• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Sample adventure to test 5E in high level (15th) play. Any takers?

Hmmm OK.

Make an ability check with your Spellcasting Ability modifier (in your case, likely Charisma).
Natural 20.PNG

20 + 5 = 25

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Nice roll!

Summoning your inner strength, you reach out and attempt to yank the glowing orb from its housing.

Sparks fly as you strain, and a few of the Githyanki (sensing what you're doing) race towards the helm trying to stop you before... too late! With a snapping and crunching sound, the orb is torn from its housing, the light inside it going out.

The Githyanki skiff is now dead in the water... well - dead in the Astral plane!

The Githyanki look about, seemingly ignoring the Gish still motioning towards them behind his magical globe as if nothing had changed. They quickly come to their senses, as they realize what has just occurred.

They're now dead in space, in the middle of an Astral Storm!

Looking over towards your ship, they scream out war cries in their strange alien tongue, and vanish from sight, reappearing instantly in and around around your party, swords raised to attack!

"Might I suggest a hasty departure, Captain Grogbeard? I think the natives don't like us!"

As you turn to Grogbeard at the rear of your ship, you also notice several Githyanki appear near the rear of the ship, fighting their way to the helm. Mr Christian blocks their path, and one of the Gith lashes out at him, the blade largely stopped by the Giffs thick hide; a slight stream of blood oozing from the wound.

The enraged Giff points his strange device at the Githyanki raider and 'BOOM'! The Githyanki flies backwards, a large hole in his chest and blue blood spraying everywhere as he drops to the ground.

Grogbeard replies:

We got these ones lads! No-one is going to take the Folly from ole Grogbeard; not while I still have me one good leg!

Ye focus on the Captain; but try and leave some for me!

The Rogue has one on her.

While initially hidden, your position is revealed as soon as the Githyanki teleport behind your hiding spot (both were going there to enact revenge on the Cleric, but they both spot you as soon as they appear on the front platform).

Attack rolls are:

3 + 4 (7) and 15 + 4 (19). Pretty sure the second one hits, for 10 slashing, and 10 psychic damage.

Do you want to use uncanny dodge to halve that?
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The Cleric also has one on him:

Attack rolls are 19 + 4 (23) and 4 + 4 (8).

Pretty sure the 1st one hits, for 6 slashing damage, and 5 psychic damage.

Let me know if there are any reactions you wish to take here.

The Bard has one attacking him as well, he's protected by his mirror image spell though.

The first attack is directed at: 10 - a duplicate. The attack roll is 15 (+4) so one image disappears.

The second attack is directed at - Natural 20! (why oh why wasn't that an attack roll!) so another duplicate. With a roll of 7 to hit (total of 11), it misses the duplicate.

Poor Githyanki, wasting a nat 20.

Bard, you're unharmed, but down 1 image.

Voidrunner's Codex

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