Release Kickstarter: Dice Coins: 2018 2nd Release - Fully funded and stretch goals unlocked

Goliath Coins

Owner of Goliath Coins

Hello Everyone. Besides RPG, I am passionate about coins and just finished producing my second set of Dice Coins. I am really happy how they came out. I am curious on which two (picking one is tough) appeals to you the most. When I get my coins made, I am very picky and agonize over the small details. It takes me a few days to start picking favorites. My top two are the Paladin and Valkyrie.

I have done several Kickstarters in the past and they were not huge but helped me produce more coins. However, I just launched my latest KS this morning and it has taken off. It is already funded and the first two stretch goals are now unlocked. If you pledge in the first five days, I am giving away extra coins. The link is below if interested. However, I would truly like to know which ones people like the most. It helps me when I design new ones.

How do they work? You spin the coin like a top, and stop it by placing your finger at the bottom of the coin. You use the first completely visible number to the left of your finger as the result. They have been out for about 2 years and have been very well received. I am not saying they are better than dice, just a nice alternative. Thank you.

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