This, speaking from personal experience and things I've heard other very good DMs say, is exactly right. It can totally work to run an entire campaign with just a few scraps of paper covered in random scribblings about ideas you have, but don't think for a second you can just make something up as you go without spending a ton of time fleshing out places and characters you plan to use first. You don't set in stone the way everything fits together, but the pieces need to be developed enough that when you see the right opportunity you can just weave one into the story. It's a little harder than it looks from the outside.Maybe he spent 45 minutes writing up the sheet, but probably hours and hours thinking about the mood he wanted to create, how to structure the encounters, the plot, the NPC personalities, and so forth.
I also often only have a page or two of notes, but they're there to reference the bits in my head. It takes me usually a couple of weeks to think up a scenario in enough detail that I feel ready to run it.
In fact, I find it MORE difficult to run an adventure from a published module because all the interconnections between NPCs and monsters and encounters are not in my head but stuck on the paper.
That said, it is a FANTASTIC way to DM. You're never worried the story is getting off-track because you can always gently guide it towards one of your pre-made plot points or something you can use will come up on its own. And if you're worried you won't be good at this sort of improvisation because you were always bad at those improv games your drama-inclined friends liked to play, well, I'm no good at those either and can still pull this off. I recommend this campaign journal for inspirational reading (it's also just a really fun collection of stories, so your time won't be wasted whatever you learn or don't learn).