D&D 4E D&D 4e Character Creator in Linux using Netflix-Desktop


Not sure if many people will be interested in this, but I thought I'd share anyway.

There is a package called Netflix-Desktop for linux based systems looking to run silverlight media apps. Since the Character Creator runs on silverlight I thought I'd try it out.

The package installs a windows version of firefox and the windows firefox silverlight plugins. If you try the URL for the character creator it works.

The only issue appears to come from the custom overlay that the package creator used to close the app. That seems to case a redraw issue. It only happens if you move the mouse out of the creator window and will redraw if you move the mouse over the elements or resize the window.

I might email the author and see if he can put up a more generic binary for people to use with silverlight apps.


EDIT: Url would be helpful:


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I would like to point out that you could also use Silverlight through Wine in the native Firefox browser. I also use it to run the D&D apps and I have not encountered any major problems/bugs with it. Your Netflix-desktop seems to run with the same mechanism (through Wine?), but I really recommend that you try this out!

The project is called Pipelight (If you google it, you can find its Launchpad page). It's quite easy to use and to install, just add its PPA and install Wine and Pipelight. Its launchpad also has a link to instructions for its installation, based on your distro.

I would like to point out that you could also use Silverlight through Wine in the native Firefox browser. I also use it to run the D&D apps and I have not encountered any major problems/bugs with it. Your Netflix-desktop seems to run with the same mechanism (through Wine?), but I really recommend that you try this out!

The project is called Pipelight (If you google it, you can find its Launchpad page). It's quite easy to use and to install, just add its PPA and install Wine and Pipelight. Its launchpad also has a link to instructions for its installation, based on your distro.

It ALMOST works, but CB crashes with an authentication failure error.

CORRECTION: I made a symlink for libnetapi.so to libnetapi.so.0 and that seems to have fixed it. Took a bit of detective work and blind guessing, but man is this thing FAST. I swear I've never seen CB run even 1/10th as fast as this before. Using FF in Win7 inside VBox was painful. I just brought up a character, did a bunch of stuff, saved it, and printed the character sheet, all with no wait time at all. I dunno, maybe CB is faster nowadays or early on a Sunday or something, but stuff always seems to run quicker in Wine than in Win7.

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I discovered Pipelight after a little digging, but didn't have time to update the thread.

Will install later and check it out.

Good news. :D

I discovered Pipelight after a little digging, but didn't have time to update the thread.

Will install later and check it out.

Good news. :D

Yeah, I put it through its paces and I must say Silverlight seemed to work perfectly. I'm a bit amazed. I never thought CB would run on Linux in a million years. Even printing worked for me.

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