Anyone waiting for OLD?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Because these (pre-proof) pages are part of what arrived in my inbox today!







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Amazing! My group has been waiting for this so much. We have been using early/alpha/beta versions and the website rules but getting the actual thing would be so nice!

Those pages look good!

I am back in the hot-seat for DMing and will be returning to OLD after a bit of a break. I was hoping to find an updated playtest document to download... ;)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Those pages look good!

I am back in the hot-seat for DMing and will be returning to OLD after a bit of a break. I was hoping to find an updated playtest document to download... ;)

Playtesting is mainly over, I'm afraid. The only thing left that needs testing is the OLD magic system.

That's a fairly untested section, as I was concentrating on getting NEW ready. The rest of OLD is all tested though, and already in layout.
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I will take a renewed look at the Magic system. My group will be making characters next Friday, but not playing until after the holidays are over.

Perhaps I should have phrased it better.. looking for a PDF of the rules as I do better with a hardcopy to read through than I do clicking on pages... so much easier to flip back and forth.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The PDF of Archaic Careers (the OLD character creation chapter) is pretty much done. Just a few last layout tweaks. I don't know exactly when that stage will be finished, but it's extremely imminent! There will be a softcover of that too.


Guide of Modos
Awesome! My group can't wait to convert it to 5e!:devil:

Seriously though, the RPGs that excite me these days are not the ones at your FLGS. They're right here at ENworld!

I still love that Gladiator artwork, but I fear that the sylvan elf will miss her shot.

EDIT: after reviewing the art and what I remember of WOIN's gender poilcy, I should be afraid the elf will miss its shot.

Checking out the new magic rules {while playing a WEG game online.. so hopefully not crossing rule-sets}

If I am reading it right the spell lists idea is out. Characters use exploits to learn skills {actions} and secrets {nouns} and then can collect/design spells {signature spells are in based on the conditions}. No limit to designed spells.

Casting a spell costs MP, and the characters have MAG * 3, refreshing 1/3 an hour of rest ..

this is quite similar to the Psionics, except with PSI there is no skill involved.. just points and exploits.

If this is right, has there been thoughts about doing a EoM:ME style approach?

What I mean by that is that you still keep the skills and secrets. When casting a spell you have to make a spell casting check using the skill. Higher MP spells have a higher DC to cast, and you cannot cast anything higher than your current MP pool. If you succeed, the spell is cast normally. If you fail by 5 or less, the spell fizzles. If you fail by more than 5, you progress on a status track for magic drain.

Magic Drain: the ability penalties reduce your MAG {and thereby your MP max} until you can no longer cast spells.

Over-casting: You can choose to cast directly from your life-force, converting HEALTH to MP
Sacrificial over-casting: Evil beings can use sacrificial alters to convert a victims HEALTH into MP
Blight Casting: Dark-Sun style casters gather MP from local Flora to power their spells.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
No, skills are skills, not exploits. No, those different magic systems are not in there. We're a year past the "writing new stuff" stage, I'm afraid. I'm not writing new material now. :)
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My apologies, I typed that wrong. It should have been:

Characters learn skills {actions} and buy exploits {nouns} and then can collect/design spells {signature spells are in based on the conditions}. No limit to designed spells

Sorry, you know me. I can't resist rules-tweaking!

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