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D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor [Rogues Gallery]


This is the character thread for my Fall of Blackmoor Play-by-Post.

I will also be using this thread to track each character's experience total.

Players, please post your characters here.

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The Forest Deer

Name: Ngoya Utonga of the Forest Deer or just Forest Deer
Class: Rogue
Background: Outlander
Race: Human (Variant)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common, Elven, Orc
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 138 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Skin: Dark Brown
Hair: Black, short

HP: 10
Hit dice: 1d8+2
Passive Perception: 17
Passive investigation: 15
AC: 16 (studded leather)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30'

Melee: Shortsword +6 (1d6 + 4 /Piercing)
Ranged: Shortbow +6 (1d6 + 4 /Piercing)
Ranged: Dart +6 (1d4 + 4 /Piercing)

Saving Throws:
Str +1
* Dex +6
Con +2
* Int +5
Wis +3
Cha -1

Strength: 13 (+1)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 9 (-1)

Acrobatics +4
Animal Handling +3
Arcana +3
*Athletics +3
Deception -1
History +3
*Insight +5
Intimidation -1
*Investigation +5
Medicine +3
Nature +3
*Perception +7 (expertise)
Performance -1
Persuasion -1
Religion +3
*Slight of Hand +6
*Stealth +8 (expertise)
*Survival +5

*Thieves Tools +6
*Flute +1

* = proficiency

Feat: Skulker ((req Dex 13): You can hide in lightly obscured areas; When hidden, missing with a ranged attack doesn't reveal your position; dim light doesn't impose disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks that depend on sight.)

Hunting trap, Travellers clothes, Belt Pouch with 15g 5s, Studded Leather
Shortsword, Darts x10, Dagger, Thieves Tools
Shortbow with 20 arrows in a quiver
Rope – hemp 50ft, Grapple Hook
Backpack, Bedroll, Messkit, Mirror- Steel
Rations 2 days, Tinderbox, Waterskin
Crowbar, Torches x2

Features and Traits
Wanderer – excellent memory for maps and geography, can always recall general layout of terrain, settlements and features. Can find food and fresh water for up to 5 people in addition to self.
Thieves Cant
Sneak attack 1d6

Background Info Outlander (Bounty Hunter)

Personality Traits: I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups
Ideals: If I dishonour myself, I dishonour my whole clan
Bonds: I am the last of my tribe and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend
Flaws: I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes and societies

Character Backstory:
The Forest Deer tribe inhabited a region to the east of Blackmoor where they shared the land with their tribes’ namesake. Never numbering more than twenty or so adults is was a small tribe consisting of a dark skinned and dark eyed people who hunted and traded with neighbouring tribes.

Ngoya was out gathering herbs and fungi for the evening meal when in the distance she heard sounds of conflict coming from her village. Like her tribes totem, she swiftly and surely navigated the forest trails to speedily get back, but she was too late. Searching through the settlement she found the bodies of her clan and her family, all dead.

At the entrance to the village lay Manu and Oba, two of the tribes’ protectors, their bodies were bloodied and cleaved and she knew they had died hard. Her heart swelled with pride at the mound of dead elves before them and she knew that each warrior had taken at least four of the enemy with them on their last run. Everywhere the dead of Forest Deer lay their bodies broken, but many more of the pale elves lay around them. Pride for her peoples strength and rage for their senseless deaths warred in her.

Arming herself, Ngoya tracked the elves to their camp and over the next week made them pay a bloody price as she slew an elf each night. By the time the elves had returned to their land they were haggard from their nightly ordeals. Ngoya knew the elves would move against Blackmoor soon and though she had no love for the tribeless, she knew that there she would make sure the elves never forgot the Forest Deer. She would make sure they were remembered for all time!

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Din Din, changeling warlock

Din Din
CN changeling warlock (charlatan, Archfey patron)

[sblock=Description, history and patron]Description:
When seen in his natural appearance -- which is very rare -- Din Din resembles a humanoid with grey skin and few distinguishing facial features. He is neither fat nor skinny and would be considered unremarkable if not for the fact that few people have ever seen the face of a changeling -- his real face, anyway.

When disguised, Din Din can look like any humanoid of his own approximate size. Humans are his favorite disguises, but his repertoire includes a number of creatures he had encountered: tieflings, an elf, a half-orc for traveling through orc-infested lands.

Only a handful of people know Din Din by his real name, or even his shapeshifter nature. Most know him as Gareth Silvertongue, the charismatic human troublemaker, or perhaps as Neev, the humble servant of a wealthy noble family. Or even as Lady Lambrusco.

Tricking people, discovering their secrets and causing mischief are the things Din Din enjoys most. To reduce the chance of being found out, he frequently wanders from one place to the next, and it was during such travels that Din Din found himself lost in what first appeared to be a massive bamboo forest. As he ventured further and further into the green wood, however, the surroundings became increasingly lush and gloomy; unwittingly he had found his way into the Feywild.

Hearing a commotion nearby, Din Din ventured closer and saw a small white creature, resembling a fox of some kind, being assaulted by a huge tree-like monster. Not hesitating, Din Din -- who was disguised as Gareth Silvertongue at the time -- ran towards the monster and started beating it with his quarterstaff. Against all odds, the monstrosity fled from this unexpected attacker.

The fox, however, turned out to be a powerful fey creature, who was never in danger in the first place. Taking the form of a beautiful elf woman, she introduced herself as Ashiin, the Lady of Foxes. She claimed to have monitored Din Din, instantly seeing through his disguise, and admitted to being intrigued. She had never encountered a changeling before and called Din Din a "unique snowflake".

Ashiin offered to teach Din Din about fey magic, in return for amusing her with his own form of deceptive illusions, and of course his unending loyalty. He agreed immediately, not yet realizing the importance placed on such promises by the fey.

She took Din Din as her lover; each changing appearance -- and gender -- frequently during their intimate moments. And she taught him magic; subtle, powerful, and always filling him with a strong desire for more.

After 333 days, she sent him on a quest to Blackmoor. Ashiin was intrigued by humans, not yet knowing whether to think of them as a blessing or a curse. Din Din was told to find Blackmoor's most depraved inhabitant, its most kind citizen, and a typical peasant, and make sure all three ingest a magical seed given to him by Ashiin. She refused to say what effect these seeds would have, other than the cryptic "Fruit may fall, but only to grow more trees."

Ashiin told Din Din -- whom she now calls Snowflake -- she would contact him, but did not say how or when. So here he is, at the gates of Blackmoor...


Ashiin, a mysterious but very powerful fey calling herself the Lady of Foxes. This is most likely because of her fondness of the little creatures, or because of her trickster nature. Nobody is ever certain of her thoughts or plans, and she answers questions about her allegiance to either the Seelie or Unseelie Court "matters which nobody but fey can understand". Contrary to her harmless appearance, Ashiin is an ancient, androgynous creature of terrible power, both magical and martial.[/sblock][sblock=Statistics]
STR 10 (0)
DEX 14 (+2) (+1 racial)
CON 10 (0)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS* 10 (0)
CHA* 16 (+3) (+1 racial)
* Proficient with WIS and CHA saving throws

Proficiency bonus: +2
HP: 8 (1d8)
AC: 13 (leather armor + DEX)

Quarterstaff (melee): +2 (1d6 bludgeoning, or two-handed 1d8)
Dagger (melee or thrown): +4 (1d4+2 piercing, range 20/60)
Light Crossbow (ranged): +4 (1d8+2 piercing, range 80/320)
Eldritch Blast (spell): +5 (1d10 force, range 120)

Proficiencies: light armor, simple weapons, Disguise kit, Forgery kit

Skill proficiencies: Deception (racial), Investigation, Nature, Persuasion (replaces Deception from Charlatan background), Sleight of Hand

Passive Perception: 10

Racial features (changeling): DEX+1, CHA+1, proficiency in Deception, shapechanger (as an action, you can polymorph into any humanoid of your size that you have seen, or back into your true form. However, you equipment does not change with you. If you die, you revert to your natural appearance).

Class features (warlock): proficiencies, Pact magic (cantrips, spells), Eldritch invocations, Otherworldly patron (Archfey): expanded spell list, Fey presence (charm or frighten creatures within 10 feet, 1/short rest)

Background features (charlatan): proficiencies (Deception, Sleight of Hand, Disguise kit, Forgery kit), favorite schemes (I put on new identities like clothes), False Identity (including documentation, acquaintances, disguises; can forge official documents)

Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Eldritch Blast
Minor Illusion

Spells known (1 spell slot):
Charm Person
[/sblock][sblock=Personality and flaws]Personality:
I lie about almost everything, even when having no good reason to. Charisma and flattery are my primary tools.

With every secret I learn, I become more powerful, and therefore safe from those who would do me harm.

The Lady of Foxes has a special place in my heart, for being my teacher, my lover, and the one who comes closest to understand me.

I can't resist a pretty face, and I value my own life above anyone else's.[/sblock][sblock=Recurring personas and disguises]Common disguises include:

- Gareth Silvertongue, human male: His go-to disguise, Din Din is usually in the guise of this charismatic rogue. He is a troublemaker, cousin of an imaginary duke, and has the official-looking documents to prove it. (Note: This is the False Identity from the Charlatan background.)

- Neev, human male: A quiet, elderly man who is the servant of an imaginary duke and is therefore able to get into a lot of places where more eccentric people might not be welcomed.

- Lady Lambrusco: human female: An attractive woman of seemingly noble descent, Din Din adopts this guise mostly as a way to turn the heads of men. She is fond of wine.

- Daernion Hellborn, tiefling male: The proud son of a noble family that was wiped out after a demonic ritual went horribly wrong, Din Din uses this persona to intimidate people.

- nameless elf male: Sometimes you just got to be an elf. When annoying dwarfs, for example.

- nameless half-orc male: A disguise that gets you through lands infested with orcs and goblins a lot easier than as a human. Or elf.[/sblock]

[sblock=Equipment and money]Equipment: light crossbow and 20 bolts, arcane focus (wand), scholar’s pack (backpack, a book of lore, bottle of ink, ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, little bag of sand, small knife), leather armor, quarterstaff (any simple weapon), two daggers, set of fine clothes, Disguise kit, signet ring of an imaginary duke (tools of the con of your choice), false identity documentation, belt pouch, three Feywild seeds

Money: 9 gp
Feb 13 2015: 6 gp spent on an inn and a bank.[/sblock]
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First Post

Sex: Male
Race: Rock Gnome
XP: 120/300
Class & Level: Cleric 1 of Saint Celestian
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Alignment: NG
Size: Small
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Rock Gnome)
Init: +0
Senses: Darkvision 60'
Passive Perception: 12
Ability Scores: STR 12 (+1), DEX 11 (+0), CON 14 (+2), INT 15 (+2), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 12 (+1)

AC: 16 (14 from Scale Mail armor, +2 from Shield)
HP: 10 (1d8 +2 Con)
Hit Dice: 1d8 x 1
Saves: Str +1, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +2*, Wis +4*, Cha +3*
*Advantage on INT, WIS, or CHA saves versus magic.

Speed: 25ft
Mace +3 ATK, 1d6+1 Bludgeoning
Dagger +3 ATK, 1d4+1 Piercing (Finesse, Light, Thrown 20/60)
Dagger +2 ATK, 1d4+0 Piercing (Finesse, Light, Thrown 20/60)
Light Crossbow +2 ATK, Range 80/320 ft, 1d8 Piercing damage (Ammo x20, loading, 2 handed)
Sacred Flame +4 ATK, Range 60ft, visible target makes DC 12 DEX save or takes 1d8 Radiant damage (with no benefit from cover).

Skills: (Proficient in bold)
Mod (Attribute) Name of Skill
+0 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+6 (int) Arcana*
+1 (str) Athletics
+1 (cha) Deception
+6 (int) History*
+4 (wis) Insight
+1 (cha) Intimidation
+2 (int) Investigation
+4 (wis) Medicine
+2 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
+1 (cha) Perform
+3 (cha) Persuasion
+4 (int) Religion
+0 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+0 (dex) Stealth
+2 (wis) Survival
*Double Proficiency bonus due to Blessings of Knowledge Domain ability.

Languages: Gnome, Common, Dwarven, Elvish, Draconic

Personality Traits: I always want to know how things work and what makes machines & tech work.
Ideals: Aspiration- I work hard to be the best there is at my craft.
Bonds: I will get revenge on the elves and Blackmoor leaders that caused the death of both my families.
Flaw: I'll do anything to get my hands on some working tech - so I can take it apart & study it!

Rock Gnome Racial Traits:
-INT +2
-CON +1
-Darkvision 60'
-Size= Small
-Gnome Cunning (Advantage on all INT, WIS, and CHA saves versus magic)
-Artificer's Lore (Can add twice my Proficiency bonus to any INT(History) check about magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices.)
-Tinker (Prof w/ Tinkers Tools and ability to build clockwork devices per PHB pg 37.)

Cleric Traits:
-Armor Proficiencies (Light & Medium armor, Shields)
-Weapon Proficiencies (All Simple weapons)
-Proficient Saves (WIS, CHA)
-2 Skill Proficiencies (Medicine, Religion)
-Spellcasting (Know 3 cantrips. Prepare 3 Level 1 spells per day. Have 2 Level 1 slots per day) SEE BELOW
-Divine Domain (Knowledge- Domain spells Command and Identify always prepared)
-Blessings of Knowledge (+2 languages known, Proficient with Arcanca & History and Prof bonus is doubled for those skill checks)

Background (Guild Artisan) Traits:
-2 Skill Proficiencies (Insight, Persuasion)
-Tool Proficiency (Smith's Tools)
-Additional Language known (Dwarven)
-Business (Smith, Tinker)
-Guild Membership (Letter of Introduction)

Combat Equipment:
Scale Mail [ lbs]
Light Crossbow
Holy Symbol of Celestian hidden on person
Healer's Kit

Other Gear:
Clothes, Travellers
Backpack (Items stored inside below Italicized)
-Tinker's Tools
-Smith's Tools
-Mess Kit
-10 Torches
-10 days Rations
-3 GP

Beltpouch (4 GP)

Spellcasting: (Primary Ability: WIS, Spell Save DC: 12, Spell Attack Bonus: +4)

0-Sacred Flame

Spells Prepared: (Cleric level 1 + INT mod +2 = 3 per day)
1-Cure Wounds
1-Create or Destroy Water
1-Purify Food & Drink

Spell Slots:
Level 1= 2/2
[/sblock][sblock=Background & History]
Rough draft/Reader's Digest Version

Rock Gnome (for the Tinkerer stuff) with Guild Artisan background who is a (secret) Cleric of St. Celestian (Knowledge Domain). His gnome family was killed by elves when he was very young (accused of working with humans), leaving him to be raised by Dwarves on/in Mt. Ranier (which also later got killed by humans for them working with the elves!). So he's more dour and less happy go lucky than your normal gnome would be. After finding a holy symbol and scripture book (in the form of a puzzle book requiring solving to open), he becomes a cleric of St. Celestian and discovers that he wants to learn all about the old tech and how it works while keeping his status as a cleric secret from the powers that be in Blackmoor so he doesn't get lynched. And if he can learn how to fix/work/recreate some old amazing tech weapons, he'd be more than willing to turn them against the evil elves. But in the meantime, he'll need to explore old ruins in the hopes of finding some untouched caches of tech that haven't been rummaged through many times already in the last thousand years. Till then, a guy has got to eat, so any jobs that can earn him rent and board and research money is grand by him!

So he is mad at both sides in the war. If he could help the elves win and take over Blackmoor, then detonate a nuke there to kill them all, he'd be happy. So he's out for power to screw with both sides, while having to hide from the Blackmoor cleric haters.[/sblock][SBLock=Information Discovered]-Starting from 991 A.S. (After Shattering), 17th Day of Spring Dawning (4th month).

-The scripture book of Saint Celestian Jeremiah carries holds many secrets in its pages. One which Jeremiah only recently deciphered is the presence of a hidden cell of Sacred Astrologers (as some followers of Saint Celestian call themselves) in Blackmoor, led by someone named Erevan.

-Erevan was hanged for treason and inciting violence two weeks ago.

-Bareil Glassfoot runs a 'small folk' boarding house in Blackmoor where Jeremiah has rented a room.

-Jeremiah met an old clanless dwarf smith named Olgred who is willing to let the gnome work for him as an apprentice when he is available.

[sblock=-Secrets from the past]Jeremiah was likely consulted at some point about hybridization experiments the dwarves were working on using captured orcs. They were attempting to create more powerful foot soldiers using ancient secrets from the ruins of Seattle. One of the dwarven alchemists mentioned an underground research complex they had discovered from the time before the Shattering where humans were conducting similar experiments during their war with the dragons.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stat Block]Init: +0
Senses: Darkvision 60'
Passive Perception: 12
Ability Scores: STR 12 (+1), DEX 11 (+0), CON 14 (+2), INT 15 (+2), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 12 (+1)

AC: 16 (14 from Scale Mail armor, +2 from Shield)
HP: 10 (1d8 +2 Con)
Hit Dice: 1d8 x 1
Saves: Str +1, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +2*, Wis +4*, Cha +3*
*Advantage on INT, WIS, or CHA saves versus magic.

Speed: 25ft
Mace +3 ATK, 1d6+1 Bludgeoning
Dagger +3 ATK, 1d4+1 Piercing (Finesse, Light, Thrown 20/60)
Dagger +2 ATK, 1d4+0 Piercing (Finesse, Light, Thrown 20/60)
Light Crossbow +2 ATK, Range 80/320 ft, 1d8 Piercing damage (Ammo x20, loading, 2 handed)
Sacred Flame +4 ATK, Range 60ft, visible target makes DC 12 DEX save or takes 1d8 Radiant damage (with no benefit from cover).

Spellcasting: (Primary Ability: WIS, Spell Save DC: 12, Spell Attack Bonus: +4)

0-Sacred Flame

Spells Prepared: (Cleric level 1 + INT mod +2 = 3 per day)
1-Cure Wounds
1-Create or Destroy Water
1-Purify Food & Drink

Spell Slots:
Level 1= 2/2[/sblock]
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Steve Gorak

[SBLOCK=Jacobim Mugatu the 7th]
Name: Jacobim Mugatu the 7th
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class/Level: Sorcerer/1
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Human)
Init: +2
Passive Perception: 13

AC: 15 (+3 draconic resilience, +2 dex)
HP: 9 (1d6 +2 con, +1 draconic resilience)
Saves: Constitution & Charisma
Special Defenses: None

Speed: 30ft
Melee: Dagger +5 Attack, 1d4+2 Piercing
Special Attacks: Spells (level):known/slots - (0):4, (1):2/2 plus (0):2, (1):1/1 from magic initiate (warlock)

(0) minor illusion SM (A bit of fleece) up to 1 min duration, 30 ft range
(0) prestigitation VS, up to 1h duration, 10 ft range
(0) Mage hand VS, 1 min duration, range: 30 ft. Use action to control spectral hand.
(0) shocking grasp VS touch 1d8 electricity, advantage if metal armor, no reactions till start of next turn

(0) Eldrich Blast V,S 120ft range 1d10 force damage; +1 ray per five levels
(0) Light VM (firefly or phosphorescent moss), 20ft light coming from object touched. 1 hour.

(1)shield VS 1 reaction when hit, 1 round duration, +5 to AC
(1)sleep VSM (a pinch of fine sand, rose petals or a cricket), 90 ft range, 1 min duration 5d8 hp of creatures within 20ft radius

(1) Hex VSM (petrified eye of a newt) concentration, up to 1h. until the spell ends, deal additional 1d6 necrotic damage when hit target with an attack. Also target has disadvantage on ability checks of 1 ability. If target drops to 0hp before end of spell, use a bonus action to curse new creature.

Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+2) , Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 16 (+3)
Base array 15-14-13-12-10-8, Human: +1 dex & cha

SKILLS Proficiencies in bold: 1 variant human, 2 Sorcerer, 2 noble background: history & persuation
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
+2 (dex) Acrobatics
+1 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
-1 (str) Athletics
+5 (cha) Deception - from sorcerer
+2 (int) History - from Noble
+1 (wis) Insight
+5 (cha) Intimidation - from sorcerer
+0 (int) Investigation
+1 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+3 (wis) Perception - From Human
+3 (cha) Performance
+5 (cha) Persuasion - From Noble
+0 (int) Religion
+2 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+2 (dex) Stealth
+1 (wis) Survival

Languages:Common, Elvish, Abyssal, Infernal, Draconic

Languages: Common + 1 additional language (Elvish)
Skills: proficient in one skills of your choice (perception)
Feat: Magic initiate (warlock)

BACKGROUND FEATURES Noble & acolyte hybrid
Feature: Position of privilege As noble
Skill Proficiencies: History, persuation
Tool Proficiencies: None
Language: 2 extra language (abyssal, Infernal)

- Spellcasting: Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 13. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +5.
- Draconic Ancestry: You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check.
Draconic Resilience: +1 HP per sorcerer level

Proficiencies Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows

A set of fine clothes
Signet ring
Scroll of pedigree
purse containing 25 gp
component pouch (exchanged light crossbow for this, same price)
Two dagger

Arcane focus (Wand)
Dungeoneer`s pack

Money: 23 gp
25 starting wealth
2gp deducted night of 991 A.S. (After Shattering), 18th Day of Spring Dawning (4th month) for comfortable accomodations

Traits: If you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name, and salt your fields
Ideal: Power (evil): Power is my right by birth, and therefore I am entitled to do anything I need to obtain it
Bond: Nothing is more important than the other members of my family
Flaw: I secretly believe that everyone is beneath me

Physical Appearance:
Jacobim is a thin, boyish-looking man, 5 foot 8 inches tall, and weighs 150 pounds. He has pale skin, dark eyes and dark brown hair.

The beloved son of the infamously decadent Lord Charles Mugatu the 6th, Jacobim is a happy young man who always wears a smile on his face.

Born into a life of excessive privilege, Jacobim always got everything he wanted. Hid mother died in childbirth, leaving him as the only thing Charles had left of the woman and as a result he went quite overboard indulging his boy's whims.

From a young age, Jacobim showed himself to be a natural prodigy with magic, which made his father spoil him even more. Indeed, Jacobim was an extremely gifted boy, amazing his private tutors and learning his first spells several years before the age most who study magic do.

However, while blessed with great charisma and cunning, Jacobim's development was seemingly stunted in other areas; particularly his emotional and moral growth. A life of being spoiled rotten had made him into quite the selfish, entitled, immature little boy, yes, but that was not the full extent of his....darker side. Even in his very young years he showed shadows of his depraved side; his wild imagination was quite disjointed and disturbed, to the point where he would draw rather horrifying pictures in place of the things normal children drew. Even further, as he grew older and learned magic, he started to show a rather unhealthy obsession for lore that most considered "taboo," particularly pacts with powerful entities.

His father, however, encouraged Jacobin`s curiosity, as it was aligned with the family`s quest for more power.

Jacobin was cute, happy and had a charm about him that let him hide much of her true darkness from the rest of the world. However, his father and his mentors knew that it was only a matter of time before the boy would forge a pact with a powerful entity.

Now, at age 15, Jacobin has decided that he has learned everything he can within the confines of his lavish palace. He has demanded that his father let him see the larger world so he can sate his curosity about what goes on outside the palace walls.

He recently learned of a tome of ancient history describing long lost rituals and ancient entities. His mind has been racing ever since. He's been having strange dreams too...
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Name: Kini Blackhammer [sblock=If you speak Dwarf, Kini means:]"a tiny part of the agreement" from http://dwarrowscholar.wordpress.com/khuzdul/documents-dictionaries/ [/sblock]Class: Rogue
Background: Urchin
Race: Half-Orc (Variant: Half-Dwarf instead of half human)
Alignment: NG
Orc, a harsh, grating language with hard consonants. Written in the Dwarvish script as it has no script of its own.
Dwarvish, a language full of hard consonants and guttural sounds. These characteristics spill over into other languages spoken.
Thieves' Cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves’ guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height and weight: 5 ft. tall with a dwarvish build, broad and compact. Just under 200 lbs.
Appearance: Greenish-brown skin, dark hair and a full dwarven beard.
HP: 10
Hit dice: 1d8 per rogue level
Passive Perception: 13
Passive investigation: 14
Passive Stealth: 17
AC: 14 (leather armor)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: 1d20+5 Dagger 1d4+3 damage - piercing Finesse, light
Thrown: 1d20+4 Dagger 1d4+2 damage - piercing Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Melee: 1d20+5 Shortsword 1d6+3 damage - piercing Finesse, light
Ranged: 1d20+5 Shortbow 1d6+3 damage - piercing Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed

Saving Throws:
Str +2
*Dex +5
Con +2
*Int +4
Wis +1
Cha +2

Strength:15 (+2)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution:15 (+2)
Intelligence:14 (+2)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 15 (+2)

*Acrobatics +5
Animal Handling +1
Arcana +2
Athletics +2
Deception +2
History +2
*Insight (expertise) +6
*Intimidation +4
*Investigation +4
Medicine +1
Nature +2
*Perception +3
Performance +2
Persuasion +2
Religion +2
*Slight of Hand +5
*Stealth (expertise) +7
Survival +1

*Thieves' tools - Proficiency with these tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to
disarm traps or open locks.
*Light armor
*Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords

* = proficiency (bonus - check class for chart. +2 for rogues from lvl 1-4)

common clothes
Leather armor
3gp, 6sp
belt pouch containing: [sblock=belt pouch contents:]silver (gold is secreted one piece per location about person, one in backpack)
token to remember parents by: a small black stone, intricately carved with tiny dwarven runes
small knife
mouse-sized pet lizard[/sblock]
shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows
five daggers (one is kept in backpack, two worn openly, and two hidden on person)
a backpack with 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it, containing: [sblock=backpack contents:]a bag of 1,000 ball bearings
10 feet of string
a bell
5 candles
a crowbar
a hammer
10 pitons
a hooded lantern
2 flasks of oil
5 days rations
a tinderbox
a waterskin
thieves’ tools: includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers.
map of Mt. Rainer dwarven stronghold, before its destruction [/sblock]

Features and Traits:
City Secrets
You know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.
Thanks to your orc blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Relentless Endurance
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Savage Attacks
When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Sneak attack
Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage (at first level) to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

At 1st level, choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with thieves’ tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. At 6th level, you can choose two more of your proficiencies (in skills or with thieves’ tools) to gain this benefit.

Personality Trait: I hide scraps of food and trinkets away in my pockets.
Ideals: Community. We have to take care of each other, because no one else is going to do it.
Bonds: My town or city is my home, and I’ll fight to defend it.
Flaws: It’s not stealing if I need it more than someone else.

Character Backstory:
My mother was a Dwarf and my father was an Orc. They had an arrangement, of which I was the unexpected side effect. My early years were spent with my Dwarven kin in Mt. Rainer. From what I understand, they sided with Elves, and were killed by Humans from Blackmoor when I was still very young. My mother hid me away, pressed a black stone into my hand, and told me to be very quiet. I was quiet for a very long time.

Several days later I was very weak, and hungry. I came out of my hiding place, wolfed down some food and promptly threw up. After washing my mouth out with water, I tried again, more slowly this time. Outside of our living space there was blood everywhere, but few bodies, partially eaten by scavengers. It looked like more Dwarves had abandoned our home than had been killed. I could not stay.

My memory of those times is clouded, as I was very young, and now very alone. I grew up begging, and sometimes worse, on the streets of Blackmoor. To this day I am not sure how I arrived here. I guess it is my home as much as anywhere is, but I long to find out what happened to my family - both the Dwarven and the Orc sides. Maybe the gold in the belt pouch of this poor sod who fell from a rooftop and broke his neck in this alley will help me do that. He is certainly beyond any need of gold. I think it is time for a change.

[sblock=my secret info]The stone Kini's mother gave him contains the secrets of his creation...and more. Kini's mother had cryptically said that it held the key to defeating Blackmoor. The runes are gibberish to Kini, however.[/sblock]

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Andus and the Recruits

The following NPCs will accompany the player characters to the Ruins of Seattle

5 Scout Recruits - Stats as Commoners (MM page 345) but equipped with leather armor, short swords, and longbows. Do not earn XP but will gain a hit die when the PCs reach 2nd level and will become full Scouts (MM page 349) when the PCs reach 3rd level.

Andus - Stats as Commoner (MM page 345) but equipped with leather armor, short sword, and longbow. Also has the Soldier background (rank of Recruit) and the following ability scores - St 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10. Earns XP as a PC and will become a full first level Ranger (including gaining his ability score boosts for being human) upon reaching 100 XP.
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First Post

Warforged Unit 17-A

[sblock= Character sheet]
>Race/Gender: Warforged; (Male)
Class/Level: Fighter 1/Warlock 0
Background: Soldier/Outlander (relic)
Alignment: N
Type (subtype): Humanoid (living construct)
Size: Medium
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 feet
Senses: N/A
Passive Perception: 11

>Hit points: 12 (10 +2 CON)
>AC: 18 (16/Chainmail; +1/warforged; +1/Defense style)
>Saves: STR, CON

>Melee: Glaive +5; 1d10+3 slashing
>Ranged: Javelin +5; 1d6+3 piercing (30/120)

STR 16 (+3)/Save +5
CON 14 (+2)/Save +4
DEX 12 (+1)/Save +1
INT 10 (+0)/Save +0
WIS 8 (-1)/Save -1
CHA 14 (+2)/Save +2

>Trait: I have spent so long in isolation that I have little practical experience dealing with people in the outside world. I have little understanding of normal social expectations, and tend to fall into formal (military) manners and protocol.
>Trait: I prefer to face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution (probably involving violence) is the best path to success.
>Ideal: (Glory) I must earn glory in battle, for myself and my people- battle is the best way to improve one’s self, and to demonstrate value.
>Bond: My folk are few and far between- I will do whatever I can to support, repair, or free a fellow warforged (or similar construct).
>Flaw: Unless someone has ties to me, I don’t care about them at all.

Skills and Languages:
Acrobatics +1
Animal handling -1
Arcana +0
*Athletics +5
Deception +2
History +0
Insight -1
Intimidation +2
Investigation +0
Medicine +0
*Nature +1
*Perception +1
Performance +2
Persuasion +2
Religion +0
Sleight of hand +1
Stealth +1 (Disadvantage)
*Survival +1

Languages: Common, +Draconic

Tools: tinker’s tools

Racial features (Warforged):
>Size: Medium; Base speed 30 feet
>Languages: Common, +1 bonus (Draconic)
>Ability score increase: +1 STR, +1 CON
>Composite plating: +1 bonus to AC
>Living construct: Immune to disease, does not need to breath or eat (but can ingest food or drink if desired); trance state for 4 hours instead of 8 hours sleep.

Class features (Fighter):
>Proficiencies: All armor, shields; simple weapons, martial weapons; 2 skills from list (Perception, Survival); STR and CON saves

Background features (Soldier/outlander; “relic”):
>Feature: Military rank (17-A is a 'command unit'- many other warforged and similar relics of the Dragon Empire will tend to obey, support, or defer to 'him', if they remember their original programming).
>Skill proficiencies: Athletics, Nature
>Tool proficiencies: Tinker’s tools

>Chain mail armor
>Javelin (x6)
>Cargo harness (as ‘backpack’)
>Dungeoneer’s pack (silk rope, no rations or waterskin)
>Pouch (x4)
>Large cloak/poncho (hooded)
>Dagger (x2)

Description: 17-A is not particularly large by warforged standards- “he” stands about six and a half feet tall, and weighs about 300 pounds. He has few obvious organic components- to most observers, he appears to be built entirely of black and grey metal. At a quick glance, he might be taken for a statue or sculpture, or perhaps a fully-armored and helmed warrior. He does have some understanding of his unusual nature, and may wear massive cloak and cowl to disguise his obviously-inhuman state. He also has a practical harness to carry some useful gear and his spare weaponry- his main weapon, a naginata, is rarely far from his grasp. [/sblock]

[sblock= History]

History: The ancient crafters of the Dragon Empire built their works well- when the capital ship fell out of orbit and crashed onto the planet’s surface a thousand years ago, several modules were deliberately ejected from the main hull to land some distance from the massive wreckage. Some of those modules landed badly, and were destroyed in the process- others landed well enough, though in inhospitable terrain, but were damaged or simply lacked the power modules needed to deploy properly.

Dropship 17A was one such module- it was carrying several squads of warforged soldiers of the Empire and it landed hard, just along the ridgeline of some small mountains. The dropship itself was cracked open on its initial impact and splintered apart, casting many of the mechanical soldiers and other cargo components across both sides of the ridge, where some of them were found by scavengers over the years. But a central core of the ship came to rest mostly intact at the base of a small cliff, where it was buried in fallen rock and scree- without the power needed to deploy communication and repair systems it simply waited, for nearly a thousand years.

That is a very long time. As the years progressed, minor tectonic activity in the area (and some not-so-minor activity) and the natural forces of erosion conspired to uncover more and more of the fallen dropship’s core section. Even then, it might never have been entirely uncovered- but one of the “relics” found by scavengers of the other portions of the wreckage contained a remote activation transmitter- and some tinkering with this item (all the way out in the city of Blackmoor) managed to turn it on, if only for a moment. Long-forgotten systems whirred to life, and the core of Dropship 17A began to assess the local situation- and its self-repair systems began to work as well…

None of the systems was in perfect condition, and after all those years, some components simply could not be brought back on line. Other systems could be repaired- though for some it was a very slow process. Collection panels for solar energy and ambient magical energy unfolded, and batteries began to fill. Nanotech and remote drone scavengers began to mine critical materials from the local environment (and other crashed modules). Several of the warforged units within the core (mostly ‘command’ units with improved communications and self-repair systems) came on-line almost simultaneously- but most of them had been badly damaged.

The unit currently designated as 17-A was the first one restored to full mobility- accordingly the dropship’s command computer dispatched him to scout out the area in search of other useful “resources”. Shortly after (he?) left the dropship, the wreckage was struck by lightning, shortly out many of the newly-operational systems. While the computer was able to communicate, it could not get any of the other units operational- at least for now. Since leaving the ship, 17-A has explored the area, moving farther and farther afield. From time to time, he still receives transmissions from the dropship, but they are increasingly rare and weak- sometimes he can pick up signals from a more powerful transmission source, but so far the communications are rare and cryptic. He has learned quite a bit about the local terrain and weather patterns- and as his AI-brain has begun to evolve, he has begun to have independent thoughts and ideas… [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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