Dark Dungeons full trailer!

Fast Learner

First Post
That's a very brief dismissal of the practice of propaganda reinforcement! Yes, most targets of propaganda are having their beliefs reinforced. It works.
Is that your concern about it being a serious-seeming film, that the very small number of people who believe this now will have their beliefs reinforced?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Is that your concern about it being a serious-seeming film, that the very small number of people who believe this now will have their beliefs reinforced?

"Concern" is a strong word. I'm in England; I don't really care what your Bible Belt thinks or does - it has no impact on my life. I'm insulated from it by a geographical and cultural ocean. It's more a mild interest in the motives of the film-maker; or more why he keeps his motives hidden, even when asked. I find that curious.

Fast Learner

First Post
Here's why the filmmaker is being cagey, as near as I can tell:

In order to actually produce a true "Dark Dungeons" movie — something that gamers around the world have heard of — he had to get Jack Chick's permission. Yes, he could do a true parody, but then he'd be opening himself to lawsuit from the Chick folks.

Additionally, though, he's a gamer, one who knows the whole "Dark Dungeons" thing is utter BS. He knows, like all of we gamers do, that the DD tract manages to parody itself in its absurd sincerity. By writing a script that not only includes all of that but even takes it further (Cthuhlu is real, etc.), he keeps the Chick folks happy while making it even more obvious to the rest of us how absurd it is.

If he says, "no, this is serious, I believe that RPGs are dangerous" to appease the Chick people, he'll drive off his actual intended audience, gamers. If he says, "this is a parody, of course, this stuff is completely nutty" then he loses the Chick permission.

By not taking a stance he can more-or-less satisfy both crowds: Chick thinks he's serious and he assumes we'll have the insight to recognize that he's totally making fun of it.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Here's why the filmmaker is being cagey, as near as I can tell:

In order to actually produce a true "Dark Dungeons" movie — something that gamers around the world have heard of — he had to get Jack Chick's permission. Yes, he could do a true parody, but then he'd be opening himself to lawsuit from the Chick folks.

Additionally, though, he's a gamer, one who knows the whole "Dark Dungeons" thing is utter BS. He knows, like all of we gamers do, that the DD tract manages to parody itself in its absurd sincerity. By writing a script that not only includes all of that but even takes it further (Cthuhlu is real, etc.), he keeps the Chick folks happy while making it even more obvious to the rest of us how absurd it is.

If he says, "no, this is serious, I believe that RPGs are dangerous" to appease the Chick people, he'll drive off his actual intended audience, gamers. If he says, "this is a parody, of course, this stuff is completely nutty" then he loses the Chick permission.

By not taking a stance he can more-or-less satisfy both crowds: Chick thinks he's serious and he assumes we'll have the insight to recognize that he's totally making fun of it.

I guess it's possible he lied to Chick, yeah. I don't think that defrauding him is better.


Naked and living in a barrel


First Post
After reading the web site my opinion is that. The whole thing is satire but it's satire by playing it straight. They are showing the anti-D&D stuff EXACTLY as presented because the anti-D&D stuff is so over the top already that it's already satire.

And most people will get it, except for the 10% who are deluded enough to believe their own propaganda. You couldn't dynamite that 10% out of their positions, though, so its not worth trying.

A little threadcromancy.

Just received my DVD and looking forward to watching it over the weekend :)

Do tell us how it is...and please, be careful. If this movie is how I think it's going to be, you may rupture something laughing...that, or your brain cells will suffer a slow, agonizing death from the derpage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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