Bitterness Overcome: (Now A Completed Story!)

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Ausaphaborishan called out from behind Llywessiar. “For-citus, elicitus! Use magic if you’ve got it!” An invisible shield of force sprang into existence in front of him. He could hear each of his dragon allies call upon the same spell and bring up what little magical protection they could.

Grixanthrosilithiss stared on, trying to understand the tactics of the dragon squad approaching him. He wasn’t yet close enough to hear what Ausaphaborishan had said, but he could interpret the magical sign easily enough. “If you are going to use magic, then so shall I!” The red wyrm roared loud enough so that all of the rest of the dragons would be sure to hear him. “For-citus, elicitus”

Each of the green dragons heard the red wyrm’s challenge and was reminded to raise their own magical defenses. Kalliaxis spoke to the other two in her flight. “If nothing else, our magic can level the battlefield. For-citus, elicitus!” She heard the two green dragons behind her utter the same magical words to invoke their own magical defense.

Llywessiar’s eyelids narrowed as he focused on the red wyrm barreling through the air down at him. “Sappurapolician and Ausaphaborishan, listen well. You two turn and fight the greens. Ausaphaborishan, the red’s fiery breath would be devastating to your hide and I don’t want to risk that at the beginning since we are now outnumbered. He and I are immune to each other’s breath and I am sure I can take him alone until you both finish off those greens. And watch out for one another, you’re outnumbered!”

Ausaphaborishan laughed at the gold dragon’s closing comment. Without a sound, Sappurapolician pulled backwards away from the mountain and spun himself into an inside loop until he was flying down the mountain slope toward the greens. The silver dragon saw that his bronze ally was trying to dive below the trio of green dragons. It was a tactical maneuver that would keep them fighting in the air. The silver dragon turned more gracefully than his bronze ally and took a higher approach toward the three green dragons.

Since Sappurapolician had the advantage of both greater speed and gravity working in his favor, the bronze dragon dove below the level of the green wyrms. He suddenly unfurled his wings to the greatest width possible and his body jerked upward. His wings beat hard in order to not lose the moment that he had gained from his descent now that he was climbing and working against gravity. Sappurapolician’s plan worked, however. He approached the center of the flight of green dragons and his maneuver had caught them off-guard. As the bronze dragon flashed between all three dragons he exhaled his mighty electric breath.

Electricity sprang forward from his mouth, but not in the straight line that the flight of greens had expected. The electrical breath erupted in a circle around Sappurapolician’s head, catching all three of the green dragons in the electrical shock. The trio of green dragons was obviously surprised by this tactical maneuver.

The youngest of the three green dragons lashed out with the first volley in reply to Sappurapolician’s electrical assault. Its own acidic breath poured out of the dragon’s mouth and sprayed all over the bronze dragon’s scales. Sappurapolician felt the attack upon him and began to maneuver away, but it was already too late to avoid the effects of this dragon. Aurigraphillienne followed to pursue Sappurapolician.

Starigonnilann also fired a volley of its own acidic breath towards Sappurapolician. This dragon was not as accurate since Sappurapolician had already begun the process of taking defense maneuvers from the prior strike. The acidic breath still hit the bronze dragon; but the effect was not near as intense as from the younger green dragon. Starigonnilann followed Aurigraphillienne as she pushed forward to pursue the bronze wyrm.

Kalliaxis prepared to complement the breath attacks with one of her own. Before the largest green dragon was prepared to launch her attack she was blindsided by a blast of cold air. Quick and nimble reflexes allowed the green dragon to quickly duck out of the spray of the breath, but the damage had been done. Worse, the green dragon’s momentum had been lost. There was no way that it would be able to catch the bronze any more. Instead, she would have to focus on Ausaphaborishan, the silver dragon that had just blasted it with a spray of freezing breath.

Ausaphaborishan spoke after he blasted the eldest green dragon with icy breath. “I think two against one is more than fair odds for the younger members of your flight, Kalliaxis. Why don’t you try me on for size?”

Kalliaxis replied, “Well, if you insist! I’ll let you feel the brunt of my acidic breath!” The green dragon returned breath weapon for breath weapon and hit the larger silver dragon with a solid attack.

Ausaphaborishan’s scales were covered in the corrosive acid, but the silver dragon was only mildly phased by the attack. Ausaphaborishan knew that now all the dragon breath had been expelled for a short amount of time and the battle would grow much tighter. The dragons would have to either run until their breath would be ready to use again or they would fight tooth, claw, and tail. The silver decided that since it had the upper hand in size that running should not be an option. The silver dragon turned in flight once more and flew straight towards the largest of the green dragons.

Kalliaxis took Ausaphaborishan up on the physical challenge. It noticed that the silver was planning on charging at her so she flew in fast and hard in return against his challenge. The dragons collided solidly in mid-flight, each dragon biting hard into the body of the other. The taste of acidic blood flowed into Ausaphaborishan’s mouth. Kalliaxis’ mouth turned bone chillingly cold as her own strike hit home and she tasted the blood of Ausaphaborishan. As both dragons began to plummet towards the earth they released their bites and separated, taking a bit of time to regain speed and come back for an attack.

While Kalliaxis and Ausaphaborishan struggled against each other, Sappurapolician struggled hard against the two smaller green dragons. Although he had avoided much of the effects of the breath of Starigonnilann, the acid continued to burn at his scales much longer than the breath of Aurigraphillienne. Sappurapolician fought through the pain of the clinging acid and performed an in-flight loop. He sailed skyward for just an instant before catching sight of the youngest green dragon behind him. Sappurapolician continued the loop so that he was now diving down straight toward the back of Aurigraphillienne.

Much like the older and larger pair before them, Aurigraphillienne and Sappurapolician locked tight in a bite upon each other. Electricity shot down Aurigraphillienne’s back as her teeth sank into Sappurapolician. While the two were locked together, Starigonnilann saw an opportunity to strike the otherwise engaged Sappurapolician. As the unengaged green dragon sailed past both of the other dragons he struck out with his front two feet and their razor sharp claws. One clawed foot managed to find Sappurapolician’s flesh and sink in deep. Sappurapolician roared out loud at the surprise attack and the three battling dragons once more separated.

Before leaving too far, Sappurapolician thought he could get in a quick strike from his tail. The tail slashed through the air, but it missed its mark. Aurigraphillienne and Starigonnilann knew enough to take advantage of the bronze wyrm’s miss. Each of them turned in midair so that they could line up a successful strike with their fangs against Sappurapolician’s rear flank. Their teeth sunk in hard and the bronze dragon howled in pain.

After the biting strike, the dragons truly separated to regain speed. Aurigraphillienne saw Sappurapolician’s approach for another strike. “Stay back,” she warned Starigonnilann, “I’m going to blast him again with my acidic breath.” Sappurapolician overheard the warning and was able to avoid the effects of her breath to a large extent. The bronze dragon turned and twisted in the air to allow him to maintain his momentum towards her yet still avoid the majority of her acidic breath.

Once Aurigraphillienne’s devastating breath had worn out, Sappurapolician went in for the close strike. His scaled jaw snapped open and his razor-like fangs bit deeply into Aurigraphillienne’s hide. He could feel several scales snap under the intensity of the strike. He also felt his own flesh come under attack as Starigonnilann launched a simultaneous counter attack. The three dragons were again in the air together; but this time it was only for a split second before each veered off and separated from the others in order to regain speed and momentum.

The silver and the largest green once more came together. Ausaphaborishan had enough time to bring his breath weapon into effect. As the dragons charged through the air toward one another, Ausaphaborishan quickly unleashed another blast of cold breath from his mouth. Kalliaxis took this blast head first, completely surprised at how quickly Ausaphaborishan’s breath had returned to him. In spite of taking the attack head-on, Kalliaxis decided that she would sail through the cold attack and bite him as they passed one another. Her teeth sunk in deeply into Ausaphaborishan and once again her mouth felt as though it would go completely numb from the coolness of Ausaphaborishan’s blood.

Knowing that his own destructive breath had been spent for a time, Ausaphaborishan decided that it was now time to come to the aid of his bronze companion. So far Sappurapolician had done a decent job fending the two smaller green dragons off, but it was clear that their combined strength would eventually bring him down without someone to take off the heat. Ausaphaborishan roared as his sailed downward to strike at the youngest of the green dragons. “Try taking on my bite for a while, Aurigraphillienne!”

The silver wyrm broadsided the young green dragon in midair and bit her hard. She spun several times mid-flight before shooting her wings out to stabilize herself and catch a current of air. Kalliaxis caught up to Ausaphaborishan after he had bit into the younger green dragon and returned the silver’s bite for one of her own. Once more Ausaphaborishan felt the acidic bite from the largest of the green dragons.

By this point Sappurapolician had grown tired of being bitten by the two young upstart green dragons. He decided that it was time to demonstrate what power he truly had within his mouth. He watched as Ausaphaborishan bit the youngest of the greens and sent her spiraling in the direction of the ground. As she shot out her wings to balance herself she unintentionally flew too close to her kin, Starigonnilann. Sappurapolician smiled as the shot was lined up for him. He swooped down and extended his neck to its fullest size. His jaws opened and a solid blue bolt of electricity sprang forward out of his mouth, electrifying the air between him and the two younger green wyrms. The air smelled of burned flesh as both dragons took the full force of the bronze dragon’s breath.

Starigonnilann was in decent position to counterattack against the bronze dragon; however, Aurigraphillienne was in a much weaker position. She was closer to Sappurapolician and it was more difficult for her to turn and attack. Aurigraphillienne was unable to complete the turn in an appropriate amount of space and as a result her bite attack sailed wide. Starigonnilann’s assault was better timed than the attack from the youngest of the green dragons. He swooped under the belly of Aurigraphillienne as she turned and used her body to disguise his approach. At the last minute he surged up and once more bit deeply into Sappurapolician’s flesh.

Sappurapolician had begun to show great signs of being wounded and his flight had begun to slow down. Ausaphaborishan felt slightly guilty for not immediately casting one of his healing spells upon his ally. However, with both the smaller dragons coming in for a closer assault upon the bronze dragon Ausaphaborishan knew that they would be in a prime position to attack them with his devastating cold breath. Ausaphaborishan waited just long enough for the bronze dragon to clear the area of effect before blasting the two younger green dragons. Aurigraphillienne looked seriously wounded by the attack and begun to uncontrollably spiral towards the earth.

Ausaphaborishan was not the only dragon to have a breath assault prepared. Immediately after releasing his devastating cold breath upon the green dragons, Ausaphaborishan felt acidic breath course over his own silver scales. He had lost track of the eldest of the green dragons and Kalliaxis was making him pay for his tactical blindness. What was worse than losing Kalliaxis was the fact that Ausaphaborishan had allowed himself to stray close enough to his bronze wyrm ally as to allow Kalliaxis to navigate such that he was included in the assault. The bronze dragon winced heavily as the acidic spray also reached his scales.

Sappurapolician watched the youngest of the green dragons plummet to the earth and wanted to chase her and finish the fight. However, he thought better of the assault and decided to let her go. Instead, the bronze dragon continued to fly away from the battle so that he could heal some of his wounds. His draconic voice erupted in a loud roar as he proclaimed his healing to the battlefield. “Bondras-tol Shintar. Be careful green dragons, I come for you!” Some of the dragon’s wounds were sealed, but he was far from being completely healed.

Starigonnilann also thought about chasing after his badly damaged kin as she plummeted to the ground, but he knew that to do so would leave the eldest of the trio of dragons up in the sky alone with a very powerful silver wyrm and a bronze wyrm who was now invigorated. He faked as though he were diving to help his kin but was secretly watching as the bronze returned to the battle. At the last moment Starigonnilann readjusted his course so that he could capture both the silver wyrm and the bronze wyrm within the effects of his own acidic breath. His attack was a success.

Sappurapolician cursed at the fact that his pride had led him into this trap. He yelled to Ausaphaborishan to be careful. “That one has a powerful breath. The effects linger more than the others!”

Ausaphaborishan returned the yell with a spell of his own. “ Bondras-tol Fundar! Be healed and keep coming! The battle is ours if we seize it!” Ausaphaborishan spotted the fact that the youngest of the green dragons had managed to catch herself mid-flight before slamming into the ground. He smiled as he noted that she still moved away to sulk in the forest. “We’ve chased one foul beast from the sky, it is time to chase two more!”

Immediately after his proclamation, the Kalliaxis bit hard into Ausaphaborishan’s neck. This attack drew even more of the freezing blood from his veins, but the silver dragon would not be denied. His wings beat heavily to keep himself flying and his claws pushed hard against the body of Kalliaxis. At just the right time Ausaphaborishan jerked his neck away and pushed hard with all four of his clawed feet. The eldest of the green dragons fell away, releasing its hold on Ausaphaborishan’s neck. Kalliaxis had all she could do to keep from colliding with Starigonnilann.

Sappurapolician felt his excitement grow as he noticed that the two green dragons were going to be so close together. With a quick tuck of his wings, Sappurapolician dipped down into the proper angle and waited for the timing to be right. Both of the green dragons were immediately so concerned with avoiding a midair collision that each of them lost sight of the bronze dragon. Sappurapolician opened his mouth once more and unleashed a charge of electricity. Much to the delight of Sappurapolician and Ausaphaborishan, the smell of nitrogen was quickly followed by the smell of burned flesh as both remaining green dragons were struck by Sappurapolician’s well timed strike.

Starigonnilann could feel his inner strength failing, but he knew that the strength of the bronze and silver dragons had to be weakening as well. He spotted the silver wyrm making a wide turn to come in for a big strike. Starigonnilann turned to the elder green dragon and started to plan an attack. “Follow me in. We’ll handle that silver!” Kalliaxis nodded at the plan, grateful to have anyone besides her taking the beating from the silver dragon.

Starigonnilann approached the silver wyrm and noticed that Ausaphaborishan seemed to be smiling at the challenge. In fact, the dragon seemed to be baiting him in. Kalliaxis noticed this as well and decided to slow her approach behind Starigonnilann. Starigonnilann drew close enough to the silver wyrm to lash out with a bite to the neck and the green dragon didn’t pass up the opportunity. Ausaphaborishan accepted the blow and latched onto the green dragon in midair. Even after the green dragon released Ausaphaborishan’s neck the silver dragon wouldn’t let go.

The two dragons twisted and turned as they wrestled in the air. After several seconds the stronger silver began to win and slowed the spin to a controllable rotation. His claws lifted Starigonnilann’s head in front of his own and he smiled for a lone second. Starigonnilann looked on in horror, knowing that he was at the mercy of the silver now. Ausaphaborishan waited one more slow revolution and opened his jaws wide. The cold breath sprayed into the air, catching Starigonnilann point blank in the effect. Yet Starigonnilann was not the only one affected. The maneuver had nearly hypnotized Kalliaxis as the eldest green anticipated the devastating blow. Kalliaxis did not realize that she had drifted into the range of the silver dragon’s breath as well. Both green dragons felt the force of Ausaphaborishan’s icy breath.

The silver wyrm’s claws released the green dragon. Starigonnilann and Kalliaxis realized what Aurigraphillienne already knew. The silver and the bronze wyrms would not be defeated on this day. The battle would be left to the red. Together, the two remaining green dragons soared down to the treetops and entered the forest. They would need time to heal their wounds and their pride.

Ausaphaborishan and Sappurapolician let them go. There was no need to pursue that hunt. There was a more powerful red to tackle and Llywessiar would appreciate their help. They surged upward into the sky, determined to climb the altitude necessary to engage with Grixanthrosilithiss.

As they climbed in altitude, Ausaphaborishan heard Sappurapolician casting a spell on himself. “Bondras-tol Shintar” The wounds on the bronze dragon appeared to heal some more, although nowhere near complete.

Ausaphaborishan smiled as his own wings continued to beat hard. “Here, let me give you some help with those. Bondras-tol Fundar.” The wounds on the bronze dragon healed even more, although it was still not near enough to completely heal the bronze dragon. The silver was showing plenty of his own wounds as he added, “Now, let’s go tackle that red dragon.”

[Sblock=Color-Free Speech Section]
Ausaphaborishan called out from behind Llywessiar. “For-citus, elicitus! Use magic if you’ve got it!” An invisible shield of force sprang into existence in front of him. He could hear each of his dragon allies call upon the same spell and bring up what little magical protection they could.

Grixanthrosilithiss stared on, trying to understand the tactics of the dragon squad approaching him. He wasn’t yet close enough to hear what Ausaphaborishan had said, but he could interpret the magical sign easily enough. “If you are going to use magic, then so shall I!” The red wyrm roared loud enough so that all of the rest of the dragons would be sure to hear him. “For-citus, elicitus”

Each of the green dragons heard the red wyrm’s challenge and was reminded to raise their own magical defenses. Kalliaxis spoke to the other two in her flight. “If nothing else, our magic can level the battlefield. For-citus, elicitus!” She heard the two green dragons behind her utter the same magical words to invoke their own magical defense.

Llywessiar’s eyelids narrowed as he focused on the red wyrm barreling through the air down at him. “Sappurapolician and Ausaphaborishan, listen well. You two turn and fight the greens. Ausaphaborishan, the red’s fiery breath would be devastating to your hide and I don’t want to risk that at the beginning since we are now outnumbered. He and I are immune to each other’s breath and I am sure I can take him alone until you both finish off those greens. And watch out for one another, you’re outnumbered!”

Ausaphaborishan laughed at the gold dragon’s closing comment. Without a sound, Sappurapolician pulled backwards away from the mountain and spun himself into an inside loop until he was flying down the mountain slope toward the greens. The silver dragon saw that his bronze ally was trying to dive below the trio of green dragons. It was a tactical maneuver that would keep them fighting in the air. The silver dragon turned more gracefully than his bronze ally and took a higher approach toward the three green dragons.

Since Sappurapolician had the advantage of both greater speed and gravity working in his favor, the bronze dragon dove below the level of the green wyrms. He suddenly unfurled his wings to the greatest width possible and his body jerked upward. His wings beat hard in order to not lose the moment that he had gained from his descent now that he was climbing and working against gravity. Sappurapolician’s plan worked, however. He approached the center of the flight of green dragons and his maneuver had caught them off-guard. As the bronze dragon flashed between all three dragons he exhaled his mighty electric breath.

Electricity sprang forward from his mouth, but not in the straight line that the flight of greens had expected. The electrical breath erupted in a circle around Sappurapolician’s head, catching all three of the green dragons in the electrical shock. The trio of green dragons was obviously surprised by this tactical maneuver.

The youngest of the three green dragons lashed out with the first volley in reply to Sappurapolician’s electrical assault. Its own acidic breath poured out of the dragon’s mouth and sprayed all over the bronze dragon’s scales. Sappurapolician felt the attack upon him and began to maneuver away, but it was already too late to avoid the effects of this dragon. Aurigraphillienne followed to pursue Sappurapolician.

Starigonnilann also fired a volley of its own acidic breath towards Sappurapolician. This dragon was not as accurate since Sappurapolician had already begun the process of taking defense maneuvers from the prior strike. The acidic breath still hit the bronze dragon; but the effect was not near as intense as from the younger green dragon. Starigonnilann followed Aurigraphillienne as she pushed forward to pursue the bronze wyrm.

Kalliaxis prepared to complement the breath attacks with one of her own. Before the largest green dragon was prepared to launch her attack she was blindsided by a blast of cold air. Quick and nimble reflexes allowed the green dragon to quickly duck out of the spray of the breath, but the damage had been done. Worse, the green dragon’s momentum had been lost. There was no way that it would be able to catch the bronze any more. Instead, she would have to focus on Ausaphaborishan, the silver dragon that had just blasted it with a spray of freezing breath.

Ausaphaborishan spoke after he blasted the eldest green dragon with icy breath. “I think two against one is more than fair odds for the younger members of your flight, Kalliaxis. Why don’t you try me on for size?”

Kalliaxis replied, “Well, if you insist! I’ll let you feel the brunt of my acidic breath!” The green dragon returned breath weapon for breath weapon and hit the larger silver dragon with a solid attack.

Ausaphaborishan’s scales were covered in the corrosive acid, but the silver dragon was only mildly phased by the attack. Ausaphaborishan knew that now all the dragon breath had been expelled for a short amount of time and the battle would grow much tighter. The dragons would have to either run until their breath would be ready to use again or they would fight tooth, claw, and tail. The silver decided that since it had the upper hand in size that running should not be an option. The silver dragon turned in flight once more and flew straight towards the largest of the green dragons.

Kalliaxis took Ausaphaborishan up on the physical challenge. It noticed that the silver was planning on charging at her so she flew in fast and hard in return against his challenge. The dragons collided solidly in mid-flight, each dragon biting hard into the body of the other. The taste of acidic blood flowed into Ausaphaborishan’s mouth. Kalliaxis’ mouth turned bone chillingly cold as her own strike hit home and she tasted the blood of Ausaphaborishan. As both dragons began to plummet towards the earth they released their bites and separated, taking a bit of time to regain speed and come back for an attack.

While Kalliaxis and Ausaphaborishan struggled against each other, Sappurapolician struggled hard against the two smaller green dragons. Although he had avoided much of the effects of the breath of Starigonnilann, the acid continued to burn at his scales much longer than the breath of Aurigraphillienne. Sappurapolician fought through the pain of the clinging acid and performed an in-flight loop. He sailed skyward for just an instant before catching sight of the youngest green dragon behind him. Sappurapolician continued the loop so that he was now diving down straight toward the back of Aurigraphillienne.

Much like the older and larger pair before them, Aurigraphillienne and Sappurapolician locked tight in a bite upon each other. Electricity shot down Aurigraphillienne’s back as her teeth sank into Sappurapolician. While the two were locked together, Starigonnilann saw an opportunity to strike the otherwise engaged Sappurapolician. As the unengaged green dragon sailed past both of the other dragons he struck out with his front two feet and their razor sharp claws. One clawed foot managed to find Sappurapolician’s flesh and sink in deep. Sappurapolician roared out loud at the surprise attack and the three battling dragons once more separated.

Before leaving too far, Sappurapolician thought he could get in a quick strike from his tail. The tail slashed through the air, but it missed its mark. Aurigraphillienne and Starigonnilann knew enough to take advantage of the bronze wyrm’s miss. Each of them turned in midair so that they could line up a successful strike with their fangs against Sappurapolician’s rear flank. Their teeth sunk in hard and the bronze dragon howled in pain.

After the biting strike, the dragons truly separated to regain speed. Aurigraphillienne saw Sappurapolician’s approach for another strike. “Stay back,” she warned Starigonnilann, “I’m going to blast him again with my acidic breath.” Sappurapolician overheard the warning and was able to avoid the effects of her breath to a large extent. The bronze dragon turned and twisted in the air to allow him to maintain his momentum towards her yet still avoid the majority of her acidic breath.

Once Aurigraphillienne’s devastating breath had worn out, Sappurapolician went in for the close strike. His scaled jaw snapped open and his razor-like fangs bit deeply into Aurigraphillienne’s hide. He could feel several scales snap under the intensity of the strike. He also felt his own flesh come under attack as Starigonnilann launched a simultaneous counter attack. The three dragons were again in the air together; but this time it was only for a split second before each veered off and separated from the others in order to regain speed and momentum.

The silver and the largest green once more came together. Ausaphaborishan had enough time to bring his breath weapon into effect. As the dragons charged through the air toward one another, Ausaphaborishan quickly unleashed another blast of cold breath from his mouth. Kalliaxis took this blast head first, completely surprised at how quickly Ausaphaborishan’s breath had returned to him. In spite of taking the attack head-on, Kalliaxis decided that she would sail through the cold attack and bite him as they passed one another. Her teeth sunk in deeply into Ausaphaborishan and once again her mouth felt as though it would go completely numb from the coolness of Ausaphaborishan’s blood.

Knowing that his own destructive breath had been spent for a time, Ausaphaborishan decided that it was now time to come to the aid of his bronze companion. So far Sappurapolician had done a decent job fending the two smaller green dragons off, but it was clear that their combined strength would eventually bring him down without someone to take off the heat. Ausaphaborishan roared as his sailed downward to strike at the youngest of the green dragons. “Try taking on my bite for a while, Aurigraphillienne!”

The silver wyrm broadsided the young green dragon in midair and bit her hard. She spun several times mid-flight before shooting her wings out to stabilize herself and catch a current of air. Kalliaxis caught up to Ausaphaborishan after he had bit into the younger green dragon and returned the silver’s bite for one of her own. Once more Ausaphaborishan felt the acidic bite from the largest of the green dragons.

By this point Sappurapolician had grown tired of being bitten by the two young upstart green dragons. He decided that it was time to demonstrate what power he truly had within his mouth. He watched as Ausaphaborishan bit the youngest of the greens and sent her spiraling in the direction of the ground. As she shot out her wings to balance herself she unintentionally flew too close to her kin, Starigonnilann. Sappurapolician smiled as the shot was lined up for him. He swooped down and extended his neck to its fullest size. His jaws opened and a solid blue bolt of electricity sprang forward out of his mouth, electrifying the air between him and the two younger green wyrms. The air smelled of burned flesh as both dragons took the full force of the bronze dragon’s breath.

Starigonnilann was in decent position to counterattack against the bronze dragon; however, Aurigraphillienne was in a much weaker position. She was closer to Sappurapolician and it was more difficult for her to turn and attack. Aurigraphillienne was unable to complete the turn in an appropriate amount of space and as a result her bite attack sailed wide. Starigonnilann’s assault was better timed than the attack from the youngest of the green dragons. He swooped under the belly of Aurigraphillienne as she turned and used her body to disguise his approach. At the last minute he surged up and once more bit deeply into Sappurapolician’s flesh.

Sappurapolician had begun to show great signs of being wounded and his flight had begun to slow down. Ausaphaborishan felt slightly guilty for not immediately casting one of his healing spells upon his ally. However, with both the smaller dragons coming in for a closer assault upon the bronze dragon Ausaphaborishan knew that they would be in a prime position to attack them with his devastating cold breath. Ausaphaborishan waited just long enough for the bronze dragon to clear the area of effect before blasting the two younger green dragons. Aurigraphillienne looked seriously wounded by the attack and begun to uncontrollably spiral towards the earth.

Ausaphaborishan was not the only dragon to have a breath assault prepared. Immediately after releasing his devastating cold breath upon the green dragons, Ausaphaborishan felt acidic breath course over his own silver scales. He had lost track of the eldest of the green dragons and Kalliaxis was making him pay for his tactical blindness. What was worse than losing Kalliaxis was the fact that Ausaphaborishan had allowed himself to stray close enough to his bronze wyrm ally as to allow Kalliaxis to navigate such that he was included in the assault. The bronze dragon winced heavily as the acidic spray also reached his scales.

Sappurapolician watched the youngest of the green dragons plummet to the earth and wanted to chase her and finish the fight. However, he thought better of the assault and decided to let her go. Instead, the bronze dragon continued to fly away from the battle so that he could heal some of his wounds. His draconic voice erupted in a loud roar as he proclaimed his healing to the battlefield. “Bondras-tol Shintar. Be careful green dragons, I come for you!” Some of the dragon’s wounds were sealed, but he was far from being completely healed.

Starigonnilann also thought about chasing after his badly damaged kin as she plummeted to the ground, but he knew that to do so would leave the eldest of the trio of dragons up in the sky alone with a very powerful silver wyrm and a bronze wyrm who was now invigorated. He faked as though he were diving to help his kin but was secretly watching as the bronze returned to the battle. At the last moment Starigonnilann readjusted his course so that he could capture both the silver wyrm and the bronze wyrm within the effects of his own acidic breath. His attack was a success.

Sappurapolician cursed at the fact that his pride had led him into this trap. He yelled to Ausaphaborishan to be careful. “That one has a powerful breath. The effects linger more than the others!”

Ausaphaborishan returned the yell with a spell of his own. “ Bondras-tol Fundar! Be healed and keep coming! The battle is ours if we seize it!” Ausaphaborishan spotted the fact that the youngest of the green dragons had managed to catch herself mid-flight before slamming into the ground. He smiled as he noted that she still moved away to sulk in the forest. “We’ve chased one foul beast from the sky, it is time to chase two more!”

Immediately after his proclamation, the Kalliaxis bit hard into Ausaphaborishan’s neck. This attack drew even more of the freezing blood from his veins, but the silver dragon would not be denied. His wings beat heavily to keep himself flying and his claws pushed hard against the body of Kalliaxis. At just the right time Ausaphaborishan jerked his neck away and pushed hard with all four of his clawed feet. The eldest of the green dragons fell away, releasing its hold on Ausaphaborishan’s neck. Kalliaxis had all she could do to keep from colliding with Starigonnilann.

Sappurapolician felt his excitement grow as he noticed that the two green dragons were going to be so close together. With a quick tuck of his wings, Sappurapolician dipped down into the proper angle and waited for the timing to be right. Both of the green dragons were immediately so concerned with avoiding a midair collision that each of them lost sight of the bronze dragon. Sappurapolician opened his mouth once more and unleashed a charge of electricity. Much to the delight of Sappurapolician and Ausaphaborishan, the smell of nitrogen was quickly followed by the smell of burned flesh as both remaining green dragons were struck by Sappurapolician’s well timed strike.

Starigonnilann could feel his inner strength failing, but he knew that the strength of the bronze and silver dragons had to be weakening as well. He spotted the silver wyrm making a wide turn to come in for a big strike. Starigonnilann turned to the elder green dragon and started to plan an attack. “Follow me in. We’ll handle that silver!” Kalliaxis nodded at the plan, grateful to have anyone besides her taking the beating from the silver dragon.

Starigonnilann approached the silver wyrm and noticed that Ausaphaborishan seemed to be smiling at the challenge. In fact, the dragon seemed to be baiting him in. Kalliaxis noticed this as well and decided to slow her approach behind Starigonnilann. Starigonnilann drew close enough to the silver wyrm to lash out with a bite to the neck and the green dragon didn’t pass up the opportunity. Ausaphaborishan accepted the blow and latched onto the green dragon in midair. Even after the green dragon released Ausaphaborishan’s neck the silver dragon wouldn’t let go.

The two dragons twisted and turned as they wrestled in the air. After several seconds the stronger silver began to win and slowed the spin to a controllable rotation. His claws lifted Starigonnilann’s head in front of his own and he smiled for a lone second. Starigonnilann looked on in horror, knowing that he was at the mercy of the silver now. Ausaphaborishan waited one more slow revolution and opened his jaws wide. The cold breath sprayed into the air, catching Starigonnilann point blank in the effect. Yet Starigonnilann was not the only one affected. The maneuver had nearly hypnotized Kalliaxis as the eldest green anticipated the devastating blow. Kalliaxis did not realize that she had drifted into the range of the silver dragon’s breath as well. Both green dragons felt the force of Ausaphaborishan’s icy breath.

The silver wyrm’s claws released the green dragon. Starigonnilann and Kalliaxis realized what Aurigraphillienne already knew. The silver and the bronze wyrms would not be defeated on this day. The battle would be left to the red. Together, the two remaining green dragons soared down to the treetops and entered the forest. They would need time to heal their wounds and their pride.

Ausaphaborishan and Sappurapolician let them go. There was no need to pursue that hunt. There was a more powerful red to tackle and Llywessiar would appreciate their help. They surged upward into the sky, determined to climb the altitude necessary to engage with Grixanthrosilithiss.

As they climbed in altitude, Ausaphaborishan heard Sappurapolician casting a spell on himself. “Bondras-tol Shintar” The wounds on the bronze dragon appeared to heal some more, although nowhere near complete.

Ausaphaborishan smiled as his own wings continued to beat hard. “Here, let me give you some help with those. Bondras-tol Fundar.” The wounds on the bronze dragon healed even more, although it was still not near enough to completely heal the bronze dragon. The silver was showing plenty of his own wounds as he added, “Now, let’s go tackle that red dragon.”
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
As the battle against the green dragons was waging below at a much lower elevation, the true battle for the control of the villagers was raging in the thin air above. Llywessiar charged forward against Grixanthrosilithiss knowing that he would need to struggle hard to maintain his speed as he climbed. The gold dragon could see that he had a size advantage and a speed advantage resulting from that size. The one thing Grixanthrosilithiss had over the gold wyrm was maneuverability. Their breath weapons were useless so long as Ausaphaborishan and Sappurapolician fought against the green dragons. Both red and gold wyrms breathed fire and their own scales were designed to protect themselves from their own breath. The effect of this was to essentially make the dragons immune to each other’s breath as well.

As the red wyrm dove down the mountainside toward Llywessiar, the gold dragon pulled up just a bit and took an approach circling around the red wyrm. “Ul Fashiir-nuan” Immediately a storm of ice battered the red dragon, pelting him hard as he surged to meet Llywessiar. The red dragon roared in fury and the gold dragon merely laughed. “Come, now, Grixanthrosilithiss. You didn’t think I’d be unprepared, did you?”

The red wyrm roared once more in response. “With your lackeys gone and the fight between the two of us I’d imagine you would take this battle more seriously than what small amount of damage you spells can do against me!” The red wyrm was obviously bothered deeply by the effects of the cold. He used his boiling rage to focus upon the object of his wrath. He sailed down upon the gold dragon and bit towards Llywessiar. The gold dragon deflected the blow away with one of his wings.

After Llywessiar deflected the blow he twisted his body around and ducked underneath the smaller red wyrm’s body. The two dragons separated for a short time, circling each other and taking cautious attacks. Several of these cautious blows missed in quick succession. It was as though they were testing each other’s reflexes and speed of retaliation.

Finally, the gold dragon decided that he had enough of the maneuvering and dove in for a strong bite. The gold dragon’s teeth crashed into the scaled body of the red. The bite was solid and Llywessiar rather enjoyed the warmth of the red wyrm’s scales, but the bite was not at all serious. The gold dragon knew that this battle would not end from one blow alone. This was a battle of attrition on behalf of the wyrms. There would be no lucky blows as well armored as these dragons were. Rather than luck, there would only be the one who outlasted the other flying after they beat up on each other.

As Llywessiar bit hard at the red dragon, Grixanthrosilithiss returned the bite. The teeth of the red were smaller overall, and from the bite Llywessiar knew immediately that if they could merely trade blows one for one that he had the upper hand. His own bite was far worse than the bite of this younger red dragon. Fortunately for the gold dragon, he was able to disguise this knowledge from the angry red wyrm. Grixanthrosilithiss did not seem to recognize that his attack was inferior to the gold dragon’s bite.

Armed with this knowledge, Llywessiar turned away from the red dragon and once more flew in a great circle, watching his prey. The red dragon returned his glare, obviously picking up speed for the next assault. “You fly as though you are protecting your mating grounds, Grixanthrosilithiss! I am no upstart red dragon coming in to challenge your territory. I am a superior gold coming to throw you out!”

The red wyrm hissed a loud response. “These are my people! You have no right or business interfering with what I do to my own Drakontai!”

The red wyrm brought his wings down hard as he finished speaking. He beat hard against the air, picking up as much speed as he possibly could. Llywessiar responded with an equal amount of effort. If the red wanted an upfront battle it would favor the gold anyway.

The dragons collided together in mid-air. Llywessiar was not concerned about the ferocity of the red and opened up a less vital area for the red to attack. The red wyrm took the offering and sunk his teeth into the tough shoulder scales of the gold dragon. Grixanthrosilithiss was cautious as he approached; he tried to avoid positioning his body so that it was readily accessible to the gold dragon’s mouth.

Yet, for some reason Llywessiar didn’t seem interested in biting him on this pass. Just as Grixanthrosilithiss was forced to let go to prevent stalling in the middle of the flight he was struck by a solid object hard from behind. Llywessiar had used his superior size to bring his tail around in a sweeping arc in a giant blow against the red dragon’s body. For several seconds the red dragon’s body shook from the blow and as a result the red wyrm lost his flying momentum. He began to drop in freefall toward the ground. Before the ground could injure the dragon, the red wyrm was easily able to recover and catch the wind under his wings once more.

As he plummeted to the ground, Llywessiar shouted, “People are not owned as possessions, Grixanthrosilithiss! You have no more right to own them than Ausaphaborishan has to own the Drakontos who summoned us and alerted us to your oppression. I hope this truth blindsides you as much as my tail just did!” The gold wyrm laughed as it watched Grixanthrosilithiss struggle to catch himself in flight.

When the red wyrm had begun to catch the wind under his wings, the gold dragon immediately started a dive directly aimed at the back of the red dragon. Grixanthrosilithiss had been so concerned about reversing the stall and avoiding a lethal crash into the mountainside that he had ignored the position of the gold dragon. Only at the last moment did he hear the whistling of the air over Llywessiar’s golden scales as the gold prepared to skewer Grixanthrosilithiss.

The last moment of warning didn’t allow Grixanthrosilithiss to maneuver out of the way. It did allow him to shield his body so that the gold didn’t have a vulnerable spot to target. It also allowed him to put himself in a position so that as the gold’s teeth sunk into his heavily armored back he could twist and get in a strike of his own. The strike from the red wyrm hit the opposite shoulder on the gold dragon as his last blow had struck. The blows that were traded between the dragons this time had been equal.

Llywessiar considered the even blows a victory. His larger stature implied that he could take more punishment. If the battle kept going along this path he would emerge the victor quite easily. The gold dragon released the red wyrm’s back from his mouth and began to fly away in another great circle. As they moved apart, Llywessiar challenged the red wyrm once more. “I’d be more concerned about defending yourself, Grixanthrosilithiss! It would seem as though you grow too increasingly weak to be able to defend the people you claim to own!” The insults were a ploy to keep the fury of the red reflected onto him. So far, it had worked.

Grixanthrosilithiss turned in the opposite direction, flying counterclockwise against the clockwise motion of Llywessiar. This would set up another strike as the two circles would meet one hundred and eighty degrees from where their last clash had taken place. As would be expected, the dragons tried to keep their circles on as flat of a pitch as possible.

Grixanthrosilithiss responded to the gold wyrm’s verbal challenge. “My defense is now their defense. So long as I still fly, they are my people. If you want to take them from me, you will have to banish me from the sky!”

Llywessiar smiled as he thought of his obvious response. The gold dragon began to beat his wings hard, tightening up his circle to bring the next clash even sooner. His deep voice bellowed across the mountain peaks. “That can certainly be arranged!”

The dragons once more collided, although luck favored the faster and larger gold dragon. Rather than biting at the red or slamming his body in another mid-air collision, the gold veered away at precisely the moment that Grixanthrosilithiss attacked with his bite. The red wyrm’s teeth found nothing except air. As the gold dragon passed unharmed by the red dragon a golden tail solidly fell down upon one of Grixanthrosilithiss’ wings. The force of the blow once more sent the red dragon into a downward spiral. One more time the red dragon had to fight to control his flight; but eventually he managed to bring himself under control before reaching the sharp mountain cliffs jutting out from below.

The gold dragon called down to the red from his higher elevation. “I can keep knocking you out of the sky, Grixanthrosilithiss. How long can you afford to keep coming back up to meet me? You’d be better off fleeing while you still have the strength to hobble home to your cave!”

Rage continued to burn within the red wyrm. “I have never retreated in battle, and I shall not begin here!”

The red wyrm surged upward, choosing to take a direct approach against his adversary rather than swing around in a circle and slowly gain elevation. This put him at an extreme disadvantage with regard to the force of blow that he could muster. Llywessiar allowed Grixanthrosilithiss’ strike to come in once more, offering up another area of his massive shoulder to strike. The gold retaliated with a blow of his own, once more slapping the red with his massive tail. Grixanthrosilithiss seemed prepared for the tactic this time. He dropped several feet at the blow, but easily spread his wings and caught himself.

As Grixanthrosilithiss flew away he noticed that this last wound had managed to tear a few scales painfully away from the gold dragon’s hide. There was now a soft spot of flesh that he could aim for should the gold wyrm offer that shoulder again. Unfortunately for the red wyrm, it was unlikely that Llywessiar would be unaware of the painful wound and thus it would not be likely that Llywessiar allowed the red access to that particular shoulder area again.

As the red dragon flew clockwise around to match the gold dragon’s counterclockwise flight, he noticed that he was having difficulty keeping his flight level. The battle thus far had been considerably strenuous. The inability to rely on his powerful breath weapon had drawn this battle out much more than he had hoped. He would need to finish this quickly if he hoped to win.

Grixanthrosilithiss focused hard upon the gold dragon as he completed the final turn. He could see his opponent beat hard to increase his speed. The red dragon mimicked the move and sped through the air as fast as he could muster. The dragons collided in mid-air as they had done several times before. Grixanthrosilithiss was right in that the gold would not open his weakened shoulder to attack. The smaller red dragon decided to take what had been offered to him and bite at the base of the gold dragon’s neck. The red bit as hard as he could as he simultaneously felt the stinging pain of Llywessiar’s teeth tearing solidly into his left front leg.

Both wounds were costly to each of the dragons, but Grixanthrosilithiss decided to stick around for enough time to land another vicious bite. The blow caught the gold dragon off-guard as the red wyrm got in a free shot near the gold wyrm’s softer belly. Llywessiar was not without retort, however. His golden tail once more sliced through the air. This time the blow caught Grixanthrosilithiss directly across his neck. It was a blow that would have killed many smaller dragons.

Fortunately the red wyrm’s neck was strong enough to take the punishment. His neck was stiff from the blow, but he could manage. The red wyrm allowed the tail strike to knock him from the sky and Grixanthrosilithiss planned on using the time to gather his strength and recuperate from the hard tail strike that he had just received. The blow clouded his mind, judgment, and sight for a moment and he needed time to compose himself.

Grixanthrosilithiss did not see the bronze and silver dragons approaching from underneath. They had successfully managed to chase off the green dragons by this point and were well on their way of coming to the aid of their golden leader. Sappurapolician was the first to bite at the red wyrm; and his bite landed solidly upon the red wyrm’s shoulder. Grixanthrosilithiss could feel one of his own scales rip free from his skin and out of the corner of his eye he could see it fluttering to the mountain surface below.

The red wyrm didn’t focus long on the missing scale. Sappurapolician’s blow was quickly followed by a bite from Ausaphaborishan. The silver had been flying in a tight formation behind the bronze dragon as they planned a quick successive barrage of attacks against the reeling red dragon. After striking, they continued to fly in a tight formation.

Grixanthrosilithiss knew that he was nearly mortally wounded, but he also noticed that Sappurapolician and Ausaphaborishan were also significantly wounded. He also saw a great strike potential against a silver dragon. Silver dragons and red dragons have long been arch enemies and this would be an opportunity to assert the power of the red dragon in that long line of tension. He waited as the pair of dragons circled back around for another strike.

The red wyrm had lost his focus on the most dangerous threat, however. Grixanthrosilithiss’ immediate hatred against the silver dragon caused him to forget about Llywessiar. The gold dragon noticed that the red was no longer paying attention to him as he circled from above. As the bronze and the red dragons flew in to strike, Llywessiar dove from above. He knew that he could reach Grixanthrosilithiss before they came into range. Once more he flew by the red dragon and launched a vicious blow from his heavily armored tail.

The blow caught Grixanthrosilithiss completely from surprise, but it no longer mattered to the red dragon. His prey was coming into range now and the blow would only imply a minor course correction. As both the bronze and silver dragons flew in rapid succession the red dragon smiled for an instant before opening his powerful jaws. Pleasure coursed through his body as flame erupted from his mouth. All battle long his body surged with the desire to unleash his powerful breath. Now he had been presented with the perfect opportunity.

Sappurapolician and Ausaphaborishan had been prepared for this tactic. Although the fire singed Sappurapolician he was able to twist and maneuver free from the attack with a minimal amount of damage while still maintaining his momentum. As he twisted free of the flames he saw his target ahead and unleashed a blast of his own electric breath. The intensity of the red coloration upon the dragon’s scales increased as the blue electrical energy sparked from scale to scale. The red dragon smelled of burning flesh and nitrogen as the blast hit home.

Grixanthrosilithiss knew that he was clearly outmatched now. He was weakening with every blow. Furthermore, he watched as the silver dragon rolled through his flaming breath and survived. While he had gotten in a good flaming strike, his attack had not brought either of the weakened dragons down. Grixanthrosilithiss allowed himself to stall in mid-air and then fall into a dive toward the mountain face.

Ausaphaborishan flew away from the red dragon, choosing to follow the wounded bronze wyrm rather than pursue the red wyrm for the kill. “Bondras-tol Fundar” The bronze dragon healed much of the damage done to it by the red dragon’s flaming breath attack. Satisfied, Ausaphaborishan called out to Grixanthrosilithiss. “I give you fair warning, red dragon. You are the enemy of my kind, and my chilling breath is ready to be used. You have proven yourself to be a coward by enslaving people under you. If you flee like the coward I know you to be, I will refrain from using my breath and destroying you. If you return in your current condition, I am sure that you will be utterly destroyed. The choice is yours.”

Upon hearing the challenge, Llywessiar broke off his pursuit of the red wyrm and returned to the elevation at which the bronze and silver dragons were flying. The red wyrm slowly circled down to the mountain and landed on his perch as the silver spoke. Ausaphaborishan’s words cut deeply into him. He knew that he could not survive an attack from the silver dragon’s mouth. Yet, he could no longer leave having been called a coward. If other dragons knew that he had fled after being called a coward his land would perpetually be under attack from all kinds of evil dragons.

The red unfurled his long wings and leapt once more into the air. He would likely die, but he would die in battle. And if he had any luck he could take the silver dragon – or at least the bronze dragon – with him. He beat his wings hard and pain shot through every muscle in his body. The battle had taken its toll on him.

As the three dragons circled above him, Ausaphaborishan frowned. “Get away from me, all of you. My breath can harm each of you; I am as much of a danger to you now as is Grixanthrosilithiss. Llywessiar, this is especially true of you and your fire that burns inside. You are just as vulnerable against my breath as I am against the fire that burns inside you. Grixanthrosilithiss comes against me. I will claim responsibility for his destruction.”

The bronze and the gold dragons rose to a new elevation. He could hear both Llywessiar and Sappurapolician casting healing spells upon the bronze dragon from above. Ausaphaborishan’s focus did not waver. As the red dragon flew into range, Ausaphaborishan opened his mighty jaws. The icy breath sprayed forth, coating the surging red dragon’s head, neck, and shoulders with ice.

The red dragon didn’t have the strength to fight off the magical attack anymore. The fire magic inside of himself that gave him strength ruptured forth as the ice magic overtook him. In a massive magical explosion the red dragon erupted, spraying flesh and bones across the sky.

Slowly, the other two dragons joined the silver wyrm. The trio performed slow sweeping circles as they approached the tunnel entrance from above. As they touched the ground, each of the dragons breathed deeply. It was obvious that the red wyrm had been completely destroyed and his magic had been overcome. A strong smell of ozone hung in the air.

[Sblock=Color-Free Speech Section]
As the battle against the green dragons was waging below at a much lower elevation, the true battle for the control of the villagers was raging in the thin air above. Llywessiar charged forward against Grixanthrosilithiss knowing that he would need to struggle hard to maintain his speed as he climbed. The gold dragon could see that he had a size advantage and a speed advantage resulting from that size. The one thing Grixanthrosilithiss had over the gold wyrm was maneuverability. Their breath weapons were useless so long as Ausaphaborishan and Sappurapolician fought against the green dragons. Both red and gold wyrms breathed fire and their own scales were designed to protect themselves from their own breath. The effect of this was to essentially make the dragons immune to each other’s breath as well.

As the red wyrm dove down the mountainside toward Llywessiar, the gold dragon pulled up just a bit and took an approach circling around the red wyrm. “Ul Fashiir-nuan” Immediately a storm of ice battered the red dragon, pelting him hard as he surged to meet Llywessiar. The red dragon roared in fury and the gold dragon merely laughed. “Come, now, Grixanthrosilithiss. You didn’t think I’d be unprepared, did you?”

The red wyrm roared once more in response. “With your lackeys gone and the fight between the two of us I’d imagine you would take this battle more seriously than what small amount of damage you spells can do against me!” The red wyrm was obviously bothered deeply by the effects of the cold. He used his boiling rage to focus upon the object of his wrath. He sailed down upon the gold dragon and bit towards Llywessiar. The gold dragon deflected the blow away with one of his wings.

After Llywessiar deflected the blow he twisted his body around and ducked underneath the smaller red wyrm’s body. The two dragons separated for a short time, circling each other and taking cautious attacks. Several of these cautious blows missed in quick succession. It was as though they were testing each other’s reflexes and speed of retaliation.

Finally, the gold dragon decided that he had enough of the maneuvering and dove in for a strong bite. The gold dragon’s teeth crashed into the scaled body of the red. The bite was solid and Llywessiar rather enjoyed the warmth of the red wyrm’s scales, but the bite was not at all serious. The gold dragon knew that this battle would not end from one blow alone. This was a battle of attrition on behalf of the wyrms. There would be no lucky blows as well armored as these dragons were. Rather than luck, there would only be the one who outlasted the other flying after they beat up on each other.

As Llywessiar bit hard at the red dragon, Grixanthrosilithiss returned the bite. The teeth of the red were smaller overall, and from the bite Llywessiar knew immediately that if they could merely trade blows one for one that he had the upper hand. His own bite was far worse than the bite of this younger red dragon. Fortunately for the gold dragon, he was able to disguise this knowledge from the angry red wyrm. Grixanthrosilithiss did not seem to recognize that his attack was inferior to the gold dragon’s bite.

Armed with this knowledge, Llywessiar turned away from the red dragon and once more flew in a great circle, watching his prey. The red dragon returned his glare, obviously picking up speed for the next assault. “You fly as though you are protecting your mating grounds, Grixanthrosilithiss! I am no upstart red dragon coming in to challenge your territory. I am a superior gold coming to throw you out!”

The red wyrm hissed a loud response. “These are my people! You have no right or business interfering with what I do to my own Drakontai!”

The red wyrm brought his wings down hard as he finished speaking. He beat hard against the air, picking up as much speed as he possibly could. Llywessiar responded with an equal amount of effort. If the red wanted an upfront battle it would favor the gold anyway.

The dragons collided together in mid-air. Llywessiar was not concerned about the ferocity of the red and opened up a less vital area for the red to attack. The red wyrm took the offering and sunk his teeth into the tough shoulder scales of the gold dragon. Grixanthrosilithiss was cautious as he approached; he tried to avoid positioning his body so that it was readily accessible to the gold dragon’s mouth.

Yet, for some reason Llywessiar didn’t seem interested in biting him on this pass. Just as Grixanthrosilithiss was forced to let go to prevent stalling in the middle of the flight he was struck by a solid object hard from behind. Llywessiar had used his superior size to bring his tail around in a sweeping arc in a giant blow against the red dragon’s body. For several seconds the red dragon’s body shook from the blow and as a result the red wyrm lost his flying momentum. He began to drop in freefall toward the ground. Before the ground could injure the dragon, the red wyrm was easily able to recover and catch the wind under his wings once more.

As he plummeted to the ground, Llywessiar shouted, “People are not owned as possessions, Grixanthrosilithiss! You have no more right to own them than Ausaphaborishan has to own the Drakontos who summoned us and alerted us to your oppression. I hope this truth blindsides you as much as my tail just did!” The gold wyrm laughed as it watched Grixanthrosilithiss struggle to catch himself in flight.

When the red wyrm had begun to catch the wind under his wings, the gold dragon immediately started a dive directly aimed at the back of the red dragon. Grixanthrosilithiss had been so concerned about reversing the stall and avoiding a lethal crash into the mountainside that he had ignored the position of the gold dragon. Only at the last moment did he hear the whistling of the air over Llywessiar’s golden scales as the gold prepared to skewer Grixanthrosilithiss.

The last moment of warning didn’t allow Grixanthrosilithiss to maneuver out of the way. It did allow him to shield his body so that the gold didn’t have a vulnerable spot to target. It also allowed him to put himself in a position so that as the gold’s teeth sunk into his heavily armored back he could twist and get in a strike of his own. The strike from the red wyrm hit the opposite shoulder on the gold dragon as his last blow had struck. The blows that were traded between the dragons this time had been equal.

Llywessiar considered the even blows a victory. His larger stature implied that he could take more punishment. If the battle kept going along this path he would emerge the victor quite easily. The gold dragon released the red wyrm’s back from his mouth and began to fly away in another great circle. As they moved apart, Llywessiar challenged the red wyrm once more. “I’d be more concerned about defending yourself, Grixanthrosilithiss! It would seem as though you grow too increasingly weak to be able to defend the people you claim to own!” The insults were a ploy to keep the fury of the red reflected onto him. So far, it had worked.

Grixanthrosilithiss turned in the opposite direction, flying counterclockwise against the clockwise motion of Llywessiar. This would set up another strike as the two circles would meet one hundred and eighty degrees from where their last clash had taken place. As would be expected, the dragons tried to keep their circles on as flat of a pitch as possible.

Grixanthrosilithiss responded to the gold wyrm’s verbal challenge. “My defense is now their defense. So long as I still fly, they are my people. If you want to take them from me, you will have to banish me from the sky!”

Llywessiar smiled as he thought of his obvious response. The gold dragon began to beat his wings hard, tightening up his circle to bring the next clash even sooner. His deep voice bellowed across the mountain peaks. “That can certainly be arranged!”

The dragons once more collided, although luck favored the faster and larger gold dragon. Rather than biting at the red or slamming his body in another mid-air collision, the gold veered away at precisely the moment that Grixanthrosilithiss attacked with his bite. The red wyrm’s teeth found nothing except air. As the gold dragon passed unharmed by the red dragon a golden tail solidly fell down upon one of Grixanthrosilithiss’ wings. The force of the blow once more sent the red dragon into a downward spiral. One more time the red dragon had to fight to control his flight; but eventually he managed to bring himself under control before reaching the sharp mountain cliffs jutting out from below.

The gold dragon called down to the red from his higher elevation. “I can keep knocking you out of the sky, Grixanthrosilithiss. How long can you afford to keep coming back up to meet me? You’d be better off fleeing while you still have the strength to hobble home to your cave!”

Rage continued to burn within the red wyrm. “I have never retreated in battle, and I shall not begin here!”

The red wyrm surged upward, choosing to take a direct approach against his adversary rather than swing around in a circle and slowly gain elevation. This put him at an extreme disadvantage with regard to the force of blow that he could muster. Llywessiar allowed Grixanthrosilithiss’ strike to come in once more, offering up another area of his massive shoulder to strike. The gold retaliated with a blow of his own, once more slapping the red with his massive tail. Grixanthrosilithiss seemed prepared for the tactic this time. He dropped several feet at the blow, but easily spread his wings and caught himself.

As Grixanthrosilithiss flew away he noticed that this last wound had managed to tear a few scales painfully away from the gold dragon’s hide. There was now a soft spot of flesh that he could aim for should the gold wyrm offer that shoulder again. Unfortunately for the red wyrm, it was unlikely that Llywessiar would be unaware of the painful wound and thus it would not be likely that Llywessiar allowed the red access to that particular shoulder area again.

As the red dragon flew clockwise around to match the gold dragon’s counterclockwise flight, he noticed that he was having difficulty keeping his flight level. The battle thus far had been considerably strenuous. The inability to rely on his powerful breath weapon had drawn this battle out much more than he had hoped. He would need to finish this quickly if he hoped to win.

Grixanthrosilithiss focused hard upon the gold dragon as he completed the final turn. He could see his opponent beat hard to increase his speed. The red dragon mimicked the move and sped through the air as fast as he could muster. The dragons collided in mid-air as they had done several times before. Grixanthrosilithiss was right in that the gold would not open his weakened shoulder to attack. The smaller red dragon decided to take what had been offered to him and bite at the base of the gold dragon’s neck. The red bit as hard as he could as he simultaneously felt the stinging pain of Llywessiar’s teeth tearing solidly into his left front leg.

Both wounds were costly to each of the dragons, but Grixanthrosilithiss decided to stick around for enough time to land another vicious bite. The blow caught the gold dragon off-guard as the red wyrm got in a free shot near the gold wyrm’s softer belly. Llywessiar was not without retort, however. His golden tail once more sliced through the air. This time the blow caught Grixanthrosilithiss directly across his neck. It was a blow that would have killed many smaller dragons.

Fortunately the red wyrm’s neck was strong enough to take the punishment. His neck was stiff from the blow, but he could manage. The red wyrm allowed the tail strike to knock him from the sky and Grixanthrosilithiss planned on using the time to gather his strength and recuperate from the hard tail strike that he had just received. The blow clouded his mind, judgment, and sight for a moment and he needed time to compose himself.

Grixanthrosilithiss did not see the bronze and silver dragons approaching from underneath. They had successfully managed to chase off the green dragons by this point and were well on their way of coming to the aid of their golden leader. Sappurapolician was the first to bite at the red wyrm; and his bite landed solidly upon the red wyrm’s shoulder. Grixanthrosilithiss could feel one of his own scales rip free from his skin and out of the corner of his eye he could see it fluttering to the mountain surface below.

The red wyrm didn’t focus long on the missing scale. Sappurapolician’s blow was quickly followed by a bite from Ausaphaborishan. The silver had been flying in a tight formation behind the bronze dragon as they planned a quick successive barrage of attacks against the reeling red dragon. After striking, they continued to fly in a tight formation.

Grixanthrosilithiss knew that he was nearly mortally wounded, but he also noticed that Sappurapolician and Ausaphaborishan were also significantly wounded. He also saw a great strike potential against a silver dragon. Silver dragons and red dragons have long been arch enemies and this would be an opportunity to assert the power of the red dragon in that long line of tension. He waited as the pair of dragons circled back around for another strike.

The red wyrm had lost his focus on the most dangerous threat, however. Grixanthrosilithiss’ immediate hatred against the silver dragon caused him to forget about Llywessiar. The gold dragon noticed that the red was no longer paying attention to him as he circled from above. As the bronze and the red dragons flew in to strike, Llywessiar dove from above. He knew that he could reach Grixanthrosilithiss before they came into range. Once more he flew by the red dragon and launched a vicious blow from his heavily armored tail.

The blow caught Grixanthrosilithiss completely from surprise, but it no longer mattered to the red dragon. His prey was coming into range now and the blow would only imply a minor course correction. As both the bronze and silver dragons flew in rapid succession the red dragon smiled for an instant before opening his powerful jaws. Pleasure coursed through his body as flame erupted from his mouth. All battle long his body surged with the desire to unleash his powerful breath. Now he had been presented with the perfect opportunity.

Sappurapolician and Ausaphaborishan had been prepared for this tactic. Although the fire singed Sappurapolician he was able to twist and maneuver free from the attack with a minimal amount of damage while still maintaining his momentum. As he twisted free of the flames he saw his target ahead and unleashed a blast of his own electric breath. The intensity of the red coloration upon the dragon’s scales increased as the blue electrical energy sparked from scale to scale. The red dragon smelled of burning flesh and nitrogen as the blast hit home.

Grixanthrosilithiss knew that he was clearly outmatched now. He was weakening with every blow. Furthermore, he watched as the silver dragon rolled through his flaming breath and survived. While he had gotten in a good flaming strike, his attack had not brought either of the weakened dragons down. Grixanthrosilithiss allowed himself to stall in mid-air and then fall into a dive toward the mountain face.

Ausaphaborishan flew away from the red dragon, choosing to follow the wounded bronze wyrm rather than pursue the red wyrm for the kill. “Bondras-tol Fundar” The bronze dragon healed much of the damage done to it by the red dragon’s flaming breath attack. Satisfied, Ausaphaborishan called out to Grixanthrosilithiss. “I give you fair warning, red dragon. You are the enemy of my kind, and my chilling breath is ready to be used. You have proven yourself to be a coward by enslaving people under you. If you flee like the coward I know you to be, I will refrain from using my breath and destroying you. If you return in your current condition, I am sure that you will be utterly destroyed. The choice is yours.”

Upon hearing the challenge, Llywessiar broke off his pursuit of the red wyrm and returned to the elevation at which the bronze and silver dragons were flying. The red wyrm slowly circled down to the mountain and landed on his perch as the silver spoke. Ausaphaborishan’s words cut deeply into him. He knew that he could not survive an attack from the silver dragon’s mouth. Yet, he could no longer leave having been called a coward. If other dragons knew that he had fled after being called a coward his land would perpetually be under attack from all kinds of evil dragons.

The red unfurled his long wings and leapt once more into the air. He would likely die, but he would die in battle. And if he had any luck he could take the silver dragon – or at least the bronze dragon – with him. He beat his wings hard and pain shot through every muscle in his body. The battle had taken its toll on him.

As the three dragons circled above him, Ausaphaborishan frowned. “Get away from me, all of you. My breath can harm each of you; I am as much of a danger to you now as is Grixanthrosilithiss. Llywessiar, this is especially true of you and your fire that burns inside. You are just as vulnerable against my breath as I am against the fire that burns inside you. Grixanthrosilithiss comes against me. I will claim responsibility for his destruction.”

The bronze and the gold dragons rose to a new elevation. He could hear both Llywessiar and Sappurapolician casting healing spells upon the bronze dragon from above. Ausaphaborishan’s focus did not waver. As the red dragon flew into range, Ausaphaborishan opened his mighty jaws. The icy breath sprayed forth, coating the surging red dragon’s head, neck, and shoulders with ice.

The red dragon didn’t have the strength to fight off the magical attack anymore. The fire magic inside of himself that gave him strength ruptured forth as the ice magic overtook him. In a massive magical explosion the red dragon erupted, spraying flesh and bones across the sky.

Slowly, the other two dragons joined the silver wyrm. The trio performed slow sweeping circles as they approached the tunnel entrance from above. As they touched the ground, each of the dragons breathed deeply. It was obvious that the red wyrm had been completely destroyed and his magic had been overcome. A strong smell of ozone hung in the air.
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Inside the Tongra-Quehalost Mountains, Ischarus used the magical light granted to him by his dragon father to easily traverse the tunnels between himself and the location that the party was supposed to be staying with the villagers. Without having to guide Elistra or wait for anyone else, Ischarus was able to make better time than average. In spite of this ability to move more quickly, Ischarus continued hard toward the underground chamber well after the draconic battle in the sky had ended. Even at his greater speed it would be nearly a full day journey that deep into the ground.

Outside the mountain, the three dragons descended to the small level surface of land outside the tunnel entrance that Ischarus used to go underground. Llywessiar looked to his dragon cohorts and smiled. “That was a battle well fought. It’ll take a few days for the villagers to come to us from their safety under the earth. I suggest we take the days and recuperate while we protect the entrance from this side.”

Ausaphaborishan shook his large silver head from side to side as he replied to the leader of this draconic flight. “We all have the ability to take human form, you know. Why don’t we go into the tunnels after them? We could still heal through our magic and meet them halfway!”

Llywessiar nodded in acceptance of the suggestion but frowned. “I know that you are anxious, Ausaphaborishan. In a way, through Ischarus these people are the fruit of your labor. And I know that even if we were to take a more human form we would still be an aggressive force to be reckoned with. But we can better serve the villagers underground by protecting the entrance and allowing the village to come to us.”

Sappurapolician continued where his flight leader had left off. “And remember that these are people who are accustomed to dragon worship. They will be more accepting of us if they see us in dragon form the first time.”

Ausaphaborishan conceded with a nod. “I suppose you are correct, although I would rather go into the tunnels and ensure their safety. May I at least contact the one they call Rhema and tell her to meet Ischarus halfway in the tunnels?”

Llywessiar smiled in return. “I think that would be especially appropriate. I wish I would be there to see Ischarus’ face when they meet him half-way.”

Ausaphaborishan laughed, spilling a deep rumble through the nearby forest. “I believe he will appreciate our efforts.” The silver dragon closed his reptilian eyes and concentrated upon Rhema, trying to discern her location under the ground. After a few minutes of mental searching his face relaxed and he seemed satisfied. “Rhema, this is Ausaphaborishan, Ischarus’ dragon father. The path is safe for you to come into Tongra. Ischarus has already been sent in to meet you. Join him and come forth with the people that you protect.”

The silver dragon opened his eyes and Llywessiar nodded to him. “A verbose message, but it’ll do the trick.”

The bronze dragon smiled, “Leave it Ausaphaborishan to be verbose, of course.”

Deep within the mountain, Rhema was in the middle of a discussion with Tierna. “But what I hear you saying is that we have enough water for the remainder of the shift rotation at least?”

Tierna turned to reply, but noticed that Rhema’s face suddenly turned pale. Rhema’s eyes lost their focus and it appeared as though she were about to faint. Tierna looked to Rhema and spoke out of concern. “Rhema? Are you alright? Should you sit down?”

Rhema didn’t hear Tierna’s words. Her mind was occupied now with the heavy bass speech of Ausaphaborishan. The voice was not audible; that is to say that it could not be heard through one’s ears. However, it did seem to echo through Rhema’s mind. Even when the magical message had ended Rhema was still caught captive by the dragon’s deep rumbling voice. After a minute her eyes returned to normal and the color came back into her face. As her mind returned back to her present situation she looked back to Tierna, “What was I saying?” A confused look came over her face.

Tierna looked on toward Rhema with amazement and spoke. “You were talking about the water and food rationing and trying to decide how many water collection teams were going out tomorrow. But you expect me to let you go back to that topic? What just happened to you?”

Rhema blinked a few times and frowned. Her mind was struggling to put together all of the pieces that she had received. “I think I just received a magical message.” Her voice filled with concern. “Tierna, could you go find Semeion and Charis for me? We’ll continue this discussion later.”

Tierna had since come to learn her new place among the villagers. It had been a rough beginning at first because the people still attached her to the oppression they had suffered at the hands of their dragon father. But the people eventually responded to her leadership, especially when she was paired with Rhema in rationing the supplies. She would likely never be the leader of the people, but they respected the new role that she desired to play among them. Knowing her place, Tierna nodded to Rhema. “I’ll get them both. Do me a favor and sit down, though. You don’t need to take another spell like that until I get back with help.”

Rhema took Tierna’s advice and sat down on the cold hard stone floor as Tierna left the storage area. Within a minute both Charis and Semeion burst into the room with worried looks upon their faces. Tierna joined them and stood in the background.

Charis ran to Rhema’s side and knelt beside her. “Rhema, Tierna says that something weird has happened to you?”

Rhema nodded to Charis but turned to Semeion. “Semeion, I need your advice on an arcane matter. I just received a message from someone claiming to be Ischarus’ dragon father. He said that Ischarus is already in the tunnels coming to tell us that it is safe to come to the Tongra side of the mountains. Does this make sense?”

Tierna gasped at the thought of Ischarus’ dragon father waiting for them. Of course, that piece of information only confirmed that she had been wrong to resist in the beginning. It also meant that the draconic father of the children she carried within her was most likely dead. Her children were already fatherless without having even been born! There would be nobody left to help these powerful children to learn how to use their draconic talents.

Semeion thought for a moment and nodded in the affirmative. “My mentor used to use such messaging techniques with me, although I am certainly not capable of accomplishing a message of that distance. But for a being as powerful in arcane matters as a dragon, I would think it quite possible.”

Charis turned to Semeion as she knelt beside Rhema. “What’s the possibility that such a message could be faked?”

Semeion shook his head from side to side. “Depending on how familiar Rhema is with Ischarus’ dragon father’s voice it could be quite likely. I am assuming the message that you heard in your head sounded like Ischarus’ dragon father?”

Charis frowned. “I wouldn’t really know. I know that the message sounded like a dragon. Or, I suppose I should say that the message didn’t sound like you or I at least. The voice had too much bass and power behind it to be from someone like you or I. But I wouldn’t know the voice of Ischarus’ dragon father well enough to know if it was real.”

Semeion replied, “But, you did say that Ischarus was coming down the tunnel? We have a few tricks up our sleeve to meet him. If the message is legitimate and it is really Ischarus, we’ll be able to know. If we are walking into a trap and somehow the red dragon has managed to get a duplicate of Ischarus we should be able to sniff that out as well.”

Charis smiled, “Or, at least Elistra should be able to. Our eyes might be able to be fooled, but Elistra knows Ischarus by smell if not by sight.”

Rhema smiled and nodded as she spoke in approval of the emerging plan. “Yes, we could probably come up with a few tests to demonstrate whether the one that we meet is truly Ischarus. If it is truly Ischarus, then the message of our deliverance is also true!”

Semeion turned to Tierna and gave her another task to accomplish. “Tierna, go and get Druff and Xando about what has happened. Tell Xando to send out a few squads to reclaim the water reclamation teams we just sent out and then have Druff and Xando return to us here. And tell nobody else about what we have spoken of here. We don’t need any disorganized flurry of excitement before we are ready to move based upon this information.”

Tierna nodded, turned, and left the room without a word. Rhema looked to Semeion with a confused look and then she glanced to Charis before speaking. “Could it be true? Is Ischarus coming back victoriously to us?”

Charis embraced Rhema in a hug. “I hope so, Rhema. I was allowed to have Semeion returned to me. I hope for your sake that this is also real.”

[Sblock=Color-Free Speech Section]
Inside the Tongra-Quehalost Mountains, Ischarus used the magical light granted to him by his dragon father to easily traverse the tunnels between himself and the location that the party was supposed to be staying with the villagers. Without having to guide Elistra or wait for anyone else, Ischarus was able to make better time than average. In spite of this ability to move more quickly, Ischarus continued hard toward the underground chamber well after the draconic battle in the sky had ended. Even at his greater speed it would be nearly a full day journey that deep into the ground.

Outside the mountain, the three dragons descended to the small level surface of land outside the tunnel entrance that Ischarus used to go underground. Llywessiar looked to his dragon cohorts and smiled. “That was a battle well fought. It’ll take a few days for the villagers to come to us from their safety under the earth. I suggest we take the days and recuperate while we protect the entrance from this side.”

Ausaphaborishan shook his large silver head from side to side as he replied to the leader of this draconic flight. “We all have the ability to take human form, you know. Why don’t we go into the tunnels after them? We could still heal through our magic and meet them halfway!”

Llywessiar nodded in acceptance of the suggestion but frowned. “I know that you are anxious, Ausaphaborishan. In a way, through Ischarus these people are the fruit of your labor. And I know that even if we were to take a more human form we would still be an aggressive force to be reckoned with. But we can better serve the villagers underground by protecting the entrance and allowing the village to come to us.”

Sappurapolician continued where his flight leader had left off. “And remember that these are people who are accustomed to dragon worship. They will be more accepting of us if they see us in dragon form the first time.”

Ausaphaborishan conceded with a nod. “I suppose you are correct, although I would rather go into the tunnels and ensure their safety. May I at least contact the one they call Rhema and tell her to meet Ischarus halfway in the tunnels?”

Llywessiar smiled in return. “I think that would be especially appropriate. I wish I would be there to see Ischarus’ face when they meet him half-way.”

Ausaphaborishan laughed, spilling a deep rumble through the nearby forest. “I believe he will appreciate our efforts.” The silver dragon closed his reptilian eyes and concentrated upon Rhema, trying to discern her location under the ground. After a few minutes of mental searching his face relaxed and he seemed satisfied. “Rhema, this is Ausaphaborishan, Ischarus’ dragon father. The path is safe for you to come into Tongra. Ischarus has already been sent in to meet you. Join him and come forth with the people that you protect.”

The silver dragon opened his eyes and Llywessiar nodded to him. “A verbose message, but it’ll do the trick.”

The bronze dragon smiled, “Leave it Ausaphaborishan to be verbose, of course.”

Deep within the mountain, Rhema was in the middle of a discussion with Tierna. “But what I hear you saying is that we have enough water for the remainder of the shift rotation at least?”

Tierna turned to reply, but noticed that Rhema’s face suddenly turned pale. Rhema’s eyes lost their focus and it appeared as though she were about to faint. Tierna looked to Rhema and spoke out of concern. “Rhema? Are you alright? Should you sit down?”

Rhema didn’t hear Tierna’s words. Her mind was occupied now with the heavy bass speech of Ausaphaborishan. The voice was not audible; that is to say that it could not be heard through one’s ears. However, it did seem to echo through Rhema’s mind. Even when the magical message had ended Rhema was still caught captive by the dragon’s deep rumbling voice. After a minute her eyes returned to normal and the color came back into her face. As her mind returned back to her present situation she looked back to Tierna, “What was I saying?” A confused look came over her face.

Tierna looked on toward Rhema with amazement and spoke. “You were talking about the water and food rationing and trying to decide how many water collection teams were going out tomorrow. But you expect me to let you go back to that topic? What just happened to you?”

Rhema blinked a few times and frowned. Her mind was struggling to put together all of the pieces that she had received. “I think I just received a magical message.” Her voice filled with concern. “Tierna, could you go find Semeion and Charis for me? We’ll continue this discussion later.”

Tierna had since come to learn her new place among the villagers. It had been a rough beginning at first because the people still attached her to the oppression they had suffered at the hands of their dragon father. But the people eventually responded to her leadership, especially when she was paired with Rhema in rationing the supplies. She would likely never be the leader of the people, but they respected the new role that she desired to play among them. Knowing her place, Tierna nodded to Rhema. “I’ll get them both. Do me a favor and sit down, though. You don’t need to take another spell like that until I get back with help.”

Rhema took Tierna’s advice and sat down on the cold hard stone floor as Tierna left the storage area. Within a minute both Charis and Semeion burst into the room with worried looks upon their faces. Tierna joined them and stood in the background.

Charis ran to Rhema’s side and knelt beside her. “Rhema, Tierna says that something weird has happened to you?”

Rhema nodded to Charis but turned to Semeion. “Semeion, I need your advice on an arcane matter. I just received a message from someone claiming to be Ischarus’ dragon father. He said that Ischarus is already in the tunnels coming to tell us that it is safe to come to the Tongra side of the mountains. Does this make sense?”

Tierna gasped at the thought of Ischarus’ dragon father waiting for them. Of course, that piece of information only confirmed that she had been wrong to resist in the beginning. It also meant that the draconic father of the children she carried within her was most likely dead. Her children were already fatherless without having even been born! There would be nobody left to help these powerful children to learn how to use their draconic talents.

Semeion thought for a moment and nodded in the affirmative. “My mentor used to use such messaging techniques with me, although I am certainly not capable of accomplishing a message of that distance. But for a being as powerful in arcane matters as a dragon, I would think it quite possible.”

Charis turned to Semeion as she knelt beside Rhema. “What’s the possibility that such a message could be faked?”

Semeion shook his head from side to side. “Depending on how familiar Rhema is with Ischarus’ dragon father’s voice it could be quite likely. I am assuming the message that you heard in your head sounded like Ischarus’ dragon father?”

Charis frowned. “I wouldn’t really know. I know that the message sounded like a dragon. Or, I suppose I should say that the message didn’t sound like you or I at least. The voice had too much bass and power behind it to be from someone like you or I. But I wouldn’t know the voice of Ischarus’ dragon father well enough to know if it was real.”

Semeion replied, “But, you did say that Ischarus was coming down the tunnel? We have a few tricks up our sleeve to meet him. If the message is legitimate and it is really Ischarus, we’ll be able to know. If we are walking into a trap and somehow the red dragon has managed to get a duplicate of Ischarus we should be able to sniff that out as well.”

Charis smiled, “Or, at least Elistra should be able to. Our eyes might be able to be fooled, but Elistra knows Ischarus by smell if not by sight.”

Rhema smiled and nodded as she spoke in approval of the emerging plan. “Yes, we could probably come up with a few tests to demonstrate whether the one that we meet is truly Ischarus. If it is truly Ischarus, then the message of our deliverance is also true!”

Semeion turned to Tierna and gave her another task to accomplish. “Tierna, go and get Druff and Xando about what has happened. Tell Xando to send out a few squads to reclaim the water reclamation teams we just sent out and then have Druff and Xando return to us here. And tell nobody else about what we have spoken of here. We don’t need any disorganized flurry of excitement before we are ready to move based upon this information.”

Tierna nodded, turned, and left the room without a word. Rhema looked to Semeion with a confused look and then she glanced to Charis before speaking. “Could it be true? Is Ischarus coming back victoriously to us?”

Charis embraced Rhema in a hug. “I hope so, Rhema. I was allowed to have Semeion returned to me. I hope for your sake that this is also real.”
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
It took several hours for the villagers to become organized and gather up their blankets, tools, and weapons. Rhema, Charis, and Semeion managed to arrange for the horses to carry the larger belongings that had been made while the villagers were underground. In spite of this, there were two main factors causing the delay for such an ill equipped people.

Although they had only what they could carry in the first place, part of the problem was sheer excitement. Over the course of the past month the people had been told of their dragon father’s plan to exterminate them on account of their allowing the Provenience to be taken from them. It took a little while for the ideas to sink in, but once the people were given enough time they realized just how close they had come to death for all. The past month seemed so surreal that when the announcement was made that they would be traveling north many were simply stunned. They were slow to pack because they couldn’t believe that is was actually happening.

The other part of the problem was that there were a few water reclamation teams already out in the caverns. These teams needed to be located and then brought back to the village. Once the teams were located, these villagers also needed time for it to become real. All in all, the process of packing and finding the water reclamation teams had taken just over three hours.

Rhema fidgeted nervously as she looked over the villagers. Charis smiled as she saw her nervousness and tried to ease her mind by talking. “As long as the journey is, we’ll still leave well before Ischarus comes to get us, you know.”

Rhema smiled, “That’s even saying that Ischarus is coming and it isn’t some kind of trap.”

Semeion approached Rhema from behind and startled her by placing his hand upon her shoulder. “Is that what your heart tells you is going to happen?”

Rhema looked over the villagers as she took a moment to think before speaking. She slowly shook her head from side to side. “No, that’s my brain thinking. I know that Ischarus is a very capable leader and fighter. I also know that we’ve gotten in and out of Quehalost many times without something going wrong. But that’s just it. My brain is convinced that something went wrong this time. Sure, my heart tells me that we’ll meet in the tunnels and I’ll embrace him. But my mind doesn’t buy it.”

Charis laughed at Rhema’s tension. “Well, it does look like the villagers are about ready. You’re the dungeon expert, Rhema. Perhaps leading them will help ease your internal conflict.”

Rhema nodded. “Let’s hope!” Rhema patted Shauvry along the neck and swung up into the saddle so that she would be well above the heads of the rest of the villagers. Shauvry’s saddlebags were full, but her added weight was not too much for the horse. Shauvry shifted back a few steps and Rhema used the motion to help the horse turn so that it was facing the people.

Rhema sighed, knowing that she didn’t feel like being a leader right now. Yet, she had to be their leader. She breathed deeply and spoke loud enough for her voice to echo across the cavern. “Freed people of Quehalost, sons and daughters of the dragon Grixanthrosilithiss, listen as I proclaim your freedom to you!”

The people cheered loudly. They gestured upward into the air with their hands. From somewhere near the back of the crowd Druff’s voice rang out over the people, “Long live the freedom fighters who have delivered us!”

Another cheer carried through the people in response to Druff’s initial call. Druff called out again in response to the people. “For freedom!”

Another loud cheer followed and Druff repeated the scene. “For freedom!” The people gave a third cheer, each one building in intensity upon the last.

Rhema lifted up her hands and the villagers quieted down. She smiled as she caught Druff’s eyes from the back. He had done a masterful job at getting them excited and motivated to listen to her. “Today you begin a historic venture. Never before have this many people from your village tasted the freedom outside Quehalost. All that you need to do from this point on is put one foot in front of the other and follow me!”

The crowd cheered once more and Rhema lifted her hands to quiet them down after they had their fun. “I will not lie to you, the tunnels will still be dangerous. But we have lived under these mountains for almost an entire month, now. One more day of travel and you will be free indeed!”

Again a chorus of cheers rang through the underground cavern. One final time Rhema quieted the villagers down. “I will ask Druff and Xando to select one of the defensive teams to guard the rear of our group. Tierna, I want you to walk in the front with Charis, Semeion, and I. The rest of you should file into the middle and follow the people in front of you!”

Rhema slipped off her horse as Tierna approached from deep within the crowd. Rhema stepped forward, guiding Shauvry as she held the reigns in her hand. Charis handed Elistra’s reigns to Tierna as she approached and allowed the newest Provenience to follow immediately beside Rhema. Charis and Semeion followed as they led their horses as well. With another great cheer the villagers pushed forward in motion. It was time to leave this underground haven.

The villagers walked for several hours. Rhema intentionally kept the pace slow so that they would not need to take rest breaks often. She also knew that if they moved slowly enough that the denizens of the tunnels would have plenty of time to get out of their way. They hadn’t been bothered upon entering the mountain passageways and she expected they wouldn’t be bothered leaving them. A group this large would simply be too great a threat to try and take on. Rhema wasn’t worried in any case. The villagers had taken to Druff’s and Charis’ martial training well. Most of them were quite skilled with their makeshift axes and clubs.

Around the sixth hour Rhema stopped short as her blood ran cold. The villagers had long since been walking in mostly silence. The excitement waned and the traveling became work. She was accustomed to hearing the many footsteps behind her and nothing to the front. Yet as she approached the next slight bend she thought she heard a shuffling of feet from ahead in the tunnel. She stowed the sword that Semeion had enchanted so that it no longer shed light around the tunnel. As her light dimmed, a murmur passed through the villagers behind.

Rhema breathed lightly. “Tell them to be silent!” Rhema hissed the command as she looked ahead and stepped forward.

Behind her, Semeion turned to silence those behind him and motioned for them to pass the message back through the ranks of people. Charis handed Abijou’s reigns to Semeion and approached Tierna from behind. She drew her heavy pick and spoke softly to Tierna from immediately behind her. “I’m going up there to protect her. Make sure you take Shauvry reigns and secure them.”

Tierna nodded, although Charis didn’t wait for any kind of response. Charis’ was too occupied with peering forward and using her enhanced ability to see to the best of her ability. Even her enhanced vision was all but useless in the pitch black darkness that enveloped her.

However, Rhema was not quite as defenseless as Charis had first thought. Her race had long since developed the ability to see in complete darkness for a small radius around her body. Rhema scanned the tunnel ahead, noting that there was nothing of importance before the bend. She crept forward, staying to the side of the tunnel away from the direction of the bend. As she stepped forward she carefully peered around the corner. The tunnel ahead was just as dark as the tunnel behind her.

Suddenly, Rhema spotted movement ahead. The movement was quick; but she had spotted it all the same. It looked as though a head peeked around a corner for just an instant. She didn’t think the head had come into view long enough for it to spot her. Cautiously she whispered to Charis, “Shake your head if you can see me.”

She watched Charis as her head shook from side to side. Rhema smiled, knowing that Charis was effectively walking blind. She also knew that if Charis was walking blind then all the Drakontai were as blind as she was. Rhema gingerly stepped forward as she tried to get into a better angle to see the figure ahead.

As she moved, her foot intentionally dragged along the bottom of the tunnel spilling a slight amount of dust across the floor. It was a subtle enough sound that she figured it would get a reaction out of the figure ahead. Her plan worked. With the help of her ability to see in complete darkness Rhema saw the figure’s head pop out of its hiding place for just an instant. It was a face she recognized.

She pulled her sword from out of its scabbard in a rapid motion, spilling light everywhere into the tunnel. The effect was blinding upon all who could see the blade. Her voice sounded hopeful as she called forth. “Ischarus?”

The confused voice of her associate sounded from where the figure had been hidden. “Rhema? But, how? You should be another five or six hours ahead of me!” Ischarus stepped out into the open, squinting at the emergence of the bright light. Cautiously he unsheathed his own blade. The effect was to double the intensity of the light in the tunnel.

Rhema’s voice sounded much more confident after hearing Ischarus’ voice. “Is it really you?” There was a hint of emotional instability as her voice echoed through the tunnel.

Slowly, everyone’s eyes began to adjust to the light. Ischarus lowered his blade and approached Rhema quickly. As he did, Charis stepped around the corner and thrust her pick into Ischarus’ path. She had a less than pleased look on her face.

Ischarus pulled up short of impaling himself on the pointed end of the pick. “Charis? What’s wrong?”

Charis smiled. She was glad to have caught Ischarus off-guard. “And just how do we know that you really are Ischarus? You could be an agent of my father dragon in disguise.”

Ischarus replied out of his confusion, “Have you lost your mind completely living underground for so long?”

Rhema shook her head. “No, Ischarus. She’s not insane. We received a telepathic message from your dragon father saying that you were coming. But we need to make sure it isn’t a trap.” She motioned for Tierna to bring Elistra forward.

Smartly, Ischarus lowered his blade to the floor. “There. My weapon isn’t going to hurt anyone. How about you lower yours, Charis?”

Charis responded with a smile and lowered her own pick. She did not rest it upon the floor as Ischarus had done. Rather, she kept it at her side. “Hopefully you don’t mind our precaution.”

Ischarus also smiled. “Of course not. I’d rather you be cautious than foolhardy. Do whatever it takes to prove I am who I say I am.”

Tierna brought Elistra forward and handed the reigns to Ischarus. He smiled as soon as he saw his horse and reached out to touch her upon the nose. Elistra snorted with a contented snuffle and shifted forward a step so that her whole nose would be within Ischarus’ reach. Ischarus accepted her movement and allowed the horse to press its nose into his shoulder. He slowly reached up and scratched behind the horse’s ears.

Ischarus turned to look at Rhema. Her face was filled with tears as she spoke. “Is it really you? Is it true?”

Ischarus stepped back from Elistra and opened up his shoulder to accept Rhema. She drew close to him rapidly and embraced him fully. Her arms tucked up under his as he responded by embracing her in a hug as well. A look of relief passed over his face and he said softly, “It is really me. I have finally come for you all.”

Tierna spoke, careful not to interrupt the moment too horribly. “Then it is true? We are indeed free and you dragon father has beaten ours?”

Ischarus smiled again. “Well, they didn’t let me stay there long enough to see it for myself, but if you got a message saying it was true then I would assume it is!”

A loud chorus of cheers rang out as the news of Ischarus’ coming and the proclamation of freedom was spread all the way to the back of the villager column. Suddenly everyone felt like cheering and walking all over again.

[Sblock=Color-Free Speech Section]
It took several hours for the villagers to become organized and gather up their blankets, tools, and weapons. Rhema, Charis, and Semeion managed to arrange for the horses to carry the larger belongings that had been made while the villagers were underground. In spite of this, there were two main factors causing the delay for such an ill equipped people.

Although they had only what they could carry in the first place, part of the problem was sheer excitement. Over the course of the past month the people had been told of their dragon father’s plan to exterminate them on account of their allowing the Provenience to be taken from them. It took a little while for the ideas to sink in, but once the people were given enough time they realized just how close they had come to death for all. The past month seemed so surreal that when the announcement was made that they would be traveling north many were simply stunned. They were slow to pack because they couldn’t believe that is was actually happening.

The other part of the problem was that there were a few water reclamation teams already out in the caverns. These teams needed to be located and then brought back to the village. Once the teams were located, these villagers also needed time for it to become real. All in all, the process of packing and finding the water reclamation teams had taken just over three hours.

Rhema fidgeted nervously as she looked over the villagers. Charis smiled as she saw her nervousness and tried to ease her mind by talking. “As long as the journey is, we’ll still leave well before Ischarus comes to get us, you know.”

Rhema smiled, “That’s even saying that Ischarus is coming and it isn’t some kind of trap.”

Semeion approached Rhema from behind and startled her by placing his hand upon her shoulder. “Is that what your heart tells you is going to happen?”

Rhema looked over the villagers as she took a moment to think before speaking. She slowly shook her head from side to side. “No, that’s my brain thinking. I know that Ischarus is a very capable leader and fighter. I also know that we’ve gotten in and out of Quehalost many times without something going wrong. But that’s just it. My brain is convinced that something went wrong this time. Sure, my heart tells me that we’ll meet in the tunnels and I’ll embrace him. But my mind doesn’t buy it.”

Charis laughed at Rhema’s tension. “Well, it does look like the villagers are about ready. You’re the dungeon expert, Rhema. Perhaps leading them will help ease your internal conflict.”

Rhema nodded. “Let’s hope!” Rhema patted Shauvry along the neck and swung up into the saddle so that she would be well above the heads of the rest of the villagers. Shauvry’s saddlebags were full, but her added weight was not too much for the horse. Shauvry shifted back a few steps and Rhema used the motion to help the horse turn so that it was facing the people.

Rhema sighed, knowing that she didn’t feel like being a leader right now. Yet, she had to be their leader. She breathed deeply and spoke loud enough for her voice to echo across the cavern. “Freed people of Quehalost, sons and daughters of the dragon Grixanthrosilithiss, listen as I proclaim your freedom to you!”

The people cheered loudly. They gestured upward into the air with their hands. From somewhere near the back of the crowd Druff’s voice rang out over the people, “Long live the freedom fighters who have delivered us!”

Another cheer carried through the people in response to Druff’s initial call. Druff called out again in response to the people. “For freedom!”

Another loud cheer followed and Druff repeated the scene. “For freedom!” The people gave a third cheer, each one building in intensity upon the last.

Rhema lifted up her hands and the villagers quieted down. She smiled as she caught Druff’s eyes from the back. He had done a masterful job at getting them excited and motivated to listen to her. “Today you begin a historic venture. Never before have this many people from your village tasted the freedom outside Quehalost. All that you need to do from this point on is put one foot in front of the other and follow me!”

The crowd cheered once more and Rhema lifted her hands to quiet them down after they had their fun. “I will not lie to you, the tunnels will still be dangerous. But we have lived under these mountains for almost an entire month, now. One more day of travel and you will be free indeed!”

Again a chorus of cheers rang through the underground cavern. One final time Rhema quieted the villagers down. “I will ask Druff and Xando to select one of the defensive teams to guard the rear of our group. Tierna, I want you to walk in the front with Charis, Semeion, and I. The rest of you should file into the middle and follow the people in front of you!”

Rhema slipped off her horse as Tierna approached from deep within the crowd. Rhema stepped forward, guiding Shauvry as she held the reigns in her hand. Charis handed Elistra’s reigns to Tierna as she approached and allowed the newest Provenience to follow immediately beside Rhema. Charis and Semeion followed as they led their horses as well. With another great cheer the villagers pushed forward in motion. It was time to leave this underground haven.

The villagers walked for several hours. Rhema intentionally kept the pace slow so that they would not need to take rest breaks often. She also knew that if they moved slowly enough that the denizens of the tunnels would have plenty of time to get out of their way. They hadn’t been bothered upon entering the mountain passageways and she expected they wouldn’t be bothered leaving them. A group this large would simply be too great a threat to try and take on. Rhema wasn’t worried in any case. The villagers had taken to Druff’s and Charis’ martial training well. Most of them were quite skilled with their makeshift axes and clubs.

Around the sixth hour Rhema stopped short as her blood ran cold. The villagers had long since been walking in mostly silence. The excitement waned and the traveling became work. She was accustomed to hearing the many footsteps behind her and nothing to the front. Yet as she approached the next slight bend she thought she heard a shuffling of feet from ahead in the tunnel. She stowed the sword that Semeion had enchanted so that it no longer shed light around the tunnel. As her light dimmed, a murmur passed through the villagers behind.

Rhema breathed lightly. “Tell them to be silent!” Rhema hissed the command as she looked ahead and stepped forward.

Behind her, Semeion turned to silence those behind him and motioned for them to pass the message back through the ranks of people. Charis handed Abijou’s reigns to Semeion and approached Tierna from behind. She drew her heavy pick and spoke softly to Tierna from immediately behind her. “I’m going up there to protect her. Make sure you take Shauvry reigns and secure them.”

Tierna nodded, although Charis didn’t wait for any kind of response. Charis’ was too occupied with peering forward and using her enhanced ability to see to the best of her ability. Even her enhanced vision was all but useless in the pitch black darkness that enveloped her.

However, Rhema was not quite as defenseless as Charis had first thought. Her race had long since developed the ability to see in complete darkness for a small radius around her body. Rhema scanned the tunnel ahead, noting that there was nothing of importance before the bend. She crept forward, staying to the side of the tunnel away from the direction of the bend. As she stepped forward she carefully peered around the corner. The tunnel ahead was just as dark as the tunnel behind her.

Suddenly, Rhema spotted movement ahead. The movement was quick; but she had spotted it all the same. It looked as though a head peeked around a corner for just an instant. She didn’t think the head had come into view long enough for it to spot her. Cautiously she whispered to Charis, “Shake your head if you can see me.”

She watched Charis as her head shook from side to side. Rhema smiled, knowing that Charis was effectively walking blind. She also knew that if Charis was walking blind then all the Drakontai were as blind as she was. Rhema gingerly stepped forward as she tried to get into a better angle to see the figure ahead.

As she moved, her foot intentionally dragged along the bottom of the tunnel spilling a slight amount of dust across the floor. It was a subtle enough sound that she figured it would get a reaction out of the figure ahead. Her plan worked. With the help of her ability to see in complete darkness Rhema saw the figure’s head pop out of its hiding place for just an instant. It was a face she recognized.

She pulled her sword from out of its scabbard in a rapid motion, spilling light everywhere into the tunnel. The effect was blinding upon all who could see the blade. Her voice sounded hopeful as she called forth. “Ischarus?”

The confused voice of her associate sounded from where the figure had been hidden. “Rhema? But, how? You should be another five or six hours ahead of me!” Ischarus stepped out into the open, squinting at the emergence of the bright light. Cautiously he unsheathed his own blade. The effect was to double the intensity of the light in the tunnel.

Rhema’s voice sounded much more confident after hearing Ischarus’ voice. “Is it really you?” There was a hint of emotional instability as her voice echoed through the tunnel.

Slowly, everyone’s eyes began to adjust to the light. Ischarus lowered his blade and approached Rhema quickly. As he did, Charis stepped around the corner and thrust her pick into Ischarus’ path. She had a less than pleased look on her face.

Ischarus pulled up short of impaling himself on the pointed end of the pick. “Charis? What’s wrong?”

Charis smiled. She was glad to have caught Ischarus off-guard. “And just how do we know that you really are Ischarus? You could be an agent of my father dragon in disguise.”

Ischarus replied out of his confusion, “Have you lost your mind completely living underground for so long?”

Rhema shook her head. “No, Ischarus. She’s not insane. We received a telepathic message from your dragon father saying that you were coming. But we need to make sure it isn’t a trap.” She motioned for Tierna to bring Elistra forward.

Smartly, Ischarus lowered his blade to the floor. “There. My weapon isn’t going to hurt anyone. How about you lower yours, Charis?”

Charis responded with a smile and lowered her own pick. She did not rest it upon the floor as Ischarus had done. Rather, she kept it at her side. “Hopefully you don’t mind our precaution.”

Ischarus also smiled. “Of course not. I’d rather you be cautious than foolhardy. Do whatever it takes to prove I am who I say I am.”

Tierna brought Elistra forward and handed the reigns to Ischarus. He smiled as soon as he saw his horse and reached out to touch her upon the nose. Elistra snorted with a contented snuffle and shifted forward a step so that her whole nose would be within Ischarus’ reach. Ischarus accepted her movement and allowed the horse to press its nose into his shoulder. He slowly reached up and scratched behind the horse’s ears.

Ischarus turned to look at Rhema. Her face was filled with tears as she spoke. “Is it really you? Is it true?”

Ischarus stepped back from Elistra and opened up his shoulder to accept Rhema. She drew close to him rapidly and embraced him fully. Her arms tucked up under his as he responded by embracing her in a hug as well. A look of relief passed over his face and he said softly, “It is really me. I have finally come for you all.”

Tierna spoke, careful not to interrupt the moment too horribly. “Then it is true? We are indeed free and you dragon father has beaten ours?”

Ischarus smiled again. “Well, they didn’t let me stay there long enough to see it for myself, but if you got a message saying it was true then I would assume it is!”

A loud chorus of cheers rang out as the news of Ischarus’ coming and the proclamation of freedom was spread all the way to the back of the villager column. Suddenly everyone felt like cheering and walking all over again.
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Ischarus and Tierna made quick introductions since they had not met prior to seeing each other here for the first time. The party quickly decided that Ischarus and Rhema should lead. Ischarus graciously allowed Tierna to continue to guide Elistra so that Tierna could stay at the front among the rest of the party. With both Ischarus and Rhema having weapons that radiated light the tunnel ahead seemed much less bothersome.

It was a grueling ten more hours of walking before the people finally reached the edge of the mountains. Ischarus and Rhema guided them masterfully and there was little incident except for the occasional spider being caught of guard and scurrying away before the main column of villagers could get to it. As they approached the tunnel entrance, Ischarus and Rhema could both see that it was night outside. None of the dragons could be seen from so far within the tunnel.

Ischarus easily jumped back into the leadership role that he had given over to Rhema almost a month ago. “Charis, tell the people to wait here. Like I said before, I didn’t actually see the end of the battle and I don’t see any dragons waiting for us. If the villagers stop here they should still be out of range from the red wyrm’s devastating breath.”

Rhema turned to say something to Ischarus but thought better of it. She simply give Shauvry’s reigns to Tierna for the time being. As Ischarus stepped forward, Rhema joined him. Ischarus turned to chastise Rhema but this time he knew better as well. There was no use arguing with her. She had just regained him earlier in the day; she wasn’t about to risk losing him again so soon.

Ischarus motioned for her to stay behind him and she accepted the invitation graciously. Regardless of whether she was a dungeon expert or not she knew better than to take a place on the front line, especially if there was one as capable of filling the role as Ischarus was. Just before Ischarus could see the end of the tunnel within the radius of the illumination coming from his sword the magic within the sword winked out. Rhema’s weapon still glowed as brightly as ever.

Ischarus held out his hand and stopped as soon as his sword lost its magical effect. He stepped gingerly towards the end of the tunnel knowing full well that either the magic ran out or something was aware of his presence and had cancelled the magical effect. Considering the light had glowed for over half a day, Ischarus wasn’t sure the magic hadn’t simply chosen a poor time to end.

Once Ischarus had gotten close enough to the tunnel entrance to see outside by the starlight he turned and motioned for Rhema to sheath her own weapon and follow him. She eagerly accepted and crept closer to the end of the tunnel. Once they were together again Ischarus began slowly moving forward.

As they approached five feet from the end of the tunnel a booming voice echoed down the length of the tunnel even to where the villagers had been halted. “About time you figure out how to get through the tunnels!” The deep draconic voice transitioned from speech to laughter.

Ischarus jumped at the sound of the voice, but smiled immediately afterward. Rhema likewise jumped and drew her sword, bathing the tunnel in light. Her mind eventually caught up with her actions and she paused for a moment before speaking. “That voice! I know that voice. That was the voice that spoke to me in the tunnel!”

Before Ischarus could respond, the draconic voice bellowed out again. “Well, child? Are you going to introduce me to the one you have brought to meet me or not? As you know, we have already spoken. But I would like to make her acquaintance more officially.”

Rhema turned to Ischarus with surprise. Ischarus smiled and extended out his hand towards Rhema. “Come, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

As the dragon’s voice echoed throughout the tunnel, many of the villagers began to panic. Thankfully Druff and Xando were prepared in the rear and Semeion and Charis had the front flank. As Ausaphaborishan’s voice boomed and echoed throughout the chamber and was followed by the deep draconic laughter, several of the villagers began to yell in confusion.

Druff and Xando were at the back and unable to make out the dragon’s comments completely on account of the echo. As the people began to panic, both Xando and Druff reassured them. “We are still deep enough underground to not need to fear the mighty dragon breath! Hold your ground!

Semeion and Charis were close enough to hear the dragon’s speech in addition to being able to see the body language of Ischarus and Rhema. They quickly determined that it was indeed Ischarus’ dragon father and sent the word back through the crowd. Semeion turned and shouted to those closest to him. “All is well!”

Charis continued where Semeion had stopped. “That is the dragon father we seek! The truth of your freedom is verified!” Slowly the immediate panic of the vilalgers turned into elation. The crowd of villagers swelled towards Semeion and Charis as the message of their freedom was received further back into the crowd.

Ischarus and Rhema had but a short time to meet with Ausaphaborishan while the villagers were being brought under control. Ischarus boldly stepped out of the tunnel with Rhema in tow. He had clasped her hand tightly and beckoned her to follow with his eyes. She followed eagerly. She was ready to meet his dragon father for the first time.

As the pair left the tunnel to stand on the flat rock platform under the stars, Ausaphaborishan spoke to them. This time his voice was much softer so that only the pair could hear him. “Forgive my game that I played with you. I could hear you coming for nearly a mile and I could feel the ground shaking even before that. I ducked out of sight so that you would approach slowly. At just the right time I caused the magic of your sword to cease, although I did not realize that your friend’s weapon was also enchanted. I hoped to surprise you!”

Ischarus smiled and bowed deeply as his dragon father proudly told the tale of the planned deception. “Indeed you did, dragon father. Indeed you did. I believe you also surprised Rhema, my companion here.” He turned to face Rhema and continued speaking. “Rhema, I would like to introduce you to Ausaphaborishan, my dragon father.”

Rhema was caught speechless. She had never expected to be face to face with a dragon on such good terms. Her initial instinct was to extend out her hand in greeting, but the dragon’s deep laughter at her action brought her to the realization of just how silly the gesture was. Here was a creature that dwarfed her in size and did not even have hands.

Ischarus smiled at Rhema’s gesture. He politely corrected her in a soft tone. “Dragons do not shake hands, Rhema. The proper greeting is a bow.”

Rhema bowed deeply as if on command. The silver wyrm responded with a similar deep bow of his head and neck. Before Rhema could stand upright again the dragon also raised his front right clawed foot. He softly brought the foot up to Rhema’s head in order to tussle her hair. As he did so, he continued to laugh. “Do not fear, little one. Many make the same mistake upon meeting dragons of all sorts. But I can see why Ischarus has interest in you. You have a zest for life and a strong desire to please.”

The silver dragon paused to allow Rhema to reply, but her reply was cut short by a loud commotion in the tunnels. Apparently this was all the time that Ischarus and Rhema would have with Ischarus’ dragon father for the moment. The villagers had been convinced of their freedom by Semeion and Charis and they surged forward to meet the dragon that had defeated their own dragon father. As the villagers approached where the dragon stood, they instinctively stopped and bowed in worship. One by one their knees hit the ground and their heads bowed low.

Ausaphaborishan laughed comfortingly, as if he were an amused parent. “Ischarus, tell them to rise. Tell them that you do not worship us like gods. Tell them that we live among one another in peace, trading protection and wisdom for companionship.”

Ischarus turned, but he could see for himself by the expressions of the villagers that they had already heard. Each and every one of the red wyrm’s Drakontai had a shocked look upon their face. This was especially true of Tierna. Ischarus could tell that he need not relay any message to these people.

Ausaphaborishan continued his speech. “People of Quehalost, I welcome you to the free lands of Tongra. But it is not I who should welcome you. Stay here for one minute as I leave. I caution you that when I return you will feel a true urge to run and hide, for I shall return with two more dragons. The one who makes me look small will address you properly.”

Without waiting for a response, Ausaphaborishan unfurled his great wings as leapt off the platform of rock. He circled once before turning toward the mountain face and beating his wings hard to surge upwards into the sky. Llywessiar and Sappurapolician had both taken up a position higher in the mountain to rest, heal, and perhaps even nap while Ausaphaborishan guarded the entrance to the underground tunnel. As the silver wyrm climbed to the proper height he could see that the other members of his flight were fast asleep. The silver wyrm smiled and landed solidly beside each of the other dragons.

Both of the dragons jerked awake and rose to their feet as quickly as possible. As they jerked awake, Ausaphaborishan leapt once more into the air and circled above them. The silver wyrm addressed his flight leader as he circled. “Llywessiar, the people have come and await your address. I have warned them that three dragons will be returning, so they should hopefully not spook so easily.”

The gold dragon smiled. “How did they greet you? Were they timid, aggressive, or indifferent?”

Ausaphaborishan merely laughed. “They bowed in worship.”

Sappurapolician laughed as well. “Did you honestly expect anything less from the Drakontai of a red wyrm? The have no doubt had obedience drilled into their heads from the day that they were conceived!”

Llywessiar replied, “Yes, indeed. In that case they will need a gentle hand guiding them.”

Llywessiar and Sappurapolician joined Ausaphaborishan and took to the sky. The trio descended down to the rock platform where the villagers awaited them. All of the villagers had to return into the tunnels so that there would be room upon the platform for all three dragons. Even with the villagers pressed back into the tunnel it was a tight squeeze. Of course, the villagers had no trouble backing into the tunnel. It was their natural instinct to want to flee out of the way of the gold dragon especially.

In spite of the terror, the villagers were awed by the trio of draconic beings. The same could be said of Rhema, Ischarus, Charis, and Semeion. This was as close as any of the people gathered had come to this many dragons at the same time. It was simply amazing to watch the trio descend in great circular passes from the higher mountain peak onto the rock platform outside the tunnel.

The dragons landed with Llywessiar in the center. He was flanked by Ausaphaborishan to his left and Sappurapolician to his right. It was clear that this would be an official meeting between Llywessiar and the villagers.

Llywessiar spoke confidently before the people. “Freed people of Quehalost, your tyranny is over.” The dragon paused, expecting some kind of cheer. However, the gold dragon did not receive a cheer from the villagers. In truth, most of the villagers strongly desired to cheer but their fear of the dragon was too much to overcome. They simply stared back at the large gold dragon while in their worshipful kneeling position.

Llywessiar continued his speech once he realized the people were unable to overcome their fear. “You are about to taste freedom for the first time. No, actually, you have been living in freedom for almost a month now. But it has not been complete freedom. You had the freedom to work and play when you wanted but you still lived in fear that your dragon father would find you. I saw the destruction of your dragon father. He was given the option of fleeing with his life but in his arrogance he forced us to slay him. In the end, for you it is better to have that conclusion. You need not fear him any longer!”

The gold wyrm paused once more to allow cheering; but when it was obvious that the people could still not overcome their fear he quickly continued. “Yet you will need training to live in this world. In many respects it is easier to live in bondage. Your daily tasks are told to you. You are told what to think and what to believe. You are told what to do and how to worship. None of this is true any longer. With freedom comes the ability to make up your own mind. You will need training to live in this world. Who is the leader among you?”

The villagers looked around at one another. There was nobody who rose immediately and slowly all eyes fell onto Druff and Xando. They were kneeling beside one another and both could feel the pressure from the rest of the villagers. Llywessiar could also see that these two were the ones to whom the others looked.

The gold dragon spoke directly to Druff and Xando. “Rise, children, and tell me your names.”

Druff and Xando slowly raised themselves up in unison, standing above the rest of the kneeling villagers. Druff turned to Xando, who introduced himself first. Xando turned and introduced Druff.

The yellow dragon smiled and brought his long neck into the cave to allow himself a closer inspection of the men. This meant that a dozen or so of the villagers fell directly beneath the dragon’s long neck. These villagers bowed completely to the ground, pressing their foreheads against the cold stone.

Llywessiar looked closely at the two and then pulled his head back out of the cave. “Ischarus has told me about both of you. I find you to be a good selection if you are so willing. As I said, you will all need training to live in this world. I offer you the opportunity to become my children. You will have me as your dragon father and your people will be grafted into my own. My people will teach you about freedom and about worship. Your people will teach my people about life in Quehalost. I will provide what you need to live and your people will prosper under my protection. Is this favorable to you?”

The villagers who were still on their knees all bowed at once as if controlled by a single mind. Each of them reached back into their tradition of showing acceptance to their own red dragon father by bowing in submission. It was an automatic response for all except Druff and Xando who were no longer kneeling.

Instead, each of these two men stood proud. Xando looked directly at the gold dragon and smiled. “My people accept your offer. My people are your people. Your people are my people.”

Druff called out once more to the people. “On your feet, Drakontai! Greet your new dragon father with a cheer!”

The villagers rose in unison and cheered. Yet Llywessiar could see that there was one among the villagers who was not cheering as fervently as the rest. The dragon caught this one’s eye and spoke loudly, quieting the villagers and allowing them to return to their knees. “Child, why do you look sad?”

All of the villagers, including Druuf and Xando, returned to their knees. From her knees Tierna replied to the gold dragon. “I am my old dragon father’s Provenience. What is to become of me?”

Llywessiar looked lovingly to Tierna. His draconic eyes filled with compassion and he spoke softly to her. “Rise, child, and come to me.”

Tierna rose without hesitation and stepped toward the gold dragon. Her body was trembling in fear, but she knew that this dragon did not expect to motivate his people through fear. She approached him not knowing what was to come next.

Llywessiar smiled and continued to speak softly to her. “Ischarus tells me that you have children growing within you and that your children are of a dragon heritage. Your children should not come into this world without a dragon father to teach them about their talents. They will need my help to learn how to use the passion they inherit from their true father. So long as you are willing, I will be their dragon father. Furthermore, if you are willing I will introduce you to my own Provenience. She will teach you what it means to share in my powers and guide the people rather than to be used and discarded as would have happened under your own dragon father.”

Tierna bowed deeply and replied as she bowed. “I accept you as my new dragon father and the father of my children.” Tears began to stream down her face once she realized that the gold dragon had sensed her need and worked to eliminate her concern. She had come so far and was likely rare in being able to claim Provenience under two different dragons. Her original fear was that the gold dragon would want her children destroyed because of their obvious tie to the red wyrm. But this was not to come to pass. Her children would not only live, but they would live in an environment that was not based on fear. They would be taught how to properly use the gifts of a direct draconic lineage.

Sappurapolician looked to the other dragons. “These people have come a long way, as have we on this day. We should rest here tonight and leave in the morning. I doubt anything in the land will bother us as we travel if we travel by day.”

Rhema was feeling particularly brave as she engaged the large bronze dragon in conversation. “Plus, if we travel by day these people can experience our country and our way of living.”

Llywessiar smiled at the woman his dragon son had chosen. “A valid point indeed, Rhema.” He turned to the other dragons and continued, “I was able to receive enough rest earlier in the day. You two return to the mountain perch to sleep and watch from above. I will watch over my people. We’ll leave at first light.”

The gold dragon also turned to his newly adopted people. “You have also come a long way. You will need your rest. Tomorrow we begin a much longer journey than you have come so far. The journey is easier, but it will challenge you in your own right. You should sleep and rest now so that we can make good time in the morning.”

With the gold dragon’s concluding directions the silver and bronze dragons took to the sky once more and climbed to the skyward perch. The villagers began to sprawl at the tunnel entrance. Night watches were established by Druff, Xando, and their men. Llywessiar aided them by casting magical light upon their weapons as well.

For the first time in over a month Rhema, Charis, Ischarus, and Semeion stood together again. They huddled in a tight circle at the edge of the perch overlooking the valley. The intent had been to trade tales. Ischarus had not heard about Semeion’s heroic sacrifice for Tierna’s sake. Nobody had heard Ischarus’ tale about traveling to Barghost to raise the Assembly of Virtuous Dragons. Charis and Rhema needed to tell Ischarus about the struggles and successes in the underground venture over the course of nearly a month. They begun to tell the tales, but they all discovered that they were much more tired than they had earlier thought. Before long the foursome broke up into pairs.

Ischarus and Rhema returned to the tunnel first, looking for a place to unroll their blankets. Ischarus spoke softly, “I couldn’t help but think of you the whole time I was away. I kept praying that you would be safe from the red wyrm. I hoped that your numbers would be sufficient to overcome the gnolls or kobolds that dwell in the deep. I’ll sleep better tonight knowing you are beside me now.”

That sentiment was all that Rhema needed to here. She felt exactly the same as she lay upon her blanket. She turned into Ischarus so that her head was resting upon his shoulder and his arm was around her. “I know what you mean. Tonight will be the best sleep I’ve had for a month.”

A strange smile passed over her face as she looked up to Ischarus. Ischarus saw the smile and couldn’t help reflecting it back at her. “What’s that look for?”

Rhema smiled even broader. “Not the way we planned it, sir. But, another job well done! It was another successful venture into Quehalost for the purpose of fighting against evil.”

Ischarus hugged her tightly with the arm that was around her. “And people saved from oppression. All in all, we’ve reason to sleep well tonight.”

Outside the cave, Semeion and Charis sat on the ledge. Charis had a thoughtful look in her eyes as she glanced over the forest below. It was lit from above by the stars. The long shadows cast by the tops of the trees were hypnotic as a light wind swayed the trees back and forth. She went several minutes without saying a word.

Semeion embraced her in a tight hug from behind, wrapping both of his arms around her as he sat behind her. “You ever wonder what might’ve happened if you and Tierna had switched places?”

Charis chuckled at the thought. “In a way, that’s not too far from what I was thinking. My people have found a home, Semeion. My people are safe.”

Semeion smiled at the thought. “Safer than we’ll be most of our lives, that’s for sure! Do you plan to return with them and your new dragon father to Barghost?”

Charis smiled. It was a bittersweet moment for her. “No. I can’t leave the three of you to bungle your way through Quehalost again! My people will be in good hands. I’m sure to some level I’ll be adopted into Llywessiar’s clan as well. But I could never leave the three of you. I could never leave you, Semeion. From the day you gave my parched throat some water you have taught me about compassion.”

Semeion pulled Charis even closer into his body. He leaned his forehead against the back of her head and smiled, although he knew she couldn’t see the smile. “Well then, I suppose there is only one more thing that needs clarified. Your people have found a new home. Tierna will have a new dragon father to help bring her draconic bred children into the world. So that leaves you.”

Charis looked back out across the forest. A slight tear came to her eyes as she realized how well life had worked out for her fellow Drakontai. Semeion continued speaking, not knowing of the presence of the tear. “You will be my Provenience, then.” Semeion had clearly emphasized the word “my.”

Charis leaned back into the young mage. Another tear came to her eyes and she decided not to fight it. This tear represented that just like her own people her life had turned out better than she could have hoped. Considering that she realized her destiny was to be bred to a dragon until she could conceive no longer and then be consumed, she had come far in defeating that destiny. She had surmounted so much evil intent in the world which had been directed at her. She had witnessed the destruction of a force designed to hurt the lives of those who dwelled upon the earth. Her life had become a living testimony of bitterness overcome.


[Sblock=Color-Free Speech Section]
Ischarus and Tierna made quick introductions since they had not met prior to seeing each other here for the first time. The party quickly decided that Ischarus and Rhema should lead. Ischarus graciously allowed Tierna to continue to guide Elistra so that Tierna could stay at the front among the rest of the party. With both Ischarus and Rhema having weapons that radiated light the tunnel ahead seemed much less bothersome.

It was a grueling ten more hours of walking before the people finally reached the edge of the mountains. Ischarus and Rhema guided them masterfully and there was little incident except for the occasional spider being caught of guard and scurrying away before the main column of villagers could get to it. As they approached the tunnel entrance, Ischarus and Rhema could both see that it was night outside. None of the dragons could be seen from so far within the tunnel.

Ischarus easily jumped back into the leadership role that he had given over to Rhema almost a month ago. “Charis, tell the people to wait here. Like I said before, I didn’t actually see the end of the battle and I don’t see any dragons waiting for us. If the villagers stop here they should still be out of range from the red wyrm’s devastating breath.”

Rhema turned to say something to Ischarus but thought better of it. She simply give Shauvry’s reigns to Tierna for the time being. As Ischarus stepped forward, Rhema joined him. Ischarus turned to chastise Rhema but this time he knew better as well. There was no use arguing with her. She had just regained him earlier in the day; she wasn’t about to risk losing him again so soon.

Ischarus motioned for her to stay behind him and she accepted the invitation graciously. Regardless of whether she was a dungeon expert or not she knew better than to take a place on the front line, especially if there was one as capable of filling the role as Ischarus was. Just before Ischarus could see the end of the tunnel within the radius of the illumination coming from his sword the magic within the sword winked out. Rhema’s weapon still glowed as brightly as ever.

Ischarus held out his hand and stopped as soon as his sword lost its magical effect. He stepped gingerly towards the end of the tunnel knowing full well that either the magic ran out or something was aware of his presence and had cancelled the magical effect. Considering the light had glowed for over half a day, Ischarus wasn’t sure the magic hadn’t simply chosen a poor time to end.

Once Ischarus had gotten close enough to the tunnel entrance to see outside by the starlight he turned and motioned for Rhema to sheath her own weapon and follow him. She eagerly accepted and crept closer to the end of the tunnel. Once they were together again Ischarus began slowly moving forward.

As they approached five feet from the end of the tunnel a booming voice echoed down the length of the tunnel even to where the villagers had been halted. “About time you figure out how to get through the tunnels!” The deep draconic voice transitioned from speech to laughter.

Ischarus jumped at the sound of the voice, but smiled immediately afterward. Rhema likewise jumped and drew her sword, bathing the tunnel in light. Her mind eventually caught up with her actions and she paused for a moment before speaking. “That voice! I know that voice. That was the voice that spoke to me in the tunnel!”

Before Ischarus could respond, the draconic voice bellowed out again. “Well, child? Are you going to introduce me to the one you have brought to meet me or not? As you know, we have already spoken. But I would like to make her acquaintance more officially.”

Rhema turned to Ischarus with surprise. Ischarus smiled and extended out his hand towards Rhema. “Come, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

As the dragon’s voice echoed throughout the tunnel, many of the villagers began to panic. Thankfully Druff and Xando were prepared in the rear and Semeion and Charis had the front flank. As Ausaphaborishan’s voice boomed and echoed throughout the chamber and was followed by the deep draconic laughter, several of the villagers began to yell in confusion.

Druff and Xando were at the back and unable to make out the dragon’s comments completely on account of the echo. As the people began to panic, both Xando and Druff reassured them. “We are still deep enough underground to not need to fear the mighty dragon breath! Hold your ground!

Semeion and Charis were close enough to hear the dragon’s speech in addition to being able to see the body language of Ischarus and Rhema. They quickly determined that it was indeed Ischarus’ dragon father and sent the word back through the crowd. Semeion turned and shouted to those closest to him. “All is well!”

Charis continued where Semeion had stopped. “That is the dragon father we seek! The truth of your freedom is verified!” Slowly the immediate panic of the vilalgers turned into elation. The crowd of villagers swelled towards Semeion and Charis as the message of their freedom was received further back into the crowd.

Ischarus and Rhema had but a short time to meet with Ausaphaborishan while the villagers were being brought under control. Ischarus boldly stepped out of the tunnel with Rhema in tow. He had clasped her hand tightly and beckoned her to follow with his eyes. She followed eagerly. She was ready to meet his dragon father for the first time.

As the pair left the tunnel to stand on the flat rock platform under the stars, Ausaphaborishan spoke to them. This time his voice was much softer so that only the pair could hear him. “Forgive my game that I played with you. I could hear you coming for nearly a mile and I could feel the ground shaking even before that. I ducked out of sight so that you would approach slowly. At just the right time I caused the magic of your sword to cease, although I did not realize that your friend’s weapon was also enchanted. I hoped to surprise you!”

Ischarus smiled and bowed deeply as his dragon father proudly told the tale of the planned deception. “Indeed you did, dragon father. Indeed you did. I believe you also surprised Rhema, my companion here.” He turned to face Rhema and continued speaking. “Rhema, I would like to introduce you to Ausaphaborishan, my dragon father.”

Rhema was caught speechless. She had never expected to be face to face with a dragon on such good terms. Her initial instinct was to extend out her hand in greeting, but the dragon’s deep laughter at her action brought her to the realization of just how silly the gesture was. Here was a creature that dwarfed her in size and did not even have hands.

Ischarus smiled at Rhema’s gesture. He politely corrected her in a soft tone. “Dragons do not shake hands, Rhema. The proper greeting is a bow.”

Rhema bowed deeply as if on command. The silver wyrm responded with a similar deep bow of his head and neck. Before Rhema could stand upright again the dragon also raised his front right clawed foot. He softly brought the foot up to Rhema’s head in order to tussle her hair. As he did so, he continued to laugh. “Do not fear, little one. Many make the same mistake upon meeting dragons of all sorts. But I can see why Ischarus has interest in you. You have a zest for life and a strong desire to please.”

The silver dragon paused to allow Rhema to reply, but her reply was cut short by a loud commotion in the tunnels. Apparently this was all the time that Ischarus and Rhema would have with Ischarus’ dragon father for the moment. The villagers had been convinced of their freedom by Semeion and Charis and they surged forward to meet the dragon that had defeated their own dragon father. As the villagers approached where the dragon stood, they instinctively stopped and bowed in worship. One by one their knees hit the ground and their heads bowed low.

Ausaphaborishan laughed comfortingly, as if he were an amused parent. “Ischarus, tell them to rise. Tell them that you do not worship us like gods. Tell them that we live among one another in peace, trading protection and wisdom for companionship.”

Ischarus turned, but he could see for himself by the expressions of the villagers that they had already heard. Each and every one of the red wyrm’s Drakontai had a shocked look upon their face. This was especially true of Tierna. Ischarus could tell that he need not relay any message to these people.

Ausaphaborishan continued his speech. “People of Quehalost, I welcome you to the free lands of Tongra. But it is not I who should welcome you. Stay here for one minute as I leave. I caution you that when I return you will feel a true urge to run and hide, for I shall return with two more dragons. The one who makes me look small will address you properly.”

Without waiting for a response, Ausaphaborishan unfurled his great wings as leapt off the platform of rock. He circled once before turning toward the mountain face and beating his wings hard to surge upwards into the sky. Llywessiar and Sappurapolician had both taken up a position higher in the mountain to rest, heal, and perhaps even nap while Ausaphaborishan guarded the entrance to the underground tunnel. As the silver wyrm climbed to the proper height he could see that the other members of his flight were fast asleep. The silver wyrm smiled and landed solidly beside each of the other dragons.

Both of the dragons jerked awake and rose to their feet as quickly as possible. As they jerked awake, Ausaphaborishan leapt once more into the air and circled above them. The silver wyrm addressed his flight leader as he circled. “Llywessiar, the people have come and await your address. I have warned them that three dragons will be returning, so they should hopefully not spook so easily.”

The gold dragon smiled. “How did they greet you? Were they timid, aggressive, or indifferent?”

Ausaphaborishan merely laughed. “They bowed in worship.”

Sappurapolician laughed as well. “Did you honestly expect anything less from the Drakontai of a red wyrm? The have no doubt had obedience drilled into their heads from the day that they were conceived!”

Llywessiar replied, “Yes, indeed. In that case they will need a gentle hand guiding them.”

Llywessiar and Sappurapolician joined Ausaphaborishan and took to the sky. The trio descended down to the rock platform where the villagers awaited them. All of the villagers had to return into the tunnels so that there would be room upon the platform for all three dragons. Even with the villagers pressed back into the tunnel it was a tight squeeze. Of course, the villagers had no trouble backing into the tunnel. It was their natural instinct to want to flee out of the way of the gold dragon especially.

In spite of the terror, the villagers were awed by the trio of draconic beings. The same could be said of Rhema, Ischarus, Charis, and Semeion. This was as close as any of the people gathered had come to this many dragons at the same time. It was simply amazing to watch the trio descend in great circular passes from the higher mountain peak onto the rock platform outside the tunnel.

The dragons landed with Llywessiar in the center. He was flanked by Ausaphaborishan to his left and Sappurapolician to his right. It was clear that this would be an official meeting between Llywessiar and the villagers.

Llywessiar spoke confidently before the people. “Freed people of Quehalost, your tyranny is over.” The dragon paused, expecting some kind of cheer. However, the gold dragon did not receive a cheer from the villagers. In truth, most of the villagers strongly desired to cheer but their fear of the dragon was too much to overcome. They simply stared back at the large gold dragon while in their worshipful kneeling position.

Llywessiar continued his speech once he realized the people were unable to overcome their fear. “You are about to taste freedom for the first time. No, actually, you have been living in freedom for almost a month now. But it has not been complete freedom. You had the freedom to work and play when you wanted but you still lived in fear that your dragon father would find you. I saw the destruction of your dragon father. He was given the option of fleeing with his life but in his arrogance he forced us to slay him. In the end, for you it is better to have that conclusion. You need not fear him any longer!”

The gold wyrm paused once more to allow cheering; but when it was obvious that the people could still not overcome their fear he quickly continued. “Yet you will need training to live in this world. In many respects it is easier to live in bondage. Your daily tasks are told to you. You are told what to think and what to believe. You are told what to do and how to worship. None of this is true any longer. With freedom comes the ability to make up your own mind. You will need training to live in this world. Who is the leader among you?”

The villagers looked around at one another. There was nobody who rose immediately and slowly all eyes fell onto Druff and Xando. They were kneeling beside one another and both could feel the pressure from the rest of the villagers. Llywessiar could also see that these two were the ones to whom the others looked.

The gold dragon spoke directly to Druff and Xando. “Rise, children, and tell me your names.”

Druff and Xando slowly raised themselves up in unison, standing above the rest of the kneeling villagers. Druff turned to Xando, who introduced himself first. Xando turned and introduced Druff.

The yellow dragon smiled and brought his long neck into the cave to allow himself a closer inspection of the men. This meant that a dozen or so of the villagers fell directly beneath the dragon’s long neck. These villagers bowed completely to the ground, pressing their foreheads against the cold stone.

Llywessiar looked closely at the two and then pulled his head back out of the cave. “Ischarus has told me about both of you. I find you to be a good selection if you are so willing. As I said, you will all need training to live in this world. I offer you the opportunity to become my children. You will have me as your dragon father and your people will be grafted into my own. My people will teach you about freedom and about worship. Your people will teach my people about life in Quehalost. I will provide what you need to live and your people will prosper under my protection. Is this favorable to you?”

The villagers who were still on their knees all bowed at once as if controlled by a single mind. Each of them reached back into their tradition of showing acceptance to their own red dragon father by bowing in submission. It was an automatic response for all except Druff and Xando who were no longer kneeling.

Instead, each of these two men stood proud. Xando looked directly at the gold dragon and smiled. “My people accept your offer. My people are your people. Your people are my people.”

Druff called out once more to the people. “On your feet, Drakontai! Greet your new dragon father with a cheer!”

The villagers rose in unison and cheered. Yet Llywessiar could see that there was one among the villagers who was not cheering as fervently as the rest. The dragon caught this one’s eye and spoke loudly, quieting the villagers and allowing them to return to their knees. “Child, why do you look sad?”

All of the villagers, including Druuf and Xando, returned to their knees. From her knees Tierna replied to the gold dragon. “I am my old dragon father’s Provenience. What is to become of me?”

Llywessiar looked lovingly to Tierna. His draconic eyes filled with compassion and he spoke softly to her. “Rise, child, and come to me.”

Tierna rose without hesitation and stepped toward the gold dragon. Her body was trembling in fear, but she knew that this dragon did not expect to motivate his people through fear. She approached him not knowing what was to come next.

Llywessiar smiled and continued to speak softly to her. “Ischarus tells me that you have children growing within you and that your children are of a dragon heritage. Your children should not come into this world without a dragon father to teach them about their talents. They will need my help to learn how to use the passion they inherit from their true father. So long as you are willing, I will be their dragon father. Furthermore, if you are willing I will introduce you to my own Provenience. She will teach you what it means to share in my powers and guide the people rather than to be used and discarded as would have happened under your own dragon father.”

Tierna bowed deeply and replied as she bowed. “I accept you as my new dragon father and the father of my children.” Tears began to stream down her face once she realized that the gold dragon had sensed her need and worked to eliminate her concern. She had come so far and was likely rare in being able to claim Provenience under two different dragons. Her original fear was that the gold dragon would want her children destroyed because of their obvious tie to the red wyrm. But this was not to come to pass. Her children would not only live, but they would live in an environment that was not based on fear. They would be taught how to properly use the gifts of a direct draconic lineage.

Sappurapolician looked to the other dragons. “These people have come a long way, as have we on this day. We should rest here tonight and leave in the morning. I doubt anything in the land will bother us as we travel if we travel by day.”

Rhema was feeling particularly brave as she engaged the large bronze dragon in conversation. “Plus, if we travel by day these people can experience our country and our way of living.”

Llywessiar smiled at the woman his dragon son had chosen. “A valid point indeed, Rhema.” He turned to the other dragons and continued, “I was able to receive enough rest earlier in the day. You two return to the mountain perch to sleep and watch from above. I will watch over my people. We’ll leave at first light.”

The gold dragon also turned to his newly adopted people. “You have also come a long way. You will need your rest. Tomorrow we begin a much longer journey than you have come so far. The journey is easier, but it will challenge you in your own right. You should sleep and rest now so that we can make good time in the morning.”

With the gold dragon’s concluding directions the silver and bronze dragons took to the sky once more and climbed to the skyward perch. The villagers began to sprawl at the tunnel entrance. Night watches were established by Druff, Xando, and their men. Llywessiar aided them by casting magical light upon their weapons as well.

For the first time in over a month Rhema, Charis, Ischarus, and Semeion stood together again. They huddled in a tight circle at the edge of the perch overlooking the valley. The intent had been to trade tales. Ischarus had not heard about Semeion’s heroic sacrifice for Tierna’s sake. Nobody had heard Ischarus’ tale about traveling to Barghost to raise the Assembly of Virtuous Dragons. Charis and Rhema needed to tell Ischarus about the struggles and successes in the underground venture over the course of nearly a month. They begun to tell the tales, but they all discovered that they were much more tired than they had earlier thought. Before long the foursome broke up into pairs.

Ischarus and Rhema returned to the tunnel first, looking for a place to unroll their blankets. Ischarus spoke softly, “I couldn’t help but think of you the whole time I was away. I kept praying that you would be safe from the red wyrm. I hoped that your numbers would be sufficient to overcome the gnolls or kobolds that dwell in the deep. I’ll sleep better tonight knowing you are beside me now.”

That sentiment was all that Rhema needed to here. She felt exactly the same as she lay upon her blanket. She turned into Ischarus so that her head was resting upon his shoulder and his arm was around her. “I know what you mean. Tonight will be the best sleep I’ve had for a month.”

A strange smile passed over her face as she looked up to Ischarus. Ischarus saw the smile and couldn’t help reflecting it back at her. “What’s that look for?”

Rhema smiled even broader. “Not the way we planned it, sir. But, another job well done! It was another successful venture into Quehalost for the purpose of fighting against evil.”

Ischarus hugged her tightly with the arm that was around her. “And people saved from oppression. All in all, we’ve reason to sleep well tonight.”

Outside the cave, Semeion and Charis sat on the ledge. Charis had a thoughtful look in her eyes as she glanced over the forest below. It was lit from above by the stars. The long shadows cast by the tops of the trees were hypnotic as a light wind swayed the trees back and forth. She went several minutes without saying a word.

Semeion embraced her in a tight hug from behind, wrapping both of his arms around her as he sat behind her. “You ever wonder what might’ve happened if you and Tierna had switched places?”

Charis chuckled at the thought. “In a way, that’s not too far from what I was thinking. My people have found a home, Semeion. My people are safe.”

Semeion smiled at the thought. “Safer than we’ll be most of our lives, that’s for sure! Do you plan to return with them and your new dragon father to Barghost?”

Charis smiled. It was a bittersweet moment for her. “No. I can’t leave the three of you to bungle your way through Quehalost again! My people will be in good hands. I’m sure to some level I’ll be adopted into Llywessiar’s clan as well. But I could never leave the three of you. I could never leave you, Semeion. From the day you gave my parched throat some water you have taught me about compassion.”

Semeion pulled Charis even closer into his body. He leaned his forehead against the back of her head and smiled, although he knew she couldn’t see the smile. “Well then, I suppose there is only one more thing that needs clarified. Your people have found a new home. Tierna will have a new dragon father to help bring her draconic bred children into the world. So that leaves you.”

Charis looked back out across the forest. A slight tear came to her eyes as she realized how well life had worked out for her fellow Drakontai. Semeion continued speaking, not knowing of the presence of the tear. “You will be my Provenience, then.” Semeion had clearly emphasized the word “my.”

Charis leaned back into the young mage. Another tear came to her eyes and she decided not to fight it. This tear represented that just like her own people her life had turned out better than she could have hoped. Considering that she realized her destiny was to be bred to a dragon until she could conceive no longer and then be consumed, she had come far in defeating that destiny. She had surmounted so much evil intent in the world which had been directed at her. She had witnessed the destruction of a force designed to hurt the lives of those who dwelled upon the earth. Her life had become a living testimony of bitterness overcome.

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Nonlethal Force

First Post

Four days later, a casually dressed and road weary party of four rode into Fingerdale on horseback. The hoods of their cloaks were pulled up tight, although when they crossed under the city gates they each reached up and removed their hoods. This sudden movement allowed the light of day to cascade upon their faces. Each one of them sighed as they crossed under the familiar gate.

Semeion laughed and spoke first. “Remember the last time we were here? Charis was sick, and you two tried to convince me that she was carrying half-dragon children like Tierna!”

Ischarus smiled as he searched the surroundings. Rhema decided to bite on Semeion’s inquiry. “I honestly don’t think that I’ve ever seen you quite so angry, either.”

Charis laughed. “I wish I wouldn’t have passed out so I could have witnessed that!” She turned in her saddle toward Semeion and added, “Well, I’ve no fear of that diagnosis until something drastically changes to my fourth finger on my left hand!”

The foursome laughed at the insinuation. It was clear by their actions that they were searching the town of Fingerdale with a purpose. They rode through the streets at a leisurely pace for about fifteen minutes before Rhema exclaimed in joy. “There it is!”

Ischarus followed the point of her finger to an old building that looked as though it had seen better days. “Really? I’d have expected him to live in a better place than that!”

Rhema smiled. “Well, apparently the outside of his house is really quite nice, he just disguises it with a spell all the time to make it look worse than it is. He says it keeps out nosey people who come looking for him.”

Semeion smiled. “Well, I’ll have to remember that when I become famous.”

Charis replied to the mage’s assertion with a smile upon her face. “I don’t expect to live in some kind of dump!”

Ischarus dismounted and slipped Elistra’s reigns into Rhema’s hand for her hold. He walked up the steps, careful not to step on what appeared to be loose boards. He safely arrived at the top of the stairs and used the brass knocker to solidly bang upon the door. Only seconds later the door opened all by itself. Thinking himself brave, Ischarus stepped two paces into the house and then stopped.

When the doors opened, it exposed an elaborate wooden hallway. A gold chair rail extended the length of the hallway on both sides. Along the hallway were arches leading into side rooms. The arches were constructed of a rare red and gray marble. The plaster along the ceiling was sculpted, depicting a scene of several dragons above everyone’s head as they entered the house.

From outside the house and where they were seated upon their horses, Charis’ eyes opened wide as she took in the entrance. “Never mind what I was saying earlier about the condition of the house.” Semeion and Rhema both laughed at the comment.

A voice rang down the hallway as Ischarus stepped into the house. “Ischarus! Come in, come in!”

Ischarus looked down the hallway but saw nobody speaking. Suddenly he heard footsteps descending the marble stairs at the end of the hallway. In a mater of seconds Ischarus saw Brandt running in his direction. “Master Brandt, good to see you!”

Brandt replied in return, “Ischarus, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon! I assume that your trip was successful? And are your friends safe as well?”

Ischarus nodded in the affirmative. “All is well. Although it seems that I am unfortunately the bearer of regrettable news for your dragon father.”

Brandt smiled hopefully. “Ah, you must be referring the search for the eggs.”

Ischarus nodded once more. “Yes. We were unable to recover any eggs. Apparently the red wyrm did not keep any.”

Brandt smiled even more broadly as if he shared in a joke to which Ischarus did not understand the punch-line. “Or perhaps the last female wyrm with whom he mated did not allow him to retain any of the eggs.”

Ischarus couldn’t help but smile. He hadn’t thought of that possibility. “Ah, perhaps it was that way instead. And if so, that was one smart red wyrm. Her eggs will be more likely to grow up with her than if they were with the red that was slain! Either way, we were rather unfortunate and unable to recover the eggs as had been requested.

Brandt smiled again as though he knew something Ischarus had missed. Ischarus couldn’t help but notice the look. “Is there something I’m missing, Brandt?”

Brandt smiled again and invited Ischarus to sit in one of the side rooms. Once they were seated Brant looked at Ischarus with quite a serious look upon his face. “Have you ever asked me who the dragon was that desired the eggs?”

Ischarus paused for a moment and rubbed the stubble growing upon his chin. “I don’t believe so. I honestly didn’t think it was a detail that concerned me. I knew you to be respected by the good dragons and if the Assembly of Virtuous Dragons trusts you then who am I to judge? Why do you ask?”

Brandt smiled. “The dragon who made the request of me was the same Llywessiar that you now know of. You did not bring him dragon eggs, of course. But you did bring him something equally valuable in a different kind of way. You brought him draconic half-breeds.”

Ischarus’ face wrinkled as he tried to understand exactly what was being said to him. “But, how does a dragon bred Provenience compare with full blooded dragon eggs?”

Brandt looked to the floor and confessed the reality of the situation to Ischarus. “In truth, it doesn’t. They are both quantities that are beyond expense. Llywessiar heard of your journey through my comments to him and he knew of your adventures through Ausaphaborishan’s involvement in the Assembly of Virtuous Dragons. He simply wanted to make sure that the eggs were treasured and not destroyed. Had there been eggs which were then recovered, the dragons could have been reared by Llywessiar and perhaps redeemed from their evil nature. In part, your saving the red wyrm’s Provenience fulfilled the same spirit of Llywessiar’s request. What is it the say? You lived up to the spirit, but not the letter of the request?”

Ischarus smiled, knowing that this was proof that he had much to learn about dragons and their relationships to one another and the world. It was also proof that he and his party were on the right track with their code of respect for life and a refusal to kill unless no other option presented itself. He confessed from his own soul, “Even as a child of the dragons and being raised in their culture I have much to learn.”

Brandt smiled knowingly. “As do I, Ischarus. As do I. But that does not change the fact that you fulfilled your duty to the dragon’s request. As part of your payment, I have been authorized to help you in any way possible. So what is the true reason that you sought me out?”

Ischarus pulled out the weapons and leather armor that had been removed from the goblin tribe in Quehalost. “There was a figure we met on our journey. We couldn’t have pulled off what we did so easily without his assistance. He was a soul trapped in this world, unable to move on. He was like us, a traveler into Quehalost to interact with the denizens of the land. He believes that he was tied to that land because his mission was incomplete. Although he had been slain, his family does not yet know of his demise. He requested the return of the weapons to his family in an attempt to be released from the land. The problem is that I don’t know where to find them.”

Brandt grasped the hilt of the largest weapon. “Well, let me see if I can figure this out. I’ll need a few minutes to look up the appropriate spell and then commit it to my memory. Then I will be ready. Go bring your friends into my manor while I study.”

Ischarus obeyed, inviting the remaining three into the manor. The horses were tied outside and the party entered Brandt’s formal sitting room. Through a window Charis was able to keep watch over the horses. After some time, Brandt returned with the weapon and a smile upon his face. He placed the weapon on the center table and knelt before it. He lifted his hand over the weapon palm side down. “Hara-Canal-Vass-Praos.”

The weapon began to glow subtly for several minutes, increasing in intensity as time passed. Once the glow had brightened completely, Brandt extended his second hand palm side down over the weapon. The glow slowly leached from the metal onto his hand and then up his arms and onto his face. Once the glow had completely migrated from the weapon to his face he let his tired arms fall to his sides and looked up to the party. “The place you want is in Tongra. The parents live on a small family farm just to the west of Oak Grove in the region of Bacrothen. I do not know their names, but I have seen the place vividly. The farmhouse is surrounded with a three foot red brick fence. The house itself is made from naturally cut logs, perhaps the very logs that were cut to clear the land. There is an outbuilding in the back and to the left of the house. I can send you there with my teleportation magic if you desire.”

Ischarus stood, “We do desire, and the sooner the better actually. We have to accomplish this task for the sake of our spirit friend stuck in Quehalost.”

Semeion rose to his feet. “No, sir. You need to accomplish this task.” Semeion turned to Brandt and continued his explanation. “If its all the same, I’d just as soon you send me back to Quehalost and to the tunnel entrance. The ghostly figure is there protecting our escape. I want to see him off if he is still there. And I want to say thanks.”

Charis stood and joined Semeion. “Thanks? For helping us?”

Semeion smiled. “For helping all of us. He protected us in the tunnels. He kept me from unknowingly falling into the red wyrm’s trap. We spoke for a while in the forest when I was badly injured. He was there to encourage me on my journey. I owe him that much to be there to encourage him on his next journey.”

Charis clenched Semeion’s hand with her own. “Then I shall be with you, too.”

Semeion nodded in response to Charis’ suggestion. Rhema rose and stood beside Ischarus. Brandt looked at the party with a sorrowful look upon his face and nodded slowly.

He spoke softly in reply to the needs of the party. “The task that you are going to undertake is not an easy one. Physically, it will not challenge you. Spiritually, this task runs deeper than most. I can help you. Wait here until I return.”

Brandt left the room for several minutes. Upon his return he brought forth four rings made of what looked to be pure silver. “These rings have been attuned to this house. To activate them, the rings must be worn and twisted around the finger one complete revolution. There is a problem, however. I can easily send Ischarus and Rhema to Oak Grove because I have seen the place. I cannot guarantee that Semeion and Charis will arrive where they need to be simply because I don’t know where you both are going.”

Semeion smiled. “Don’t worry, Brandt. Of course I remember exactly what the tunnel looked like and where it is. I’ve almost died every time I enter it from the Quehalost side! You don’t forget a place like that too easily. I can direct our rings to get us there. Do they work in conjunction with one another?”

Brandt smiled, “They do if you are holding hands. Then they will work as one. Whoever holds their ring higher will become the dominant ring and provide the teleport.”

Brandt guided Ischarus and Rhema in the use of the rings, showing them how to activate them to return to his sitting room. Semeion watched Brandt and learned quickly. In a matter of seconds Ischarus and Charis were standing before the farmhouse in Oak grove. Another instant later and Semeion and Charis appeared between the forest and the tunnel entrance in Quehalost.

Semeion spoke softly. “Hello?”

Slowly the light gray figure poked his head out of a nearby tree. “Semeion? Charis? How did you get here?”

Semeion held out his hands. “We’ve got little time to explain, so you’ll need to trust me. Ischarus and Rhema are approaching your home as we speak. With any luck, you should be going home soon. Your leather and weapons will be returned and your parents will know.”

The ghostly figure looked on with a grateful expression. “Thank you, Semeion. Thank you, Charis. Tell Ischarus and Rhema that I am grateful.”

Across the mountains and nearly completely across Tongra, Ischarus knocked solidly upon the face of the door. A middle aged man opened the door slightly. He saw the leather armor and recognized it immediately. He let out a gasp as the door slid open further. “Is that ...?”

Ischarus nodded solemnly. “Sir, may we come in? We have a long tale to tell you and your wife. I’d rather do that inside and sitting down if I may.”

The man opened the door and invited Ischarus and Rhema inside. He called his wife and the four of them sat around their table. Ischarus handed the man the leather and the weapons and began to recount the tale.

Across the land at the edge of the mountains, Charis looked with compassion upon the light-gray figure. “We will tell them. We couldn’t have done it without you. We’re proud of you.”

Semeion felt a single tear roll down his left cheek. It was followed by a tear down his right cheek. There was no need to hold back any more. “Quehalost will never be the same. Tales will be told of your sacrifices. Sacrifices you made in life and this hereafter. I will not forget.”

As Semeion spoke, the ghostly image reached out to Semeion. His image began to waver, and he vanished. A warm breeze filled the area for a second and then it was gone. Semeion embraced Charis with a hug. They twisted their rings and soon they were gone as well. The tunnel into Quehalost was now empty. The immediate land into which it spilled was now without a malevolent ruler. The people who once lived in this small section of Quehalost had found a new dragon father and this one was noble. In the distance a bird began to sing. It was answered by another. Soon the forest was alive with the calls and songs of little birds.

[Sblock=Color-Free Speech Section]

Four days later, a casually dressed and road weary party of four rode into Fingerdale on horseback. The hoods of their cloaks were pulled up tight, although when they crossed under the city gates they each reached up and removed their hoods. This sudden movement allowed the light of day to cascade upon their faces. Each one of them sighed as they crossed under the familiar gate.

Semeion laughed and spoke first. “Remember the last time we were here? Charis was sick, and you two tried to convince me that she was carrying half-dragon children like Tierna!”

Ischarus smiled as he searched the surroundings. Rhema decided to bite on Semeion’s inquiry. “I honestly don’t think that I’ve ever seen you quite so angry, either.”

Charis laughed. “I wish I wouldn’t have passed out so I could have witnessed that!” She turned in her saddle toward Semeion and added, “Well, I’ve no fear of that diagnosis until something drastically changes to my fourth finger on my left hand!”

The foursome laughed at the insinuation. It was clear by their actions that they were searching the town of Fingerdale with a purpose. They rode through the streets at a leisurely pace for about fifteen minutes before Rhema exclaimed in joy. “There it is!”

Ischarus followed the point of her finger to an old building that looked as though it had seen better days. “Really? I’d have expected him to live in a better place than that!”

Rhema smiled. “Well, apparently the outside of his house is really quite nice, he just disguises it with a spell all the time to make it look worse than it is. He says it keeps out nosey people who come looking for him.”

Semeion smiled. “Well, I’ll have to remember that when I become famous.”

Charis replied to the mage’s assertion with a smile upon her face. “I don’t expect to live in some kind of dump!”

Ischarus dismounted and slipped Elistra’s reigns into Rhema’s hand for her hold. He walked up the steps, careful not to step on what appeared to be loose boards. He safely arrived at the top of the stairs and used the brass knocker to solidly bang upon the door. Only seconds later the door opened all by itself. Thinking himself brave, Ischarus stepped two paces into the house and then stopped.

When the doors opened, it exposed an elaborate wooden hallway. A gold chair rail extended the length of the hallway on both sides. Along the hallway were arches leading into side rooms. The arches were constructed of a rare red and gray marble. The plaster along the ceiling was sculpted, depicting a scene of several dragons above everyone’s head as they entered the house.

From outside the house and where they were seated upon their horses, Charis’ eyes opened wide as she took in the entrance. “Never mind what I was saying earlier about the condition of the house.” Semeion and Rhema both laughed at the comment.

A voice rang down the hallway as Ischarus stepped into the house. “Ischarus! Come in, come in!”

Ischarus looked down the hallway but saw nobody speaking. Suddenly he heard footsteps descending the marble stairs at the end of the hallway. In a mater of seconds Ischarus saw Brandt running in his direction. “Master Brandt, good to see you!”

Brandt replied in return, “Ischarus, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon! I assume that your trip was successful? And are your friends safe as well?”

Ischarus nodded in the affirmative. “All is well. Although it seems that I am unfortunately the bearer of regrettable news for your dragon father.”

Brandt smiled hopefully. “Ah, you must be referring the search for the eggs.”

Ischarus nodded once more. “Yes. We were unable to recover any eggs. Apparently the red wyrm did not keep any.”

Brandt smiled even more broadly as if he shared in a joke to which Ischarus did not understand the punch-line. “Or perhaps the last female wyrm with whom he mated did not allow him to retain any of the eggs.”

Ischarus couldn’t help but smile. He hadn’t thought of that possibility. “Ah, perhaps it was that way instead. And if so, that was one smart red wyrm. Her eggs will be more likely to grow up with her than if they were with the red that was slain! Either way, we were rather unfortunate and unable to recover the eggs as had been requested.

Brandt smiled again as though he knew something Ischarus had missed. Ischarus couldn’t help but notice the look. “Is there something I’m missing, Brandt?”

Brandt smiled again and invited Ischarus to sit in one of the side rooms. Once they were seated Brant looked at Ischarus with quite a serious look upon his face. “Have you ever asked me who the dragon was that desired the eggs?”

Ischarus paused for a moment and rubbed the stubble growing upon his chin. “I don’t believe so. I honestly didn’t think it was a detail that concerned me. I knew you to be respected by the good dragons and if the Assembly of Virtuous Dragons trusts you then who am I to judge? Why do you ask?”

Brandt smiled. “The dragon who made the request of me was the same Llywessiar that you now know of. You did not bring him dragon eggs, of course. But you did bring him something equally valuable in a different kind of way. You brought him draconic half-breeds.”

Ischarus’ face wrinkled as he tried to understand exactly what was being said to him. “But, how does a dragon bred Provenience compare with full blooded dragon eggs?”

Brandt looked to the floor and confessed the reality of the situation to Ischarus. “In truth, it doesn’t. They are both quantities that are beyond expense. Llywessiar heard of your journey through my comments to him and he knew of your adventures through Ausaphaborishan’s involvement in the Assembly of Virtuous Dragons. He simply wanted to make sure that the eggs were treasured and not destroyed. Had there been eggs which were then recovered, the dragons could have been reared by Llywessiar and perhaps redeemed from their evil nature. In part, your saving the red wyrm’s Provenience fulfilled the same spirit of Llywessiar’s request. What is it the say? You lived up to the spirit, but not the letter of the request?”

Ischarus smiled, knowing that this was proof that he had much to learn about dragons and their relationships to one another and the world. It was also proof that he and his party were on the right track with their code of respect for life and a refusal to kill unless no other option presented itself. He confessed from his own soul, “Even as a child of the dragons and being raised in their culture I have much to learn.”

Brandt smiled knowingly. “As do I, Ischarus. As do I. But that does not change the fact that you fulfilled your duty to the dragon’s request. As part of your payment, I have been authorized to help you in any way possible. So what is the true reason that you sought me out?”

Ischarus pulled out the weapons and leather armor that had been removed from the goblin tribe in Quehalost. “There was a figure we met on our journey. We couldn’t have pulled off what we did so easily without his assistance. He was a soul trapped in this world, unable to move on. He was like us, a traveler into Quehalost to interact with the denizens of the land. He believes that he was tied to that land because his mission was incomplete. Although he had been slain, his family does not yet know of his demise. He requested the return of the weapons to his family in an attempt to be released from the land. The problem is that I don’t know where to find them.”

Brandt grasped the hilt of the largest weapon. “Well, let me see if I can figure this out. I’ll need a few minutes to look up the appropriate spell and then commit it to my memory. Then I will be ready. Go bring your friends into my manor while I study.”

Ischarus obeyed, inviting the remaining three into the manor. The horses were tied outside and the party entered Brandt’s formal sitting room. Through a window Charis was able to keep watch over the horses. After some time, Brandt returned with the weapon and a smile upon his face. He placed the weapon on the center table and knelt before it. He lifted his hand over the weapon palm side down. “Hara-Canal-Vass-Praos.”

The weapon began to glow subtly for several minutes, increasing in intensity as time passed. Once the glow had brightened completely, Brandt extended his second hand palm side down over the weapon. The glow slowly leached from the metal onto his hand and then up his arms and onto his face. Once the glow had completely migrated from the weapon to his face he let his tired arms fall to his sides and looked up to the party. “The place you want is in Tongra. The parents live on a small family farm just to the west of Oak Grove in the region of Bacrothen. I do not know their names, but I have seen the place vividly. The farmhouse is surrounded with a three foot red brick fence. The house itself is made from naturally cut logs, perhaps the very logs that were cut to clear the land. There is an outbuilding in the back and to the left of the house. I can send you there with my teleportation magic if you desire.”

Ischarus stood, “We do desire, and the sooner the better actually. We have to accomplish this task for the sake of our spirit friend stuck in Quehalost.”

Semeion rose to his feet. “No, sir. You need to accomplish this task.” Semeion turned to Brandt and continued his explanation. “If its all the same, I’d just as soon you send me back to Quehalost and to the tunnel entrance. The ghostly figure is there protecting our escape. I want to see him off if he is still there. And I want to say thanks.”

Charis stood and joined Semeion. “Thanks? For helping us?”

Semeion smiled. “For helping all of us. He protected us in the tunnels. He kept me from unknowingly falling into the red wyrm’s trap. We spoke for a while in the forest when I was badly injured. He was there to encourage me on my journey. I owe him that much to be there to encourage him on his next journey.”

Charis clenched Semeion’s hand with her own. “Then I shall be with you, too.”

Semeion nodded in response to Charis’ suggestion. Rhema rose and stood beside Ischarus. Brandt looked at the party with a sorrowful look upon his face and nodded slowly.

He spoke softly in reply to the needs of the party. “The task that you are going to undertake is not an easy one. Physically, it will not challenge you. Spiritually, this task runs deeper than most. I can help you. Wait here until I return.”

Brandt left the room for several minutes. Upon his return he brought forth four rings made of what looked to be pure silver. “These rings have been attuned to this house. To activate them, the rings must be worn and twisted around the finger one complete revolution. There is a problem, however. I can easily send Ischarus and Rhema to Oak Grove because I have seen the place. I cannot guarantee that Semeion and Charis will arrive where they need to be simply because I don’t know where you both are going.”

Semeion smiled. “Don’t worry, Brandt. Of course I remember exactly what the tunnel looked like and where it is. I’ve almost died every time I enter it from the Quehalost side! You don’t forget a place like that too easily. I can direct our rings to get us there. Do they work in conjunction with one another?”

Brandt smiled, “They do if you are holding hands. Then they will work as one. Whoever holds their ring higher will become the dominant ring and provide the teleport.”

Brandt guided Ischarus and Rhema in the use of the rings, showing them how to activate them to return to his sitting room. Semeion watched Brandt and learned quickly. In a matter of seconds Ischarus and Charis were standing before the farmhouse in Oak grove. Another instant later and Semeion and Charis appeared between the forest and the tunnel entrance in Quehalost.

Semeion spoke softly. “Hello?”

Slowly the light gray figure poked his head out of a nearby tree. “Semeion? Charis? How did you get here?”

Semeion held out his hands. “We’ve got little time to explain, so you’ll need to trust me. Ischarus and Rhema are approaching your home as we speak. With any luck, you should be going home soon. Your leather and weapons will be returned and your parents will know.”

The ghostly figure looked on with a grateful expression. “Thank you, Semeion. Thank you, Charis. Tell Ischarus and Rhema that I am grateful.”

Across the mountains and nearly completely across Tongra, Ischarus knocked solidly upon the face of the door. A middle aged man opened the door slightly. He saw the leather armor and recognized it immediately. He let out a gasp as the door slid open further. “Is that ...?”

Ischarus nodded solemnly. “Sir, may we come in? We have a long tale to tell you and your wife. I’d rather do that inside and sitting down if I may.”

The man opened the door and invited Ischarus and Rhema inside. He called his wife and the four of them sat around their table. Ischarus handed the man the leather and the weapons and began to recount the tale.

Across the land at the edge of the mountains, Charis looked with compassion upon the light-gray figure. “We will tell them. We couldn’t have done it without you. We’re proud of you.”

Semeion felt a single tear roll down his left cheek. It was followed by a tear down his right cheek. There was no need to hold back any more. “Quehalost will never be the same. Tales will be told of your sacrifices. Sacrifices you made in life and this hereafter. I will not forget.”

As Semeion spoke, the ghostly image reached out to Semeion. His image began to waver, and he vanished. A warm breeze filled the area for a second and then it was gone. Semeion embraced Charis with a hug. They twisted their rings and soon they were gone as well. The tunnel into Quehalost was now empty. The immediate land into which it spilled was now without a malevolent ruler. The people who once lived in this small section of Quehalost had found a new dragon father and this one was noble. In the distance a bird began to sing. It was answered by another. Soon the forest was alive with the calls and songs of little birds.
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Not One Of The Updates!

Well, as you can see, this Story Hour has drawn to a completion. I hope you enjoyed the read. :)

This doesn't mean it is the end of the adventures of Rhema, Charis, Ischarus, and Semeion. It does mean that they have reached a natural stopping point in the storyline. Obviously there are a few cliffhangers intentionally left for readers to answer for themselves. Such as:

What happens to Tierna's children?

Do the red Drakontai become fully integrated into the gold Drakontai?

What happens to the ghostly figure's parents?

What of the goblin tribe left in Quehalost ... or the druid for that matter?

Perhaps more to the point, what of the land that is now left vacant?

Ahhh.... it feels good to intentionally leave so many questions and loose ends for the readers to enjoy for themselves! Any I forgot? [I'm sure there are, so tell me! :) ]

I will be editing and revising the story over time ... simple things like going back and correcting the story, adding foreshadowing here and there, etc. You can follow the editing tags at the bottom of each post to see what has been done and where the editing is happening if that kind of thing interests you.

But, onto more serious things. I have a few questions for any readers who would like to respond.

First, were the Drakontai believable as a concept race? Furthermore, were you drawn into their beliefs about life (both when they were fervent in the protection of their beliefs and then when they were in the process of switching over)?

Second, I am planning on doing another Story Hour since the number of reads indicates that this was reasonably popular (by my standards at least). Would you like to hear more about these four adventurers or would you rather read more about some other adventurers? [If other, another of my homebrew races or normal fantasy standard races?]

I suppose those are the two pressing questions. Overall comments accepted, by all means!

Oh, and I should say. If I do start another Story Hour with these four adventurers, you can believe I am going to post the link at the beginning and current end (wherever that is) of this thread.

Once again, thanks for reading!
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First Post

I enjoyed this story - consider this my vote to continue the adventurers of these four heroes.

I have found that I check every day to see if there is something new happening on this SH. Can't wait to see what more you write up.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
REPLY TO READER ... not an update.


Thanks for your support!

I have been revising and slightly editing the beginning posts. I've found I made some early mistakes that editing can solve and I want to polish those before beginning another Story Hour. I've also been adding a bit of depth where I've felt it needed it. I suppose that is why most of the authors talk about finishing a work and then going over it a few times. The only true way to add good foreshadowing is to add it after the story is written. Then you know exactly what is going ot happen, so you can go back and insert it. Of course, I knew the general storyline when I started. I did not know much of the specifics until I actually put fingers to keyboard. Thus, going back and inserting foreshadowing or even character background where necessary has taken up a good portion of my time.

I had been hoping to finish my editing by Christmas ... but I don't know if that is realistic or not. Probably not. But that'll set me on a date to continue these adventures sometime in early January. No promises, of course. :) But there will be more to come. I've decided that much!

Now I just have to figure out how much I want to bring back Xando, Druff, and ... (foreshadowing here) ... Grick. His end was left loose ...

Nonlethal Force

First Post
An Update ... Sort Of ...

Alright ... Editing of the Story Hour completed! It took a few days longer than I had hoped, but the product is good (at least I think) in the end.

I have begun the sequel to this story hour. It is called Into the Moral Darkness

Happy reading, and I hope all of you that were reading this story hour find as much enjoyment out of the next!
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