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Baradur's End - Part III


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[OOS Sorry I'd not posted sooner, but didn't get updated emails that NT had posted then real life suddenly took on a few surprises. Anyway here goes]

Rellek moved to take out his bow, knowing not what the Lizardmen where here for, he thought of the human proverb, that any my enemies, enemy is my friend, at least for the time being anyway.


OK I'm staying put so an minor to take out bow and load, I'll move to I9 making me closer than anyone else and giving me +1 via prime shot and use two arrows using twin strike attack power.

v AC 15= 26, 27 So both hit since they're minions I need not roll damage I take it?


Rellek let fly to arrows in quick succession, satisfied as he heard them sink into the two men slowly approach from the front.


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Karis hurls her dagger at the nearest archer, and her blade sinks deep into his torso before reappearing in her hand. She ducks behind the nearest stand of trees and seems to disappear into thin air.

[sblock=actions]Deft strike vs. archer 2, moving to I10 first. It's dazed, so provides CA. 30 vs. AC hits for 17 damage. (The IC comment has a range penalty, but no CA, and no Nimble blade bonus. The range penalty doesn't actually apply with the move to I10. Not that any of this matters.)
move to J13, gaining concealment. Stealth check to hide: 31. Karis is hidden, I believe from all of the m's and a's, assuming that beats their perception.


First Post
Jack and Bavak are next

OOC: Sorry (again) for the slow posting rate. Hoping to get things back in gear.

Joshua sends destruction through the ranks of the poorly armored militia, reducing their ranks by more than half. He also manages to gravely disorient one of the archers. Karis makes a quick but deadly attack against the dazed archer before ducking into the trees, unnoticed.

Rellek moves quickly to the front, and looses two quick arrows, further cutting down the numbers of the enemy (OOC: Moved to I8 since I9 was occupied by Joshua).

(NPCing Kraegyn for this round). Always eager to be in the center of the battle, Kraegyn strides toward the archers, hoping to disrupt their attacks as much as possible. He nearly fells one archer while issuing his stern challenge against the other. (Valiant Strike hits AC 21 for 11 damage, almost but not quite killing archer 2. Divine challenge the other archer.)

The lizardmen, having witnessed the fight thus far, vote with their feet and move in behind Rellek and Joshua. Two of them loose spears at one archer, and the second spear strikes true. The third and fourth loose spears at the remaining archer, but both shafts strike deep into a tree.
The remaining militiamen and archer cower in the face of such powerful opposition. Just as it appears they are about to run for it, a large contingent arrives to reinforce their position.

"Get that wizard!" shouts a voice. Two more archers appear, and with them three warriors armed in leather holding large two-handed swords. Another, smaller contingent of militiamen appear as well.

Their spirits lifted, the three militiamen already present charge Rellek and Joshua. Their enthusiasm is far greater than their ability, however, and their feeble clubs are easily doged and parried.

As the battle rages on, another squad of four lizard-folk appear. Adding to the strangeness of the battle, they appear to be accompanied by a human in chainmal and a deva (!) in leather. The four lizardmen move into position.

[sblock=Jack and Bavak]
As you hustle to keep up with the nimble lizardmen, the outlines of a battle come into view. You spot four lizardmen, a bunch of humans, two dragonborn and an elf! At first it is a little hard to tell who is fighting whom, but as you move into position, things become fairly clear.

OOC: Excuse a bit of handwaving here

OOC: In case it weren't already obvious, 'good guys' start with capital letters on the map.


Joshua destroys m2-m7 (!) and hits a2 for 8, dazing tent.
Rellek kills m1, m9 with twin strike.

L1 finishes off a2. L2-L4 all miss.

m8, mx, my all miss.


Swordsmen (Ac 20 Fo 17 Re 14 Wi 15)
s1 56/56
s2 56/56
s3 56/56

Archers (Ac 17 Fo 13 Re 15 Wi 13 )
a1 38/38, markedby Kraegyn
a4 38/38
a5 38/38

Joshua 24/38 hp, 7/9 surges, AC 20 Fo 16 Re 17 Wi 16 Init 6
Karis 36/44 hp, 6/7 surges, AC 18 Fo 15 Re 19 Wi 15 Init 6
Kraegyn 52/52 hp, 10/12 surg, AC 21 Fo 18 Re 14 Wi 17 Init 2
Rellek 47/47 hp, 10/10 surg, AC 18 Fo 16 Re 16 Wi 14 Init 4

Lizardmen (Ac 16 Fo 12 Re 14 Wi 12)
L1 12/37
L2 37/37
L3 37/37
L4 37/37

Militia Men (Minions, Ac 15 Fo 13 Re 11 Wi 11)
m8, mx, my, ma, mb, mc

Other Lizardmen (Ac 16 Fo 12 Re 14 Wi 12)
L5 37/37
L6 37/37
L7 37/37
L8 37/37

Other Party YOU ARE NEXT
Bavak 46/46 hp, 9/9 surges, AC 18 Fo 16 Re 16 Wi 18 Init 2
Jack 41/41 hp, 9/9 surges, AC 19 Fo 16 Re 15 Wi 20 Init 3

Encounter Powers Used
Joshua - Color Spray


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Walking Dad

First Post

"Cover me, Jack!" Bavak says to Jack as he leaves the cover, moving around to get a better line of sight. Finally he releases 3 bolts of radiant light on 3 of the militia man and summons his guardian spirit in front of him.

Image: Bavack is a typical looking Daeva, but with a coloration based on purple. He is more dark than light. Aside from wearing a leather armor, he has a totem and a spear in his hands.

His spirit companion is a purplish ghostly panther.


Move: To P10 (P9 if my attack targets would otherwise gain cover)

Standard: (IC is down) Hand of Radiance against my, mx and m8
1d20+6 vs Reflex each.

Minor: Summoning Spirit into P9 (P8 if occuoied)

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 25 Insight: 20 Normal Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 16 Reflex 16 Will 18
Hit Points: 46/46 Bloodied: 23
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: necrotic 7, radiant 7
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 11 Surges per day: 9/9
At-Will Powers: Call Spirit Companion, Spirit’s Fangs, Stalker’s Strike, Haunting Spirits
Encounter Powers: Healing Spirit 2/2, Speak with Spirits, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Hand of Radiance, Twin Panthers, Call to the Savage Elder
Daily Powers: Cleansing Wind of the North, Spirits of Battle


First Post
Jack's turn next

OOC: Jack is up. (My subscription emails died and then came back to life - perhaps the same thing happened to renau1g)


First Post
Jack looks at the chaotic scene in front of him and struggles against the memories of his past life, he'd fought through a war and it left him scarred, not physically, but mentally. The human wears chainmail, carries no weapon at his side, and bears a large standard of Pelor on his back.

He moves forward and points at the closest human. The militiaman is wreathed in silver light that guides the others to the man's weaknesses. "What in Pelor's name is going on here?" he shouts.

*sorry for the delay all...IC's back down again

Move: to N10
Standard: Astral Seal on m8 - 1d20+10 vs Ref, if it hits target takes -2 to defenses and next person who hits it regains 11 hp (please don't roll a 1 for me ;))
Minor: n/a


First Post
Karis, Rellek, Joshua and Kraegyn are next

"Cover me, Jack!" Bavak says to Jack as he leaves the cover, moving around to get a better line of sight. Finally he releases 3 bolts of radiant light on 3 of the militia man and summons his guardian spirit in front of him. Two of the men fall, but one manages to just dodge a bolt as it flies over his head.

Jack looks at the chaotic scene in front of him and struggles against the memories of his past life, he'd fought through a war and it left him scarred, not physically, but mentally. The human wears chainmail, carries no weapon at his side, and bears a large standard of Pelor on his back.

He moves forward and points at the closest human. The militiaman is wreathed in silver light that guides the others to the man's weaknesses. "What in Pelor's name is going on here?" he shouts.

The three swordsmen emerge from cover. Unlike the militia, these men have the focused movements of men trained in the art of battle. The first swordsman charges headlong into the mass of bodies around Rellek - the dragonborn is hit, but the blade does not strike very deep.

The second swordsman aims a powerful blow at Kraegyn and somehow manages to knock the mighty dragonborn down. The archer nearby puts away his bow, takes out his sword, and punishes the prone warrior with a vicious cut.

The third swordsman charges at the shadowy companion called forth by Bavak, but his sword passes through the beast without effect.

Undeterred, one of the other archers lets an arrow fly at the shaman's conjuration, and somehow manages to strike it at it's core - it disappears, taking a piece of Bavak's life force with it.

The final archer follows up with another arrow - it is unclear who it was intended for, as the arrow is missing a feather and flies directly into the trees.

A low rumble can be heard not far away - it seems to be the sound of many, many feet running in from the direction of town.

Bavak hits my and m8, misses mx

Jack moves to N9 (N10 is a tree and cannot be occupied)
Jack attacks mx (m8 already dead) and hits with astral seal

s1 charges Rellek and hits for 6.

s2 uses knockdown strike on Kraegyn and hits for 5, knocking prone.
s3 misses spirit companion
a1 puts away bow, draws longsword, and hits Kraegyn for 10 damage
a4 crits spirit companion, destroying it and dealing 7 damage to bavak

a5 critical miss Bavak


Swordsmen (Ac 20 Fo 17 Re 14 Wi 15)
s1 56/56
s2 56/56, knockdown strike used
s3 56/56

Archers (Ac 17 Fo 13 Re 15 Wi 13 )
a1 38/38, markedby Kraegyn
a4 38/38
a5 38/38

Joshua 24/38 hp, 7/9 surges, AC 20 Fo 16 Re 17 Wi 16 Init 6
Karis 36/44 hp, 6/7 surges, AC 18 Fo 15 Re 19 Wi 15 Init 6
Kraegyn (prone) 37/52 hp, 10/12 surg, AC 21 Fo 18 Re 14 Wi 17 Init 2
Rellek 41/47 hp, 10/10 surg, AC 18 Fo 16 Re 16 Wi 14 Init 4

Lizardmen (Ac 16 Fo 12 Re 14 Wi 12)
L1 12/37
L2 37/37
L3 37/37
L4 37/37

Militia Men (Minions, Ac 15 Fo 13 Re 11 Wi 11)
mx (ASTRAL SEAL tent(Jack) (-2 to defenses, next hit heals 11 hp))
ma, mb, mc

Other Lizardmen (Ac 16 Fo 12 Re 14 Wi 12)
L5 37/37
L6 37/37
L7 37/37
L8 37/37

Other Party
Bavak 39/46 hp, 9/9 surges, AC 18 Fo 16 Re 16 Wi 18 Init 2
Jack 41/41 hp, 9/9 surges, AC 19 Fo 16 Re 15 Wi 20 Init 3

Encounter Powers Used
Joshua - Color Spray
Bavak - Hand of Radiance


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First Post
Kraegyn surged to his feet with a wordless, defiant bellow. If he noticed the newcomers at all, he gave little sign- he appeared entirely focused on the battle at hand... As soon as he was standing, he swung his massive wave-bladed sword in a twirling spinning cut- an attempt to distract the archer, and to disembowel the swordsman.

OOC: (EDIT) IC is back, results added
Move: stand up
Standard: attack S2 with Piercing Smite (encounter, +11 vs. REF= 29, hit); 4d4+5= 12 damage to S2, and both S2 and A1 are marked until end of Kraegyn's next turn; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2342751/
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The Digger

First Post
Despite the tempting target next to him Joshua decided that Kraegyn was more in need of his services. Jinking back a little out of the reach of the illuminated militiaman he gestured in a measured manner and sent a scorching ball of flame arcing across the clearing.

The ball exploded in between the archers sending jets of flame into them.

[sblock=OOC]Move = Shift to J10: Standard = Scorching Burst on O4. Attacks at +8 on A1, A4 and A5; damage = 1d6+5[/sblock]

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