Building a 1st level


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Just starting a new campaign and want to play a gnome.

I have never played a gnome character and really want to develop a neat fun character. The sneaky, comical, tricky, arcane nature kind of qualities have always attracted me and would like to see how to apply them to a gnomish concept.

Which builds that I should consider?

The basiscs...1st level, spell caster most likely, and his name will be Boozer.


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Sounds like a Bard to me. Maybe a Bard/Barbarian. All his "inspiring" bardic music effects should be either (a) drinking songs, or (b) detailed descriptions of what he's going to do for fun after the battle... this could be a description of a drink that he wants, whatever else he might consider exciting.

-- N

Gnome Bard/Wilder? Start out with bard and then alternate between the two classes for some fun with Thinkin'. :)

Imagine a small flute playing bard marching through a dungeon whilst doors infront of him blast open without him faltering in his stride, and then when the orc leader intones that the bard would make a great lunch, have him innocently say.. "But why? I am your Sing-O-Gram for your birthday these lads ordered for you. Won't you listen to at least *one* song?"..

5 hesitant seconds later the rest of the party spills into the room seeing all the orcs fast asleep.


Of course... If it doesn't work out.. Rely on you run feat. :)

From everything I've read, the ArcTrixie is painful to qualify for, and painful to play at early levels. If your DM allows "Practiced Spellcaster", it's probably less painful, but an ArcTrixie is, at core, all about sneak attacks & ray spells.

IMHO, a Bard makes a better trickster (if your definition of "trickster" does not require sneak attacks). No-one else gets Glibness or Modify Memory.

Finall, Bards have darn good reasons to hang around in taverns all the time! :)

-- N

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