Kickstarter 5e Creature Decks Kickstarter Stretch Goal announced!


Our 5e Creature Decks Kickstarter is just a couple dollars from 50% to our goal, so I’m able to announce our stretch goal! (If you’re not familiar with the project, we’re planning to make 5 (maybe 6) card decks with great art of a creature on one side and its 5e stats on the back of each card. Each deck will have 50+ creatures. See the picture below for an example.)

The first 4 decks cover all the creatures (monsters, animals, plants, oozes) in the 5e SRD. We’ve always planned to do a 5th deck of creatures converted from prior editions for this project, but the exact list was a bit nebulous. We’ve now buttoned that down a little better. It will have:

  • Celestials: aasimar; agathions (6 types); kami (5 types); sylph
  • Fiends: barghest; oni (6 more types); salamader, frost; wendigo
  • Aberrations: bebilith; crysmal; eye of the deep; gloomwing; gug; neothelid; tenenbrous worms; xill
  • Elementals: ice; lightning; magma; mud; void Fey: gremlin; mite; nymph; quickling; redcap
  • And several more! (50+ in all.)

Furthermore, if the project hits $4000, we’ll make a 6th deck with the following creatures:
  • Undead: berbalang; bodak; crypt thing; devourer; draugr; huecuva; mohrg; penangalen; varguille; zombie, ju-ju
  • Humanoids: boggard; dark creeper; dark stalker; derro; devourer; foxfolk; goblin shaman; grippli; hobgoblin commander; locathah; morlock; orc king; skulk; skum; triton; vegepygmy
  • Constructs: golem, ice; golem, totem; golem, wood; iron cobra; retriever
  • And several more! (Again, it will have 50+ in all.)


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