Voidrunner Building some famous ships


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Not exact, but I whipped up an Enterprise. Could probably be tweaked.

USS Enterprise​

Grade 4 Explorer (78,000 cr)

When flying into the dark and unknowable void full of untold horrors and wonders, it’s best to come prepared. Exploration craft are the vanguards of civilization, taking fresh steps and expanding the borders of their maps with all the technology required to get the job done.

Crew 16/250; Passengers 32; Prestige Bonus +1;Diplomatic Quarters 4
Size 600–1,000 ft (a large ocean liner); Supply 2400 (8/day); Cargo 400 tons
Officers Available Engineer, Medic, Comms Officer, Navigator, Scientist, Security Officer, Counselor, Tactical Officer
Gear Available Clothing, Communications & Computing, Containers, General Gear, Medicine, Scientific Gear, Survival Gear


HP 1,000
AC 13; Shields 25% (250); Recharge medium (5); Hacking DC 18
Saving Throws Dexterity, Constitution
Damage Resistances
Damage Immunities poison and psychic damage
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, confused, deafened, fatigued, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, slowed, strife, stunned, unconscious


Impulse Speed Average (6)
FTL Speed 9

STR 42 (+16) DEX 12 (+1) CON 42 (+16) WIS 12 (+1)

Decks & Systems​

Decks Bridge (2), Cargo Hold (1), Engineering (1), Hangar (1), Leisure Deck (1), Medical Bay (1), Science Bay (2), Passenger Deck (2)
Systems Escape Pods, Tractor Beam, Diplomatic Quarters,
Starfighters/Shuttles 4

Weapon Mounts​

  • 2x dual plasma torpedo salvo. Ranged Weapon Attack: medium range, ammunition (5), salvo. Hit: 126 (12d20) fire damage.
  • 4x medium plasma weapon battery. Ranged Weapon Attack: medium range, simple. Hit: 35 (10d6) fire damage.

Special Properties​

  • Escape Pods. This ship has enough escape pods to support a number of creatures equal to twice its minimum crew. Each escape pod can hold up to 8 passengers, with life support for 48 hours.
  • Tractor Beam. Tractor beams can target ships two or more grades smaller than the attacker. The target makes a Strength saving throw or becomes restrained.
  • Well-equipped. Once per region, Voidrunners are able to access any equipment of a certain type from the ship’s stores as though they were in a settlement. The ship can supply gear up to a total value of 4,000 cr from the Clothing, Communications & Computing, Containers, General Gear, Medicine, Scientific Gear, Survival Gear equipment categories. The equipment must still be paid for, unless the Narrator determines that gear is provided by the Fleet.
  • Sensors. Exploration craft are designed to scan the farthest reaches for the faintest signals. Checks made for the Scan journey activity have advantage.
  • Research Labs. Science checks made aboard the ship gain an expertise die.
  • 5-Year Mission. This craft is designed for long, multi-year missions. It can carry ten times the normal amount of Supply.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member

Millenium Falcon​

Grade 1 Cargo Ship (10,700 cr)

The sturdy backbone of any respectable spacefaring civilization, what these ships lack in flashiness they more than make up for in dependability, powering through the worst the void has to deliver their cargo on time.

Crew 2/4; Passengers 0; Prestige Bonus +0
Size 100-200 ft (a clock tower); Supply 30 (1/day); Cargo 100 tons
Officers Available Engineer, Navigator, Security Officer
Gear Available Clothing, Containers, General Gear


HP 200
AC 16; Shields 20% (40); Recharge medium (5); Hacking DC 12
Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
Damage Resistances
Damage Immunities poison and psychic damage
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, confused, deafened, fatigued, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, slowed, strife, stunned, unconscious


Impulse Speed Fast (8)
FTL Speed 20

STR 30 (+10) DEX 15 (+2.5) CON 30 (+10) WIS 10 (+0)

Decks & Systems​

Decks Bridge (1), Cargo Hold (1), Engineering (1),
Systems Escape Pods, Lander, Hidden Compartments,

Weapon Mounts​

  • 1x single plasma torpedo launcher. Ranged Weapon Attack: medium range, ammunition (1), salvo. Hit: 55 (5d20) fire damage.
  • 2x light plasma weapon battery. Ranged Weapon Attack: short range, simple. Hit: 18 (5d6) fire damage.

Special Properties​

  • Escape Pods. This ship has enough escape pods to support a number of creatures equal to twice its minimum crew. Each escape pod can hold up to 8 passengers, with life support for 48 hours.
  • Lander. This ship is capable of landing on a planetary surface.
  • Hidden Compartments. 10% of the cargo space on this vessel is hidden. Items stored in this hidden space cannot be found without a DC 15 Investigation check.
  • Earnings. Cargo ships are designed to make money. Every time the ship enters a new Region, unless it is flying stealthily or avoiding contact, the ship generates 100 credits.


Well, that was fun
Staff member

Star Destroyer​

Grade 8 Warship (15,717,600 cr)

Warships are instruments of a spacefaring civilization’s might and are ultimately the tools by which wars among the stars are won. Bristling with the most accurate weapons and crewed by the best trained soldiers a navy can manage, warships are tuned for the singular objective of destruction.

Crew 256/10,000; Passengers 2048; Prestige Bonus +5; Diplomatic Quarters 8
Size 3,000–5,000 ft (up to a mile); Supply 3480 (128/day); Cargo 8,000 tons
Officers Available Engineer, Medic, Comms Officer, Navigator, Security Officer, Tactical Officer
Gear Available Clothing, Containers, General Gear, Security Gear


HP 5,500
AC 18 (armored); Shields 20% (1100); Recharge medium (5); Hacking DC 28
Saving Throws Strength, Dexterity
Damage Resistances all damage types
Damage Immunities poison and psychic damage
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, confused, deafened, fatigued, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, slowed, strife, stunned, unconscious


Impulse Speed Slow (4)
FTL Speed 15

STR 58 (+24) DEX 4 (-3) CON 58 (+24) WIS 16 (+3)

Decks & Systems​

Decks Bridge (1), Cargo Hold (10), Engineering (2), Hangar (10), Leisure Deck (2), Medical Bay (4), Operations Center (2), Weapon Deck (10)Passenger Deck (8)
Systems Armored, Escape Pods, Tractor Beam, Diplomatic Quarters, Reinforced Networks
Starfighters/Shuttles 80

Weapon Mounts​

  • 20x heavy plasma point defense. Ranged Weapon Attack: short range, automated (starfighters). Hit: 32 (9d6) fire damage.
  • 16x medium plasma weapon battery. Ranged Weapon Attack: medium range, simple. Hit: 35 (10d6) fire damage.
  • 12x heavy plasma weapon battery. Ranged Weapon Attack: medium range, simple. Hit: 53 (15d6) fire damage.

Special Properties​

  • Armored. This ship’s AC increases by +8 (included).
  • Escape Pods. This ship has enough escape pods to support a number of creatures equal to twice its minimum crew. Each escape pod can hold up to 8 passengers, with life support for 48 hours.
  • Tractor Beam. Tractor beams can target ships two or more grades smaller than the attacker. The target makes a Strength saving throw or becomes restrained.
  • Reinforced Networks. The ship’s computer system and networks are protected against electronic attacks. This ship’s hacking DC increases by +2 (included).
  • Well-equipped. Once per region, Voidrunners are able to access any equipment of a certain type from the ship’s stores as though they were in a settlement. The ship can supply gear up to a total value of 8,000 cr from the Clothing, Containers, General Gear, Security Gear equipment categories. The equipment must still be paid for, unless the Narrator determines that gear is provided by the Fleet.
  • Immense Size. Ships of this type are so large, with so many redundant systems and pure volume, that their ability to ignore damage increases dramatically. This vessel has resistance to all damage types.
  • Built For War. Attack rolls made with weapons from a ship of this grade gain an expertise die.
  • Battle-hardened. This ship gains an additional +10% hit points (included).
  • Defensive Bulkheads. Unlike most ships, warships are designed with boarding actions in mind so are filled with choke points and easily defensible positions. Whenever creatures attempt to breach a deck of a ship of this grade, opportunity attacks made against them have advantage.
  • Isolated Systems. This ship is harder to hack, with more hardwired systems or systems which are not networked than usual. The ship and its decks gain a +1 hacking DC bonus.
  • Constant Barrage. Larger warships are designed to keep their guns constantly firing for even sustained battles. The power point cost of any system actions made for weapon decks from ships of this grade cost 1 less power point to perform (minimum 1 power point).
  • High Ordnance. The largest warships are spacefaring engines of destruction. Whenever a damage die rolled for a weapon fired from a ship of this grade results in a 1 or 2, reroll that damage die and use the new result.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Fantastic! I've been planning to stat out a bunch of classic ships as soon as I finish integrating the books into my consolidated reference doc.

I'd love to have some examples of starfighters too. I wasn't able to find them in the book, but maybe I just missed them.


Well, that was fun
Staff member

Battlestar Galactica​

Grade 8 Carrier (13,769,200 cr)

Battles are often won by the valiant efforts of starfighter pilots, but even the greatest starfighter can’t make a difference if they can’t get to the warzone. Carriers function as mobile docks with hangars and communications systems designed to carry, launch, and coordinate swarms of short-range spaceships.

Crew 256/10,000; Passengers 2048; Prestige Bonus +5
Size 3,000–5,000 ft (up to a mile); Supply 3480 (128/day); Cargo 11,200 tons
Officers Available Engineer, Medic, Comms Officer, Navigator, Security Officer, Tactical Officer
Gear Available Clothing, Containers, General Gear, Security Gear


HP 5,000
AC 18 (armored); Shields 0% (0); Recharge none; Hacking DC 28
Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
Damage Resistances all damage types
Damage Immunities poison and psychic damage
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, confused, deafened, fatigued, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, slowed, strife, stunned, unconscious


Impulse Speed Slow (4)
FTL Speed 4

STR 58 (+24) DEX 4 (-3) CON 58 (+24) WIS 16 (+3)

Decks & Systems​

Decks Bridge (1), Cargo Hold (14), Engineering (1), Hangar (16), Leisure Deck (4), Medical Bay (2), Operations Center (2), Weapon Deck (4), Passenger Deck (8)
Systems Armored, Reinforced Networks
Starfighters/Shuttles 1280

Weapon Mounts​

  • 24x medium projectile point defense. Ranged Weapon Attack: short range, automated (starfighters). Hit: 21 (6d6) piercing damage.
  • 1x heavy plasma superweapon. Ranged Weapon Attack: long range, countdown (slow), imprecise. Hit: 315 (30d20) fire damage.

Special Properties​

  • Armored. This ship’s AC increases by +8 (included).
  • Reinforced Networks. The ship’s computer system and networks are protected against electronic attacks. This ship’s hacking DC increases by +2 (included).
  • Well-equipped. Once per region, Voidrunners are able to access any equipment of a certain type from the ship’s stores as though they were in a settlement. The ship can supply gear up to a total value of 8,000 cr from the Clothing, Containers, General Gear, Security Gear equipment categories. The equipment must still be paid for, unless the Narrator determines that gear is provided by the Fleet.
  • Immense Size. Ships of this type are so large, with so many redundant systems and pure volume, that their ability to ignore damage increases dramatically. This vessel has resistance to all damage types.
  • Carrier Decks. Each hangar deck can each store and dock a number of starfighters equal to the ship grade multiplied by 10 instead of by 2 as normal (included).
  • Scramble. As a hangar deck action, the ship can launch all starfighters from a single hangar deck for a cost of 3 power points. Only one Scramble action can be taken each round.
  • Repair Bays. Carriers are well equipped to perform quick repairs on starfighters. The power point cost to perform the quick patch system maneuver is reduced by 1.
  • Recall All Fighters. As a hangar deck action, the ship can recall all allied starfighters for a cost of 3 power points. All friendly starfighters in the carrier's combat zones are automatically docked.
  • Coordinated Strikes. Advanced carriers excel at coordinated strikes. Starfighters launched from this ship gain an expertise die on attack rolls while in the same sector as the carrier.
  • Battle Command. Carriers of this size coordinate entire navies. All allied ships within the same sector gain an expertise die on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws.
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