Additional weapons and armor upgrades (NEW/NOW friendly)


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After the extensive discussions of AP rounds and heavy armor's limitations last week, one of my take-aways was that the lack of variety between items greatly limits the design space of the game. Instead of just pointing out a problem, I wanted to help provide a solution too, so I developed this list of additional mods. Tier 1 and 2 are probably compatible with modern-day games, Tier 3 for near-future scifi, and Tier 4 for more advanced scifi. As a word of warning, it will increase the crunch factor of the game since there's a lot of flat bonuses rather than additional d6. I mostly played d20-based games before, so it's what I'm used to.

Disclaimers: Many of these mods are heavily based on Fallout 4 or Mass Effect 3/Andromeda mods. They were also designed for my game with this expanded list of weapons and where heavy armor has 1.5x SOAK compared to the book's numbers.

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