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D&D 5E Ideas for Plants in the Elemental Planes?

I'm creating a campaign that revolves around the players exploring across the elemental planes, and I need some help brainstorming some fantastical plants that can be found in crops or foraged throughout the various environments. The plant's don't necessarily need any actual stat benefits or magical qualities to them, they can also just have some fun quirks to spice up the exploration and local recipes. Some ideas I've had so far includes.

Popper-Corn: Found in the Plane of Fire, when these tall stalks of orange colored corn have enough of the husk shucked off, the corn inside explodes into a confetti of popcorn that has a distinct smoky-pepper taste. Popular with travelers for it's easy to store properties and festive qualities.

Sweet-Sip Crystals: A type of gem that can be found underground in the caves of Earth Plane. These fragile purple crystals have an hollow inside that holds water absorbed from aquifers or cenotes. These crystals can be broken open allowing you to drink the trapped water, which many attest tasting like fruity mineral water.

Hanging Chimes: A type of parasitic vine that grows on the floating islands found throughout the Plane of Air. These vines grow around various trees and climb from the base of the trunk all the way to the branches where it grows these special bamboo-like seed pods that hang from the branches. After a short incubation period, these pods release a cloud of seedlings that are carried through the air, leaving the now hollow pods to bump into each other creating sounds that are akin to bamboo windchimes. Aarakocra monks often seek out trees that bare Hanging Chimes to meditate under.

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Cloud lilies: inverted water lilies that grows from the Plane of Air clouds. They are in fact a kind of carnivorous plant eating birds and other creatures when they fly bly.

Bomb-flower: a dark hued crystal sprouting from a small plant in the Plane of Earth. When harvested, the saltpeter-like core of the plan become unstable and easily explode.

Sequoia seaweeds: extremely long and thick seaweeds from the Plane of Water. Big enough to support lodgings being carved into them.

Critical Role featured torch blooms, which were bizarre in that despite being "flowers" from the Plane of Fire they thrived in a water-filled tunnels, causing the water to heat up.

I recall a Dragon Magazine article from 3.5 that had elemental environmental features. I think one of them was a plant that grew under water and produced sacs of air that were attached to it like fruit. I could be wrong about that, but even if I am you could still use it.

One adventure I read through had a "tree" made of stone that grew rubies as fruit. That sounds good for elemental earth.


you pretty much almost answered your question yourself. Earth some crystalline hybrids, water some algae maybe giant versions.of them, air vines and everything with eposes roots. The only headache I got is with fire. Reasonably nothing could grow there imho. Maybe on the borders to other planes but still I got my doubts.


Look up some extremophile plants and draw from them. Rinorea niccolifera is a "metal-eating" plant--it can absorb high levels of nickel from the soil. Fantasy versions might actually need to grow on metal (and, in turn, are eaten by "herbivores" who need a high-mineral diet but can't actually eat raw metal.

There are also plenty of plants that grow on volcanic soil, like the ʻŌhelo; there might be related plants in part of Fire.

You can also say that gypsum flowers are actual plants.

Water plants would, of course, be varieties of seaweed, and there would be lots of air plants in Air.


Umbrella Fern; These billowing ferns are vaguely shaped like umbrellas and drift about in the plane of air. They are large enough to aid in navigating the plane. Sort of like Mary Poppins a bit.


Another on the 'trees that grow gems', but, its an evocative idea and also does help with the 'let's go to the plane of minerals and steal everything'. You go there and, hey, here's a ruby that feels like its an apple. You plant it, and a while later it grows into a stone tree that grows gems as fruit. Not really the best for using for jewellery, but certainly a strange sight and valuable to the right buyer.

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