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[LPF] Silent Tide

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The scholar's expression is embarrassed, but he nods his head in affirmation. "Both of you are correct. A local scholar, quite the bright idiot, began looking into the encrypted writings in the book at the behest of his friend and employer. I've, um, never been very good at thinking through the consequences of my own actions, and on a lark I decided to try out what I'd deciphered to see if I'd gotten it correct. As it happens, I had. I thought it would be safe, as the book also provided the codes to stop the invasion.

"I've seen signs that the advance party - the code book names them the 'Black Echelon' - has started it's mission. I was just about to give the signal to stop when those thugs grabbed me and my friends. I heard them mention Nessian's name, that's how I know he's behind this. He's a small time 'crime lord' here in Planks with ambitions to become the big boss. I don't know for sure, but I believe he means to use the threat of this invasion to blackmail and leverage his way to more power.

"But it's worse than Nessian knows, and he's fiddling with things beyond his ability to control. It wasn't just the Black Echelon who took that oath . . . it was the entire armada! If the Echelon isn't stopped before they weaken the city and signal the invasion, Venza will be overrun by an entire fleet of invading undead!

"If you could just get that book back for me, I could stop this madness before my actions lead to the fall of Venza!"

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Corbin, male human cleric 1

Corbin Elmentis (small).jpg

"You'll have to forgive my ignorance of Venzan history. I am a relative new-comer to the city. What is known of the Black Echelon? Is this some ancient enemy of Venza? An aggressive nation?"

As more of the story comes out, Corbin listens on, almost incredulously. He had heard tales from Mum Jalise about the dead rising due to powerful curses, and had been trained in methods to combat them, but the whole idea Yargos seemed to be leading up to sounded a bit far-fetched. "Old man, do you mean to suggest that Nessian intends to go about setting these signals alight, and that some dark oath will somehow compel men dead 150 years passed to rise again and sack the city? And that although you learned all of this from some old book, it is yet an imminent threat? The dark magic involved in such a ritual... I must admit I find it difficult to swallow. If this is true, I will by all means assist, but you said you have seen signs that the advance party has started its mission. I have to ask: what sort of signs?"
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
"But that's what I'm trying to tell you! I've already sent the signals, started the invasion! And Nessian took the book from me before I could send the signal to stop it!"


First Post
Robert facepalms and shakes his head. "Old Man, why didn't you start with. 'Hey guys I accidentally awakened a horde of Undead that will destroy the city, so lets RUN to get the book to stop it.' " Pointing at the other People that were chained "Okay then, lets pick up speed, the others are probably saver on their own, slow, way back to town. So where are we heading exactly?"


Corbin, male human cleric 1

Corbin Elmentis (small).jpg

Corbin commiserates silently with Robert. Clearly this Yargos was a bit senile, but nevertheless Peligrew had hired him and his fellow companions to retrieve the book and it seemed the book was now in the possession of one Nessian. And if recovering it would allay Yargos' fears as well, all the better. He placated the man, "Very well, old man, we'll retrieve this book. It was our intent to do so from the start anyway. We'll find this Nession. If you can aid us in his whereabouts that would help. Can you at least see to it that these other people..." he paused for a moment. "Wait just a second, who are these people and what does Nessian care for them anyway?"


=== Charity, Human Female ===

Charity listens, and then suggests, "Well... we know Nessian wants them all dead for some reason. I'm not sure I want to leave them until we have them fully to safety, for fear of more thugs finding them on their way back."

After a short time to think, the young woman adds, "I'm wondering if Nessian is accidentally or intentionally making things worse. Do you know his reason for wanting the book, Yargos?"

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]
AC: 17 (16 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 14/14
CMB: +3 CMD: 14

Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +3
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +5
Initiative: +1

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive (one hand)
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none


Corbin, male human cleric 1

Corbin Elmentis (small).jpg

"Well, Charity, he did say something about blackmailing the city. I imagine Nessian at least knows that allowing the Black Echelon's lights to be lit will result in something bad. It appears to be Yargos' belief that Nessian simply does not understand how bad."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=OOC]Sorry - sick yesterday and playing catch up both on the boards and at work today.[/sblock]

Yargos nods his head and a note of respect enters his voice. "You're bright ones, you are, for hired muscle! Parnham chose well. I don't think Nessian has any interest in my friends. They just happened to be drinking with me when his thugs came for me, and they got scooped up as a means to blackmail me into giving up the book should I balk at them spending my own life. They should be safe enough.

"As to finding Nessian, I know a man in Planks who knows where everyone is. He's a little difficult to deal with and his price will probably be steep, but he'll be able to point us to Nessian. We can drop this thug off to the Whitecloaks on the way to see Grandmaster Torch.

"And the priest has the right of it - Nessian's ambitious, and he no doubt thinks he can use the threat of the Black Echelon and the Silent Tide invasion to bully the other crime lords here into promoting him to "top dog."


First Post
"Grandmaster Torch? Really? Did he pick that name himself? Heh..." Robert pauses a moment to keep himself from laughing, which would be inappropriate at this time "So lets make haste to the Whitecoats and then off to the Grandmaster" Robert suggest.


=== Charity, Human Female ===

Looking over at Yargos with interest, the ginger nods as he finishes. "I don't know how I missed that on the first go around, but it paints a pretty clear picture. Nessian needs to be deprived the book, that is for sure." Charity gives it a bit more thought, "As a secondary objective, we hopefully can deal with Nessian directly. Both of these line up with Parnham's requirements as well." She smiles, "If successful, we save Venza... and get paid, too."

Shifting gears, Charity addresses Yargos directly, "So this 'Grandmaster Torch', what do you know about him... other than he deals in information, and is expensive?"

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]
AC: 17 (16 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 14/14
CMB: +3 CMD: 14

Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +3
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +5
Initiative: +1

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive (one hand)
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none

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