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[Crowdfunding] Vanguard d100

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Hello everyone!

I would like to invite you to take a look at Vanguard d100, a new RPG fit for fantasy or historical campaigns! As the name indicates, it is based on the d100 dice but the game focuses on giving the players freedom to improve their characters any way they want to. No levels, no classes! At the end of every game session you gain XP to improve your character. You don't have to wait months to do so or be forced to take a 'dumb level'. And you won't need to read dozens of manuals to find a class that suits you, only to find out it will take a dozen of levels to make it functional.

Vanguard d100 also allows you to create your own spells, rather than give you a gigantic list of fixed spells that you can hardly change.

It also gives game masters the freedom to choose which rules they want to use. For example, it is possible to remove the entire magic chapter without breaking game balance. Or remove the luck mechanics. This 'modular' feature ensures it can be used in most fantasy or historical games, from high-fantasy to low-fantasy or even historical games. As for its core system, it is simple: roll 1d100, add modifiers and if the result if above 100 you succeed in your task.

The combat system in Vanguard d100 is also simple and fast, with many different options and features like cutting off body parts, damage rolls that have the potential to kill a character or impair it greatly, pain penalties as your health decreases, etc.

You can find more information about the game in its IndieGoGo campaign page: Vanguard d100 IndieGoGo
And in its facebook page: Vanguard d100 Facebook

Vanguard d100 also has a quick-start manual and a one-shot adventure to give you a better idea of the rules and its potential

Regarding myself, I'm already an experienced gamer (tabletop and computer RPGs as well as board games) and have been designing games for the past decade. My previous big project was the adaptation of the Mass Effect saga into a tabletop RPG. Mass Effect d20 was born 7 years ago, shared with thousands around the world and is still being played by many. It has been kept alive and up to date, shared for free in its website: Mass Effect d20

Feel free to visit either and ask me any questions you might have. :)

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I was invited to make a Q&A about Vanguard d100, for Dan Davenport's blog
Previous guests of this blog include Kenneth Hite (Trail of Cthulhu, Night's Black Agents, Vampire: The Masquerade 5th edition), Robin D. Laws (Ashen Stars, Gaen Reach RPG, among other titles), Greg Stafford (Basic Role-playing, HeroQuest, Glorantha), CJCarella (GURPS Martial Arts, Unisystem, Terra Primate), Jonathan Tweet (Ars Magica, Everway, Over the Edge), and Mark Rein-Hagen (Vampire: The Masquerade, Ars Magica)

In this Q&A I explained a bit more about the details that distinguish and make Vanguard d100 a great game, from its skill system, to combat and spell creation.
You can read the entire Q&A here

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