AMA with Monte Cook (Numenera, D&D, Monte Cook Games, Malhavoc Press)

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Hey Monte. I have some game development questions for ya.

1. If you had to choose one specific game mechanic you found the most difficult to make original to avoid infringements, what would it have been/be?
2. If you could keep and use without legal repercussions one specific game mechanic intact as is, regardless of the game or system it came from, what would it have been/be?

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Hey Monte!

I don't so much have a question, but a comment. I really enjoyed my time with 3rd edition; some of the finest moments of my gaming group were on the fields of 3.x, so thank you for your work.

Also, I see someone else asked about the 5th Edition split, so thank you for such a candid and illuminating answer. I was always curious what had happened to cause the split.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
I remember at one point toying with an alignment system that put a numerical, 1-10 rating on each aspects of your alignment. So if you're just a little bit evil but really chaotic, you'd be C7 E1, for example. Only nonhumans (like demons or angels) would get above a 7. Obviously I chucked this idea because for most people it's needlessly complex. But it does have the virtue of conveying the difference between a merchant who embezzles from the orphanage (evil, but not super evil) and some murderous psychopath (pretty evil) and distinguishes both from Demogorgon.
Where did I see this system in print? Was it in one of the Hallowed Might books? I've looked but I'm exhausted and can't find it right now.

My real question(s):
1. What is it like being named "Monte"? Was it difficult growing up? Were you named after someone? How many other people named Monte have you met?

Thanks for all the great work over the years. I own hardcover versions of all the Might books, Ptolus, Beyond Countless Doorways, Complete Eldritch Might, and a few dozen modules and accessories. I really admire your work.

off duty ninja

First Post
Hey!! I've been a fan of your work since I was a kid. My game group recently came into possession of the numenera book and we've played a few sessions. Just wondering if you could spoil us on a new release of player options and maybe artifact and discoveries? I do a fine enough job of making my own, but I'm really interested in your ideas also. That is all.

Uuh, looks like I'm not quite too late yet, splendid.

As someone working in the business (and by the look of things, you seem to be working 20+ hours 7 days a week all year long....), do you actually get a chance to PLAY stuff? What was the last 2 or 3 games (pen&paper, board games, otherwise) that you played that you were not involved in making?

Apologies if that has already been covered.


Hi Monte!
I'm a more recent fan, I played D&D 3.5 quite a bit, and only really notice your name when you joined (and left) the D&D Next Team. That being said, you say a lot of things about your games that I agree with and really enjoy reading your insights. I got Numenera via the REAL DEAL as a birthday gift from my brother (he said it's worth 2 birthday gifts because it took a year after the KS to get here, now that I own the book I most certainly agree with him). This AMA makes for 3 years; I don't think I could've asked for more for my birthday than a chance to talk to you about Numenera. Your insights are innovative and elegant. And I couldn't get enough of what you have to say about Numenera.

Now that I got that out of my system, here are my questions:
1. Even though I'm not that huge a SF fan, I found myself fascinated with Numenera (I'm currently applying for a Numenera PbP, it should be my first on the field experience of the game.) What advice might you have for a clearly interested player taking a step out of his proverbial elements and his comfort zones and trying to get into the vibe of Numenera game?
2. What to you is biggest pet peeve you've ever had to deal with, or witnessed at the game table?
3.To follow up on a much earlier question, in what languages does MCG currently intend/aim to translate their product lines, and I
How high of a priority is it? Though unlikely, I would be thrilled to see Numenera translated to Hebrew eventually - it would make introducing the game to a certain friend a lot easier.
Here's a silly one I've been wanting to ask, but be honest: On "the ORC AND PIE" (KS pledge level back when you funded Numenera) were you at all disappointed or just glad that nobody paid up to throw a pie in your face? If it were up to me me (and if I had the money and the option) I'd have shelled out a grand and flown to Gencon to -share- a slice of pie with THE Monte Cook, actually. ^_^
4. What do you think is the most important skill you think a GM of any game should have/acquire?
5. What kind of music do you listen to? Does it help/hinder your productivity while you do?
6. Not really a question, but I snuck a peek at No Thank You, Evil! And I got to say I love it as far as I could tell from a distance!

Thank you very much for making the AMA, as well as Numenera and even your many contributions to D&D the RPG world. As I mentioned before, this really made my day/week!


Seriously thank you Monte for everything, you are so humble in your answers. Your work on D&D was always outstanding, Malhavoc Press was amazing back then (bought a lot), and when MCG cames I back your kickstarters every time you did with blind faith which you delivers more than I expected, i'm still amaze to this day (especially the Numenera Reliquary box). Long live MCG and all your incredible team! The quality of what MCG publish is in the top of the industry and I'm spreading the words as much as I can.

so thank you so much again, you make the rpg world a better place.


Is Dragon+ as much of a disappointment to you as it is to the rest of us? In my mind it's the pinnacle of corporate bs/marketing interference that you mentioned. A 20 page infomercial.

Awesome, thank you so much. I can't believe I am being answered by the maker of planescape! I made a world some years back, the first Colombian trpg to hit the market. I would love to deliver a copy to you but of course never found the means. If you are interested at all, you may check the site and let me know if I can have the books delivered.

Again many thanks from the bottom of my heart!

I will. Good luck with your endeavors!

Hi Again,

1. I'm wondering if there were alternate titles for Numenera and The Strange, meaning were these the titles from the beginning or were there some on the cutting room floor?
2. Any cool stories about meeting/being around Gary Gygax?
3. Do you forsee a time when the Cypher System will progress into Characters who are Adjective Nouns who Adverb Verbs or any kind of permutation like that?
4. A question about the Cypher System Rulebook. Clearly the mutations from Numenera are not present. I wondered if that was something about sticking to a page count? It seems that for Sci-Fi and Supers Genres, a LOT of those would be useful for emulating other species or the whole Mutant angle on superpowers.


1. We knew right away that the title of The Strange was the right one, but struggled a bit with Numenera. Originally I was going to call it the Ninth World or some derivation of that. I wrote an article about why I finally went with Numenera.

2. Not really. I mean, it was an honor to meet with him and talk to him. Most, but not all, of my contact with him was via correspondence. I was certainly over-the-moon thrilled when he told me that he liked the 3E DMG and that he felt like he had learned things about being a DM. Definitely a highlight of my whole career.

3. The possibility to create longer "sentences" to have more in-depth (and complex) character creation is certainly there.

4. I guess you have to stop somewhere. I can see your point, though. I didn't include them because I was afraid that they muddied the waters a bit. Easy enough to bring them over from Numenera, though.

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