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Kickstarter [Kickstarter] John Carter of Mars RPG



Contact made! The Thark warband miniatures have been unlocked. We are taking fire. Quick, flip to the page on the rules of engagement. And let us hope luck is on our side.


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Hot damn!

Those four-armed green Tharks with their green dice have injected new blood into John Carter of Mars.

It seems new fans have backed the Kickstarter which has risen to the top ten of the Kicktraq list of trending Kickstarters.

Yes, new fans rule!



IMMORTAL HERO OF MARS (Could that be you?)


If you've ever imagined yourself stalking through the ruins of a once great city port of Barsoom, standing at the bow of a great Helium warship, your steel ready as she surges forward or leaping between ancient spires in Helium then these could be the pledges for you!

As we have with our previous Kickstarters, we're unlocking the potential to be drawn in to the corebook or one of the supplements by one of our illustrators. Will you be a hero or villain? We'll also be providing the NPC stats for the character. You'll be featured in one of the large format pieces scattered throughout the books.

There at not many of pledges on this tier left. Only 10 in the core book and 5 are already gone, so better get yourself to Barsoom fast.


Flags over Mars!

This short FREE Quickstart adventure is designed to allow play­ers to take on the role of heroes from the John Carter of Mars stories as they encounter perilous adventures on Barsoom explore the rules of its 2d20 roleplaying system.

The adventure is set shortly after the events of A Princess of Mars and the decline of Helium’s long time rival, Zodanga. During this period, John Carter stays for years in Helium with his beloved Dejah Thoris, but few of his adven­tures during this time are described in Bur­rough’s work.

As the adventure begins, Carter is travelling with Dejah and several friends and allies by flier to meet with a delegation from a minor Red Martian kingdom, Voninka, that is seeking alliance with Helium. Voninka was a small satellite nation of Zodanga until the nation’s recent defeat at the hands of Helium. It now seeks new allies among Helium and its jeddak, a young but respected leader known as Corlan Nim, has requested a diplomatic meeting with representatives of Helium—the player heroes and their crew.

But all is not quite as it seems and this apparently simple diplomatic mission soon launches our heroes into a whirlwind adventure!

Prepare to experience the might and majesty of 2d20 adventures on the red planet in John Carter of Mars!

Check it out on DriveThruRPG below:



After a long slog through difficult terrain, Earthborn fans of John Carter of Mars successfully unlocked all four core adventures from the "Swords of Mars" campaign.

ACT ONE: Remnants of Mars
ACT TWO: Traitors of Mars
ACT THREE: Phantoms of Mars
ACT FOUR: Cabals of Mars


And if you already backed the "Dotar Sojat" tier (that includes miniatures), then this brand new stretch goal may be of interest to you:

"The Dotar Sojat Adventure" at £175,000.

Finally, if we gather enough momentum (pun intended) we may capture wonders from the Barsoom bestiary like the great White Ape, Banth, Apt, Synthetic Men, and Plant Men.

And believe, me we need more momentum in the last two weeks now, lest both HATE and Nemesis and out heroism and planetary romance.



So we already got a peak at the Thark battle crew.

And, now, let us preview a very special Thark miniature, basically this is Sola, the daughter of Tars Tharkas, and one of the most notable Tharks without whom John Carter may not have survived Mars when he first arrived.



Happy February everyone.

Hopefully, wages and salaries have all been paid and so some disposable income may be available to support fantastic creative projects. :angel:

John Carter of Mars could sure use some more of your support to unlock even more awesome miniatures and content hiding behind the £200,000 milestone.

Those feeling extra generous can join the "Jeddak of Jeddaks" elite tier which includes the following rare collector's item:

The Deluxe leatherbound Barsoom Edition of the John Carter of Mars roleplaying game with engraved metal corners, metal closure, gold finish imprint on leather cover, red page edges and bookmark PLUS The Deluxe leather bound Jeddak of Jeddaks Notebook & ERB Doodat leather dicebag PLUS The deluxe large fabric map of Barsoom (39" x 27" / 100cm x 71cm) PLUS the complete contents of the JOHN CARTER DOTAR SOJAT pledge (all the dice, minis, books in print, PDFs, collectors slip case, Prince of Helium Notebook & GM Screen)

This role playing game has been a passion project for many creative types, including Francesca Baerald, who creates, draws and paints beautiful character sheets and maps.


The Helium minis were unlocked, about $2800 away from the next stretch goal which is the pdf miniatures rules. 9 days left and the big pledge level will be added in 30 minutes, limited slots.


This is the expensive pledge tier, but those who can afford it, well, it is so worth it.


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