D&D General d100 Random Knives, Blades, and Hooks


I'm populating a torture room, that has various knives, blades, blades, and hooks hanging from chains on the ceiling. I'm looking to crowd-source a d100 list of the various nasty blades.


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Small God of the Dozens
2) Skinning Knife


4) Kard


A kard (Persian کرد [kard] - knife) is a type of knife found in Persia and all the way to India. It has a straight single edged blade and is usually no longer than 41 centimetres (16 in) in length. It has no guard, and usually the handle was bone, ivory, or horn.

It is a likely candidate for being one of the weapons the Assassins used because it was mostly a stabbing weapon, and commonly the point would be reinforced to penetrate chain mail. A major characteristic of a kard is that the hilt is only partially covered by the sheath


Small God of the Dozens
4) Fire Saw/Boiling Hook
Fire Saw.jpg

So you can saw off bits and drop them into the cauldron conveniently hanging from the hook. Boiling water or oil is up to the individual torturer. You be amazed how talkative people get when they can smell themselves cooking. An essential item for every torture chamber, and available for a limited time for three easy payments of 6GP. Includes a handy instruction booklet and a certificate of authenticity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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