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What kind of Map Symbols evoke Gothic Horror?


I am currently working on a set of 50 (maybe 100) photo-realistic map symbols under the theme: "Gothic Horror". While I have about 25 objects created so far, and ideas for a dozen more, I really need 50, and if I get enough ideas, maybe I'll do 100 symbols. The problem is some symbol concepts evoke "gothic horror" less than others, I want a solid collection that really fit the theme, so I need to validate inclusions.

So far I have created or plan to create:

Open Graves/Coffins - I've created 8 separate open graves to coffins, both open and closed, from rock cut tombs to ornate gothic, satin-lined coffins. I also plan to create a variety of dressed corpses (men, women, children, elderly) to inhabit those graves.

Torture Chamber - the rack with an occupant, iron maiden with one door open, chair with head and thumb screws, heated spikes and burning coal brazier, impaling pikes with bodies, perhaps a few more.

Vivisectionist Operating Table - one object is a set of 19th century surgical instruments laid out ready to be used, an operating table, some body parts, maybe a partially constructed flesh golem/Frankenstein's monster, also kind of oddball a tank of electric eels for a source of energy...

Fortune Teller's Table - a full reading display of tarot cards, crystal ball, laid out and partially rolled astrological chart, table with ornate tablecloth, maybe curtains or hanging beads, maybe a full vardo (Romani wagon).

Some Aristocratic Furnishings - an ornate bath tub, a 4 post master bed with unseen figure sleeping in it, candalabra standing and a tabletop one, perhaps an ornate couch and chair, desk full of interesting stuff on it, marble bust, and displayed suit of armor.

Wizardly accoutrement - grimoire and scrolls, lab equipment, miasma in various colors (red, green, pale blue and white), a still, ornate cages for living components, magic square and solomic circles, perhaps a negative energy sphere, vials and bottles of components.

Plague accoutrement - piles of bodies, wagon full of bodies, pyre of bodies, miasma torches.

What else can you think of that fits the concept of Gothic horror, understanding we're talking objects that could be displayed on maps?

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Here's a few of the intended gothic horror symbols created so far. A grouping is open graves/coffins - varying burial constructions based on culture and time period.

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  • cobwebs
  • sewer grate
  • grandfather clock
  • various withered plants
  • crack in the ground, fire or steam optional
  • puddle with a tentacle reaching up from the depths(?!)
  • weeping angels or other creepy statuary


  • weeping angels or other creepy statuary

This above pretty much anything I can think of! Creepy and unnerving statues are definitely shorthand for "Gothic Horror" as a genre.

Oh, Games Workshop has some stuff that may be helpful. The terrain of Warhammer Fantasy may be particularly inpirational.


Here's another gothic horror map symbol, this one done in 3D, of a girl in a glass casket.

Regarding the 2 sets of eyes... its why I did it in 3D, I wanted proper refraction through facets/panes of glass. I didn't plan on it to split the eyes, like that, but that's just it, letting the 3D do the refraction I don't make any judgement calls - it is what it is... (and I like the results.)



Next up an aristocrat's desk with some accounting documents, contracts, loose sheets of paper, quill and inkwell, an open book, one of my hand-drawn maps, a candelabra, a wine decanter and glass with wine and stopper, and a flint lock pistol peeking from the open drawer. I used 18th century desk and chair, with some 18th century fabric as reference and usage in the final. Many/most gothic horror stories involve some kind of aristrocrat, so I think this object fits well into the theme...



I've begun work on a vivisectionist operating theater, which works for necromancy and flesh golem manufacture as well. I've created the operating table, a table of medical utensils (I intend to fill the table with gruesome tools based on 19th century medical tools), and document table. I plan to create formaldehyde jars of specimins, containers of body parts, a tank of liquid with a fresh corpse and other oddities.


Random Axe

I'm wondering about the usefulness of going into such detail on some of these icons. I really like the crystal coffin above, but the aristocrat's desk just makes me scratch my head. Are any of these details going to show up at all on a map? Or are you really meaning these are for future tilesets on a literal 1" scale playing piece surface? Because for a DM's map or player's map these are just going to be lost.

As for actual suggestions, I would go with piles of bones, splats of gore, puddles of black ooze, or pentacles or other magic circles inscribed on the ground...

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