EN World member Warunsun spotted entries for the D&D 3.5 rulebooks (with errata) on Barnes & Noble's website.
UPDATE: Barnes & Noble has removed these items from the website. Speculation is that this was some kind of third-party hoax, based on the fact that a recent board game reissue from WotC appeared on that site and disappeared after WotC confirmed that it was a fake. Additionally, a fourth item simply named "Provalone" disappeared; some folks thought that might be the Monster Manual, and other very optimistic people put forward the idea that It might be a secret code name for a rushed D&D Next release this year. Whatever the truth of it, the 3.5 PHB, DMG, "Dungeon!", and Provalone have all disappeared, and the Dungeon! entry has been confirmed as a hoax.
UPDATE 2: OK, so it turns out the Dungeon! entry was NOT fake. It has now appeared on WotC's own website. Oh, I'm so confused.

UPDATE 2: OK, so it turns out the Dungeon! entry was NOT fake. It has now appeared on WotC's own website. Oh, I'm so confused.
Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook: Core Rulebook I, V. 3.5 with Errata
ISBN-13: 9780786962464
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Publication date: 9/18/2012
Pages: 320
This item will be available on September 18, 2012.
Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons Master's Guide: Core Rulebook II, V. 3.5 with Errata
ISBN-13: 9780786962440
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Publication date: 9/18/2012
Pages: 320
This item will be available on September 18, 2012.
ISBN-13: 9780786962464
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Publication date: 9/18/2012
Pages: 320
This item will be available on September 18, 2012.
Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons Master's Guide: Core Rulebook II, V. 3.5 with Errata
ISBN-13: 9780786962440
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Publication date: 9/18/2012
Pages: 320
This item will be available on September 18, 2012.
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