Hi Monte!
I'm a more recent fan, I played D&D 3.5 quite a bit, and only really notice your name when you joined (and left) the D&D Next Team. That being said, you say a lot of things about your games that I agree with and really enjoy reading your insights. I got Numenera via the REAL DEAL as a birthday gift from my brother (he said it's worth 2 birthday gifts because it took a year after the KS to get here, now that I own the book I most certainly agree with him). This AMA makes for 3 years; I don't think I could've asked for more for my birthday than a chance to talk to you about Numenera. Your insights are innovative and elegant. And I couldn't get enough of what you have to say about Numenera.
Now that I got that out of my system, here are my questions:
1. Even though I'm not that huge a SF fan, I found myself fascinated with Numenera (I'm currently applying for a Numenera PbP, it should be my first on the field experience of the game.) What advice might you have for a clearly interested player taking a step out of his proverbial elements and his comfort zones and trying to get into the vibe of Numenera game?
2. What to you is biggest pet peeve you've ever had to deal with, or witnessed at the game table?
3.To follow up on a much earlier question, in what languages does MCG currently intend/aim to translate their product lines, and I
How high of a priority is it? Though unlikely, I would be thrilled to see Numenera translated to Hebrew eventually - it would make introducing the game to a certain friend a lot easier.
Here's a silly one I've been wanting to ask, but be honest: On "the ORC AND PIE" (KS pledge level back when you funded Numenera) were you at all disappointed or just glad that nobody paid up to throw a pie in your face? If it were up to me me (and if I had the money and the option) I'd have shelled out a grand and flown to Gencon to -share- a slice of pie with THE Monte Cook, actually. ^_^
4. What do you think is the most important skill you think a GM of any game should have/acquire?
5. What kind of music do you listen to? Does it help/hinder your productivity while you do?
6. Not really a question, but I snuck a peek at No Thank You, Evil! And I got to say I love it as far as I could tell from a distance!
Thank you very much for making the AMA, as well as Numenera and even your many contributions to D&D the RPG world. As I mentioned before, this really made my day/week!