A Keep On The Borderlands: Arrival

Sh'aah and Comoray try to focus on the noise. It is intermittent and muffled, so difficult to trace. It doesn't sound like it's coming from outside but oddly, from inside the gatehouse, almost like its in the walls or.... A sudden intuition strikes Sh'aah - the noise is coming from under the floor.

The gatehouse tower is a simple three storey construction; I'd assume that Arcata and Cassie share one floor whilst the men are on another, or split over the other two. It doesn't matter which, you can decide.

Fanjyr Gatehouse.jpg

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Sh'aah frowned as he thinks on the source of the sound. Climbing off the bed as discretely as he could the big half-orc knelt on the floor and placed one ear on the wooden boards. COLOR="#006400"]Don't think we were meant to hear anything...[/COLOR][

He placed one hand over the ear that wasn't on the floor, trying to drown out the heavy breathing of a soldier in the adjacent bunk. Sh'aah had taken a spot on the top floor of the tower for the views out the window. Right now, he was regretting it - he could quite easily be trying to listen to an intimate encounter - there were two women in their group, which nobody could deny. And soldiers grew very attached to their close friends sometimes...

The noise is further away than the floor below, coming muffled and indistinct. Possibly a voice, or voices, or just as possibly some trick of the wind. Except that the night is still.

Seeing that Sh'aah is following the sounds, Comoray goes to wake Bastian, motioning for him to be quiet and that something is afoot. He trusts that the knight will be able to get his drift from the fact that he is armed.


Sh'aah grunted and stood. He reached for his spear, where it was leaning against a wall and started downstairs. I will find this noise. It is not natural. He was no longer attempting to be quiet, but, neither was he trying to wake people.

Sh'aah passes down through the level where the women are sequestered. Seeing his demeanour, Cassie reaches for her sword. The half-orc listens again, waiting for the noise to present itself. Down to the ground floor and again, waiting for the noise. When he hears it, he hears that it comes from under the wooden floor, but still far away. The sound of somebody calling out.


Sh'aah paused as he reached the bottom of the stairs - going out into the night armed and armoured might mean awkward questions. As another idea struck he scanned the floor for trapdoors or other ways of getting further down. Not spotting anything obvious, Sh'aah scowled at his own thoughts. I bet is missing Warden. Not like these dwarves...

Hesitating no longer he opened the door and stepped out into the chilly night. Without further ado he looked for a door or staircase that would lead further down.

Sh'aah almost walks straight into the back of the dwarf standing guard outside the door - possibly the same one he tormented earlier, it's hard to tell. The dwarf turns around and scowls, his stance making it plain that he isn't going to move out the way easily. Sh'aah listens out for the noise, but it seems to have stopped.

Meanwhile, Bastian and Fyfe follow Comoray, weapons ready but unarmoured.

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