AMA with Monte Cook (Numenera, D&D, Monte Cook Games, Malhavoc Press)

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Would MCG open to collaborate with WotC for a DnD5 book adventure campaign like "Prince of the Apocalypse". Would be great for something Far Realms or Planescapy!

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Been a fan of yours for a long time and early supporter of Numenera. Congrats on the success of that line!! It is well deserved.

As a long time fan, I have noticed that the old Web files (Errata, extras, etc) for your older lines has gone away. Specifically, those for Malhavoc Press in my case. Are there any plans to return these items for download? I was looking for then for a while and have given up recently - so I may have missed something.

Thanks for your time!


1) Would you ever release a revised version of Ptolus for another system, like Pathfinder or 5e (assuming a licence was released)?

2) It's been asked before, but I'll ask as well: if WotC made the offer, would Monte Cooke Games do an adventure for 5th Edition?

3) Biggest regret in your RPG writing career?

4) Best moment or biggest triumph in your RPG writing career?

5) If you had to leave tabletop games, what field would you look for employment in?
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I really enjoyed the Cypher System Rulebook, are there any plans to expand that line? I'd love to see a companion book that expanded the genre chapter quite a bit.

Second Question - There have been a lot of awesome RPG's that have come out this year, along with the Cypher System (You have caused me to lose Wife Faction personally ;p ). Anything new that you enjoyed?


First Post
AMA Monte Cook - Question


Similar congratulations on all the successes of MCG! Look forward to seeing your products grow for years to come. With that in mind, I have two questions:

1) (Seconding GrissTheGnome) Does MCG intend to produce modular game settings to complement the Cypher System Rulebook? Something like extended Genre Guidebooks (~90pg?) for "Steampunk," "Fantasy," etc.. I've really enjoyed the amount of customization and tweaking that the CSR allows for/encourages, but I can see how that degree of interpretability could be daunting to a newer GM wanting to pick it up to run a particular style of game. These Genre Guidebooks could provide things like accessible descriptor+foci lists, full type+flavour ability options for that settings' "types" (Pilot, War-Mage, etc.), as well as extended equipment lists and expanded discussions of GM tips for that genre.

2) Would you be interested/available for a written interview (via e-mail correspondence)? I would love to discuss the new CSR with you and share our discussion!

Thanks in advance for your time!

Mitch at dLinear


First Post
Writing Process and Tools

I always find it fascinating to learn about how people work, especially for creative endeavors such as design and writing. I'm not sure I've ever read about how RPG game designers actually work.

1) What tools do you use to craft a game? Word, Markdown, Scrivener? (Mac or Windows? :))
2) How do you get inspired? Do you have to be in a specific place to design/write? Or do you find the distraction of a coffee shop/others working in your studio a spark? Group discussions with notes sprawling a page or whiteboard?
3) Do you outline, or just spew words on a page and then clean up until what's left is your game?
4) Considering your books arguably have the highest production quality in the industry, how long does layout take? What tool(s) do you use for such things? Outsourced or do you oversee every illustration and punctuation detail? Someone else on staff who oversees that?
5) Probably goes without saying that it's awesome that Bruce, a childhood friend, is working with you, but how do you guys handle disagreements in game design?
6) While it's certainly in the purview of MCG to charge for 3rd party licenses, why charge for fan created items since you undoubtedly don't make that much money from that channel? To keep the barrier of entry and therefore production values higher? (This is arguably the strategy that Apple uses for apps.)

I've definitely used up my allotment. Love the games so far. One regret is not backing the box. Any chance of a French version similar to the Italian version? :)
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Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
Hey Monte,

1) Where are the jobs in the table-top gaming industry?
2) If somebody wants to get into game design/writing, how does one get involved with an established publishing company/studio?
3) Where do you see the industry in 10 years?

Scrivener of Doom

Monte, one of the things that attracted me to Ptolus was your website with its write-ups of your session reports.

I was wondering, what campaigns are you currently running and/or playing in for fun (as opposed to simply for playtesting purposes)? I'm just looking for the quick elevator pitches, if you will.

Best wishes for the continued success of Numenera, the Cypher system etc...; they're great games.


Possibly a Idiot.
Hello there!

How did you get into the games and the game industry?

What is your favorite mechanic?

What is your least favorite commonly used mechanic?

Do you prefer to come up with an interesting idea first, then work it into a rule? Or do you like to come up with a nifty rule, then build an idea around it?

Which idea gave you the most trouble when translating it into a game rule?

If you couldn't use dice (or a dice app I suppose), what would you use in their place?

What do you feel is the biggest hurdle you face when you design games?

Do you prefer hot coffee or cold coffee?

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