D&D (2024) combing through the new glossary changes.


B/X Known World
My read is that the rest is interrupted by the fight, so until you resume it, those spells would not count as additional interruptions.
That was my reading as well but there is merit to adding them together in order to thwart spell slot dump just before the rest completes & any risk of interruption is unlikely
Sure. But we are talking about gamers here. If there is any even potential ambiguity, someone will exploit it.

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Entropic Good
Regarding Aid: I think changing it to temp HP makes as much sense as anything, but I don't think it makes it better, just simpler. I've mostly seen people use it preemptively. After a long rest the cleric says "You 3 get 5 max hp, and you three get 10" and we go off. Often the change to max simply doesn't matter and is almost equivalent to temp hp, and temp hp is simpler to keep track of, perhaps. You've got to take a lot of damage and then get a lot of healing for a change in max HP to be noticeable vs thp. I've seen Aid used a bunch, but I think it actually only affected the battle 1 in 6 castings at best when used preemptively to raise max hp before the battle (ie, the player would have gone down if not for the aid boost). 5 thp is pretty meager, and the number of times this will be mostly a wasted spell slot when used will remain high. The biggest impact will be no longer waking up from unconscious, which actually I've not seen in practice, but can see how that would be used in some groups, in which case, this is a bit of a loss, though maybe that is intentional.

I guess I've never really been impressed by aid. I'm still not impressed, but will find it less annoying when the friendly cleric casts it on me as I only have to deal with thp, not changing my max. I guess that's improvement.


Regarding Aid: I think changing it to temp HP makes as much sense as anything, but I don't think it makes it better, just simpler. I've mostly seen people use it preemptively. After a long rest the cleric says "You 3 get 5 max hp, and you three get 10" and we go off. Often the change to max simply doesn't matter and is almost equivalent to temp hp, and temp hp is simpler to keep track of, perhaps. You've got to take a lot of damage and then get a lot of healing for a change in max HP to be noticeable vs thp. I've seen Aid used a bunch, but I think it actually only affected the battle 1 in 6 castings at best when used preemptively to raise max hp before the battle (ie, the player would have gone down if not for the aid boost). 5 thp is pretty meager, and the number of times this will be mostly a wasted spell slot when used will remain high. The biggest impact will be no longer waking up from unconscious, which actually I've not seen in practice, but can see how that would be used in some groups, in which case, this is a bit of a loss, though maybe that is intentional.

I guess I've never really been impressed by aid. I'm still not impressed, but will find it less annoying when the friendly cleric casts it on me as I only have to deal with thp, not changing my max. I guess that's improvement.

Not a fan of the new long rest. It takes things back to being inevitable.

Also poorly worded at the end.

"You can resume a Long Rest immediately after an interruption. If you do so, the rest requires 1 additional hour to finish per interruption."

So if you get into combat and you cast two spells, that's 3 interruptions for an additional 3 hours. But your non-caster friend who also got into combat, but didn't cast any spells only has an additional 1 hour added to their long rest. So now everyone has different lengths of long rests.
The idea of getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep as an adult is possibly the most fantastical thing about 5e


Entropic Good
Sure, healing 2+ people when they are down sounds nice, I just haven't see it used that way enough to think of it as a common use or a problem to be solved. My opinion of Aid is from how I've seen it used most, as an out of battle hp buffer, and the changes don't really affect that in any likely way other than slightly simpler bookkeeping on my character sheet. So its a net-positive for me? Its hard to to tell.

It seems like that may be the intention: remove the mutli-rez effect while keeping the HP buff similar enough that it makes little difference.


One of the big changes, insight is no longer used against deception, its your raw int score! So now intelligence is the lie detector stat, not wisdom. Flavorwise that's huge.

The influence rules overall are a bit cleaner, though its lame that intimidation (which you generally use against hostile targets) is going to get disadvantage a lot.

So if you get into combat and you cast two spells, that's 3 interruptions for an additional 3 hours. But your non-caster friend who also got into combat, but didn't cast any spells only has an additional 1 hour added to their long rest. So now everyone has different lengths of long rests.
"My wizard needs his sleep"
My read is that the rest is interrupted by the fight, so until you resume it, those spells would not count as additional interruptions.
I mean most likely... but I just want my sorcerer to get some beuity sleep

Voidrunner's Codex

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