City Design - best supplements? rpg cities? advice?

Jürgen Hubert

First Post
Fantasy cities have always held a certain level of curiosity for me. While it easy to use the Roman or any historical model as a touchstone, the prevalence of magic, Devine or Mundane changes all we seem to know about medieval technology and life in a city. I would submit that a more accurate model of a Fantasy City would be London around 1700s, with all its problems and benefits.

Also, I would point out that the medieval monarchy model would also be strained. With strong guilds such as, merchants, crafters, magicians, and religious sects, power would most like be shared even democratic.

In some systems as, Rolemaster and Traveller, there are scales used for Technology levels, I would be interested if any product exits that uses a similar scale for magic use and technology in a society and how it would affect society in general. While I’m not into Steam punk, no need for guns, I sure I’m getting close to it.

Out of curiosity, have you looked at Urbis?

The setting addresses many of these issues...

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