D&D 5E Dragonix's Deadly Denizens Volume II is NOW AVAILABLE at DrivethruRPG!

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For those of who forget (shoots sideways glances), can you remind "them" how best to get a copy of Deadly Denizens?
Through the patreon, as a monthly magazine / subscription

As an annual book via DTRPG

Being an annual book, the monsters of the last few months will be in next June / July’s edition

Through the patreon, as a monthly magazine / subscription

As an annual book via DTRPG

Being an annual book, the monsters of the last few months will be in next June / July’s edition

I was about to respond to Dave and then I saw your reply. Thank you, Mamba! :)

I was hoping patreon wasn't the only way - thank you for the clarification.

Dave, just to add, subscribing for just one month will allow you access to the current and last two issues. So, for example, if you subscribed to the Legendary Tier this month, you get the rewards of that tier for this month, plus the two previous months. That's 3 PDFs (total of 21 creatures with 3-4 statblocks each), 3 VTT packs, 3 art packs, and 3 bonus STLs.

December Issue Art Preview #1. December will be another special theme issue, and this time around it will feature all frost creatures! First up, you'll be getting a new template - the Cryo-creature! This template will allow you to turn beasts and monstrosities into a cold-based elemental! Featured here is the Cryo-Ankheg!

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December Issue Art Preview #2. The second art preview of the upcoming Winter Special issue is of the Chenoo, a creature from Wabanaki folklore. The chenoo is a feral, cannibalistic giant that is said to have a heart made from ice. The monster grows in size and strength when it consumes humanoid flesh!


December Issue Art Preview #3. Because the next issue is a Winter Special, it should be no surprise then that the next lindwyrm is a White Lindwyrm, and it will be part of the regular sets. Next week, a look at the Legendary Tier exclusive piece!

White Lindwyrm.png

December Issue Legendary Tier Art Preview #4. The Legendary Tier exclusive creature for the December Winter Special issue will be the dreaded Akhlut! It is a hybrid wolf and orca monstrosity that originated from Inuit mythology. The akhlut should provide a great surprise encounter to players who think they are safe when they spot an orca's dorsal fine while on land, only for the akhlut to suddenly emerge from the icy waters!

Oh, and Happy Holidays, everyone!


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