(Adventure) A Merry Chase *Judge: Uriel


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"Not bad, three hits in three shots, I think I will recycle into archer..." said Rinoldo while reloading. He took his aim. "That time, you go down, friend" and the bolt leave the crossbow in direction of the guard.

[Crossbow: Att:+3, Dam:1d8, Sneak:1d6 in 30' if it apply, Crit: 19-20/x2, all his damage are subdual because of the magic of the ring.]

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Kahuna Burger

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Rinaldo's shot hits but doesn't finish the elf who finally gets a lucky shot past the boulder. Rinaldo is temporarily stunned by the pain (8 hp) but gratified when Persephone scores her first solid hit, crumpling the elf on the coach roof. The human guard behind the horses temporarily leaves off of his exchange of fire to attempt to pull the net off the now dusty and bruised coachman, but doesn't appear to have succeeded.

OOC: persephone will need to move to get any shot at the remaining guards outside the coach, and neither of you know what's happening in the coach. I'm waiting to see if Zoe adjusts her tactics before continuing the (essentially seperate) battle in there.
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Kahuna Burger

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OK, persephone moves around the coach after her successful shot. She can hear the various shouts of threats from inside. The netted coachman is the one with lines and the other purple square is a human guard. The two guards inside the coach are both elves, one with a rapier, the other a crossbow.

Zoe, are you going to press your attack against the elf with the rapier, deal witht he one with the crossbow, or try something else?


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If the scene remains the same when Persephone rounds the rock, she will aim her crossbow at the unentangled guard and shout "Surrender, we have you outnumbered and surrounded!" If he reacts in a hostile manner, she will shoot him.

OOC: Could that be a bluff attempt?

Kahuna Burger

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Manzanita said:
If the scene remains the same when Persephone rounds the rock, she will aim her crossbow at the unentangled guard and shout "Surrender, we have you outnumbered and surrounded!" If he reacts in a hostile manner, she will shoot him.

OOC: Could that be a bluff attempt?

It could be... :D

Rinaldo's shot misses, but when persephone comes around the back and shouts her threat, the guard seems shaken and worried. "Let me free my friend, I fear he is hurt badly" he shouts back. He drops his crossbow and leans over to carefully untangle the coachman...

Persephone suspects that he is not sincere in his surrender, but he has dropped the crossbow...

OOC: technicly we have a round or two of zoe's combat to play out before those inside the coach hear these proceedings...


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As Rinaldo see the other guard droping his crossbow, after he has recharged his own, he start to move, and still aim at him.

"Don't try to double cross us, I have in aim your neck, you won't survive my next shot if you do something stupid."

OOC: I try to be intimidating to be sure he won't try anything against us. Intimidate +4.


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Zoe will press on with her attack, hoping the best of it. Seeing how she missed her opponent, but he struck herself, she doesn't see any use in trying to outbluff her opponent.

OOC: Sorry, was gone for the weekend, and discovered at the location that it was without internet access :(
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Kahuna Burger

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Thels said:
OOC: Sorry, was gone for the weekend, and discovered at the location that it was without internet access :(

OOC: been there, feel your pain. ;)

Zoe manages to avoid the elfs next stab and lands a solid hit herself, though not the final one, then takes the opertunity to down the other guard when he tries to shoot at her from inside the coach. The elf guarding the princess hits again, though not as damaging a blow (2 hp) and zoe brings him down with her next swing. He does not appear to even have bruises where she struck him, and looks almost asleep. Zoe has heard the sound of the elf on the coach roof shooting and then his collapse, and as the fight inside the coach finishes she hears Persephone's threat and the apparent surrender of those outside.

The girl is huddling in the corner of coach, wailing, but Zoe thinks she sees a bit of cold assessment in her young eyes...


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"Come on, little one. Let us not make this any harder that we need to and just come with me, okay? I wouldn't want to hurt you." While still holding the sword, Zoe points it away, stretching her shieldclad hand forward towards the kid.

OOC: If this doesn't work, then we got a bit of a problem:(. Zoe can't just take the kid...

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