's description of the pirate first mate resembling our own FM so completely.

It may just be a case of "Once you've seen one FM you've seen them all" but I think it might be worth keeping an eye on our guy, just in case he pulls a fast one.

Rae ArdGaoth

Tarag's fire ignites the elf's clothes and singes his skin. (4 damage to P12)

Tarag's companions don't fare as well; neither of them deal any damage to the elf, despite the rocking of the ship.

OOC: Does P12 now catch fire?

The merchant first mate steps forward to engage his counterpart, his face grim, his rapier pointed at his opponent. He begins with a flurry of confusing swishes and slashes that confuse his foe, but when he goes for the stab, the ship lurches and he loses his balance, stabbing nothing but air.

Rapture climbs back aboard the ship. It's difficult with the rocking, but she manages.

Rapture's Lenny...


[sblock=Initiative and Map Legend]
2 - Pirate First Matey (Damage: 0 )
10 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 , unconscious, blinded, stunned )
11 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 0 , unconscious, blinded, stunned )
12 - Tough Swashbucklin' Elves (Damage: 10 )
3 - La Capitan (Damage: 7 )
G - Galwynn (HP: 28 )
GM - Galwynn's Marlowe (HP: 2 )
GP - Galwynn's Pitr (HP: 5 )
Fim - Fimble (HP: 13 , prone )
K - Keldar (HP: 21 )
Kw - Keldar's Whip Wielder (HP: 5 )
K2 - Keldar's 2nd (HP: 5 )
K3 - Keldar's 3rd (HP: 5 , swimming )
7 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 0 , swimming )
8 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 11 , down )
9 - Swift N' Sneaky Seadogs (Damage: 10 , prone, staggered )
4 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 27 , dead )
5 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 23 , dead )
6 - Burly Bilgefaced Blaggards (Damage: 14 , down )
Ta - Tarag (HP: 26 )
TW - Tarag's Will (Crow's Nest) (HP: 5 )
TJ - Tarag's James (HP: 5 )
FM - Merchant First Mate (HP: 13 )
R - Rapture (HP: 31 , swimming )
RL - Rapture's Lenny (HP: 5 )
RK - Rapture's Karl (HP: -3 , down and stable )
To - Tommy (HP: 13 )
1 - Spineless Sniping Scumbag (Damage: 14 , down )
TF - Tommy's Franz (HP: 5 )
TI - Tommy's Ivan (HP: 5 )
TM - Tommy's Marcus (HP: 5 )


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