Free [Chaosium] Event Registration for Miskatonic Repository Convention 2022 is open

Michael O'Brien

MR Con Oct 14-16
Event Registration is open for the Call of Cthulhu Miskatonic Repository Convention, a three-day virtual convention celebrating Chaosium’s online collection of user-made content in the Miskatonic Repository at DriveThruRPG.

This event, proudly sponsored by Chaosium, is completely free, and features games, panels, and special guest Keepers. All content is for Call of Cthulhu 7e, and is either currently published, or being prepared for publishing, on the Miskatonic Repository.

The event runs October 14-16, 2022. Register at Tabletop Events.


There are three four-hour gaming slots across the weekend, with 37 Call of Cthulhu sessions to choose from!

Special Guest Keepers​

Michael Diamond, Bridgett Jeffries, and Scott Dorward.

MR Con special guest keepers


Getting Creative With Cthulhu
  • When: Friday, October 14, 2022 @ 4PM-5:30PM ET
  • Panelists: Mike Mason, Paul Fricker, and Heinrich Moore
  • Moderator: Evan Perlman
Writing your first scenario? Stuck in a rut and looking for something new? In this panel, learn about new directions in Call of Cthulhu, ways to take your writing in some unexpected directions, and how to get away from predictable plots and settings.

More Than Words: Working with Editors, Artists, and Layout Artists
  • When: Saturday, October 15, 2022 12PM-1:30PM ET.
  • Panelists: XP Lovecat, Alex Guillotte, and Evlyn Moreau
  • Moderator: John Casey
A successful scenario is more than just the words on the page. These panelists will talk about how authors can find and collaborate with editors, artists, and layout artists to create high-quality, eye-catching products.

Support Groups: Teams to Help You Reach the Next Level on the Repository
  • When: Sunday, October 16, 2022 @ 3PM-4:30PM ET
  • Panelists: Storytelling Collective, Miskatonic Playhouse, You Too Can Cthulhu
  • Moderator: Evan Perlman
Whether you’re just starting out, or looking to bring your Miskatonic Repository to a wider audience, there are groups out there dedicated to helping you increase your skills, confidence and reach. Learn what you can do together!

MR Con 14-16 Oct
Miskatonic Repository Con is brought to you by the Council of Shoggoths,
and is sponsored by Chaosium, DriveThruRPG and the Storytelling Collective.​
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