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Airwalkrr's Shatterscape IC (Cooperative Design-As-You-Go PBP)


It is a cold winter evening in Narovan and the sun is beginning to set. "Mind ye get yerself from outta the cold," the innkeeper says as you step inside. "You're likely te catch yer death out there."

Settling into the cozy inn you see a small bar room off to the side with a warm fire lit. You are joined by a few others, possibly on errands like yourself. They do not appear to be common folk however. They are all either travelers or persons of some importance.

"Ye'll be stayin' the night then?" the elderly innkeeper asks, motioning towards the setting sun. His meaning is clear. Only a fool would enter the streets again at this hour. "That'll be five silvers. All's I got is spots in the common room. No singles left. But it'll do ye right. Blanket'n pillow's included fer the night, free 'a charge."

Handing him the money you take a blanket and pillow and head to the bar room to see what to make of your companions for this evening.

[sblock=OOC]I'll prepare a short background for each of you. All I need to know is whether your character is a native of Narovan or not. I.e. does he/she live here?[/sblock]
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Attached is a diagram of the Crookside Inn in Narovan. As you can see, it is small. It is situated on the edge of Narovan just inside the city walls by the Assassin's Gate (South Gate) in what is appears to be one of the poorer districts. The innkeeper appears to run the place by himself and is an elderly man of perhaps some 60 years with long, thinning gray hair and a wiry gray mustache. He appears frail but limber.

The bar room has a fireplace and a bar. There are a two tables, one much larger than the other, and seven chairs. Stocked behind the bar are two barrels of ale and a cask of wine. There is also a stove in the corner. If the pots and pans hanging from the ceiling are any indication, the innkeeper also does a fair bit of cooking behind the bar.


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Micheal walks into the bar on the cold evening, speaking of blessings of Krendon to himself that it was not colder on his journey to the Inn. Walking up to the bar, he looks to the Barkeeper and says "Hello kind sir, I was wondering what you may have to drink?"

(OOC:Hm...any trouble with taking control of NPCs if it helps with world design a little?)


[sblock=OOC]Feel free to describe the personalities of NPCs in the OOC thread, but allow me to RP them here in the IC thread. The only characters you should play in the IC thread are your own, as well as any hirelings you may acquire along the way.[/sblock]

"I've got housebrew ale (it's a bit heady, but good and rich), Narovian dark ale, and a red wine. I've also a bit of Dardessian brandy under the counter if you feel so inclined. What's your pleasure?"


Kylest found himself at the gates of Narovan as the sun was dipping lower towards the horizon. Sunsets still amazed him, one of many new things he had discovered on his trip from Stonheim. He'd quickly realized that he had left the caverns with nothing to his name but the armor and weapons from the pit. They were useful enough in their own right, but not good to eat. Going back to the orcs to beg for food was not an option. But amidst all the new sensations assailing him, Kylest found hunger to be almost welcome for its familiarity.

Once in the lowlands he managed to learn enough about scavenging food to stave of starvation. And a chance encounter with a foolish bandit provided some clothing, supplies, and even a handful of coins.

But it was the sight of Narovan's sprawl in the distance that finally gave him a destination. He didn't know what it was about the human city, but a tickling in his mind drove him forward. Something to do with the dreams he'd been having, perhaps?

The open streets of the city were strange, but the cobbled streets felt reassuring under his feet as he found himself directed to a small inn. Uncertainly, he opened the door and found himself welcomed by the innkeeper. The human seemed more certain of thing than Kylest had lately. And so he numbly handed over the requested coins and found himself a patron of the Crookside Inn.

He nods a wary greeting to the humans at the bar, and finds himself a place to sleep for the evening. But excited energy still buzzes in his head, and he does not feel ready for rest.


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[sblock=OOC]Feel free to describe the personalities of NPCs in the OOC thread, but allow me to RP them here in the IC thread. The only characters you should play in the IC thread are your own, as well as any hirelings you may acquire along the way.[/sblock]

"I've got housebrew ale (it's a bit heady, but good and rich), Narovian dark ale, and a red wine. I've also a bit of Dardessian brandy under the counter if you feel so inclined. What's your pleasure?"

"Ill take a glass of the homebrew" Micheal says.


[It's getting dark. Hurry! Hurry! No, wait. We can't make it now. Go back. Before it is too late!]

Arden rolls her eyes at the Coward's panicked contradictions but steps a bit quicker even so. She feels both relief and trepidation at being back inside the walls of Narovan nine years after her still unexplained and sudden departure. Now, however, she stands at the edge of the street and looks around. There is an inn somewhere nearby; she knows it, she just has to find it. Finally, as the city wall severs another ray of sunlight casting the street into deeper darkness, she spots it. The Crookside Inn.

A Coward, a Psycho, and an Illene Mystic step into a bar...

Laughing she throws open the door to enter. As she steps inside she briefly considers leaving the wooden box tucked under her arm and especially its contents out in the cold.

[Don't think it! Haerdal will know!]

"I know that as well as you," she snaps.

In her distraction she nearly treads on the heels of a dwarf who has entered ahead of her.

"Pardon me, ah...sir. I meant no insult."


"Well, I'd be hard-pressed to find glass, but you are certainly welcome to a mug," the innkeeper says to Michael with a smile, serving up a frothy mug of ale. "Four coppers whenever you have the time."

The innkeeper then turns to the dwarf and the woman making their way in, "Be stayin' the night I reckin'. Five silvers for a spot in the common room. Blanket n' pillow's included. Feel free to take off a load by the fire when ye've settled in. Gonna be a cold one tonight. Kin feel it in me bones. Dinnae feel afraid to ask fer a drink neither. I'm well-stocked," he says, patting the casks behind the counter.


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As Micheal finishes the mug of ale, he complements the bartender on a fine brew, passes him 5 cp and gets down to buissness.

"I was wondering if I could get some help, as I believe I am supposed to talk you about finding my charge" he says passing the bartender the assignement note.


The innkeeper looks a bit surprised as you hand him the scroll case, but he walks over to the fire place where the lighting is better and sits down. He pops it open and pulls out a piece of rolled up parchment which he begins to look over. He clearly must strain a bit to see the writing, as he is getting up in years. When he is finished, he puts the parchment back inside the case and walks back to the bar. He slides the case down behind the bar and winks at Michael. "I can see you are here on business. Not to worry. We can take care of this first thing tomorrow morning. Nothing to do about it tonight of course."

Voidrunner's Codex

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