
Explain to me exactly what BrOSR is. I've seen it in a couple places and have gathered it's basically obnoxious.

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Front Range Warlock
Explain to me exactly what BrOSR is. I've seen it in a couple places and have gathered it's basically obnoxious.

It is obnoxious one true way-ism in which Bros claim to be playing D&D the only true, right, way. The exact definition of what qualifies as the one, true, way varies from one Bro to another because these guys are, of course, predictable clowns with their heads rammed so far up their collective rectums that they can't even agree on what qualifies as True Old School D&D. And I say this as a fan of the OSR and old editions of D&D. Also, many of the self-proclaimed Bros are big on racism and misogyny via Twitter. The BrOSR is a joke.
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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
If I had to guess, the BrOSR are the POV of this comic:



It is obnoxious one true way-ism in which Bros claim to be playing D&D the only true, right, way. The exact definition of what qualifies as the one, true, way varies from one Bro to another because these guys are, of course, predictable clowns with their heads rammed so far up their collective rectums that they can't even agree on what qualifies as True Old School D&D. And I say this as a fan of the OSR and old editions of D&D. Also, many of the self-proclaimed Bros are big on racism and misogyny via Twitter. The BrOSR is a joke.
Thanks dude. That's kind of what I thought. Long time no see.


If I had to guess, the BrOSR are the POV of this comic:

I was about to complain angrily about the comic, then I realized you weren't posting to explain what it was, but to say that those who are part of whatever this BroSR movement is or whatever are the ones who wrote the comic.

I've never even heard of this BrOSR movement thing. I've been involved with OSR for a while, this is the first I've heard of BrOSR though. Where do you guys find this stuff?

I can't even. Who thinks like that?

Yes, exactly. This has to be an extremely small minority (I would think). I'm not sure posting the comic was the best idea either, as idiots like me just click to see the hidden item and get mad at what they read without looking before they click. I can understand some of it, but some of it just...

I think the part that set me off the worst was their take on the idea that any girl would just join a group to get guys. That just doesn't seem to be true in my experience in any way, shape, or form. Two of my strongest players (those who have been gaming the longest with me) are women, and they would probably be heavily offended if any of the players hit on them (men or women) because they are there to play, not flirt.

In fact, I don't think any of my players have gone to Game groups to flirt. They are there to either learn to play, or to play the game.


I've never even heard of this BrOSR movement thing. I've been involved with OSR for a while, this is the first I've heard of BrOSR though. Where do you guys find this stuff?
I was about to order an Appendix N book but I googled the author first, which I tend to do first and saw him mentioned in a Twitter feed I follow. That took me down a rabbit hole which I only gleaned a bit from, but enough to make me not order the book.

Voidrunner's Codex

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