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"Necessary Evil" - RG

Walking Dad

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Hi, here is the RG. Enjoy!


[sblock=Old Blog]

General Rules Changes

Posted 1st June 2011 at 10:20 AM by Walking Dad

Characters can suffer from fatigue as well as damage. This usually results from tasks requiring great effort, such as moving all out, exertion in difficult environments, and using extra effort. There are three fatigue levels: winded, fatigued, and exhausted.

The character moves at half normal speed. A winded character who suffers an additional fatigue result becomes fatigued.

Fatigued characters move at half normal speed and suffer a –2 penalty
to effective Strength and Dexterity and a –1 penalty on attack and
defense. A fatigued character who does something else or suffers an
effect that would normally cause fatigue becomes exhausted.

Exhausted characters are near collapse. They move at half normal speed and suffer a –6 penalty to effective Strength and Dexterity and a –3 penalty on attack and defense. An exhausted character suffering another fatigue result falls unconscious (and must recover from it, as well as the fatigue, normally).


Replacing 'Stunned' with 'Dazed' in the 'Toughness Saving Throw Table'.

Dazed is now defined as below:

Dazed: A dazed character is limited to free actions and a single standard action per turn, although the character may use that action to perform a move, as usual. Stunned supersedes dazed.

Tags: m&m , mutants & masterminds

Walking Dad
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Posted in Designing M&M 2nd revised (Pathfinder Style)
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Posted 14th March 2011 at 02:21 PM by Walking Dad
Updated 23rd March 2011 at 04:08 PM by Walking Dad
Delete the 'Close Range' power feat.

Deflect is 'based' on the block maneuver, that is on itself 'difficult', because it mixes offensive and defensive traits.
The whole maneuver has to be deleted.
To keep the options of the Deflect power in the game, we will simply allow to purchase the Ranged, Reflection and Redirection extras for your defense trait, just as you can buy Impervious Toughness for your non-power Toughness.

Remove the 'Persistent' extra.

Immovable stays the same. It just adds the +4/rank to CMB to resist the mentioned maneuvers.

The 'impervious' extra is just to strong. Low level minions are not threatening enough and solo villains (higher PL than the PCs) who emphasize toughness over defense become too fast untouchable to damaging attacks. The cost remains the same, the effect is halved => Impervious Toughness 8 ignores Damage 3 and below attacks.

Leaping should be a flaw to flight. (You have to land after the movement each round and cannot change direction in midair.) This is worth to be a -2 flaw.

Remove the 'Persistent' extra.

and Duplication need to have their cost increased to 3pp/rank.

Should become a descriptive power and part of 'Super-Movement'.

Should be more clearly presented as a 'Container' including Enhanced Feat (Imp Initiative), Quickness, Speed, and 1 2PP/rank power. Tags: mutants & masterminds

Walking Dad
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Posted in Designing M&M 2nd revised (Pathfinder Style)
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Posted 14th March 2011 at 02:18 PM by Walking Dad
some feats should be changed:

Critical Strike
-> delete this. 'Counter - counter' blocks are just a clunky mechanic.

-> is to good for a feat. Use these feats instead:
• Determination: Points usable for the improve roll aspect of hero points.
• Determined Recovery: Points usable for the recover aspect of hero points.
• Escape Death: Points usable for the escape death aspect of hero points.
• Improvisation: Points usable to cancel the fatigue of performing power stunts.
• Inspiration: Points usable for the inspiration aspect of hero points. For mystics, this might represent true “inspiration” from a higher power or occult entity (see the Powers section of this chapter for more on this).
• Inspired Feat: Points usable for the heroic feat aspect of hero points.
• Instant Counter: Points usable for the instant countering aspect of hero points.
• Lucky Dodge: Points usable for the dodge aspect of hero points.
• Second Wind: Points usable for the cancel fatigue aspect of hero points, except for fatigue caused by power stunts (covered by the Improvisation feat).

They cost the same as the old luck feat, but provide fewer options. The old rank limit remains.

Takedown Attack
-> should also work with ranged attacks

The feats Favored Opponent, Favored Terrain, Sneak Attack, and Throwing Mastery (and similar feats) can all be changed from ranked feats to single rank feats. In exchange for giving up some of their potential, a trade-off can be allowed where the benefits of Favored Opponent, Sneak Attack, etc. no longer count against PL, allowing their limited usage to exceed PL caps in those circumstances where they apply (Throwing Mastery already provides an ample enough pay-off for even a single rank without needing a trade-off). Tags: mutants & masterminds

Walking Dad
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Posted in Designing M&M 2nd revised (Pathfinder Style)
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Posted 14th March 2011 at 02:14 PM by Walking Dad
shortened skill list

Not much to change here, as most of the Pathfinder changes are already implanted.

My changes:

Athletics (Str)
includes swim, climb and the jump part from acrobatics.

Control (Dex)
This skill encompasses several specialties, each treated as a separate skill. The Control specialties, and the topics each one encompasses, are as follows:
Boats - Controlling water vehicles
Drive - Controlling land vehicles
Pilot - Controlling air vehicles
Ride - Controlling riding animals

Pathfinder also removed the Concentration (Wis) skill. That was a good move IMHO.
Use the concentration table as it is, but use PL plus highest ability mod as modifier of the d20 roll.

add new feat:

Improved Concentration (General)
You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks to maintain powers with a Concentration or Sustained duration


skill ranks / cross-class skills simplified


simplified skills:

Each skill costs 1pp. The rank in this skill = 1/2 PL.

Also add following feat:

Skill Focus (Skill)
Choose a skill; you gain a +5 bonus when making checks involving that skill. You can take Skill Focus multiple times; each time, it applies to a different skill. Tags: mutants & masterminds

Walking Dad
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Cmb / cmd

Posted 14th March 2011 at 02:12 PM by Walking Dad

The M&M 2nd Grapple rules broke the PL. Or to me precise, Grapple bonus wasn't limited by the PL.

Despite of this, Grapple had the longest entry of all combat actions. It sounds like trying to adapt the Pathfinder rules are maybe a good idea.

Grapple was modified by:

attack bonus + Strength modifier + Super-Strength modifier + size modifier

but also:
Elongation gives you a bonus on Escape Artist checks and grapple
checks equal to your power rank.

Ignoring the powers, these are just the 'basic' d20 grapple rules.


CMB = Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier.

That would translate to:

CMB = Melee attack + Str mod + special size modifier.

o I never liked Super-Str to give a bonus to grapple checks. I will delete this function and reduce it's cost.
o Elongation isn't in it, because it only affects grapple, while CMB has broader uses.
o Melee attack + str mod will be higher than the usual Pathfinder CMBs, but so will the CMD.


CMD = 10 + Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier + special size modifier + miscellaneous modifier

Miscellaneous modifiers are in this case just modifiers that increase the Touch AC.

That would translate to:

CMD = 10 + Defense (melee) + Str mod + Dex mod + special size modifier

o We don't need the miscellaneous modifier, because there is no difference between AC and Touch AC. Everything is just Defense. So we will use defense instead of att bonus (?)


I will use some of the the Core Book hero (melee) archetypes:

Martial Artist:
old grapple: +21 (-4 to escape his grapples)
CMB: +21 , CMD: 32

old grapple: +27 (-4 to escape his grapples)
CMB: +20 , CMD: 28

old grapple: +10
CMB: +10 , CMD: 31

So, the not super-strong Martail Artist has only a bad chance to hold the Powerhouse. But he isn't easily grappled by it, either.

The Speedster doesn't hit his Offensive PL cap, so he is a really bad grappler, but his speedy moves allow him to readily avoid maneuvers.

That seems much nearer to each other. Because Str + att bonus has already a PL cap, CMB is usually+20, barring characters that not reach it's PLs (speedster), size modifiers or feats that let's them use anther Ability for Grappling checks (like Grappling Defense).

Reasoning for a PL cap:

CMB should be limited to PL x 2
CMD need no limit, because it is only roughly worth as much as the immunity to interaction skills (5pp)
(Will add immunity to Combat Maneuvers as a 5 pt immunity (maybe this should not include sunder))

'Block' should also be based on CMB, but I decided to remove this action completely. Tags: mutants & masterminds

Walking Dad
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Pathfinder changes

Posted 14th March 2011 at 02:09 PM by Walking Dad
Pathfinder changes:

- attack bonus / HD connection
- shortened skill list
- skill ranks / cross-class skills simplified
- more feats
- changes how feats work
- racial changes
- favored class bonus instead of penalty.
- Magic item changes
- spell effects
- GMs can choose a between fast, medium and slow XP progression tables.
- Monsters are now worth a set number of experience points (Encounter budgeting).
- changes to special abilities and conditions.

ignoring the ones that were no problem or are not applicable leaves us with:

- shortened skill list
- skill ranks / cross-class skills simplified
- changes how feats work
- spell effects
- Monsters are now worth a set number of experience points (Encounter budgeting).
- changes to special abilities and conditions. Tags: mutants & masterminds

Walking Dad
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Designing M&M 2nd revised (Pathfinder Style)

Posted 14th March 2011 at 02:07 PM by Walking Dad
The new M&M edition isn't as far away from it's predecessor as D&D4, but I thought it would maybe an interesting experiment to try to update/revise the rules while retaining a closer resemblance to the d20 core rules. The closest successful this is the Pathfinder game that established itself aside to D&D 4.

I will analyze the changes in Pathfinder and decide which could/should adapted to M&M.
Then I will analyze the M&M skills, feats and powers and re-imagine them where necessary.
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Walking Dad

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Look at the free Necessary Evil Figure Flats for an image of the invading aliens. (Drones on page 1 and complete page 2.)

Specific Persons:

Dr Destruction

Major Jimmy Perez
Warlord Grypon
Richard Lyons
Jenna Jakes

[sblock=Alien Races]
An amphibious and telepathic race with human-like hairless bodies and skyblue skin. If they fight themselves and don't just use the K'tharen, they use advanced weaponry and battlesuits. Additionally, most V'sori possess Psionic Mastery, an ability that allows them to perform a number of psionic-based super-powers.

An amphibious race that combined the nastiest aspects of sharks and crocodiles with an aggression matched by neither. They are the stuff of nightmares to most and soldier slaves of the V'sori. The people
calling them "Fins".


[sblock=Non-human earth Races]
An aquatic race, appearing as blue skinned humans with gills. All of them have at least minimal psychic abilities, and many of them have highly developed powers.
Atlantis was been ruled by King Meros, also known as Aquarian to the surface world. King Meros was lost during the K'tharen attack on Atlantis, though rumors persist that he has survived.

Though the occurrences are rare, humans and Atlanteans can interbreed. Their progeny always have the ability to send their thoughts, and more often than not, have a greater incidence of superior psionic powers.
Other features of the Atlantean parent — such as being amphibious and blue skin — are not guaranteed to be passed on.

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Walking Dad

First Post

[sblock=Star City]
Star City, built by a space god and home to strange aliens, enigmatic precursors, and more super-powered beings than any other spot on earth. What happens here in Star City determines whether the V'sori are defeated — or the reluctant fighters of Omega meet their final doom.

So, why wasn't it destroyed by the invaders when all the other major cities of the world were left as smoking ruins? Nobody knows, but only some missles hit eastpoint, the rest of it was left untouched.

Northpoint is the much vilified home to many humans who have gone over to the V’sori in order to preserve their safety and way of life. Northpoint is comprised of a series of upper-class suburbs and gated communities.
Since Perez and other community leaders are viewed as targets by human rebels and Omega, Northpoint is frequently patrolled by SOCorp Operatives. Anyone attempting to make trouble in Northpoint will have to deal with a number of SOCorp police vans screaming their way. Even superhumans have learned to fear SOCorp when they come in force.[/sblock]

The V'sori base houses the K'tharen strike squads as well as a number of Warlords and Battle-Masters.
Over 1000 drones are present and somewhere around 144 fins, depending on what’s going on at any given time.

The blue-collar workers who make up most of this section’s population quickly settled back into doing their jobs when the V’sori promised not to blast them and their families to atoms. Hatred fumes beneath their complacency, however, and is fanned constantly by Richard Lyons, the head of the so-called "Eastpoint Insurgents".
It may seem peaceful to the V'sori but Eastpoint is a powder keg ready to blow into full scale revolt.

Tempest is a rough part of town — or so it appears. The gangs that cover this district are actually part of a very subtle neighborhood watch program run by Jenna Jakes — aka the Watcher.
Jakes' power is one of seduction and manipulation, so she’s managed to pull together not only those gangers who might actually want to help, but those who are a bit more “reluctant” as well.

Southpoint was a social experiment gone awry, the result of a prisoner relocation and release program that placed nonviolent, mainly drug-related offenders in government-funded tenements. Without proper supervision and follow-up programs, the one-time prisoners became easy pickings for the neighborhood's criminal element, and soon fell back into their old ways. Drugs are by far the neighborhood’s greatest problem, with perhaps half the adults in the community addicted to alcohol or some sort of narcotic.

[sblock=The Docks]
A smuggler's haven.

Westpoint is a massive sprawl of factories, water treatment plants, and electrical relays.
Rumors abound that the V'sori can "listen" through the power lines and taint the water with drugs to make people docile.

[sblock=Prospect Point]
This elevated point of land is the most secure place on the entire island for the V'sori. Here they are surrounded by large concentrations of their fellows, including a veritable army of drones, patrolling SOCorps, and a K'tharen strike team. High-security walls, auto-targeting lasers (for aerial threats), and hidden infrared sensors round out the community’s defenses from the occasional superbeings.

The rich and powerful of Star City still cling to the hope that the aliens will grow tired of the earth and leave. Those who pledged themselves to the V'sori try to maintain their lives as they were before the invasion. Those who refused, lost everything.

The Mag-Lev winds its way through the dark and dingy streets of Downtown Star City, providing a high-tech contrast to the dark stone and gothic architecture of this gloomy district. V’sori drone patrols often ride random trains, dissuading attacks on the line, and allowing for the efficient transport of the city's denizens to and from work and home.


  • Star City.JPG
    Star City.JPG
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Walking Dad

First Post
SOCorp is a law enforcement agency in Star City established by Major Jimmy Perez.
Ostensibly, they enforce the V'sori rule within the city.
Generally they are well armed, well-armored, and highly motivated. A unit of SOCorp operatives can generally take down even super-powered threats with the right tactics.
When expecting such opposition, they can prove downright deadly.

When SOCorp personnel anticipate dealing with super-powered threats they can gain access to net-guns, foam-throwers, and megatasers.
Against high-priority targets they may field fusion grenades, vibro-blades, and even the occasional plasma rifle.
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Appearance: Gemini is almost never seen in his true form, appearing as one stranger or another on any given day, wearing his true face only when utterly alone and certain of his privacy. Only the briefest of glances at his own face in the mirror serve to remind Gemini of his past and his true self. Perhaps only the mysterious leader of The Zodiac has ever seen his true face or learned his true identity. To others, he appears as a bewildering array of random strangers, faces he has stolen on a whim while strolling through public places.

Gemini often masquerades as a police officer or other public worker, people trusted or ignored by the general populace, and able to pass freely through restricted areas. He usually appears to be a man in his early 20s, roughly 6 feet tall and physically fit but not especially muscular. However, his apparent ethnicity varies widely and he even takes the guise of a woman from time to time, keeping others from ever finding a pattern or profile to identify him with. On occasion he appears as an obese or scrawny individual, sometimes a youth or an elder, but usually no taller than 6-1/2 feet nor shorter than 5 feet. Whatever his form, Gemini often carries a police nightstick, handcuffs, a heavy pistol of one kind or another, a flashlight, and sometimes a backpack or briefcase to carry them discreetly.
Real name unknown, Duplicator/Mimic
Male Human, Medium Size, Age 23, Height 5'-11", Weight 141 lbs.
Speaks, reads, and writes Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish

Allegiances: The Zodiac (his old supervillain team), Earth, and Evil
Power Level 10, Power Points 150, Spent 150, Hero Points 1
Max Attack/Save Difficulty -0/+0, Max Defense/Toughness -0/+0

PP Summary: Abilities 24 + BAB 12 + Defense 12 + Saves 12 + Feats 13 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Powers 59 = 150 points

Strength 14 (+2), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 14 (+2), Wisdom 14 (+2), Charisma 14 (+2)

Base Attack +6
Combat Maneuver Bonus +8 (+6 Base, +2 Str)
Melee +6 (+6 Base, +0 feat)
Ranged +6 (+6 Base, +0 feat)
Initiative +2 (+2 Dex, +0 feat)
Concentration +12 (+10 PL, +2 Wis)
Speed 30 ft.

Defense 16 (+6 Base), Flat-Footed 13
Combat Maneuver Defense 20 (16 Defense, +2 Str, +2 Dex)
Toughness +5/+7 (+2 Con, +3 armor, +0/+2 feat)
Fortitude +5 (+3 Base, +2 Con)
Reflex +4/+6 (+2 Base, +2 Dex, +0/+2 feat)
Will +9/+15 (+7 Base, +2 Wis, +0/+6 Limited Mind Shield)

Nonlethal Damage: Bruised 0, Staggered No, Unconscious No
Lethal Damage: Injured 0, Disabled No, Dying No
Fatigue: Fatigued No, Exhausted No, Unconscious No

Unarmed Strike +6 melee for +2 damage
Tonfa +6 melee for +3 damage
Heavy Pistol +6 ranged for +4 damage (40 ft. increment)

Feats: Attractive 1, Defensive Roll 2, Eidetic Memory, Elusive Target, Equipment 5, Jack-Of-All-Trades, Quick Change 1, Sneak Attack (unranked, ignores PL cap)

Skills (72 ranks): Acrobatics +5 (3 ranks, +2 Dex), Athletics +5 (3 ranks, +2 Str), Bluff +13/+17 (11 ranks, +2 Cha, +0/+4 feat), Computers +10 (8 ranks, +2 Int), Diplomacy +13/+17 (11 ranks, +2 Cha, +0/+4 feat), Disguise +5/+15 (3 ranks, +2 Cha, +0/+10 power), Gather Information +5 (3 ranks, +2 Cha), Language 6, Notice +7 (5 ranks, +2 Wis), Search +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Sense Motive +10 (8 ranks, +2 Wis), Stealth +10 (8 ranks, +2 Dex)

Equipment (EP 20): Supervillain Outfit (EP 0, various disguises), Backpack (EP 0), Briefcase (EP 0), Disguise Kit (EP 0), Medicine Kit (EP 0), Loft (EP 0, Fine Headquarters, Large Object, Garage, Living Space, Security System), Midsize Car (EP 7, Str 30, Speed 5, Defense 8, Toughness 9, Huge Vehicle), Laptop Computer (EP 1, Medium), Commlink (EP 1, Miniscule), Flashlight (EP 1, Tiny), Handcuffs (EP 1, Tiny), Tonfa (EP 2, Damage +1, Critical 20, Bludgeoning, Medium Simple Melee Weapon), Heavy Pistol (EP 8, Damage +4, Critical 20, Ballistic, Range Increment 40 ft., Small Firearm), Undercover Vest (EP 4, Toughness +3, Subtle)

Current Load 30 lbs.
Light Load 58, Medium Load 116, Heavy Load 175
Maximum Load 350, Push/Drag 875

Complications: Reputation (he has a bad reputation from his criminal activities), Responsibility (his ultimate loyalties lie with the leadership of The Zodiac and he must report in as well as follow the orders of his master)
Drawbacks: None

1. Mental Sanctum (Mind Shield 6, Psionic, Effect: Defense/Mental, Action: Free, Range: Personal, Duration: Permanent, Cost: 3, Extra: Duration, Flaw: Limited, Flaw: Permanent, gets +6 on Will saves against mental effects, automatically saves against mental effects with a lower save DC modifier than +3, Limited to Mind Control and Mind Reading and Mental Transform and Fog of Forgetfulness)

2. Incognito (Morph 2, Psionic, Effect: Alteration, Action: Full, Range: Personal, Duration: Continuous, Cost: 1, Extra: Duration, Flaw: Action -3, can change appearance to look like any other humanoid with +10 on Disguise checks for that purpose)

3. Deja Vu (Duplication 10, Psionic, Effect: Alteration, Action: Full, Range: Personal, Duration: Sustained, Cost: 22, Power Feat: Absorption Healing, Power Feat: Mental Link, Extra: Heroic, Flaw: Action, Flaw: Feedback, can create a single heroic duplicate of himself with all his abilities except this power and no hero points, can absorb an undamaged duplicate to make an immediate recovery check, communicates mentally with his duplicate and knows what they know, needs a Will save against any damage suffered by his duplicate but adds the duplicate's Toughness bonus to his Will save)

4a. Copycat (Mimic Powers 8, Psionic, Effect: Alteration, Action: Full, Range: Perception, Duration: Sustained, Cost: 33, Power Feat: Alternate Power 1, Extra: Perception, Flaw: Action, Flaw: Tainted, can copy all of one subject's powers at a time but only up to 40 power points total, maximum copied rank equals Mimic rank or subject's rank if lower, maximum copied bonus equals Mimic rank or subject's rank if lower, copies subject's drawbacks as well as powers)

-----4b. Insidiousness (Mind Reading 10, Psionic, Effect: Mental, Action: Free/Move, Range: Perception, Duration: Concentration/Lasting, Equivalent Cost: 32, Power Feat: Subtle 2, Extra: Action 2, can read a target's surface thoughts with a power check against their Will save, may use Bluff opposed by Sense Motive when interacting to make the target think about a particular subject, can probe a target's mind for one answer per round with a move-action power check against their Will save, targets get a cumulative +1 on Will saves against Mind Reading for each new attempt per encounter and a new save with such a bonus at every interval along the Time and Value Progression Table)

Background: Gemini's past is shrouded in mystery, but he first began his villainous career when he joined a group of supervillains that emerged a few years ago, calling themselves The Zodiac. That's when he took on the moniker of Gemini, after the constellation of the brothers Remus and Romulus. Mentored to some extent by The Zodiac's mysterious leader, Gemini served as the team's spy, scout, infiltrator, procurement specialist, and information gatherer, as well as an occasional support role in battle against superheroes, law enforcement, or military forces.

He is recognized as a member of the infamous Zodiac team only by his use of the name Gemini when dealing with comrades or enemies, since his appearance is always changing. Once The Zodiac had to minimize their activities to avoid running afoul of the alien invaders and risking annihilation, Gemini was chosen to continue some operations using his ability to change forms and function incognito. Now he is charged with taking measures to sabotage the alien menace and provide The Zodiac with a chance to conquer or depose the aliens, so The Zodiac's mysterious leader can accomplish his ultimate goals.

Like most supervillains, Gemini had a troubled past. Whatever he went through as a child traumatized him and fractured his mind into multiple personalities, while compartmentalizing his memories and thought processes into even smaller fragments. His mind is a labyrinthine maze of lies, imagined events, self-deceptions, alternate histories, and alternate self-images, making it virtually impossible for anyone delving into his psyche to find anything substantive or true to latch onto.

Gemini retreats into his subconscious mind whenever reality becomes unbearable or just too boring, finding comfort only in the sanctum of his own mindscape. The outside world is a cruel, nasty, filthy, unjust, and repugnant place in his view, something he just has to put up with when he can't stay locked up in the dreamscapes of his subconscious. This obviously affects how he interacts with others and how he treats life in the real world, a keystone of his villainous behavior. Gemini left home at an early age, after his psionic talents manifested to such an extent that he could handle himself without depending on others, aside from stealing and cheating with his psionic talents.

He first developed the ability to split off one of his secondary personalities into another body, and he had long considered his other personalities to be his "brothers" of a sort, able to converse with them on occasion in his mind's eye. Over time this ability grew stronger, and he found himself able to assume the voice and likeness of other people when he really wanted to be someone else. After witnessing a battle between a superhero and a supervillain at one point, he found himself copying the villain's powers as he was imitating their movements during the spectacle. Over time he found that he could duplicate other superpowers after witnessing them, and sometimes, even just by concentrating on someone that he suspected to possess superpowers.

However, his imitations only lasted for a short time, and it wasn't until after he was discovered by the leader of The Zodiac that he learned more about the extent of his mimicry, including the fact that he could duplicate the weapons, armor, magic wands, and other tools of the superheroes and supervillains he witnessed. It was also under the mentoring of The Zodiac's leader that Gemini discovered he could read minds if he focused his mind in the right way. He already had a knack for figuring out what other people were thinking, but The Zodiac taught him how to hone that latent psychic ability into something more direct. Gemini aspires to use what he learns from The Zodiac to develop his psionic powers further and find whatever the full extent of his potential may be. They are nothing more than a tool for his own development, but he serves them willingly and faithfully as long as he keeps learning from their experience and knowledge.[/sblock]
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First Post


Power Level 10
Power Points 150

Defense/Toughness Tradeoff -6/+6
Attack/Damage Tradeoff ±0/±0

Experience 3 (17.10.2011)
Hero Points 1 (Improvisation 5, Recovery 5)

Str 10 (+0)
Dex 10 (+0)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 20 (+5)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 20 (+5)

Power Points: 26 PP

Initiative +4
Attack +0
Defense +4
Damage (unarmed) +0
Combat Maneuver Bonus +0
Combat Maneuver Defense 15

Power Points: 8 PP

Toughness Save +0 (“Energy Shield” +16)
Fortitude Save +8
Reflex Save +8
Will Save +12

Power Points: 25 PP

Bluff +20 (15)
Concentration +15
Diplomacy +20 (15)
Disguise +15 (10)
Gather Information +15 (10)
Knowledge: Arcane Lore +20 (15)
Notice +18 (15)
Search +18 (13)
Sense Motive +18 (15)

Power Points: 27 PP

Improved Initiative 1
Luck (Improvisation) 5
Luck (Recovery) 5
Quick Change 2

Power Points: 14 PP

Force Field 16 - “Energy Shield” - (Power Cost: 16/4-1 = 3 PP)
» Flaw : Action (Full) [-3]
» Drwbk: Power Loss 1 (Unable to Cast Spells; Gestures and Incantations)

Array 4 (8 PP per Configuration) - (Structure Cost: 4x2+1-1 = 8 PP)
» Feat : Alternate Power 1
» Drwbk: Power Loss 1 (Unable to Cast Spells; Gestures and Incantations)
[SBLOCK=Configurations]Teleport 3 - “Teleport” - (Power Cost: 3x2+2 = 8 PP)
» Feat : Change Direction
» Feat : Turnabout
» Extra: Accurate
» Flaw : Short-Range
Teleport 8 - “Town Portal” - (Power Cost: 8x1 = 8 PP)
» Extra: Portal [+2]
» Flaw : Action (Standard)
» Flaw : Anchor (Single Place)
» Flaw : Long-Range[/SBLOCK]

Magic 16 (32 PP per Configuration) - (Structure Cost: 16x2+8-1 = 39 PP)
» Feat : Alternate Power 8
» Drwbk: Power Loss 1 (Unable to Cast Spells; Gestures and Incantations)
[SBLOCK=Configurations]Snare 5 - “Frozen Armor” - (Power Cost: 5x6+2 = 32 PP)
» Feat : Slow Fade 2 (30 Minutes)
» Extra: Aura
» Extra: Duration (Sustained) [+2]
» Extra: No Saving Throw [+2]
» Extra: Independent [+0]
» Extra: Total Fade
» Flaw : Action (Full)
» Flaw : Range (Touch)
Blast 10 - “Glacial Spike” - (Power Cost: 10x2 = 20 PP)
» Extra: Range (Perception)
» Extra: Linked [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
Petrification 10 - “Turn to Ice” - (Power Cost: 10x1 = 10 PP)
» Extra: Range (Perception)
» Extra: Linked [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
» Flaw : Duration (Instant (lasting)) [-2]
Blast 10 - “Frozen Orb” - (Power Cost: 10x2 = 20 PP)
» Extra: Area (Cone, General)
» Extra: Linked [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
Snare 10 - “Freeze” - (Power Cost: 10x1 = 10 PP)
» Extra: Area (Cone, General)
» Extra: Linked [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
» Flaw : Entangle
Blast 10 - “Blizzard” - (Power Cost: 10x2+3-2 = 21 PP)
» Feat : Indirect 1
» Feat : Progression (Cloud Duration) 2
» Extra: Area (Cloud, General)
» Extra: Linked [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
» Drwbk: Full Power
» Drwbk: Reduced Range 1
Snare 10 - “Freeze” - (Power Cost: 10x1+3-2 = 11 PP)
» Feat : Indirect 1
» Feat : Progression (Cloud Duration) 2
» Extra: Area (Cloud, General)
» Extra: Linked [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
» Flaw : Entangle
» Drwbk: Full Power
» Drwbk: Reduced Range 1
Blast 10 - “Chain Lightning” - (Power Cost: 10x3+2 = 32 PP)
» Feat : Indirect 1
» Feat : Selective
» Extra: Area (Burst, General)
Blast 14 - “Fire Bolt” - (Power Cost: 14x2+4 = 32 PP)
» Feat : Accurate 3
» Feat : Precise
Blast 10 - “Fire Ball” - (Power Cost: 10x3+2 = 32 PP)
» Feat : Indirect 1
» Feat : Improved Range 1
» Extra: Explosion (General)
Blast 8 - “Fire Wall” - (Power Cost: 8x4+3-3 = 32 PP)
» Feat : Indirect 2
» Feat : Slow Fade 1 (-1 PP per 5 rounds)
» Extra: Area (Line, General)
» Extra: Duration (Sustained) [+2]
» Extra: Independent [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
» Drwbk: Full Power
» Drwbk: Reduced Range 2
Telekinesis 10 - “Telekinesis” - (Power Cost: 10x3+2 = 32 PP)
» Feat : Precise
» Feat : Subtle
» Extra: Damaging
» Extra: Range (Perception)
» Flaw : Duration (Concentration)[/SBLOCK]

Power Points: 50 PP

It is not known why it happened, or how, but the kid who was playing his favorite video game at that time, was quite surprised to see his avatar suddenly standing next to him in flesh and blood.
The Sorceress was similarily surprised and also heavily confused, mistaking the kid for one of the numerous enemies she would encounter on a regular basis in her video game world. He barely survived the encounter.
In her confusion, the Sorceress went on a rampage through the city with liberal use of her destructive magical powers. By the time she realized the wrongness of her actions, she was already classified as a new villain.
The arrival of the alien invadors changed all this. Now she gets the chance to redeem herself and to make up for the damage she has caused. A simple 'Sorry!' surely wouldn't have been enough.

Power Point Summary: Abilities 26 PP + Combat 8 PP + Saves 25 PP + Skills 27 PP + Feats 14 PP + Powers 50 PP = 150 PP[/SBLOCK]
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Here's the crunch for Filipo AKA "Helis" the Destroyer.-

[sblock=Abilities ( 32 pp) ]
Strength: 30 (+ 10 )
Dexterity: 18 (+ 4 )
Constitution: 18 (+ 4 )
Intelligence: 14 (+ 2 )
Wisdom: 14 (+ 2 )
Charisma: 10 (+ 0 ) [/sblock]

[sblock=Combat ( 28 pp) ]

Attack Melee: 12
Attack Ranged: 12

CMB 20
CMD 29
Defense: 10 (2 natural defense)
Initiative: 8
[sblock=Attacks ]
Hypastes: + 12 Attack for DC: 23 Range: Melee
Phyla: + 12 Attack for DC: 23 Range: 5ft reach
Toxotes: + 12 Attack for DC: 23 Range: 125 ft range
Shockwave: + Area Attack for DC: 20 Range: 10x10 cone
[sblock=Saves ( 11 pp) ]

Toughness: 10
Fortitude: 7
Reflex: 7
Will: 7
[sblock=Skills ( 8 pp) ]
8 ( 4 ) Acrobatics
10 ( 0 ) Athletics
6 ( 4 ) Craft
4 ( 4 ) Intimidate
6 ( 4 ) Medicine
6 ( 4 ) Notice
8 ( 4 ) Control: Ride
6 ( 4 ) Sense Motive
8 ( 4 ) Stealth

[sblock=Feats ( 11 pp) ]

Power attack
All out attack
Evasion 1
Accurate attack
Improved critical (Hypastes) 1
Move by action
Improved initiative 1
Elusive target
Instant up
Takedown attack
Ultimate effort (T. saves)
Teamwork 2

[sblock=Powers ( 60 pp) ]

Weapon Master Array (28 pp)
>Hypastes (Strike) 8
>>EX: Penetrating, Autofire 1
>>PF: Split attack (2) 26pp

>Phyla (Strike) 8
>>EX: Penetrating, secondary effect
>>PF: Thrown, Reach (1) 26/1pp

>Toxotes (Blast) 8
>>EX: Autofire 1
>>PF: Precise, Improved Range 26/1 pp

>Makhaira (Strike) 8
>>EX: Penetrating, AS: Fort
>>PF: Affect insubstantials, incurable

Heracles Armor (Hard to lose device) 8 (32 pp)
(Gives 40 'Device Points)
>Protection 6 (6 pp)
>Shield 10 (10 pp)
>Immunity (Critical hits) 2 (2 pp)
>Enhanced Strenght 12 (12 pp)
>>Shockwave (1 pp)
>>Super Strength 1 (1 pp)
>Absorption 2 [taking physical damage and making it a heal check.] (8pp)
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First Post

[sblock=Brick]Abilities: STR: 10/30 (+0/+10) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 10/30 (+0/+10) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA: 14 (+2)

Skills: Intimidate 8 (+10), Drive 1 (+3), Notice 5 (+6), Stealth 2 (+4)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 10, Attack Specialization (Heavy Pistol) 2, Chokehold, Diehard, Fast Overrun, Improved Crit (Unarmed Attack) 2, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Overrun, Improved Pin, Interpose, Power Attack, Startle, Stunning Attack, Takedown 2, Equipment 5

Powers: Enhanced Trait (Str) 20 (20 PP) (Power Feats: Shockwave (1 PP), Groundstrike (1 PP)), Enhanced Trait (Con) 20 (20 PP), Leaping 4 (4 PP), Protection 1 (Impervious 11) (12 PP), Penetrating on Str (10 PP), Super-Strength 4 (8 PP)

Combat: Melee Attack +10 / Ranged Attack +0 (+4 Heavy Pistol), Defense 19 (Tradeoff: Toughness), Init +2

Saves: Toughness +11 (Impervious, Tradeoff: Defense) Fortitude +10 Reflex +7 Will +7

Equipment: Binoculars (1ep), Cell Phone (1ep), Commlink (1ep), Flash Goggles (1ep), Flashlight (1ep), Gas Mask (1ep), Vehicle: Motorcycle (9ep), Heavy Pistol (8ep) (Stun Ammo (1ep) )

Abilities 11 + Skills 3 (12 Ranks) + Feats 33 + Powers 76 + Combat 18 + Saves 9 = 150pp[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Real Name:Ben O'hare

Background:Even as a child, folks told Ben he was "built like a brick s***house," a phrase which eventually became his nickname, Brick. What they didn't know was exactly how tough Ben was, a fact he kept hidden most of his life at the behest of his mother. When their low-income neighborhood (Tempest) began to get even worse in the wake of the alien invasion, however, the young man decided it was time to stop playing nice, and began acting as a neighborhood watchdog / enforcer against the creeping corruption and danger on his streets.

Leveling: Increased Reflex and Will save by 1, added two ranks to Notice, Stealth[/sblock]
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Octavia, "Fallen Angel"

PL 10 (150=30+20+8+16+49+27)
Abilities (30PP) Str 10; Dex 20; Con 18; Int 10; Wis 16; Cha 16

Saves (20PP)
Tough: 10 (0PP)
Reflex: 15 (10PP)
Fortitude: 5 (1PP)
Will 12 (9PP)

Combat (8PP)
Initiative: +13
Defense: +10 (2 FF)
Attacks: Ring +12
CMB: +2
CMD: 27

Skills (16PP)
Diplomacy +7 (4 ranks)
Escape Artist +20 (15 ranks)
Notice +18 (15 ranks)
Sense Motive +14 (11 ranks)
Stealth +20 (15 ranks)
Survival +7 (4 ranks)

Powers (49PP)
Flight 3 (Power loss Drawback:if wings are immobilized; Common, Minor; -2pp) (4PP)
Immunity 3 (Aging, Disease, Poison) (3PP)
Protection (Impervious-6) 6 (12PP)
Invisibility 2 (All visual Senses) (Drawback: Passive -2pp) (6PP)
Device Ring 6 (24PP) (Drawback: Hard to lose)
- Blast 8 (Divine Energy Ray) (16pp)
- Accurate 5 (5pp)
- Penetrating 7 (7pp)
- Precise 1 (1pp)
AP - Mental Blast 7 (subtle) (1pp)

Feats (27)
Dodge 8
Inspire 5
Improved Initiative 2
Evasion 2
Super-senses (Darkvision)
Grappling Finesse
Eye-in Back of Head
Uncanny Dodge 2 (Visual, Audio)
Move-by Action
Combat Awareness
Inner Reserve 3

Born in another dimension and time, Octavia was an adventurous monk, and as a result not a pious as a worshiper of her deity, the God of Law as was expected. She believed in the laws of the order, but just never felt at home. She just could not muster the passion for helping people or doing good works, often believing many of these people should take personal responsibility for their situation. As result, some thought her selfish or too cold-hearted. She trained hard and focused more on combat prowess rather than works of charity.

While observing her work on keeping law and order, agents for God of Tyranny and War decided the monk girl had great potential and could be swayed away from her path to worship him instead. After all, the ideals of her order were not that far removed. The evil god, through some of his high priests, took personal interest as the girl had proven to be a remarkable warrior making her an even more desirable champion of his purposes. Slowly the priests, under false pretenses, began the process of tricking her and seducing her to the evil side of things. She continued her works combating forces of chaos and keeping order, but more and more the companions around her were less concerned about the morals for protecting the innocent.

These new companions and agents of the evil priests sent Octavia on a quest to kill a supposedly blackguard champion who was capturing children and selling them into slavery. In a carefully orchestrated ruse, Octavia and her two cohorts raided the hideout and surprised the guards killing them all and releasing the children. Unfortunately the supposed guards were really knights on a rescue mission and had only just arrived. Both groups battled each other believing their foes to be the slavers. The real slavers, in the pay of the evil priests, had already vacated the premises knowing that this carefully orchestrated encounter’s purpose was to have Octavia kill those too self-righteous knights.

Her quest complete, Octavia was rewarded by her new god and was granted divine powers including her angel-like wings (only black) that could manifest at will whenever she wished. In a cruel twist, her new master revealed his true identity and showed her proof of that the men slain in the slavers’ hideout were in the service of the God of Light.

With the dawning realization of what she had done and the person she had become, Octavia’s heart was torn asunder and she mourned her transformation alone in solitude. During her seclusion while contemplating uncertainty of her fate, her two loyal cohorts were discovered and executed by knights seeking vengeance. Even though they were guilty, she felt that her cohorts had also been tricked and did not deserve to die. A vengeful anger quickly replaced sorrow and self pity; and she systematically stalked and hunted those knights. When she found them each alone, she challenged and killed each one in mortal combat. The paladins of the order these knights belonged to never had proof of her part in their executions, but they harbored suspicions that she might be responsible. However they still wanted her head for her part in the slavers’ hideout slayings.

Her victories had proven her martial skill and the glories her new power could help her achieve. But with these latest enemies’ deaths fresh and the passion for vengeance satiated, Octavia no longer felt driven and could not completely give herself over to the God of Tyranny and War and embrace him in worship. She still did not agree with the philosophy of the God of Light's self righteous knights and their arrogant brand of justice; if only they could see that the world is not black and white, but gray.

To escape the fate of an eternity of infernal servitude and constant battle with the champions of the God of Light, she sought to escape the divine plans for her destiny. With the help of a powerful sorcerer and the fulfillment of a quest to secure his services and the powerful arcane artifact he needed for the ritual; she found a way to leave the blood on her hands behind. As agreed the sorcerer opened a dimensional portal to another plane of existence and she went through ending up in a completely different universe. Despite the significant change of her location, her powers remained undiminished, so she furled her wings away and walked among people of this new world still looking like the young woman that she had been before her fall towards evil. For years she remained inconspicuously observant of the culture and people of her new homeland and adjusted to the strange environment, preferring to remain anonymous until satisfied the dark god had not been able to find her. This new realm apparently had given up worship of the more ancient deities and their power to interfere in her new life appeared to be nonexistent. Feeling free, she allowed herself to determine her own destiny and set about doing just that.

In her travels of this new realm, Octavia came across someone who could offer her a chance to potentially increase her power and help defend herself better should the minions of the God of Tyranny ever find her. This Dr. Kaltzov, an entrepreneurial type individual, was amenable to such an arrangement. Despite him not being entirely truthful when he first met her about his true intentions and mastermind plans, she was not bothered this as she was planning to only use him in return anyway. They both have a wary alliance of sorts based on a lie or two that they both know about, yet choose to let it be a facade of convenience. Dr. Kaltzov offered to create a device able to boost her divine powers, in exchange to keep those bugging heroes out of his lab. Everything was derailed by these self-righteous vigilantes putting their noses where they did not belong. With everything in disarray another chaotic menace, SHADOW, threatens to interfere with their collective plans and they decide to head to Gotham to do something about it.

After beating Ragnarak in Gothom, she got caught up in the reality warper machine and then was once again sucked into another realm or dimension.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +13 Def: +10 (2 ff) Tough: +10 (6 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +15 Will: +12 CMD: 27
Attack: Ring: +12 CMB: +2
Hero Points: 1 + 3 (for Inspire)
Health: Excellent specimen of female sexuality
Diplomacy: +13; Escape Artist: +18;
Notice: +18; Sense Motive: +14 Stealth: +20; [/sblock]___________________________________________
Fallen Angel
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Ondina Naiad AKA SIREN - PL 10 (150 pp)

Abilities: 16pp
STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+1)/20(+5)
CON 10 (+0)/16(+3)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 18 (+4)

Combat : 0pp
Defense: 22 (12 dodge)
Toughness: +8 (+3 con +5 Enhanced Protection),
Base Attack: 0(+4 Enhanced)
Initiative: +5

Saves: 15 pp
Fort +10 (4 base + 3 con + 3 Enhanced)
Reflex +12 (4 base + 5 dex + 3 Enhanced)
Will +12 (7 base + 2 wis + 3 Enhanced)

Skills: (76 ranks=19pp)
Athletics(+17/12), Bluff(+14/10), Diplomacy(+14/10), Escape Artist(+11/6), Handle Animal(+12/8), Notice(+12/10), Perform:Sing(+14/10), Stealth(+15/10)
*+4 to checks where attractiveness matter*

Feats(18): Attractive, Benefit(Atlantean Royalty), DodgeX12, Environmental Adaptation(Underwater), Fascinate(Perform), Favoured Environment(Water), Uncanny Dodge(Mental)

Powers: 82pp
Comprehend Rank 2: Animals(Speak to and understand), Flaw:Sea Creatures only(-1) - 2pp

Atlantean Container: [Descriptor: Racial, PF: Innate] (8pp)
-Immunity Rank 3: High Pressure, Cold Environments, Drowning - 3pp
-Super Senses Rank 3: Sonar(Accurate Ultrasonic Hearing) - 3pp
-Swimming Rank 2: 5 mph - 2 pp
-Feature/Complication: Sense/Be Sensed by other Aquatic Telepaths - 0 pp

Psychic Array: [Descriptor: Mental] (40 point pool=47pp)
-TK Blast Rank 12 (PF: AccurateX2, PreciseX2) *Linked: Trip* 2/rank+4=26+12 trip=40pp
Linked: Trip Rank 10 (PF: Improved Trip, Improved Throw ) - *1/rank+2=12pp*
-Psychic Knife: Strike Rank 12 (Vampiric+1, Penetrating+1), AccurateX2 *2/rank+2=26* - +1pp
-Illusion 10(All Senses, ProgressionX4[100'], Phantasm(-1), Dynamic *3/rank+4=34* - +2pp
-Emotion Control Rank 10 (Duration:Continuous +1), Dynamic *3/rank=30* - +2pp
-Telepathy: Mind Reading 10, Mental Communication 10 (Limited(Familiarity), Area, Selective) Dynamic *2/rank +1=21* - +2pp

Atlantean Armour & Tiara(Set): Device Rank 7[Hard to Loose] (28pp)
Protection Rank 5 - 5pp
Enhanced Abilities: Con+6, Dex+6 - 12pp
Enhanced Attack: +4 - 8pp
Enhanced Saves: +3 Fort/Ref/Will - 9pp
Feats: Animal Empathy(Sea Creatures) - 1pp

Complications: Vulnerable to heat

Tradeoffs: +2 Defense/-2 Toughness; -2 attack/+2 effect
COST: 16 Abilities + 19 Skills + 18 Feats + 85 Powers + 0 Combat + 15 Saves = 153/153
3 xp spent


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