Glad it went well. A few more tips for next time based on my own experiences:
(1) Pass out large index cards for each player to put his character name on. That will help both you and the player.
(2) If possible, begin the story 10 minutes into the adventure with some narration explaining why the characters are there and have gotten together. This is a good way to "hit the ground running" and the expository text may give some players a better idea to play their specific character for the adventure.
(3) If something is not working, wrap that piece up and move on. If you run out of material just draw from memory of a successful encounter from another adventurer with your regular gaming group and add that into the story.
(4) If you are running long, rather than abbreviating the final encounter toss out everything between where you are and it and move straight into the final encounter.
(5) Try to make sure that everybody seems to be having fun, they have paid to play in your game.