So I've goofed a bit. I normally avoid megadungeons, and normally encourage others to do the same, but somehow I've managed to end up with a considerable megadungeon playing a role in my game.
It's not so much a mega-dungeon as it is a large number of '5 room dungeons' with a central access point, but it is certainly as big as any megadungeon I've ever done and larger than the ones I've attempted since high school. At one time I'd populate the whole thing myself and enjoy doing it, but this isn't high school anymore.
The basic idea is that this civilization used graveyards as necromantic nodes and buried things deliberately with the intent of encouraging necromantic energy to collect. So as a result, there is a massive buried necropolis teeming with undead and traps, currently sealed away from the outside world (so far as anyone knows).
In particular, they buried their kings in small complexes off of the larger chambers similar perhaps to the Valley of Kings in Egypt (if the whole valley were underground), and its the many burial chambers that would constitute the biggest obstacle to making the whole thing interesting to explore. What I would like to have is some simple outlines for these side chambers as if you were writing them up as 5 room dungeons. The idea is to have as many of these side chambers stated up as possible with interesting themes, puzzles, traps, and potentially RP as possible. Stating things up is less important than the ideas, but if anyone cares, my base system is a 3.0 variant and the EL range of the side chambers is expected to be between 4 and 12.
Of course, such mini-dungeons would be excellent drag and drop resources in most campaigns if they are done reasonably well.
Any help appreciated. I'll be working on the problem myself, and hopefully within a few weeks will post some of my ideas as payment for the helpers.
It's not so much a mega-dungeon as it is a large number of '5 room dungeons' with a central access point, but it is certainly as big as any megadungeon I've ever done and larger than the ones I've attempted since high school. At one time I'd populate the whole thing myself and enjoy doing it, but this isn't high school anymore.
The basic idea is that this civilization used graveyards as necromantic nodes and buried things deliberately with the intent of encouraging necromantic energy to collect. So as a result, there is a massive buried necropolis teeming with undead and traps, currently sealed away from the outside world (so far as anyone knows).
In particular, they buried their kings in small complexes off of the larger chambers similar perhaps to the Valley of Kings in Egypt (if the whole valley were underground), and its the many burial chambers that would constitute the biggest obstacle to making the whole thing interesting to explore. What I would like to have is some simple outlines for these side chambers as if you were writing them up as 5 room dungeons. The idea is to have as many of these side chambers stated up as possible with interesting themes, puzzles, traps, and potentially RP as possible. Stating things up is less important than the ideas, but if anyone cares, my base system is a 3.0 variant and the EL range of the side chambers is expected to be between 4 and 12.
Of course, such mini-dungeons would be excellent drag and drop resources in most campaigns if they are done reasonably well.
Any help appreciated. I'll be working on the problem myself, and hopefully within a few weeks will post some of my ideas as payment for the helpers.