D&D 5E DM imposed restrictions to the game (+)

What things do you restrict when running a D&D game?

  • Nothing. Anything and everything goes.

    Votes: 11 9.1%
  • Some books (official)

    Votes: 70 57.9%
  • Some matieral (non-official 3PP)

    Votes: 94 77.7%
  • Some races

    Votes: 80 66.1%
  • Some classes

    Votes: 46 38.0%
  • Some subclasses

    Votes: 59 48.8%
  • Some features

    Votes: 30 24.8%
  • Some magical items

    Votes: 48 39.7%
  • Some non-magical items

    Votes: 26 21.5%
  • Some rules

    Votes: 49 40.5%
  • No (or restricted) feats

    Votes: 21 17.4%
  • No (or restricted) mulitclassing

    Votes: 29 24.0%
  • No backgrounds

    Votes: 6 5.0%
  • Some alignments

    Votes: 24 19.8%

I don't run 5e but if I did there's be restrictions on every one of those except magic items, on which the sky's the limit.

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I play loose

1: Setting specific stuff needs to be generic-ified. I'm fine with Warforged, that's easy. I'm not fine with Dragonmarks or Hybrids given their setting specific-ness. Also not fine with Kender
2: Homebrew needs to be vetted but I'll consider anything
3: One of my first introductions to fantasy was Shining Force so you'd better believe I'm okay with fliers. But I also very much remember what a bad idea sending your flier across the map without land support was and how quickly that's going to lead to a dead birdman

Not sure how to vote - I either restrict nothing official (and am open to 3pp subject to review) or I heavily restrict for theme.

IE I'd run an all-dwarf game, where all pcs are dwarves - no other races allowed. But if it's not limited to that degree, I generally allow all races.

For me; I only play up to about 13th level, so options that come on-line after that level don't affect me.


LIMITED (Ask first)
Sword Coast Adventure's Guide
Monsters of the Multiverse Character options
Fizban/Bigby Character options
Van Richten's Character options
Tasha's Artificer
Personal Homebrew
3PP material
Tasha's Gunner Feat

SOFT BAN (Not fond of it, ask me first)
Any ability that grants Telepathy
Twilight Cleric
Peace Cleric
Way of Mercy Monk
Way of the Astral Self Monk
Order of Scribes Wizard

Tasha's "Origins"
Spells from Tasha's
Tasha's Beastmaster Companions
Acquisitions Incorporated
Radiant Citadel
Great Weapon Fighting Feat
Sharpshooter Feat

For me; I only play up to about 13th level, so options that come on-line after that level don't affect me.


LIMITED (Ask first)
Sword Coast Adventure's Guide
Monsters of the Multiverse Character options
Fizban/Bigby Character options
Van Richten's Character options
Tasha's Artificer
Personal Homebrew
3PP material
Tasha's Gunner Feat

SOFT BAN (Not fond of it, ask me first)
Any ability that grants Telepathy
Twilight Cleric
Peace Cleric
Way of Mercy Monk
Way of the Astral Self Monk
Order of Scribes Wizard

Tasha's "Origins"
Spells from Tasha's
Tasha's Beastmaster Companions
Acquisitions Incorporated
Radiant Citadel
Great Weapon Fighting Feat
Sharpshooter Feat

What's the vad part of Ravnica? For me it the origins and sone classes picking up spells they shouldn't have.

I start a campaign in collaboration mode. What do you want to see in a game? are there things you can live without? then I worldbuild
last game didn't have high elves, no orcs appeared in the 2 years it ran.
the main races were human, halfling, dragonborn&kobold and dwarf.
but when a player wanted to play a warforged, tiefling, assimar, or telepathic-hivemind-conjoined rat-king - "as far as you know you are the only one of your kind, how did you get here/this way?"

the rats were mostly the party mascot as my 9 yr old spawn was unreliable as a player. (much of the time it was just me imitating them) Any one of the other characters would have died for them, but would not trust them with the flying boat.

I don't like the lucky feat, faeries or Aarcokka, for balance reasons. no one has asked about them. Players don't get to pick magic items, the ones they make themselves are done as a collaboration. so if there is stuff that doesn't fit, it doesn't show up. Mostly Items are about power level - I guess a staff of the archmage is okay, if your L17. at levels 1-13 its not going to be around.

We are working on the world for a Bronze age campaign, cut off from ocean trade, one of the players wants to be a classic pirate. "How about a shipwrecked cast away from another civilization? you have the built-in goal of getting enough money and reputation to build your own ship, then you can set yourself up as the merchant king! Right now you are level 2 and no one believes your story of huge ships, that don't use oars." now we are both excited about it.

I allow:
  1. All official WotC Products 5E.
  2. All Unearthed Arcana for 5E.
  3. All of my Homebrew (which is a lot of stuff).
  4. Anything else if you ask. I may modify it if I have grave concerns.
I've never regretted this approach. The game is far less fragile than people think it is.

I don't like "anything goes" campaign settings. So I'll restrict optional stuff (feats, multiclassing) and non-PHB stuff, and add them only on a case-by-case basis...and only after discussing it with the player and possibly making a few changes/substitutions as needed. I'm not a hardass about it; I just want the players to run everything by me first so that I stay in the loop, and maybe get a better idea of what the player is asking for and why.

Our current campaign is in Wildemount. Races are determined by the PC’s chosen hometown and are rolled for. If the player gets “Other”, they can choose any race that exists in Wildemount.

Feats explicitly from other settings are not allowed.

We also have ruled that named spells (e.g. Tasha’s Hideous Laughter and the like) are not available unless discovered while adventuring.

So… to address the OP… restrictions (or lack thereof) depend on the flavor of the campaign.

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